scholarly journals "Mi wantem musik blong mi hemi blong evriwan" ["I want my music to be for everyone"]: Digital developments, copyright and music circulation in Port Vila, Vanuatu

Monika Stern

Since the year 2000, Port-Vila, the capital of Vanuatu, has experienced considerable development in digital technologies. This has strongly influenced young people’s musical behaviour.The mobile phone market expanded rapidly with the arrival of the Digicel company, launched in June 2008. Statistics show that in 2009, more than 50 percent of the population had access to mobile telephony. The possibilities for digital storage have made the mobile phone an indispensable tool for young musicians.In August 2012 the country joined WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization). However, IP (intellectual property) law cannot be practically implemented, because no formal organization to enforce IP has been established by the Vanuatu Government. Musical exchanges are engrained in the archipelago’s traditional culture and, alongside the old circulation systems of musical knowledge, the Internet and mobile phones have created new networks for the circulation of musical culture.While copyright can be seen as important for the development of the local music industry, its implementation faces challenges, given that the circulation of local music occurs largely outside of the formal market system.

2013 ◽  
Vol 47 (4) ◽  
pp. 1403-1433 ◽  

AbstractTraditional knowledge related to biodiversity, agriculture, medicine and artistic expressions has recently attracted much interest amongst policy makers, legal academics and social scientists. Several United Nations organizations, such as the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and the Convention on Biological Diversity under the United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP), have been working on international models for the protection of such knowledge held by local and indigenous communities. Relevant national, regional or provincial level legislation comes in the form of intellectual property laws and laws related to health, heritage or environmental protection. In practice, however, it has proven difficult to agree on definitions of the subject matter, to delineate local communities and territories holding the knowledge, and to clearly identify the subjects and beneficiaries of the protection. In fact, claims to ‘cultural property’ and heritage have led to conflicts and tensions between communities, regions and nations. This paper will use Southeast Asian examples and case studies to show the importance of concepts such as Zomia, ‘regions of refuge’ and mandala as well as ‘borderlands’ studies to avoid essentialized notions of communities and cultures in order to develop a nuanced understanding of the difficulties for national and international lawmaking in this field. It will also develop a few suggestions on how conflicts and tensions could be avoided or ameliorated.

Юрий Юмашев ◽  
Yuriy Yumashev ◽  
Елена Постникова ◽  
Elena Postnikova

The article deals with international law aspects of the GCL. To this aim firstly the international conventions on copyright law are analyzed, in particular: the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works in the wording of the Paris Act of 1971, the Convention on the Establishment of the World Intellectual Property Organization of 1967, the Convention for the Protection of Performers, Producers of Phonograms and Broadcasting Organizations of 1961 and Aspects of intellectual property rights (TRIPS) 1994. There is also an analysis of the EU copyright law in terms of its correlation with the law of the EU member-states and an assessment of its evolution. It is emphasized that the core fact of origin of authorship is determined on the basis of the national legislation of the Member-States. Special attention is paid to the scope of the “principle of exhausted rights”. The article also touches upon the aspect of private international law. Particular attention is paid to the legal regulation of the Internet, including Internet providers, and its impact on the formation of the GCL. The problem of combating Internet piracy is also raised, as copyright infringement often occurs in relation to works published online. In addition, the article revealed what changes were made to the GCL to comply with EU law (including secondary law acts and the practice of the EU Court). The result of the study is, among other things, the conclusion that special legal mechanisms should be developed to regulate new forms of selling works that have emerged as a result of technological progress and in the near future the Internet will undoubtedly form ways for the further development of the GCL. However, this process can negatively affect the leading role of the author as a creative person.

