scholarly journals Sistem Informasi Absensi Kepegawaian Berbasis WEB Pada PT. Prada Bangun Persada

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 214-223
Yusuf Wibisono

PT. Prada Bangun Persada is a branch company that has a headoffice in the Jakarta area which is engaged in the field of SportsEquipment which has staff that must be managed properly. In thismanagement, the company makes an annual performance report,one of which contains a report on staffing. PT. Prada BangunPersada has several sections in the organizational structure, one ofwhich is the general responsibility section and the finance section.The general responsibility department and the finance department inthis company do not yet have an efficient personnel informationsystem application and are still processing data manually, resultingin various obstacles. Constraints experienced by the general personin charge are still using paper forms in making employee data andsubmitting employee letters so that they are less efficient and alwaysprovide paper forms. Then the storage of these letters still uses theirrespective folders based on the type of letter so that it is difficult toaccess and search for employee data and it is not safe if the storageis still using a folder and sometimes its validation is not handledproperly. Then in the finance department in the employee payrollprocess, which still calculates and saves with Microsoft excel formatfiles which causes low security and confidentiality of employeepayroll data at risk of file damage if exposed to a virus andemployees can easily access the file. This Personnel InformationSystem uses a 2-step method. First, the data collection method wascarried out in three ways, namely the observation method, theinterview method and the literature study. Second, the systemdevelopment method that will be used is the waterfall systemdevelopment method, and uses UML (Unified Modeling Language)notation as tools.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 180-191
Al Husain ◽  
Agus Hidayatullah

MTs Al-muhtadiin is the first private vocational school in the sub-district of Sukadiri, at the beginning of the opening of this school, it received quite a positive response with proven opening in 2017 around 62 students registered themselves as students at MTs Al-Muhtadiin. The new student registration system at MTs Al-Muhtadiin is already running effectively and efficiently. In analyzing the running system used the method of analysis and depiction of the system using UML (Unified Modeling Language) and in data collection used interview, observation and literature study methods. The results of the analysis of the system that runs in the admission of new students at MTs Al-Muhtadiin are still running manually with the help of Microsoft Excel in the process of making reports.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 180-191
Al Husain ◽  
Agus Hidayatullah

MTs Al-muhtadiin is the first private vocational school in the sub-district of Sukadiri, at the beginning of the opening of this school, it received quite a positive response with proven opening in 2017 around 62 students registered themselves as students at MTs Al-Muhtadiin. The new student registration system at MTs Al-Muhtadiin is already running effectively and efficiently. In analyzing the running system used the method of analysis and depiction of the system using UML (Unified Modeling Language) and in data collection used interview, observation and literature study methods. The results of the analysis of the system that runs in the admission of new students at MTs Al-Muhtadiin are still running manually with the help of Microsoft Excel in the process of making reports.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 153
Yanto Hermawan ◽  
Ade Mulyana ◽  
Nurul Fadillah Rizky I.

STIE Kesatuan personnel information system is a problem of special concern in IBI Kesatuan HRD. This is with the ease and effectiveness in processing employee data such as employee data entry, editing employee data, searching employee data, reporting employee data either on screen or printed on paper. There are still many STIE Kesatuan who have not filled in data on manual paper, such as employees who have to fill out a leave form and wait for approval. So to overcome this we need a personnel information system that is better than the previous system, for now the employee information is only from Microsoft Excel and manual data. This study uses a system design implemented with the Diagram Unified Modeling Language (UML). The expected end result is that the employee web-based information system can solve system problems that run more optimally in the employee data entry process. With this research, it is hoped that it can help IBI Kesatuan, especially HRD, to develop a management information system. Keywords: Information Systems, UML Diagram.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 57-66
Sri Rahayu ◽  
Muhammad Rofi Faris ◽  
Asni Ramadani Pane

