scholarly journals The Factors that are Dictating the Buyer Supplier Relationship in the Retail Market

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 50
Saba Asghar

Healthy relationship among the buyer and supplier is the only way to remain competitive in the incentive market. It is the only way to retain the business and the customers. If buyer and supplier are not having this partnership then they might not be enjoying the best outcomes.The objective of this thesis is to examine the core factors that dictate buyer (Super Market) and Supplier (Distributor) relationship in retail industry. In this research, aspects has been studied that could have affected or affects the relationship of buyer & supplier in positive or negative manner. The research has covered the retail market and will be dictating the key aspects of maintaining the healthy buyer and supplier relationships. This will be helping the retail owners and retail brands to gain the competitive edge from others and always remain ahead. This research will help both the stakeholders of this industry to maintain healthy relationships between them and indicates them that what the issues that create problems between them are.The thesis employed an empirical approach designed in three stages; aggregate and firm level analysis using official data, firm level analysis using survey and finally case studies aimed at providing deeper insights into the underlying issues observed in the survey findings. Three literature strands were adopted: spillover, cluster and network dynamics.

2018 ◽  
Vol 616 ◽  
pp. A76 ◽  
Marko Sestovic ◽  
Brice-Olivier Demory ◽  
Didier Queloz

Context. As of today, hundreds of hot Jupiters have been found, yet the inflated radii of a large fraction of them remain unexplained. A number of mechanisms have been proposed to explain these anomalous radii, however most of these can only work under certain conditions and may not be sufficient to explain the most extreme cases. It is still unclear whether a single mechanism can sufficiently explain the entire distribution of radii, or whether a combination of these mechanisms is needed. Aims. We seek to understand the relationship of radius with stellar irradiation and mass and to find the range of masses over which hot Jupiters are inflated. We also aim to find the intrinsic physical scatter in their radii, caused by unobservable parameters, and to constrain the fraction of hot Jupiters that exhibit inflation. Methods. By constructing a hierarchical Bayesian model, we inferred the probabilistic relation between planet radius, mass, and incident flux for a sample of 286 gas giants. We separately incorporated the observational uncertainties of the data and the intrinsic physical scatter in the population. This allowed us to treat the intrinsic physical scatter in radii, due to latent parameters such as the heavy element fraction, as a parameter to be inferred. Results. We find that the planetary mass plays a key role in the inflation extent and that planets in the range ~0.37−0.98  MJ show the most inflated radii. At higher masses, the radius response to incident flux begins to decrease. Below a threshold of 0.37 ± 0.03  MJ we find that giant exoplanets as a population are unable to maintain inflated radii ≿1.4  RJ but instead exhibit smaller sizes as the incident flux is increased beyond 106 W m−2. We also find that below 1  MJ, there is a cut-off point at high incident flux beyond which we find no more inflated planets, and that this cut-off point decreases as the mass decreases. At incident fluxes higher than ~1.6 × 106 W m−2 and in a mass range 0.37−0.98  MJ, we find no evidence for a population of non-inflated hot Jupiters. Our study sheds a fresh light on one of the key questions in the field and demonstrates the importance of population-level analysis to grasp the underlying properties of exoplanets.

2013 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 11 ◽  
Maria Teresa Sierra

