On the Feasibility of Long-term Seismic Monitoring Using Freight Train Signals

Yixiao Sheng ◽  
Florent Brenguier ◽  
Pierre Boué ◽  
Aurélien Mordret ◽  
Yehuda Ben-Zion ◽  

<div>Recent studies (Brenguier et al., 2019; Pinzon-Rincon et al., 2020) have successfully retrieved body waves between seismic arrays through the correlations of train-generated seismic signals. It remains uncertain whether these train-derived body waves are suitable for long-term seismic monitoring, which requires repeatable measurements over the years. This study tests the feasibility of obtaining stable body waves between individual broadband stations, using freight trains as noise sources. We use stations close to the railroad as markers to identify trains and pinpoint their potential locations. We select proper station pairs and perform seismic interferometry, focusing on the time windows when trains are detected. We test our workflow in southern California, with the freight trains running through the Coachella Valley. We successfully retrieve stable body-wave signals over ten years. We perform a weekly stacking to improve the signal-to-noise ratio and estimate the relative time shift. Our preliminary time-shift measurements reveal a systematic long-term increasing trend for station pairs locating on two sides of the San Jacinto fault. The next step is to examine the results statistically to reduce the bias introduced by moving sources. Despite that the long-term trend still needs further study, our experiment demonstrates that it is possible to perform long-term seismic monitoring using train generated seismic signals.</div>

2016 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 285-307 ◽  
Arnaud Burtin ◽  
Niels Hovius ◽  
Jens M. Turowski

Abstract. In seismology, the signal is usually analysed for earthquake data, but earthquakes represent less than 1 % of continuous recording. The remaining data are considered as seismic noise and were for a long time ignored. Over the past decades, the analysis of seismic noise has constantly increased in popularity, and this has led to the development of new approaches and applications in geophysics. The study of continuous seismic records is now open to other disciplines, like geomorphology. The motion of mass at the Earth's surface generates seismic waves that are recorded by nearby seismometers and can be used to monitor mass transfer throughout the landscape. Surface processes vary in nature, mechanism, magnitude, space and time, and this variability can be observed in the seismic signals. This contribution gives an overview of the development and current opportunities for the seismic monitoring of geomorphic processes. We first describe the common principles of seismic signal monitoring and introduce time–frequency analysis for the purpose of identification and differentiation of surface processes. Second, we present techniques to detect, locate and quantify geomorphic events. Third, we review the diverse layout of seismic arrays and highlight their advantages and limitations for specific processes, like slope or channel activity. Finally, we illustrate all these characteristics with the analysis of seismic data acquired in a small debris-flow catchment where geomorphic events show interactions and feedbacks. Further developments must aim to fully understand the richness of the continuous seismic signals, to better quantify the geomorphic activity and to improve the performance of warning systems. Seismic monitoring may ultimately allow the continuous survey of erosion and transfer of sediments in the landscape on the scales of external forcing.

Solid Earth ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 173-184 ◽  
Lei Li ◽  
Pierre Boué ◽  
Michel Campillo

Abstract. Deep body waves have been reconstructed from seismic noise correlations in recent studies. The authors note their great potential for deep-Earth imaging. In addition to the expected physical seismic phases, some spurious arrivals having no correspondence in earthquake seismograms are observed from the noise correlations. The origins of the noise-derived body waves have not been well understood. Traditionally, the reconstruction of seismic phases from inter-receiver noise correlations is attributed to the interference between waves from noise sources in the stationary-phase regions. The interfering waves emanating from a stationary-phase location have a common ray path from the source to the first receiver. The correlation operator cancels the common path and extracts a signal corresponding to the inter-receiver ray path. In this study, with seismic noise records from two networks at teleseismic distance, we show that noise-derived spurious seismic signals without correspondence in real seismograms can arise from the interference between waves without a common ray path or common slowness. These noise-derived signals cannot be explained by traditional stationary-phase arguments. Numerical experiments reproduce the observed spurious signals. These signals still emerge for uniformly distributed noise sources, and thus are not caused by localized sources. We interpret the presence of the spurious signals with a less restrictive condition of quasi-stationary phase: providing the time delays between interfering waves from spatially distributed noise sources are close enough, the stack of correlation functions over the distributed sources can still be constructive as an effect of finite frequencies, and thereby noise-derived signals emerge from the source averaging.

