Indonesian Journal of Islamic Literature and Muslim Society
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Published By Iain Surakarta

2528-1224, 2528-1194

Dedi Irwansyah

The emerging interest in using literature to teach English has not yet highlighted the significance of Islamic literature within Indonesian educational context. This article presents the portrayal of Islamic literature in English language teaching (ELT) study area and offers a possible conceptual model of integrating Islamic literature into ELT. Following a library research method, with the corpus consisting of fourteen stories and one poem derived from fifteen books, the findings of this study show that: most works of Islamic literature are designed for fluent readers; the presentation of Islamic literature is dominated by Middle East and Western writers; and the Western writers are not always sensitive to the symbols glorified by Muslim English learners in Indonesia. As to deal with the above findings, this study proposes a conceptual model consisting of input, process, and output elements. Not only does the proposed model strengthen the position of Islamic literature, but it also integrates the Islamic literature into English language teaching so that it could reach both fluent readers and beginning readers. The output of the proposed model, abridged and unabridged texts of the Islamic literature, can be utilized to teach vocabulary, grammar, the four basic skills of language, and Islamic values. 

M Usman

This paper aims to elaborate the dynamics of Islamic law assimilation with local culture. With the hope that in the future it will form a basic perspective in shaping the philanthropy of contemporary Islamic law based on the reality of Indonesian society. The basic questions which is going to be answered through this paper are, first, the extent of the adaptability of Islamic law in the midst of multicultural society conditions in Indonesia. Second, what are juridical, normative and sociological arguments in placing zakat as a support for the integrity of the Unitary State Republic of Indonesia. Third, How is the Formulation of the Concept of Zakat within the frame of Unitary State Republic of Indonesia? The conclusion from this study shows that, first, the characteristics of Islamic law indicate the ability of adaptability to the culture of the society in which it is accepted. Even in this case Islam has provided important principles regarding rational development in efforts to adapt to its new environment. Second, placing zakat as a support for the integrity of the Unitary State Republic of Indonesia is worth to be formulated. This is a logical consequence of the efforts of the Islamic ummah to always place al-Qur'an and al-Sunnah as limited texts. One of the most fundamental results of Indonesian social culture is the realization of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia. Making the formulation of zakat in the frame of the Unitary State Republic of Indonesia is a clear proof that Islamic law contains universal values that are valid in any time and any place. Third, the methodological formulation of zakat in the frame of Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia is in a dynamic and accommodating ijtihad towards change. This methodological framework is based on al-Mashlahah, ‘Urf, Sad Dzaria'ah and dialectics between Gama and the State.

Abdul Gaffar ◽  
Fitiah M. Suud ◽  
Riza Zahriyal Falah

This article is a criticism of the Islamic education aspect, which always shown with a model of normative deductive tendencies. Of course, it is an impact on the learners. It is challenging to understand because reviewed full of knowledge that should be skyrocketing grounded, ranging from things that are theocentric to the abstract, tend to ignore the real reality that it is where the students live and interact with people different from themselves. Moreover, the methodology of teaching and learning teachers are comfortable in matters of religion. That is more suitable to be indoctrination and did not effect on dialogic. Indeed, Islamic education should attach continuously to the historical circumstances in which personalities live.

Mustari Mustari

Pau-Pau Rikadonna I Daramatasia (PRID) is a very popular story and has an important position in the lives of Bugis people in South Sulawesi as well as in other region. In the script form, the story has three versions: Bone, Barru, and Pangkep. Not only being written in script form, the story is also staged in short films, picture stories, dances, and others. This article aims to understand the meaning for the Bugis' collective awareness of PRID stories. To reveal the meaning, Bone version of PRID will be used with considering the whole story. Bone's PRID is also unique because it has some additions of episodes at the beginning and at the end of the story that become the focus of this article analysis. In understanding the meaning contained in the PRID, Levi Strauss's theory of structuralism will be used by building binary opposition to the depth structure of the text. Based on the analysis conducted, the addition of episodes contained in the PRID version of Bone is closely related to the cultural value of siriq na pesse (honor and solidarity) which is opposing sharia values. This can be interpreted as an effort by the Bugis to reconcile the two values so that PRID is well thanked and appreciated until now as can be seen in Youtube contents.

Tar Abdullahi Dahi

Considering the history of ash-Shinqeeti nawazils and jurisprudence, one can clearly realize how diverse and rich are the references and sources as well as the phrasings and content of them. The preferences and output of this school are diverse and rich, too. Broadly, this school adheres and is obligated to what is well-known in the Maliki and Qasemi approaches, thus opposing those who go beyond the scope of these approaches.            There are different factors bringing about diversity in ash-Shinqeeti fatwa-making, which have been dealt with in the present research. The most important factors are perhaps the approaches used in its fatwa-making. Among those approaches, the Moroccan one is of paramount importance, considering that this society is geographically close and has social and spiritual influences, and therefore significantly contributes to the improvement of knowledge of authors and their works. Still the Egyptian approach has been influential in ash-Shinqeeti jurisprudence and knowledge. In other words, the Egyptian Maliki school has majorly influenced authors and their publications. Among the most well-known publications is Mokhtasar by Khalil al-Jondi, which has been authored within the framework of Maliki jurisprudence, as well as Alfiyyah, which centers around syntax, among other works. The other influential approach is the Andalusian one, which extends on the Moroccan approach.            The diversity of approaches and sources have helped to enrich knowledge, making the language used in fatwa-making inclusive. There are other also aspects which have been discussed in this brief research.