La policía comunitaria es una institución de los pueblos indígenas de Guerrero conocida por su capacidad para enfrentar a la delincuencia y generar alternativas de paz social., através de un sistema de justicia y seguridad autónomo. En los últimos años, sin embargo, el sistema comunitario enfrenta el acoso de actores diversos vinculados al incremento de la violencia y la inseguridad que se vive en el país y especialmente en el estado de Guerrero; dicha situación está impactando a la institucionalidad comunitaria, obligando a su redefinición. En este trabajo destaco aspectos centrales de dicha conflictividad así como las respuestas que han dado los comunitarios para hacer frente a las tareas de justicia y seguridad en el marco de nuevos contextos marcados por el despojo neoliberal y la impunidad de actores estatales y no estatales. En este proceso se actualiza la relación de la policía comunitaria con el Estado revelando el peso de la ambigüedad legal y los juegos del poder así como los usos contra-hegemónicos del derecho para disputar la justicia. ---SEGURANÇA E JUSTIÇA SOB ACOSSO EM TEMPOS DE VIOLÊNCIA NEOLIBERAL: respostas do policiamento comunitário de GuerreroO policiamento comunitário é uma instituição dos Povos Indígenas do Guerrero conhecidos por sua capacidade de lidar com o crime e gerar paz social de forma alternativa, usando um sistema próprio de justiça e segurança. Nos últimos anos, no entanto, o sistema da UE enfrenta assédio de várias autoridades envolvidas no aumento da violência e da insegurança que reina no país e, especialmente, no estado de Guerrero; essa situação está afetando as instituições comunitárias, forçando a sua redefinição. Neste artigo, destaco os principais aspectos do conflito e as respostas que têm a comunidade para lidar com as tarefas da justiça e da segurança no contexto dos novos contextos marcados por pilhagem neoliberal e a impunidade de atores estatais e não estatais. Neste processo, a relação de policiamento comunitário com o estado é atualizada, revelando o peso da ambiguidade e dos jogos de poder legais, além de usos contra-hegemônicos do direito de disputar a justiça.Palavras-chave: violência neoliberal; Guerrero; comunidades indígenas---SECURITY AND JUSTICE UNDER HARASSMENT IN TIMES OF NEOLIBERAL VIOLENCE: responses of the Community Police of GuerreroThe community police is an institution of the Indigenous Peoples of Guerrero known for its ability to deal with crime and generate alternatives for social peace, using a system of justice and self security. In recent years, however, the EU system faces harassment from various people responsible for the increase of violence and insecurity within the country and especially in the state in Guerrero; this situation is impacting instituitions in the community, forcing their redefinition. In this paper I highlight key aspects of the conflict and the community's responses to deal with the tasks of justice and security in new contexts marked by neoliberal plunder and impunity of the state (as well as non state figures). In this process, the relationship of the community police with the state is updated revealing the weight of legal ambiguity and power plays, as well as counter-hegemonic use of the right to dispute justice.key words: neoliberal vilence; Guerrero; indigenous people.

2020 ◽  
Vol 120 (11) ◽  
pp. 2349-2359 ◽  
Alan Chorley ◽  
Richard P. Bott ◽  
Simon Marwood ◽  
Kevin L. Lamb

Abstract Purpose This study examined the relationship of physiological and anthropometric characteristics with parameters of the critical power (CP) model, and in particular the reconstitution of W′ following successive bouts of maximal exercise, amongst trained and untrained cyclists. Methods Twenty male adults (trained nine; untrained 11; age 39 ± 15 year; mass 74.7 ± 8.7 kg; V̇O2max 58.0 ± 8.7 mL kg−1 min−1) completed three incremental ramps (20 W min−1) to exhaustion interspersed with 2-min recoveries. Pearson’s correlation coefficients were used to assess relationships for W′ reconstitution after the first recovery (W′rec1), the delta in W′ reconstituted between recoveries (∆W′rec), CP and W′. Results CP was strongly related to V̇O2max for both trained (r = 0.82) and untrained participants (r = 0.71), whereas W′ was related to V̇O2max when both groups were considered together (r = 0.54). W′rec1 was strongly related to V̇O2max for the trained (r = 0.81) but not untrained (r = 0.18); similarly, ∆W′rec was strongly related to V̇O2max (r = − 0.85) and CP (r = − 0.71) in the trained group only. Conclusions Notable physiological relationships between parameters of aerobic fitness and the measurements of W′ reconstitution were observed, which differed among groups. The amount of W′ reconstitution and the maintenance of W′ reconstitution that occurred with repeated bouts of maximal exercise were found to be related to key measures of aerobic fitness such as CP and V̇O2max. This data demonstrates that trained cyclists wishing to improve their rate of W′ reconstitution following repeated efforts should focus training on improving key aspects of aerobic fitness such as V̇O2max and CP.

2017 ◽  
Vol 26 (1) ◽  
pp. 110-124
R. Jerome Boone

This article focuses on two key aspects of the Pentecostal faith tradition: worship and biblical interpretation. It illuminates distinctive differences in these two important activities of the Christian community between Pentecostals and the broader Evangelical faith tradition. It addresses the question of the relationship of the book of Acts narrative to a contemporary model for a normative ministry of the church. Pentecostals and Evangelicals recognize the importance of the work of the Holy Spirit in both worship and hermeneutics. Yet, they differ in how they expect the Spirit to engage with members of the Christian community in worship and biblical interpretation. The differences define, in part, the distinctive identity of the Pentecostal faith tradition.

