qr code
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Wen-Jing Suo ◽  
Chai-Lee Goi ◽  
Mei-Teh Goi ◽  
Adriel K. S. Sim

This study aims to identify the factors which affect the consumers’ behavioural intention to adopt the Quick response code (QR-code) mobile payment. This study extends the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology 2 (UTAUT2) with the personal innovativeness construct. This study reveals that performance expectancy, social influence, habit, price value, and personal innovativeness in information technology are significantly related to behavioural intention to adopt QR-code mobile payment. However, effort expectancy, facilitating conditions, and hedonic motivation are found to be statistically insignificant. This study presents one of the few empirical works investigating the role of consumer innovativeness and thus validates the inclusion of personal innovativeness as constructed in mobile payment adoption research. Findings from this study provide valuable insights for mobile payment application developers and mobile payment marketing teams.

This study aims to identify the factors which affect the consumers’ behavioural intention to adopt the Quick response code (QR-code) mobile payment. This study extends the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology 2 (UTAUT2) with the personal innovativeness construct. This study reveals that performance expectancy, social influence, habit, price value, and personal innovativeness in information technology are significantly related to behavioural intention to adopt QR-code mobile payment. However, effort expectancy, facilitating conditions, and hedonic motivation are found to be statistically insignificant. This study presents one of the few empirical works investigating the role of consumer innovativeness and thus validates the inclusion of personal innovativeness as constructed in mobile payment adoption research. Findings from this study provide valuable insights for mobile payment application developers and mobile payment marketing teams.

Nikita Bhoskar

Abstract: The quick response code (QR) has become most popular barcode because of its larger data capacity and increased damage resistance. Barcode scanners can easily extract information hidden in the QR code when scanning data forms. However, some confidential data stored directly in QR codes are not secure in real world QR apps. To proposed approach to visual secret sharing scheme to encode a secret QR code into distinct shares. In assessment with other techniques, the shares in proposed scheme are valid QR codes that may be decoded with some unique that means of a trendy QR code reader, so that escaping increases suspicious attackers. An existing sharing technique is subjected to loss of security. On this premise, consider the strategy for (k, n) get to structures by using the (k, k) sharing occurrence on each k-member subset dependent on specific relationship. In addition, the secret message is recovered with the aid of XOR-ing the qualified shares. This operation which can effortlessly be achieved the use of smartphones or different QR scanning gadgets. Contribution work is, working on optimal partitioning methods and compare original message with shared message using hashing techniques. Keywords: Hashing, partitioning algorithm, error correction capacity, high security, Quick Response code, visual secret sharing scheme

2022 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 66
Darul Mukminin ◽  
Ameliana Ameliana ◽  
Adiiba Dwikanthi ◽  
Lukas Umbu Zogara

2022 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
Arum Candra Sari ◽  
Hendri Hermawan Adinugraha

<div class="WordSection1"><p class="abstrak"><em>This study aims to determine the implementation of QRIS as measured by the existence and urgency as a payment digitalization medium to support the Digitalization of MSMEs in the context of Indonesia's economic recovery. This research is a literature study that was analyzed using a qualitative-descriptive approach with secondary data sources originating from journals and reports related to the Digitalization of MSMEs. The results and discussion of this research, that the QRIS launched by Bank Indonesia can help MSME actors adapt to existing conditions. QRIS as a MSME survival strategy is carried with the theme EXCELLENCE (UNiversal, Easy, Profit and Direct). The theme was taken because the use of QRIS is easy and practical, namely by scanning the QR code that has been provided by the merchant. QRIS has been officially launched and supervised under Bank Indonesia. The easy use of QRIS provides benefits for both merchants and buyers, especially for users of non-cash payment applications. For merchants, QRIS is useful in terms of increasing sales, practicality, branding, saving, avoiding counterfeit money, segregating business funds, and credit profiles. QRIS are flexible, safe and practical so that QRIS can become the driving force in the acceleration of digitalization for economic recovery.</em><em></em></p><p class="abstrak" align="left"> </p><p class="abstrak">Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui implementasi dari QRIS yang diukur dari eksistensi serta urgensi sebagai media digitalisasi pembayaran guna mendukung digitalisasi UMKM dalam rangka pemulihan perekonomian Indonesia. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian studi pustaka yang dianalisis dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif-deskriptif dalam menjelaskan fenomena terkait implementasi QRIS pada UMKM. Sumber data yang digunakan adalah sumber data sekunder yang berasal dari jurnal maupun laporan terkait dengan digitalisasi UMKM. Hasil dan pembahasan dari penelitian ini, bahwa QRIS yang diluncurkan oleh Bank Indonesia dapat membantu adaptasi pelaku UMKM terkait kondisi yang ada. QRIS sebagai strategi bertahan UMKM ini diusung dengan tema UNGGUL (UNiversal, GampanG, Untung dan Langsung). Tema tersebut diambil karena penggunaan QRIS yang mudah dan praktis, yaitu dengan melakukan scan pada QR code yang sudah disediakan oleh merchant. QRIS telah resmi diluncurkan dan diawasi dibawah Bank Indonesia. Penggunaan QRIS yang mudah memberikan manfaat baik bagi merchant maupun kepada pembeli terutama bagi pengguna aplikasi pembayaran non tunai. Bagi merchant, QRIS bermanfaat dalam segi, peningkatan penjuala, praktis, branding, hemat, penghindaran uang palsu, pemisahan dana usaha, dan credit profile. Bagi pengguna, manfaat QRIS berupa, fleksibel, aman dan praktis. Dalam hal ini, maka dapat dikatakan QRIS sebagai pendorong percepatan digitalisasi guna pemulihan ekonomi.</p><p class="abstrak"> </p></div>