2016 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 219 ◽  
Lilia Calheiros de Oliveira Barretto ◽  
Joicy Manuela Vilanova Gois ◽  
Dian Souza De Oliveira ◽  
Gennaro Junho Gama ◽  
Gabriel Francisco Da Silva ◽  

A Moringa oleifera Lam. é uma espécie arbórea originária do noroeste indiano, cultivada graças ao seu valor alimentar, alto teor proteico, usos na medicina tradicional, indústria e tratamento de água para o consumo humano. Por apresentar tais características, a moringa tem um grande potencial para cultivo comercial. As características de adaptação climática e de solo da planta a tornam implementável como cultivo tanto em escala industrial quanto de subsistência em grandes extensões do território brasileiro. O presente trabalho objetivou avaliar os resultados de pesquisa relativos às aplicações da moringa na tecnologia de alimentos através de pedidos de patentes. Utilizou-se as bases World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), Instituto Nacional de Propriedade Industrial (INPI) e European Patent Office (Espacenet). O período coberto por esta pesquisa baseia-se no período máximo permitido por cada base de dado consultada, e é corrente ao mês de outubro de 2013.

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 ◽  
pp. 215-234
Federica Matelli

A partir del concepto de traducción y de comunidad de humanos y no – humanos de Bruno Latour, y retomando algunos conceptos estéticos centrales en la OOO (Ontología Orientada a los Objetos), este articulo expone un tipo de traducción post-humana estrechamente relacionada con la situación global del capitalismo computacional. En este orden extremo del capitalismo global, que está gobernado por algoritmos y condicionado por techno - políticas, la difusión transnacional de las tecnologías digitales instaura un lenguaje sensorial único que traduce, uniformándolas, culturas distintas y al mismo tiempo garantiza el control sobre el presente y el futuro por medio del Big Data, así como nos advierte Armen Avanessian. Su máximo agente es el design de objetos tecnológicos y servicios. A partir de esta constatación se aporta el ejemplo de un proyecto artístico que, trabajando con la traducción de datos por medio de un diseño alternativo, desvela este estado de la cultura digital actual, traduciendo y explicitando las funciones ocultas de algunos objetos digitales de uso cotidiano –como el teléfono móvil– en una instalación con objetos tecnológicos y mapas de datos. Based on the Bruno Latour’s concept of translation and community of humans and non - humans, and retaking some central aesthetic concepts in the OOO (Object Oriented Ontology), this article exposes a type of post-human translation closely related to the global situation of computational capitalism. In this extreme order of global capitalism, which is governed by algorithms and conditioned by techno - policies, the transnational diffusion of digital technologies establishes a unique sensory language that translates, unifying them, different cultures and at the same time guarantees control over the present and the future through Big Data, as Armen Avanessian warns us. Its maximum agent is the design of technological objects and services. From this finding, the example of an artistic project is provided that, working with the translation of data through an alternative design, reveals this state of the current digital culture, translating and explaining the hidden functions of some digital objects for everyday use –Like the mobile phone– in an installation with technological objects and data maps.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (4) ◽  
pp. e50210413791
Gyzah Amui Barros Pereira ◽  
Lucas de Aquino Amorim Queiroz ◽  
Luciana da Costa e Silva Martins ◽  
Maristela Mendes Aguiar ◽  
Naiara Rosa Mendes ◽  

Esse trabalho teve como objetivo analisar o sistema de patentes no Brasil, no espaço temporal de 2000 a 2018. Os procedimentos metodológicos consistiram em levantamento de dados das bases do Instituto Nacional da Propriedade Industrial (INPI) e da Organização Mundial da Propriedade Intelectual (World Intellectual Property Organization – WIPO), os quais serviram de apoio para a extração das informações para esta pesquisa. O trabalho apresentou uma análise da evolução da propriedade intelectual no Brasil, além de análise comparativa com outros países. Para a pesquisa foram utilizados os modelos de avaliação descritiva, quantitativa e transversal. A partir dos resultados obtidos verificou-se que o percentual dos depósitos de patentes é significativamente maior em relação às concessões; as concessões para os não-residentes são maiores do que para os residentes; dos residentes, as Universidades e as Instituições Públicas são os principais impulsionadores de patentes. O Brasil está entre os maiores escritórios de patentes do mundo. Ainda foi possível observar que a China possui o maior desenvolvimento e crescimento de patentes entre os anos de 2004 a 2018. Como conclusão cabe destacar que o Brasil, ao longo do período analisado, conquistou avanços em relação à Propriedade Intelectual, por meio do fortalecimento das políticas internas, a participação de tratados internacionais, investimentos de multinacionais, e Universidades e Instituições Públicas produtivas, os mecanismos efetivos para essa conquista.

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