The development of increasingly rapid information technology requires companies to have a system that is able to provide data and information quickly and accurately. Tangerang Regency Education Office is a government agency in charge of controlling the education sector. In its business process, the Education Office still faces difficulties in obtaining reports on employment in periodic salary increases, because the system used is still using the help of Microsoft excel application software that is semi computerized, so that every data reported often has errors in providing civil servant salaries. Based on these problems Tangerang District Education Office is in dire need of an automated computer system that can control the regular salary increases of civil servants effectively and efficiently. As a tool to help in object-oriented programming language, Unified Modeling Language (UML) is used to describe the system, while data collection techniques use observation, interview, and literature study methods, so that the system can be monitored properly, effectively and efficiently using MySql databases, and PHP. Keywords: Staffing, Periodic Salary Increase, Controlling, Web.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 187-197
Nurlaila Suci Rahayu Rais ◽  
Dedeh Apriyani ◽  
Gito Gardjito

Monitoring of warehouse inventory data processing is an important thing for companies. PT Talaga mulya indah is still manual using paper media, causing problems that have an effect on existing information, namely: problems with data processing of incoming and outgoing goods. And the difference between data on the amount of stock of goods available with physical data, often occurs inputting data more than once for the same item, searching for available data, and making reports so that it impedes companies in monitoring inventory of existing stock of goods. Which aims to create a system that can provide updated information to facilitate the warehouse admin in making inventory reports, and reduce errors in input by means of integrated control. In this study, the authors used the data collection method used in this analysis using the method of observation, interviews, and literature review (literature study). For analysis using the PIECES analysis method. Furthermore, the system design used is UML (Unified Modeling Language). The results of this study are expected to produce the right data in the process of monitoring inventory data processing, also can provide the right information and make it easier to control the overall availability of goods.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2 April) ◽  
pp. 129-142
Janu Ilham Saputro ◽  
Dwiana Octavia ◽  
Hurdjanto Wibisono

Information technology is rapidly developing all existing activities or activities become very important in determining the progress of the company, both in operational and non-operational activities, one of which is the procurement report which must produce accurate and accurate reports. PT Instaprint Jaya Primatama is a company engaged in the field of digital printing while those who do not yet have a system that uses stock of goods, the current system still has problems such as requiring a long time to find the amount needed Every day and making reports still using Ms. Excel so there is a delay in the company's performance. This study aims to create a system that can support the process of reporting needs that can be done effectively, the design process uses the PIECES method, system modeling using UML (Unified Modeling Language) to use visualization, which can be used by using the Hypertext Preprocessor programming language (PHP ) with a MySQL-Server database as a database. And to collect data, the authors use the method of observation, interviews, and literature study. With the system of preparation of goods, can make it easier for inventory administrators to produce accurate reports with a fast time can be made in order to produce effective and efficient.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (4) ◽  
pp. 208
Euis Sitinur Aisyah ◽  
Ratna Nur Aulia ◽  
Ridhoi Ahmad Ridwan

<p><em>Abstrak - <strong>Sistem pendidikan dan pelatihan pada PMI Kota Tangerang yang berjalan saat ini masih semi komputerisasi. Pengetesan dan penilaian materi masih manual sehingga sering terjadi kesalahan input nilai peserta, memerlukan proses dan waktu yang cukup lama untuk mengetahui kelulusan peserta diklat yang mengakibatkan terlambatnya laporan panitia kepada Kadiv SDM. Metode penelitian yang digunakan terdiri dari wawancara, observasi, dan studi pustaka. Metode analisis menggunakan metode analisis PIECES. Pemodelan sistem dengan menggunakan Unified Modelling Language (UML) untuk menggambarkan secara visualisasi, yang selanjutnya diimplementasikan dengan bahasa pemrograman PHP dengan basis data MySQL-Server sebagai database. Hasil yang didapat dari penelitian ini adalah sebuah sistem aplikasi diklat relawan PMI berbasis web yang terdatabase untuk membantu dalam hal pengelolaan data mulai dari pendaftaran, pemberian materi, keadiran, pengetesan, dan penilaian.</strong></em></p><p><em>Abstract</em> – <strong>The education and training system at the PMI Kota Tangerang that is currently running is still semi-computerized. The testing and evaluation of material are still manual so that there are often input errors in the participants' scores, it requires a long process and time to find out the graduation of the training participants which results in the delay of the committee's report to the Head of HR Division. The research method used consisted of interviews, observation, and literature study. The analytical method uses the PIECES analysis method. Modeling the system using Unified Modeling Language (UML) to visualize, which is then implemented with the PHP programming language with the MySQL-Server database as a database. The results obtained from this study are a web-based PMI volunteer education and training system database that is assisted regarding data management ranging from registration, material delivery, presence, testing, and assessment.</strong></p><p><strong><em>Keywords - </em></strong><em>Education and Training, Systems, Volunteers</em></p>