2014 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 1217-1267
A. Burtin ◽  
N. Hovius ◽  
J. M. Turowski

Abstract. In seismology, the signal is usually analysed for earthquake data, but these represent less than 1% of continuous recording. The remaining data are considered as seismic noise and were for a long time ignored. Over the past decades, the analysis of seismic noise has constantly increased in popularity, and this has led to develop new approaches and applications in geophysics. The study of continuous seismic records is now open to other disciplines, like geomorphology. The motion of mass at the Earth's surface generates seismic waves that are recorded by nearby seismometers and can be used to monitor its transfer through the landscape. Surface processes vary in nature, mechanism, magnitude and space and time, and this variability can be observed in the seismic signals. This contribution aims to give an overview of the development and current opportunities for the seismic monitoring of geomorphic processes. We first describe the common principles of seismic signal monitoring and introduce time-frequency analysis for the purpose of identification and differentiation of surface processes. Second, we present techniques to detect, locate and quantify geomorphic events. Third, we review the diverse layout of seismic arrays and highlight their advantages and limitations for specific processes, like slope or channel activity. Finally, we illustrate all these characteristics with the analysis of seismic data acquired in a small debris-flow catchment where geomorphic events show interactions and feedbacks. Further developments must aim to fully understand the richness of the continuous seismic signals, to better quantify the geomorphic activity and improve the performance of warning systems. Seismic monitoring may ultimately allow the continuous survey of erosion and transfer of sediments in the landscape on the scales of external forcing.

Geophysics ◽  
1990 ◽  
Vol 55 (6) ◽  
pp. 792-792
Ralph W. Knapp

I am pleased to see my work used to confirm the thoughts and observations of another. Lomnitz and Adauto de Souza use my paper to confirm the existence of body waves with velocities less than the velocity of sound in air. Contrary to one of their statements, I consider this to be the normal case rather than the exception. Shallow reflection seismology is perpetually faced with field records that show a direct body‐wave arrival following the arrival of the air‐coupled wave. A particular example is shown by Birkelo et al. (1987), who even applied a stacking velocity less than the velocity of sound in air to process a very shallow reflector. I have measured the time shift from reflectors recorded by vertically separated geophones in soils and determined direct propagation velocities as low as 100 m/s.

Geophysics ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 84 (3) ◽  
pp. Q13-Q25 ◽  
Michał Chamarczuk ◽  
Michał Malinowski ◽  
Yohei Nishitsuji ◽  
Jan Thorbecke ◽  
Emilia Koivisto ◽  

The main issues related to passive-source reflection imaging with seismic interferometry (SI) are inadequate acquisition parameters for sufficient spatial wavefield sampling and vulnerability of surface arrays to the dominant influence of the omnipresent surface-wave sources. Additionally, long recordings provide large data volumes that require robust and efficient processing methods. We address these problems by developing a two-step wavefield evaluation and event detection (TWEED) method of body waves in recorded ambient noise. TWEED evaluates the spatiotemporal characteristics of noise recordings by simultaneous analysis of adjacent receiver lines. We test our method on synthetic data representing transient ambient-noise sources at the surface and in the deeper subsurface. We discriminate between basic types of seismic events by using three adjacent receiver lines. Subsequently, we apply TWEED to 600 h of ambient noise acquired with an approximately 1000-receiver array deployed over an active underground mine in Eastern Finland. We develop the detection of body-wave events related to mine blasts and other routine mining activities using a representative 1 h noise panel. Using TWEED, we successfully detect 1093 body-wave events in the full data set. To increase the computational efficiency, we use slowness parameters derived from the first step of TWEED as input to a support vector machine (SVM) algorithm. Using this approach, we detect 94% of the TWEED-evaluated body-wave events indicating the possibility to limit the illumination analysis to only one step, and therefore increase the time efficiency at the price of lower detection rate. However, TWEED on a small volume of the recorded data followed by SVM on the rest of the data could be efficiently used for a quick and robust (real-time) scanning for body-wave energy in large data volumes for subsequent application of SI for retrieval of reflections.

1999 ◽  
Vol 89 (2) ◽  
pp. 423-432
Mark A. Riedesel ◽  
John A. Orcutt ◽  
J. Andrew Adams

Abstract During the LFASE experiment conducted in the summer of 1989, a vertical hydrophone array (VHA) was deployed at the site of DSDP Hole 534b in the Blake-Bahama basin. The VHA consisted of 16 hydrophones spaced 30 m apart rising vertically above the seafloor with the bottom of the array anchored to a digital recording package located on the seafloor. The main purpose of the experiment was to record seismic signals and noise above, on, and beneath the seafloor at the same site; the VHA recorded data from above the seafloor, an ocean-bottom seismograph (OBS) was on the seafloor, and a borehole geophone array (BHA) was in a borehole beneath the seafloor. Signal-to-noise measurements of P waves made for airgun shots recorded simultaneously by the VHA and the OBS show that the OBS has a signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) 5 to 10 dB greater than that of a single hydrophone, but P-wave stacks of the VHA data have SNRs for body waves 10 to 15 dB greater than the OBS. This implies that a vertical array is capable of recording distinct body waves out to significantly greater ranges than is a single receiver and so might be a useful tool in seismic refraction experiments. Other stacks of the VHA data revealed S waves not visible on the data from a single hydrophone or geophone. The VHA was also used to construct images of the wavefronts arriving from a distant source and to determine the vertical direction of the source. This array processing capability shows the potential of VHAs for use in 3D seismic reflection surveys, particularly in cases where it is not convenient to use a multi-channel streamer.

