scholarly journals Using Literal Translation Method in the Novel The Rise of the Underground

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 13
Faidah Yusuf ◽  
Mathlail Fajri

Translation as applied linguistics is one of the important aspects that should be owned by every student. The aims of this article are to identify the literal translation method used in the product of translation of the novel “The Rise of the underground”. Furthermore, technique of analysis data of this research is descriptive qualitative method. The researchers found that level shift is commonly used by translator to translate the novel it can be proved with literal translation method. the researchers concluded that the Literal translation by using Newmark theory is the source language grammatical forms that are converted to their nearest target language equivalent. In addition, the tactic compromises on an appropriate meaning. So, that no assonance, or repetition jars in the translation. Translation shift helps the researchers to get easier to describe how the process of translation can be occurred in both of source and target language. The implication of this research is that students or researchers can know well about literals translation when used in novels, and can also be applied when the communication process needs to be translated. Keywords:  Literal Translation. Source Language, Target Language

2017 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
Dian Sukma Lestari And Zainuddin

The aim of this study were to find out category shift types used in thetranslation of novel To Kill A Bird and to describe of how category shift is translatedin the novel from English into Indonesian. This study were conducted by usingdescriptive qualitative method. The data of the study were words, phrases, andclauses in the novel To Kill A Mockingbird which is translated into Indonesian byFemmy Syahrianni. It was found that there were 280 data in the novel from Englishinto Indonesian. The data analysis were taken by listing and bolding. Documentarysheets used as the instrument to collect the data. The data were analyzed based onMiles and Huberman (2014) by condensation which consists of selecting, focusing,simplifying, abstracting and transforming and then data display by using table inorder to get easy analyzing the data. The result of this study were (1) there were fourtypes of category shifts found in the novel To Kill a Mockingbird namely; structureshifts (36.78%), class shift (27.14%), unit shift (32.5%) and intra-system shift(3.27%). (2) The process of category shifts in the translation novel by havingmodifier-head in source language changed into head-modifier in target language,adverb in source language changed into verb in target language, one unit in sourcelanguage changed into some units in target language. and plural in source languagechanged into singular in target language.

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
Mayantina Arafanti ◽  
Rahmanti Asmarani

This study aims to find the translation techniques used by the translator in translating sentences of the bilingual destination map. The researchers used descriptive qualitative method to describe the translation techniques applied in the bilingual destination map “Peta Wisata Jawa Tengah” which is translated into “Central Java Tourist Map”. This study starts by finding the problem, collecting data, classifying data, analyzing data, and drawing the conclusion. The mostly used in translation techniques is literal translation technique to make the translation work clear for the tourists domestic even international. This technique is used when the target language (TL) is applied through the sentence without observing the differences of context or meaning in the source language (SL), whereas the discursive creation and description are rarely used.

2019 ◽  
Vol 13 (3) ◽  
pp. 173
Milisi Sembiring ◽  
Vivi Novalia Sitinjak

The research aimed to explore the problems and the solutions in translating proverbs in the SL into the TL. This research applied a qualitative research and supported by cultural and translation analyses. The data were collected from the dialogues of Ngapul and Yerti in the film of “Mate ras Mate”. The Karonese proverbs in the MRM film texts were the source language (SL). The researchers translated the SL and found out their equivalents in the target language (TL) in English. The data for this research were gathered from its film text. After collecting the proverbs in film, the researchers identified and translated them into English. The researchers applied the translation procedures of cultural equivalent, paraphrase, descriptive equivalent, and literal translation method to translate the proverbs in the SL into the TL. The result shows that many Karonese proverbs and cultural terms in the SL have no equivalent in the TL.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (02) ◽  
pp. 31-40
Suhendar Suhendar ◽  
Muhammad Adjie Akbar

The purpose of the research was to analyze the idiomatic translation found in “The Twilight Saga Breaking Dawn” By Stephanie Meyer and “Awal Yang Baru” Translated By Monica Dwi Chresnayani. The result of the research is the idiomatic translations method which is found in the novel and analyzed by using the theory of translation from Newmark. Based on the data analysis, the writer found some proofs that the data which were translated used idiomatic translation method. In analyzing translation process, the writer compared with other translation methods. The purpose was  that the writer showed the translation method used by the translator was idiomatic translation method. In translation, the translator paid attention to the meaning of source language so that the message in target language can be received by the readers.        

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 117-128
Maya Nur Lindasari

This article examined the Indonesian translation of the novel Animal Farm by George Orwell (1945). It was translated into Binatangisme by Mahbub Djunaidi, published in 1983. The diction of the novel was highlighted because diction was one of the important elements in the acceptability and accuracy words in literary works that need to be considered. There are three categories of dictions which analyzed in this article such as translation of pronoun, translation of cultural adaptation, and translation of terms and sentencing as proposed by Newmark (1988) and Nida (1964). The qualitative method in the form of content analysis was applied to obtain information data that are objective, systematic, and descriptive quantitative about what appears in the choice of diction. The data were collected through close reading which highlighting or giving comments in the forms of monologues and dialogues as well as phrases and sentences. While the data analysis was compared between the source language and the target language. As the result, the translation was near to the target language culture. Mostly, the translator tend to describe the meaning through detailed explanation and used more specific meaning words.