Imam Kamaluddin ◽  
Yunita Yunita Wulandari ◽  
Suyoto Arief ◽  
Muhammad Ridlo Zarkasyi

Work ethic is crucial to the growth of human life. Related to the problem of waste, humans must be able to position themselves with waste around it. As a result, this study will discuss a relationship between one's Islamic work ethic and the form of a Waste Bank in the surrounding area, in order to improve the community's Islamic work ethic. The study is a survey research with a quantitative descriptive approach with primary data obtained from questionnaires distributed to Waste Bank customers. Researchers want to know the influence of the Waste Bank on improving Islamic work ethic of Madiun community. The analysis results show that the value of t-count is greater than the value of t-table (11,788 1,97612) between the variables Waste Bank (X) and Islamic Work Ethic (Y), indicating that H0 was rejected and Ha was accepted. Thus there is an influence on the existence of a waste bank to increase the Islamic work ethic of the Madiun community. While the amount of influence is 48.4% and 51.6% is influenced by other variables outside the research.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 235-256
Salih Q. Karim Al-Zanki ◽  
Fatima Tariq Mohamed Saad Khadir

Duties are legitimate interests, and the principle in interests is to do them all or to do extra more unless this is not possible. The Mukallaf may have more than one Islamic duty to perform, while he may not be able to perform them all. What can he do in this situation? What depiction of the issue of crowding-out of duties? and how did the scholars tackle the issue of overcrowding of duties? There were many previous studies that discussed the subject of the jurisprudence of priorities relating to our study question, but it does not discuss it in detail, analysis, and representation. The study adopted the analytical approach through the study of the Islamic texts, independent reasoning, and fatwas related to the study, and the inductive approach by researching the Islamic texts, evidence, and the branches of Jurisprudence, and drawing rules from them. The study concluded the results that there are rules that help the Mukallaf to pay the competition between the duties, by providing the highest, the strongest, and the first in order to prioritize the most important duty to what is below it whenever there is an accumulation of duties.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 207-218
Mufdil Tuhri

This article aims to know why “adat bersendi Syara, Syara bersendi kitabullah” is so important today for Minangkabau community? In this sense, why is Islam so important to the Minangkabau community? Is it true that the need to reemerging Islam in Minangkabau as it was in the early days, was running similarly or was deviating from its direction and purpose? I will put this on the grassroots view as reflected from the various academic resources of the Minangkabau history of the pre-Colonial and Colonial Islam which became the basis

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 125-158
Jajang A Rohmana

This study focuses on the tradition of Sundanese literary among the reformist Muslims. My object of study is a Sundanese book of poetic translation of the Qur’ān in the form of metrical verse or dangding entitle Hariring Wangsiting Gusti Nu Maha Suci (A Hymn of God Revelation the Most Holy) using translation approach and critical discourse analysis. The book is written by Muh. Syarief Sukandi (1931-1997). He was known as a member of Indonesian army, ‘ulamā’ and activist of reformist Islamic organization, Islamic Union (Persatuan Islam or Persis). Sukandi’s Hariring was published by Bina Insan Asy-Syarief Foundation in 2010. It contains 23 translations of the Qur’anic short surahs amount to 63 stanzas. He uses many types of metrum (pupuh). The study confirms that Sukandi’s Hariring tends to be a translation of exegesis (al-tarjamah al-tafsīriyyah) that was limited by the metrum rules. However, Sukandi’s Hariring is not only shows the influence of Sundanese nature, but also his effort to strengthen Islamic ideology which closer to pre-Islamic culture. It can be seen in the use of some Sundanese words of pre-Islamic period. It is an ambivalence that may be contrary to the purification ideology of Persis, because considered to contaminate the purity of Islamic teachings. It is a work of another side of reformist Muslim which do not keep the distance from local culture.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 159-186
Azis Muslim

Community empowerment takes a long time and an appropriate strategy to achieve success. Moreover, innovation delivered constitutes the regulations restricting the empowered community’s moving space. This research generally portraits pamali (taboo) strategy in conducting community empowerment and particularly aims to study local wisdom value in building the piety of Kampung Naga community. The research was conducted using phenomenological descriptive qualitative approach with an interactive technique of analysis. Data collection was carried out through interview, observation, and documentation. The result of research showed that innovation constituting local wisdom made by Kampung Naga community’s ancestor could build piety in three domains: spiritual, social, and environment. Through those three pieties, Kampung Naga community becomes a powerful Islam community in archipelago nuance and becomes Islam community that is rahmatan lil alamin.

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