scholarly journals The Royal Aal Al-Bayt Institute for Islamic Thought, Islam, Christianity and the Environment

ICR Journal ◽  
2012 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 405-408
Osman Bakar

The Royal Aal Al-Bayt Institute for Islamic Thought (RABIIT), the publisher of this volume, has become better known throughout the world as an institution dedicated to the pursuit of meaningful interfaith dialogue on a global scale. Perhaps its most well known initiative is A Common Word, the historic global Muslim-Christian interfaith initiative which has brought together leading Muslim and Christian scholars and public figures from all parts of the world and generated a series of dialogues held in major cities of the West and the Islamic world.

Giovanna Lelli

The study of medieval Islamic philosophy is necessary in order to understand Islamic thought, both medieval and contemporary. I propose that the distinction within Islamic thought between two great paradigms, the Avicennian and the Averroistic, is a fertile approach. It is true that in the field of Islamic poetics and rhetoric we find nothing that corresponds to the philosophical and religious opposition between Avicennism and Averroism. Nevertheless, in the medieval Islamic world, besides the official rhetoric which was linked to the legal culture, we can find several elements of these two great cultural paradigms even in the theory of literature. Today, a renewed interest in Islamic aesthetics and philosophy might help the West recompose its fragmented postmodernism, while it could in turn help the Islamic world construct a new, critical and non-fundamentalist approach to its classical authors.

2021 ◽  
M Makbul

Islam with its culture has been running for approximately 15 centuries. In such a long journey there are 5 amazing journey centuries in philosophical thought, namely between the 7th century to the 12th century. During that time, the Islamic philosophers thought about how the position of humans with others, humans with nature and humans with God, using their minds. They think systematically, analytically and critically, thus giving birth to Islamic philosophers who have high abilities because of their wisdom. Islamic philosophy grows and develops in two different areas, namely philosophy in the Masyriqi region (east) and philosophy in the Maghreb region (West). After Islam came, the Arabs controlled the areas of Persia, Syria and Egypt. So that the center of government moved from Medina to Damascus. At that time, two major cities emerged that played an important role in the history of Islamic thought, namely Basra and Kufa.Islamic philosophy in the eastern part of the world is different from the philosophy of Islam in the western world. Among the Islamic philosophers in the two regions there were differences of opinion on various points of thought. In the East there are several prominent philosophers, such as al-Kindi, al-Farabi and Ibn Sina. While in the West there are also some well-known philosophers, namely, Ibn Bajah, Ibn Thufail, and Ibn Rushd.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (02) ◽  
pp. 205-236
Sri Rosmalina Soedjono

Discourse on religious pluralism emerged in the west along with the demands of globalization. Where the owner of power over the modern world wants an order that can bring together the various inhabitants of the world by removing various religious barriers and a single claim to the truth. But this current of view becomes problematic when it collides with the truth by various existing religions. The rejection is very strong, especially from within the Islamic religion. Although the concept of pluralism meets equality in Islam which means diversity, but the fundamental paradigm on which pluralism is built is very different, Western Pluralism departs from the value of secularism while Pluralism in Islam's view is built on the truth value of the revelation of the Qur'an and Hadith. Diversity according to Islam does not require that there is a truth that must be recognized together, but the truth of each religion must be defended. Furthermore, even though humans have different religions and views of life, according to Islam, fellow human beings must be able to work together within the boundaries of worldly affairs to create a just and compassionate life together with fellow human beings, while still holding fast to their respective religions. Although the atmosphere of interfaith dialogue does not need to be prevented and hindered each other, all in an atmosphere of freedom and harmony.

2016 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
Zetty Azizatun Ni’mah

Nationalism and democracy as a political thought brought by the West raises various intellectual responses in the world of Islam, created the idea of pros and cons that have no end to be discussed. The pro assume that the idea of nationalism and democracy even if brought by the West turns its values can be adjusted to Islam, otherwise the opponent assumes ism brought by the West is aiming to dominate the Islamic world, various of arguments they put forward to respond to the two political thought. There is some debate over the relationship between Islam and democracy, appeared three different camps among Muslims. The first stronghold represented by those who explicitly reject the concept of democracy in any form. The second camp is represented by those who accept democracy based approach Normative that Islam contains elements of a democratic ideal. The most popular argument is the doctrine of shura baseline drawn from several passages in the Qur’an. The third are those who stand midway between receive and reject some aspects of democracy.Keywords; Nationalism, Democracy, Islamic Perspective

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Asnawan Asnawan

This paper aims to understand and hope about the Islamization of science perspective al Faruqi that disciplines are not regulated and programmed from the sky. Discipline is born from the matrix of a special worldview and hierarchically always subordinated to the worldview. The disciplines of science have no autonomous  existence for themselves but evolve according to specific historical and cultural environments and have only a meaning in the world view which gives birth and evolves them. The division of knowledge into the present disciplines is a peculiar manifestation of Western civilization when formulating the problems at hand. For example, the discipline of orientalism was developed because the West regarded Islam as a problem to be studied, analyzed and dictated. Thus, accepting the division of disciplines according to Western epistemology as al Faruqi still does, is synonymous with subordinating the Islamic world-view to Western civilization.