2015 ◽  
Vol 10 (11) ◽  
pp. 149 ◽  
Narman Kuzucu

<p>Dividend policy of firms is one of the most controversial issues of theoretical finance. This paper aims to investigate the firm-level factors influencing the dividend decisions of firms from an emerging market. We examined eight-year panel data for the period from 2006 to 2013 from the Turkish stock market (Borsa Istanbul). The results show that financial leverage, size, growth rate, age, profitability, ownership structure and P/E ratio are statistically significant. The relationship of leverage, growth rate, profitability and family control with dividends is negative, whereas the relationship of size, age and P/E ratio is positive. Therefore, firms with higher debt ratios / growth rates / higher earnings are likely to retain more of their earnings. The empirical evidence from the Turkish stock market shows that the maturity hypothesis proposed by Grullon, Michaely and Swaminathan (2002) best explains the dividend behaviors of firms. Accordingly, as a firm matures, the availability of profitable projects reduces and earnings decrease. As the investment opportunities reduce, the need for resources decreases and the firm increases dividend payouts to shareholders.</p>

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 ◽  
Laura Lotero Velez ◽  
William Darler ◽  
Simon Gunn

Urban mobility is one of the key aspects of urban planning and development. It plays an important role in the achievement of a resilient, inclusive and sustainable city. However, the complex interrelations of urban mobility, transportation and other city dimensions implies the need of an interdisciplinary approach to understand and plan it. In this brief paper, we discuss the social aspects of urban mobility and inequality and how it has been addressed in the literature. We also show different ways of gathering data relevant for the understanding of urban mobility, their sizes, scopes, and nature. Finally, we aim to promote an interdisciplinary debate based on our academic literature review about the relationship of urban mobility with social variables such as poverty.

2014 ◽  
Vol 50 (3) ◽  
pp. 223-231 ◽  
Xiaoshan Li ◽  
Mingjie Zhou ◽  
Na Zhao ◽  
Shanshan Zhang ◽  
Jianxin Zhang

2013 ◽  
Vol 454 ◽  
pp. 125-128
Yuan Li ◽  
Zhen Li ◽  
Tie Jun Xu

In order to get brittle shear characteristics of rock material, acoustic emission accompanied with triaxial stress-strain test was applied to monitor the emergence and development of micro cracks. Theoretical analysis and data processing were conducted based on the theories of fracture mechanics and general rock mechanics, relations between the feature strength of three stages and the stress state were obtained, and a method was put forward for analyzing the brittle shear failure of rock material. The relationship of the Mohr-Coulomb strength theory, Griffith strength theory and Hoek-Brown criterion with the brittle-shear strength model were established. Strength analysis of mixed granite in Shuichang slope was carried out by the brittle shear failure model, and the theoretical value and experimental value has a good consistency.

2010 ◽  
Vol 18 (02) ◽  
pp. 107-137 ◽  

Case study based literature on relationship development presents in-depth information on contextual factors in relationship development. However, little quantitative evidence is available about key aspects of buyer-supplier relationships in each stage of its development, such as the level of trust/commitment, buyer's and supplier's dependence. The study will try to fill this gap by identifying and quantifying these aspects from the buyer's perspective in each development stage. A comprehensive survey among 238 Dutch purchasing professionals provides evidence on how these characteristics of relationships change when relationships develop over time. The results largely confirm the hypotheses, which stem from the extant literature about organizational dependence and trust/commitment. A notable finding is that the buyer perceives to be dependent on the supplier, even in a desirable relationship. Managerial implications are that: (1) industrial marketers should be aware that professional purchasers feel dominated by them, even in relationships that are positively evaluated and therefore desirable in the view of the buyer; and (2) that purchasers should be aware that dependence implies vulnerability, even when the relationship is still developing in an otherwise desirable way.

2007 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
Sonja Grover

This paper provides an overview of certain key aspects of the practical and legal situation of street-involved children globally. The inadequate protection of these children under both domestic and international law is addressed. The diversity of the population of street-involved children is considered as is the fact that this group is composed of both legally stateless and de facto stateless children. The relationship of street involvement to child labor, various health risks and victimization is discussed. The educational needs of older street-involved children are addressed including their right to participate in decision-making regarding aspects of educational service design and delivery. The overall objective of this paper is to encourage those who are involved in, or could impact upon educational policy to include street-involved children in their educational planning implementation and advocacy efforts.

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