translation method
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2022 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 55-63
Susi Machdalena ◽  
Anggraeni Purnama Dewi ◽  
Nany Ismail

TNI AD memiliki helikopter seri MI yang diproduksi di Rusia. Helikopter ini digunakan untuk kepentingan pengiriman logistik, pengantaran dan penjemputan anggota TNI AD yang bertugas di Indonesia bagian Timur, transportasi bagi orang-orang yang mengalami kecelakaan baik kecelakaan kerja maupun yang terkena musibah. Helikopter ini merupakan helikopter tercanggih di kelasnya karena bisa mengangkut pasien-pasien dalam posisi berbaring sebanyak 12 orang. Helikopter ini sangat membantu TNI AD dalam melaksanakan tugas-tugas yang berada di daerah-daerah terpencil khususnya daerah-daerah yang sulit dijangkau alat transportasi lain, seperti Papua. Semua keterangan yang terdapat baik di dalam helikopter maupun buku-buku manual ditulis dalam Bahasa Rusia. Oleh karena itu anggota TNI AD yang bekerja di bidang helikopter ini wajib mempelajari bahasa Rusia. Base camp helikopter ini terdapat di Semarang dan di Jakarta. Dengan demikian kesatuan yang menangani helikopter ini selalu mengirim para anggotanya untuk mempelajari bahasa Rusia. Pelatihan diadakan di pusat pendidikan yang bertempat di Cimahi. Peserta pelatihan sebanyak 12 orang yang terdiri dari 2 orang pilot  2 orang co-pilot, 6 orang teknisi, dan 2 orang dari bagian pemeriksa suku cadang. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif dengan pendekatan Grammar translation method, oral approach, lexical approach. Hasil yang diperoleh dari kegiatan ini adalah sebanyak 8 orang mampu berkomunikasi, menulis, serta membaca dan paham bahasa Rusia, 2 orang hanya mampu berkomunikasi secara terbata-bata dan membaca memahami teks  memerlukan waktu yang lebih lama, dan 2 orang lainnya tidak berhasil sama sekali.

2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 185-192
Shaohui Lu

This research analyzes the drama, Peach Blooms Painted with Blood, as translated by Xu Yuanchong in light of Lawrence Venuti’s foreignization translation theory. The four elements influencing the foreignization translation method: purpose of the translator, type of text, poetics, and ideology are introduced, defined, analyzed, and illustrated in the translations by employing foreignization translation in linguistic, religious, and sociocultural contexts based on the five cultural contexts put forward by Eugene A. Nida. Following discussion of Nida’s contexts, the cases are analyzed through comparison and contrast of the connotations, implications, and situations existing between Chinese and Western cultures with the aim of enhancing the understanding of classical Chinese poetry and prose, thus enabling translators to interpret and advance Chinese classical works in a more effective way.

2022 ◽  
Vol 130 (3) ◽  
pp. 1-16
Jong-In Choi ◽  
Soo-Kyun Kim ◽  
Shin-Jin Kang

Lalu Muhammad Faesal Asy’ari ◽  
Yoyo Yoyo

The translation process is an activity of transferring one language to another, from the translation process the researcher examines the translation techniques and translation quality of the collection of translation poems by Nizar Qabbani entitled Asyhadu An La Imraata Illa Anti. The methodological foundation that the researcher uses is a qualitative method. In this study, the researcher found 160 Idhafi phrases which were translated using 15 translation techniques, and 2 translation techniques that had good quality in conveying the intent, message, and purpose to the reader into the target language. That is, the equivalent technique generally has the highest value on three aspects of assessment for the quality of translation, among others, the accuracy aspect has a score of 83.3%, then the acceptability aspect has a score of 85.7%, and in the readability aspect, it has a score of 78.6% for further research. The researcher can discuss in more detail the translation method of Nizar Qabbani's Poetry

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (4) ◽  
pp. 594

This study aimed to determine the many types of translation methods, how they were employed in the translation of the folklores "Deli Malay" and "Serdang Malay" from Indonesian to English, and why the translators used the prevailing types in these folklores. The descriptive qualitative method was used to perform this research. The data was gathered from a folklore book and an interview with the folklores' translator. Descriptive qualitative research is the method used to analyze the data. The findings of this study revealed that literal translation accounted for 39 sentences (16%), faithful translation accounted for 23 sentences (9%), semantic translation accounted for four sentences (2%), adaptation translation accounted for seven sentences (3%), free translation accounted for 158 sentences (64%) and communicative translation accounted for 16 sentences (6%). A total of 247 sentences were extracted from the data. Because he did not follow any theories or methods of translation when translating the texts, the translator utilized free translation as the dominating method. Instead, he evaluated the translations' target audience, youngsters, and made them acceptable and simple to understand.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (12) ◽  
pp. 132-145
Rawiya Burbara