2019 ◽  
Lei Li ◽  
Pierre Boué ◽  
Michel Campillo

Abstract. Deep body waves have been reconstructed from seismic noise correlations in recent studies. Authors prospect their great potentials in deep-Earth imaging. In addition to the expected physical seismic phases, some spurious arrivals having no correspondence in earthquake seismograms are observed from the noise correlations. The origins of the noise-derived body waves have not been well understood. Traditionally, the reconstruction of seismic phases from inter-receiver noise correlations is attributed to the interference between waves from noise sources in the stationary-phase regions. The interfering waves emanating from a stationary-phase location have a common ray path from the source to the first receiver. The correlation operator cancels the common path and extracts a signal corresponding to the inter-receiver ray path. In this study, with seismic noise records from two networks at teleseismic distance, we show that noise-derived spurious seismic signals without correspondence in real seismograms can arise from the interference between waves without common ray path or common slowness. These noise-derived signals cannot be explained by the traditional stationary-phase arguments. Numerical experiments reproduce the observed spurious signals. These signals still emerge for uniformly distributed noise sources, and thus are not caused by localized sources. We interpret the presence of the spurious signals with a less restrictive condition of quasi-stationary phase: providing the time delays between interfering waves from spatially distributed noise sources are close enough, the stack of correlation functions over the distributed sources can still be constructive as an effect of finite frequencies, and thereby noise-derived signals emerge from the source averaging.

2020 ◽  
Vol 64 (1-4) ◽  
pp. 951-958
Tianhao Liu ◽  
Yu Jin ◽  
Cuixiang Pei ◽  
Jie Han ◽  
Zhenmao Chen

Small-diameter tubes that are widely used in petroleum industries and power plants experience corrosion during long-term services. In this paper, a compact inserted guided-wave EMAT with a pulsed electromagnet is proposed for small-diameter tube inspection. The proposed transducer is noncontact, compact with high signal-to-noise ratio and unattractive to ferromagnetic tubes. The proposed EMAT is designed with coils-only configuration, which consists of a pulsed electromagnet and a meander pulser/receiver coil. Both the numerical simulation and experimental results validate its feasibility on generating and receiving L(0,2) mode guided wave. The parameters for driving the proposed EMAT are optimized by performance testing. Finally, feasibility on quantification evaluation for corrosion defects was verified by experiments.

2018 ◽  
pp. 73-78
Yu. V. Morozov ◽  
M. A. Rajfeld ◽  
A. A. Spektor

The paper proposes the model of a person seismic signal with noise for the investigation of passive seismic location system characteristics. The known models based on Gabor and Berlage pulses have been analyzed. These models are not able wholly to consider statistical properties of seismic signals. The proposed model is based on almost cyclic character of seismic signals, Gauss character of fluctuations inside a pulse, random amplitude change from pulse to pulse and relatively small fluctuation of separate pulses positions. The simulation procedure consists of passing the white noise through a linear generating filter with characteristics formed by real steps of a person, and the primary pulse sequence modulation by Gauss functions. The model permits to control the signal-to-noise ratio after its reduction to unity and to vary pulse shifts with respect to person steps irregularity. It has been shown that the model of a person seismic signal with noise agrees with experimental data.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1420326X2110036
Qian Xu ◽  
Chan Lu ◽  
Rachael Gakii Murithi ◽  
Lanqin Cao

A cohort case–control study was conducted in XiangYa Hospital, Changsha, China, which involved 305 patients and 399 healthy women, from June 2010 to December 2018, to evaluate the association between Chinese women’s short- and long-term exposure to industrial air pollutant, SO2 and gynaecological cancer (GC). We obtained personal and family information from the XiangYa Hospital electronic computer medical records. Using data obtained from the air quality monitoring stations in Changsha, we estimated each woman’s exposure to the industrial air pollutant, sulphur dioxide (SO2), for different time windows, including the past 1, 5, 10 and 15 years before diagnosis of the disease. A multiple logistic regression model was used to assess the association between GC and SO2 exposure. GC was significantly associated with long-term SO2 exposure, with adjusted odds ratio (95% confidence interval) = 1.56 (1.10–2.21) and 1.81 (1.07–3.06) for a per interquartile range increase in the past 10 and 15 years, respectively. Sensitivity analysis showed that different groups reacted in different ways to long-term SO2 exposure. We concluded that long-term exposure to high concentration of industrial pollutant, SO2 is associated with the development of GC. This finding has implications for the prevention and reduction of GC.

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