2018 ◽  
pp. 132
Ida Ayu Maharani ◽  
I Gusti Ngurah Parthama ◽  
I Wayan Suardhana

This paper entitled “The Translation Ideology of English Idiomatic Expressions in Temperatures Rising into Indonesian in Hasrat Membara” which discusses the use of translation technique, translation method and translation ideology of idiomatic expressions. The problems of the study mainly focuses on the types of translation technique, translation method and translation ideology found in the novel. The aims of this research are to find out the types of translation technique, translation method and translation ideology applied in both novels. The data are presented and explained based on theoretical framework. The data were taken from a novel written by Sandra Brown. The data were collected through documentation and observation. This study used descriptive qualitative method and applied the theory proposed by Molina and Albir (2002) to classify the types of translation technique, the theory proposed by Newmark (1988) to describe the types of translation method and the theory proposed by Hatim (2001) to find the ideology applied in the translated novel. Among twelve translation techniques, there are only five types of translation techniques found in the data of the novel namely variation, adaptation, description, deletion, and generalization. Based on the types of translation technique found, all of them are oriented towards the target language. Thus, the method used in the translated novel is communicative method which is oriented towards to the target language. Based on translation technique and method, it is concluded that the translated novel has a tendency to domestication ideology which is target language oriented.

2020 ◽  
Vol 24 (4) ◽  
pp. 386
Ni Putu Devi Lestari ◽  
I Made Winaya ◽  
I Gst. Ayu Gede Sosiowati

Translation procedure is a procedure or a method to translate the unit of language from the source language to the target language. Every linguistic part needs to be translated. It means including the proper names in the literary work. This study is aimed at identifying and analyzing the types of the proper name and their translation procedures in the novel entitled Pembunuhan di Orient Express. The problems in this study are discussed based on the theory of proper name and the theory of the translation procedure by Newmark (1988). The method used to collect the data was documentation method. This study applied the descriptive qualitative method in analyzing the data. The result of the analysis was presented using an informal method. The analysis showed three types of proper names in the data sources. They are people’s names, the name of an object, and the geographical term. The translator uses seven methods from 18 translation procedures that were proposed by Newmark (1988). 

Humanus ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 18 (2) ◽  
pp. 153
Melyanda Agustin Chairina ◽  
Jufrizal Jufrizal ◽  
M Yusdi

Shift is one of the phenomena in translation to suit with the acceptability of translation product. This article aims at finding out the shifts of form in translating passive clauses found in the novel Harry Potter translated by Listiana Srisanti. This research used a qualitative method where the research analysis relied on linguistic description and employed meaning-based to reveal and describe how is the existence of shifts of form and meaning in the translation. The data of this research were passive clauses taken from the novel “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows” as the source language (SL), and the passive clauses translation in the target language (TL) obtained from the translated Novel “Harry Potter dan Relikui Kematian.” Based on the data analysis, it shows that the translation shift of form comprised structure shifts 67 data (60%), class shifts 37 data (33 %), and unit shifts 8 data (7%). Even though the shifts found in the translation, there was an acceptable translation of passive clauses. Thus, it indicated that there are shifts in translation, but it was acceptable.

2020 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 89
Nurul Huda Gustema

AbstractTranslation plays roles in providing access from various sciences and the latest technology, literature, religion, and culture. Novel is one of literary works that is translated into several languages. In a novel, there are some new culture-specific items, arts, and the figurative language that come from the source language. This research aimed to identify the translation of figurative languages in novel Lelaki Harimau by Eka Kurniawan which had been translated into English as Man Tiger by Labodalih Sembiring.  From the translation of the title, it had revealed that the novel contains figurative languages. Therefore, the researcher aimed to examine the strategies and the ideology used in translating the figurative languages contained in the novel. This research implemented decriptive qualitative method, by using reading and note taking technique. A parameter to determine which words or phrases belong to figurative language was used as the instrument. Then, the result showed that the strategy that mostly used was literal translation, and domestication as the translation ideology.Keywords: figurative language, Lelaki Harimau, Man Tiger, translation.  

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 42-49
Putu Diah Darmayanti

Every human has their own characteristics of languages and in order to understand one language to another languages, then, translation was essential and fully needed. In order to avoid the awkward translation, therefore the translator must use a technique in translating the texts. The research aimed at analyzing the equivalence between the source language and its translations based on the translation techniques applied by translator. This research focused on the amplification and transposition techniques could be seen on the imperative sentences especially command. The research was conducted by applying qualitative method. The research was conducted by applying library research and observation methods. The collected data were analyzed using descriptive qualitative method. The study applied two methods to present the analysis of data as follows informal and formal method. Target of research did not involve participants however, this research focused on analyzing data was English commands and its translation into Indonesian by using amplification and transposition found in the novel. The result of research showed amplification and transposition were dominant used in translating the English commands (SL) into Indonesian (TL). The translator applied amplification and transposition to find equivalences when transferring the meaning from the source language (SL) into target language (TL). Therefore, the overlapping translation could be minimized. Amplification had a role especially the addition of information. The phenomena occurred when the detail information did not contain in the SL and the translator must be sensitive by putting the necessary information in TL. Transposition created three parts of shift: structure, unit, and class of shift.  

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