Fuad Muhammad Zein

The issue of politics and ethics are two sides of a coin that invited attention of medieval scholars both in the West and the Islamic world. Although interrelated, but the implementation raises the difference between the two worlds. For the Western world, represented by Machiavelli, politics and ethics should be separated. A ruler should not be bound by ethics and tradition, and does not need to obey the law. In domestic relations affairs, a ruler must collect on his love and fear of people. While in foreign affairs, a ruler must reflect "a smart wolf and a strong lion. As for the world of Islam represented by al-Mawardi, politics and ethics cannot be separated. Even the basics of government, he said, are inspired by Islamic values based on the Qur'an and Hadith. Even a ruler must have and improve its ethical because it is a basic rule.

2021 ◽  
Vol 03 (06) ◽  
pp. 129-140
Nora REDJATI ◽  
Ameziane WASSILA

With th rise of the Western renaissance in the modern era and the subsequent advanced material civilization The intellectual struggle began between the West and the East, and Western intellectual production began to be concerned with Islam and Islamic heritage, And this production was found among the children of the Islamic world who are fascinated by this Western civilization One of the results of this civilization shock was that the Muslim modernists adopted the views of the Western Orientalists, and these oriental studies contributed to defining the positions of Muslim scholars, As some of them took a stance against the West, and some of them took this break with the Islamic heritage and adopted the positions of the West, And some of them revisited himself after this adoption and examined his assumptions with this thought, even if this examination was late, and this is the case of Muhammad Arkoun. The intellectual works of Muhammad Arkoun were known for their adoption of the approaches and axioms of Western thought, so that he called the group of his ideas what is known as criticism of the Islamic mind Considering that his modernist discourse is the intellectual alternative to the Orientalist discourse in Islamic thought, believing that his epistemological effort is an endeavor to enlighten Islamic thought, From this standpoint, the thought of Muhammad Arkoun faced a lot of criticism in the Islamic intellectual circles, and he was accused that his writings in their entirety are marketing the Orientalist discourse with a modernist vision, In contrast to this Islamic attack on Muhammad Arkoun, the reader may be surprised by his writings, especially the latter, when he finds him showing a kind of criticism of Orientalism, accusing him of shortcomings, and defaming him for the presence of the positivist and philological-linguistic approaches strongly in his studies, If we wish, we would say that Arkoun's recent books contain a desire to transcend the Orientalist discourse. This appears in his books such as: Islamic Thought, Criticism and Ijtihad, Towards a Comparative History of Monotheistic Religions, Islamic Thought, Scientific Reading, History of Arab and Islamic Thought... and other of his writings. Which makes a legitimate question about the nature of the relationship between Arkoun - as a model of the modernist school - with Orientalism. And about the real reasons that made him stand in a controversial position, Once, the Orientalist discourse adopts its evaluative approach and vision of the Islamic heritage, Once he criticizes him, accuses his approach of sterility, and blames him for failing to find solutions to the problems in which the Islamic world is stumbling.

Al-Albab ◽  
2015 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
Ahmad Sahide

The Crusade is an important part of the history of Islamic thought, development, culture and civilization. The Crusade which changed the path of human historical development, especially of the Islamic world, had a major influence on the encounter between the West and the East (the Islamic world) today. By understanding the history, the Crusade, we can find the correlation of the hegemony of the Western countries, especially between the United States and the Islamic world today, especially in the Middle the East region. the Western presence in all aspects of life of the contemporary Islamic world, which is far left behind, has historical relevance of the Crusade. This paper seeks to review the Crusade and its influence on the development of the contemporary Islamic world and the West.

2020 ◽  
Vol 67 (2) ◽  
pp. 309-314
François Gauthier

This article is a critical response to Jörg Stolz’s 2019 ISSR presidential address as to the advances made by secularization research over the last 20 years. The article argues that the data presented can be boiled down to confirming what we already knew: the decline of ‘churched’ religion. Sketching a radical epistemological, methodological and empirical critique, it argues that the seven areas of ‘advances’ discussed in the presidential address erode into near insignificance. Because this quantitative research compartmentalizes religion and lacks solid contextualization in the world we live in, it completely overlooks the massive qualitative changes that have been reconfiguring religion on a global scale, and which can be understood as the result of the erosion of the nation-state container at the hands of economic globalization and the massification of neoliberal and consumer dynamics and the consequent substantial changes in global societies, well beyond the West.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
Adeleh Keshmiri ◽  
Hamid Masjed Saraei ◽  
Davood Dadashnezhad

Human cloning is a new phenomenon that is still in the early amazing stage. In biology, cloning means “proliferation of a living creature without sexual intercourse” and is currently referred to embryonic implantation in the womb which is originally produced in the laboratory. In other words, cloning is the creation of a genetically identical copy of a human or animal that, by replacing the core of the referred person’s cell and multiplying it, results in the production of a person exactly identical (or a copy) of the first person. The process is that researchers first replace nuclei of an ovum with DNA of other cells, then protect them in the laboratory to proliferate and change to embryos. If the embryo is implanted in the womb and a human being is born, human reproduction has done. I view of Islamic jurists; human cloning is forbidden for many reasons. The present paper tries to study the cloning issue, its negative and positive consequences, and the reactions that have been shown in the world of Christianity and the West and Islamic world.

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