running system
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D. Karthikeyan ◽  
Arumbu V. P. ◽  
K. Surendhirababu ◽  
K. Selvakumar ◽  
P. Divya ◽  

An internet of things (IoT) is an exclusive method, were its impact on the enactments of human life is very trendy. This research on library control system operates on the basis of IoT and optical character recognition (OCR) algorithm rules and its training. A closed-circuit television (CCTV) watched mechanism is created to control the book issuing and returning phenomenon via tag studying system in the library. In this proposed work text file is converted into an audio file. This audio file is being played and the contents of the book can be heard via the headset. This unique function of the OCR helps blind people. Now a days OCR widely focused in machine processes such as machine transformation, text to speech extraction and text data mining. It utilized in various area of research in artificial intelligence, computer vision and pattern recognition. Using OCR to scan the damaged book in the library converted into pdf format the book gets new life and sharing the contents to multiple readers. In this paper aims to implement IoT based library management system to maintaining books in digital format.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 89-100
Inge Virdyna ◽  
Samidi Samidi

During the Covid 19 pandemic, every individual is required to be more creative in carrying out every activity and not make a distance as the reason an activity cannot be carried out. Documentation data, which is usually sent manually by post, will experience difficulties at this time. This research will discuss other ways that can be done to ensure the data exchange process of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between PT. Bank XYZ with partners. The solution that can be implemented is to use the Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) method. EDI is an online-based data exchange method. In other words, the method of exchanging data via postal service is not necessary. Based on this research, the EDI method can meet users' needs in terms of exchanging or sending documentary data on the MOU between PT. Bank XYZ with partners. The method used in building this system design is analyzing the running system and designing the system with UML tools. The final result of the validation test of the system design through the FGD method states that the e-approval system application design of the MOU is by the specifications of the functional requirements required by the user.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (10) ◽  
pp. 178-182
Caisi Wei

China’s higher education has entered the popularization stage, which coincides with the 14th Five-Year Plan and the process of educational modernization. As a “short board” in the development of higher education in the western region, the higher education in Lanxi should accurately understand the basic characteristics of the popularization stage of higher education and firmly grasp new opportunities for future development [1]. On the basis of interpreting the development needs and policy opportunities of national higher education in the new era, the government in Lanxi needs to renew school-running ideas, clarify school-running development goals, deepen the reform of school-running system, promote the modernization of higher education governance system, strengthen the cultivation of collaborative ability and the construction of characteristic disciplines in its higher education, improve the quality of personnel training and the social contribution of human resources, as well as run a satisfactory education for the people.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (10) ◽  
pp. 1056
Katja S. Just ◽  
Catharina Scholl ◽  
Miriam Boehme ◽  
Kathrin Kastenmüller ◽  
Johannes M. Just ◽  

The aim of this study was to compare effects of an individualized with a standardized risk assessment for adverse drug reactions to improve drug treatment with antithrombotic drugs in older adults. A randomized controlled trial was conducted in general practitioner (GP) offices. Patients aged 60 years and older, multi-morbid, taking antithrombotic drugs and at least one additional drug continuously were randomized to individualized and standardized risk assessment groups. Patients were followed up for nine months. A composite endpoint defined as at least one bleeding, thromboembolic event or death reported via a trigger list was used. Odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) were calculated. In total, N = 340 patients were enrolled from 43 GP offices. Patients in the individualized risk assessment group met the composite endpoint more often than in the standardized group (OR 1.63 [95%CI 1.02-2.63]) with multiple adjustments. The OR was higher in patients on phenprocoumon treatment (OR 1.99 [95%CI 1.05-3.76]), and not significant on DOAC treatment (OR 1.52 [95%CI 0.63-3.69]). Pharmacogenenetic variants of CYP2C9, 2C19 and VKORC1 were not observed to be associated with the composite endpoint. The results of this study may indicate that the time point for implementing individualized risk assessments is of importance.

2021 ◽  
Herbert Hufnagl ◽  
Andrej Čebular ◽  
Marcus Stemler

The paper presents an overview of the latest technology trends in pneumatic automatization at Festo, focusing on digitalization from a component to a system level. The Festo Motion Terminal (VTEM) is valve terminal, designed for digitalization. Unique valve unit design allows valve functions to be defined by a software and to be changed in a running system very quickly, even on the fly. Model based applications on a valve controller offer many advanced functionalities such as: pneumatic servo positioning, force and torque control of pneumatic drives and pressure or flow regulation in pneumatic systems. VTEM native connectivity with higher order controllers adds a possibility to seamlessly integrate it on all levels, from the field to the cloud. User control logic and/or AI algorithms in a combination with digitalized pneumatics allows new services, such as: auto-commissioning, predictive maintenance, increased energy efficiency, automatic leakage detection within pneumatic systems and many others.