Translators and writers are divided into two main groups regarding the method of translation that should be adopted in translating texts. One group believes that the translator should be true to the translated text, while the other group believes that the translator has the right to recreate the text into a more beautiful one.  This study deals with this issue from these two points of view and tries to answer the following questions: Why do we translate? What should we translate? How do we translate? The study relies on an innovative translation method developed by the Board of Maktoub Project for Translation that belongs to Van Leer Institute in Jerusalem to answer these questions. A group of about one hundred Arab and Jewish translators translated Arabic literature texts into Hebrew in an internationally new method, which is neither individual nor collective. It is a bilingual binational method. The translators consist of pairs of a Jewish or/and Arab translator, an Arab/or Jewish literary editor, and a linguistic editor, believing that translation is a text and culture, heritage, and traditions of a people or nation. This dual method gave the translated text its right of accuracy after it had been translated by one translator who can make mistakes due to his ignorance of the writer's culture. The study's conclusion confirms that bilingual binational translation is more fruitful and more accurate because it is based on dialogue, bilingual, and binational cultural knowledge.

2021 ◽  
Vol 55 (3) ◽  
Roelie Van der Spuy

The influence of the translator’s loyalties and underlying translation philosophy on the translation choices, with reference to the Afr2020 Bible translation. When the reader looks a little deeper than the initial superficial ‘Revised’ Old Translation impression that reading the Afrikaans 2020 translation gives you, then one realizes that a great deal of effort had to be put into leading such a large group of diverse translators to understand the essence of a direct translation and to be able to apply it consistently. But it is precisely here that problems can arise. Due to the nature of skopus and the style of the Afrikaans 2020 translation, this direct translation can be categorised on the side of the more literal translations and it thus has a very high percentage of agreement with the 1953 Old Afrikaans translation. If the direct translation is not just another name or a revision of the so-called word-for-word translation, then what is this direct translation? Van der Merwe referring to this translation also touches on this issue when he says: ‘a ‘direct’ translation of the Bible is not new jargon for a word-for-word translation of the Bible. It is an attempt to ‘interpretively resemble’ in good idiomatic Afrikaans all the communicative clues of the source text in the contexts construed for the source text audience’. This underlying fundamental premise brings a lot of tension to the fore. Van der Merwe also confirms this (2014:294) by stating: ‘attempts to translate ancient texts directly (is) an almost impossible ideal (to) pursue’.Contribution: This study evaluated the Afrikaans 2020 translation according to its own criteria, the translation brief and to its self-proclaimed nature as ‘direct’ translation in order to try to make an objective evaluation and assessment of this great work. This process also pointed out where the loyalties of the translators lie, and what the underlying translation philosophy is, and how difficult it is to make a distinction between the direct translation method and using archaic words and terms.

2021 ◽  
pp. 59-71
L. Soliev ◽  
M.T. Jumaev ◽  

The structure of the phase complex of the six-component reciprocal system Na, K, Mg, Ca || SO4, Cl-H2O at 500C in the region of crystallization of anhydrite (CaSO4) was studied by the translation method, and variants of the formation of divariant fields during the transition of the system from the five-component to the six-component state were shown

Electronics ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (24) ◽  
pp. 3066
Do-Yeon Hwang ◽  
Seok-Hwan Choi ◽  
Jinmyeong Shin ◽  
Moonkyu Kim ◽  
Yoon-Ho Choi

In this paper, we propose a new deep learning-based image translation method to predict and generate images after hair transplant surgery from images before hair transplant surgery. Since existing image translation models use a naive strategy that trains the whole distribution of translation, the image translation models using the original image as the input data result in converting not only the hair transplant surgery region, which is the region of interest (ROI) for image translation, but also the other image regions, which are not the ROI. To solve this problem, we proposed a novel generative adversarial network (GAN)-based ROI image translation method, which converts only the ROI and retains the image for the non-ROI. Specifically, by performing image translation and image segmentation independently, the proposed method generates predictive images from the distribution of images after hair transplant surgery and specifies the ROI to be used for generated images. In addition, by applying the ensemble method to image segmentation, we propose a more robust method through complementing the shortages of various image segmentation models. From the experimental results using a real medical image dataset, e.g., 1394 images before hair transplantation and 896 images after hair transplantation, to train the GAN model, we show that the proposed GAN-based ROI image translation method performed better than the other GAN-based image translation methods, e.g., by 23% in SSIM (Structural Similarity Index Measure), 452% in IoU (Intersection over Union), and 42% in FID (Frechet Inception Distance), on average. Furthermore, the ensemble method that we propose not only improves ROI detection performance but also shows consistent performances in generating better predictive images from preoperative images taken from diverse angles.

2021 ◽  
Wuyang Qin ◽  
Xue Mei ◽  
Yuming Chen ◽  
Qihang Zhang ◽  
Yanyin Yao ◽  

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