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 26-31
Fifit Alfiah ◽  
Anisa Yondari

The need for fast and accurate data processing is needed by every government agency. The Education Office is an administrative administrator in the field of education that requires a fast system for processing data. The attendance system at the Tangerang Regency education office is already using a fingerprint. However, there are still many obstacles that arise due to lack of tools, and damage to the tool so that it often uses manual attendance. The research method used is the method of data collection, and the analytical method used is a form of Unified Modeling Language. The results and objectives of this study are the creation of a system that can facilitate employee and attendance managers to be more effective and efficient.

Muhammad Syukri ◽  
Vera Irma Delianti

Permasalahan yang terjadi di UKM Dua Putra yaitu semua pengolahan data nya masih manual yaitu pengolahan data karyawan dan laporan penjualan. Pembuatan data karyawan dan laporan masih menggunakan kertas yang tentunya memakan banyak biaya untuk mencetaknya. Untuk meminimalisir kendala proses pengolahan data karyawan dan pembuatan laporan, maka di buatlah E-Commerce UKM Dua Putra. Tujuan dari tugas akhir ini adalah untuk membuat sistem informasi E-Commerce di UKM Dua Putra. Dimana sistem informasi ini di buat menggunakan menggunakan konsep Object Oriented Programming (OOP) dan menggunakan pemodelan Unified Modeling Language (UML). E-Commerce di toko UKM Dua Putra ini menggunakan kerangka PHP dan MySQL dalam proses penyusunan. Kerangka kerja ini dapat memudahkan programmer untuk membuat situs web E-Commerce. Setelah implementasi Sistem Informasi E-Commerce yang pada tugas terakhir ini berhasil. Sehingga bisa diterapkan oleh Toko UKM Dua Putra, dalam hal ini promosi dan penjualan online, dan dapat melakukan pengelolaan seluruh data produk, laporan data dan data pengguna.Kata kunci : E-Commerce, UKM Dua Putra, PHP dan MySQL, UML. The problem that occurs in UKM Dua Putra is that all data processing is still manual, namely processing employee data and sales reports. Making employee data and reports still use paper which certainly costs a lot to print. To minimize the constraints on employee data processing and report generation, the Dua Putra SME E-Commerce was made. The purpose of this thesis is to create an E-Commerce information system in UKM Dua Putra. Where this information system is created using the concept of Object Oriented Programming (OOP) and uses Unified Modeling Language (UML) modeling. E-Commerce in the Dua Putra UKM store uses the PHP and MySQL framework in the preparation process. This framework can make it easier for programmers to create E-Commerce web sites. After the implementation of the E-Commerce Information System which in this last task was successful. So it can be applied by the Dua Putra SME Store, in this case online promotion and sales, and can manage all product data, data reports and user data.Keywords: E-Commerce, UKM Dua Putra, PHP and MySQL, UML.

Budianingsih ◽  
Pausta Yugianus

The purpose of this research is to build a database of research and community service. Which so far to monitor or see the title of research and community service is to look at the SK (Decree) research and PPM PNBP that has been published, or see a collection of research and community service lists stored on Microsoft Excel software. This certainly makes it very difficult for parties with an interest in research data and ppm. Where these data are used for accreditation and promotion. Related parties must come to the department administrator to request data stored on the department's computer. The design of this application uses the UML (Unified Modeling Language) modeling language. This application development methodology is based on Design research Science for Information System. For making this application using CodeIgniter and with a MySQL database. With the application of the research database and ppm, it is hoped that it will facilitate the parties concerned in managing data and data search

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