2021 ◽  
Natalie Samanta Nowacki ◽  
Klaus-Christoph Ritter ◽  
Arndt Luder ◽  
Anna-Kristin Behnert

2021 ◽  
Oliver Keller ◽  
Paul Stawenow ◽  
Marco Kapetan

Im Design ist Empathie der Schlüssel zum Erfolg. Warum? Weil diese Denkweise sich als höchst effizient bei der Lösung von Problemen erwiesen hat. Empathie sorgt dafür, dass ein Produkt in erster Linie einen Wert für den Menschen hat. Nachhaltiger Wert für den Menschen ist der Garant für beständigen Erfolg. Innovative Unternehmen haben die Chance erkannt und haben ihre Entscheidungs- und Entwicklungsprozesse angepasst. Doch längst nicht alle Firmen haben diesen Wandel vollzogen oder können es tun. In unterschiedlichsten Branchen begleiten wir Unternehmen sowohl auf der Entscheiderebene als auch in den Entwicklungsabteilungen interdisziplinär. Dabei arbeiten wir mit unterschiedlichen Ansätzen und Prozessen, um Innovation möglich zu machen. In unserem Beitrag teilen wir unsere Erfahrungen zur gegenwärtigen Entwicklung in der Digitalisierung. Wir liefern wir spannende Insights zu Innovationen und zum Thema Nachhaltigkeit in mittelständigen Unternehmen bis zu den Global Playern

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 316-325
Agus Jayadi ◽  
Erwin Fakhruddin

The implementation of service provision and management of data and employee information has not been maximal. Employee information is only available if there is a request from internal and external parties. The research method used was a case study method for BKPSDM of West Sumbawa Regency, for the method of collecting data used were interviews, literature studies, and observations. The system development method was waterfall. After seeing the weaknesses of the running system, the application users are divided into four groups of users, they are SKPD operators, BKPSDM operators, employees and Super Admins. With the existence of e-Human Resources application, it is able to help and facilitate the tasks of General Administration and Employee Subdivision at SKPD in providing employee administration services to BKSDM or vice versa, including proposals for promotion, pension proposals, and proposals for moving work agencies (mutations) by online which is integrated so that the services are able to be effective and efficient.

Agus Tedyyana ◽  
Muhammad Fauzi ◽  
Fajar Ratnawati

Keamanan data merupakan hal paling utama yang harus dijaga oleh perusahaan guna mendapatkan kepercayaan lebih dari pelanggan. Web service merupakan salah satu teknologi yang rentan terhadap kebocoran data jika tidak dirancang dengan benar. PT. XYZ pada kasus ini telah memiliki web service yang sedang berjalan di sisi production. Namun dari segi keamanan masih ada celah yang harus diperbaiki. Dari hasil studi literatur yang dilakukan, peneliti melakukan rancang ulang dari web service dengan menggunakan REST API yang dibangun pada framework Lumen dengan pertimbangan dari kecepatan load data dan kemudahan deploy di shared hosting. Penelitian dilakukan dengan melakukan melakukan analisis terhadap sistem yang sedang berjalan kemudian dilakukan rancang ulang, implementasi ke sistem, dan pengujian API menggunakan Postman. Dari hasil penelitian didapatkan hasil bahwa Lumen mampu digunakan untuk membangun REST API sesuai dengan rancangan guideline dan mampu mengamankan data-data pelanggan dari akses pihak yang tidak berkepentingan dengan menerapkan token saat pengguna melakukan request ke REST API. Dengan rancang ulang REST API ini, membuat keamanan data pelanggan PT. XYZ lebih menjadi aman lagi, karena tidak bisa diakses secara sembarangan. Abstract Data security is the most important thing that must be maintained by companies to get more trust from customers. Web service is a technology that is prone to data leakage if it is not designed properly. PT. XYZ in this case already has a web service running on the production side. However, from a security point of view, there are still gaps that need to be fixed. From the results of the literature study conducted, researchers redesigned the web service using the REST API which was built on the Lumen framework with consideration of data load speed and ease of deployment on shared hosting. The research was conducted by analyzing the running system and then redesigning it, implementing it to the system, and testing the API using Postman. The results showed that Lumen can be used to build a REST API following the draft guidelines and can secure customer data from unauthorized access by applying a token when the user requests the REST API. With this REST API redesign, making customers data of PT. XYZ is even more secure because it cannot be accessed carelessly.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 134
Yudi Yudi ◽  
Usman Gultom ◽  
Rachmawaty Haroen

Auto 2000 Ciledug is a company that sells various types of Toyota cars that are already competing in the global market. Through dialogue with those who use Toyota products, the company continues to acquire new knowledge and incorporate it into product development by contributing through product and service innovation, optimizing various work procedures at Car Dealers. With this information system, it is hoped that it will simplify and speed up the car sales process at Auto 2000 Ciledug. Such as, can access online applications, can place car orders, can simplify data management to produce reports. In the current Auto 2000 Ciledug running system, there are problems such as the application used cannot be ordered online. From the entire system that the author has created, it can be concluded that, with this information system, it is expected to simplify and accelerate the car sales process at Auto 2000 Ciledug, such as data management to report creation. This system is still not perfect, because there are still several processes that must be added, such as the process if the car is damaged / lost and the accounting process (financial calculations).

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