Cloud climatologies from the InfraRed Sounders AIRS and IASI: Strengths, Weaknesses and Applications
Abstract. The cloud retrieval scheme developed at the Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique (LMD) can now be easily adapted to any Infrared (IR) sounder: the CIRS (Clouds from IR Sounders) retrieval applies improved radiative transfer, as well as an original method accounting for atmospheric spectral transmissivity changes associated with CO2 concentration. The latter is essential when considering long-term time series of cloud properties. For the 13-year and 8-year global climatologies of cloud properties from observations of the Atmospheric IR Sounder (AIRS) and of the IR Atmospheric Interferometer (IASI), respectively, we used the latest ancillary data (atmospheric profiles, surface emissivities and atmospheric spectral transmissivities). The A-Train active instruments, lidar and radar of the CALIPSO and CloudSat missions, provide a unique opportunity to evaluate the retrieved AIRS cloud properties such as cloud amount and height as well as to explore the vertical structure of different cloud types. CIRS cloud detection agreement with CALIPSO-CloudSat is about 84%–85% over ocean, 79%–82% over land and 70%–73% over ice / snow, depending on atmospheric ancillary data. Global cloud amount has been estimated to 67%–70%. CIRS cloud height coincides with the middle between the cloud top and the apparent cloud base (real base for optically thin clouds or height at which the cloud reaches opacity) independent of cloud emissivity, which is about 1 km below cloud top for low-level clouds and about 1.5 km to 2.5 km below cloud top for high-level clouds, slightly increasing because the apparent vertical cloud extent is slightly larger for large cloud emissivity. IR sounders are in particular advantageous for the retrieval of upper tropospheric cloud properties, with a reliable cirrus identification down to an IR optical depth of 0.1, day and night. Total cloud amount consists of about 40% high-level clouds and about 40% low-level clouds and 20% mid-level clouds, the latter two only detected when not hidden by upper clouds. Upper tropospheric clouds are most abundant in the tropics, where high opaque clouds make out 7.5%, thick cirrus 27.5% and thin cirrus about 21.5% of all clouds. The asymmetry in upper tropospheric cloud amount between Northern and Southern hemisphere with annual mean of 5% has a pronounced seasonal cycle with a maximum of 25% in boreal summer, which can be linked to the shift of the ITCZ peak latitude. Comparing tropical geographical change patterns of high opaque clouds with that of thin cirrus as a function of changing tropical mean surface temperature indicates that their response to climate change may be quite different, with potential consequences on the atmospheric circulation.