2022 ◽  
Vol 30 (1) ◽  
pp. 709-723
Noramalina Abdullah ◽  
Sarah Madihah Mohd Shazali

Enclosed areas pose a greater risk of transmitting infectious and bacterial diseases. The proposed system helps prevent disease by tracking students’ daily body temperature before entering the school premises. Each student will be provided with a unique QR code containing the student information, such as their name and class. The QR code needs to be scanned first by the camera-equipped smartphone before reading the body temperature. The thermometer will record the student’s body temperature and send the information to the smartphone via Bluetooth. The student’s profile will be updated with the recorded daily temperature. An Android application will be developed to scan the QR code and display the students’ profiles and information. In order to design a battery-less system, the system will be integrated with a wireless power transfer circuit. Based on the simulation results, the wireless power transfer circuit can be used as a wireless charger for the smartphone used in the system or for charging the thermometer’ of the thermometer.

Sarwahita ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 19 (01) ◽  
pp. 21-34
Etin Solihatin ◽  
Raharjo ◽  
Roby Ibnu Syarifain ◽  
Esa Aryo Kuncoro

Abstract (10pt) The purposes of devotion to the community activities are to develop teacher and teacher candidate ability to create research draft proposals, also Catfish cultivation using biofloc technique. Proposal making workshop activities consist of providing information, practice, and intensive consultation. Catfish cultivation activities consist of cultivation practice, marketing, and simple accountancy record, also evaluation. Based on those activities proposal making workshop was able to improve teacher and teacher candidates ability to create a quasi-experiment proposal final draft. Activity documentation and material were published on the YouTube platform https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ogfgRQJUE7w.While catfish cultivation with biofloc technique is able to to improve community income because catfish could be harvested after three months and sold. Catfish cultivation can increase community prosperity in the COVID-19 pandemic because it could produce alternative income through the primary sector (food). Activity documentation was published on the YouTube platform https://m.youtube. com/ watch?v=G542rOJuzrc.   Abstrak Kegiatan pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan guru/ calon guru dalam membuat draft proposal penelitian quasi eksperimen dan pengenalan budidaya lele sistem bioflok. Pelaksanaan workshop pembuatan proposal dilakukan melalui pemberian informasi, praktek dan pendampingan konsultasi yang intensif.  Budidaya ikan lele sistem bioflik diaksanakan melalui berbagi pendapat dan praktik budidaya yang diikuti dengan kegiatan pemasaran, pembukuan sederhana, dan evaluasi kegiatan. Berdasarkan hasil pengabdian dapat disimpulkan bahwa workshop/ pelatihan pembuatan proposal penelitian Quasi eksperimen dapat meningkatkan kemampuan guru/ calon guru dalam membuat proposal penelitian. Dokumentasi kegiatan dan QR Code materi pembuatan proposal dapat dilihat pada platform YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ogfgRQJUE7w. Setelah itu, budidaya ikan lele teknik bioflok dapat meningkatkan pendapatan masyarakat karena dalam waktu +  tiga bulan ikan dapat dipanen, dan dijual. Hal ini akan berdampak pada peningkatan kesejahteraan di masa pandemi yang identik dengan tingginya angka PHK. Berdadarkan hal tersebut penghasilan alternatif dapat menjadi solusi menjaga kesejahteraan ekonomi di tengah masa pandemi. Dokumentasi kegiatan dan langkah budidaya lele dapat dilihat pada platform YouTube https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=G542rOJuzrc..  

2022 ◽  
Miao Wang ◽  
Xiulun Yang ◽  
Xiangfeng Meng ◽  
Yurong Wang ◽  
Yongkai Yin ◽  

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