scholarly journals Implementing the Policy to Serve Citizens (BMW) in Tulang Bawang Regency: Public Service Innovation Study

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 112-120
Winarti ◽  
Murtir Jeddawi ◽  
Sampara Lukman ◽  
Agus Fatoni

This study examines the implementation of the "Move to Serve Citizens" (BMW) policy in assessing innovation in public services in Tulang Bawang Regency, Lampung Province. Government leadership in implementing the "Move to Serve Citizens" (BMW) policy was initiated in the RANPERDA RPJMD Tulang Bawang 2017-2024 which is also an arrangement to realize its vision-mission of regional heads to improve community welfare and optimal public services in Tulang Bawang district. Research on the implementation of mobile policies to serve residents in Tulang Bawang Regency (the study of public service innovation uses a mixed-method research type or is often referred to as a mixed method, a research approach that combines associates qualitative and quantitative forms with inductive-deductive thought processes. BMW policy has a significant effect on public services. The research findings revealed that the BMW policy variable, each indicator of this variable, is considered to determine the success of the policy objectives. It has been determined that it has been optimally used to implement the BMW policy by Tulang Bawang Regency successfully.

Winarti ◽  
Murtir Jeddawi ◽  
Sampara Lukman ◽  
Agus Fatoni

The quality of public services is the main parameter in the success of an autonomous region in implementing decentralization. Leadership is a very important dimension in the quality of public services. With the innovation of the leader or regional head, it can improve the quality of public services in the area. Thus the purpose of this study is to examine the influence of government leadership in public service policy innovation in Tulang Bawang Lampung Regency which can improve service quality. This research uses a mixed method or often referred to as a mixed method with a sequential explanatory method. The results showed that government leadership had a strong influence on public services. From the research findings, it is revealed that almost all dimensions of government leadership variables have a dominant influence due to the large role of the leader for employees where a leader can influence and influence the behavior of employees or subordinates so that if there is public service innovation from the regional head it can have an influence service quality.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-9

This article discusses the capacity and innovation of Village Govern-ment population services in several villages in Serang District, Indo-nesia.The research approach used qualitative descriptive with inter-view data collection techniques, observation and documentation with the informant determination technique through purposive sampling.The results of the research findings indicate thatcapacity and service innovation are the most energetic parts of the implementation of vil-lage governance.In this case, it is important to encourage the perfor-mance of village government, especially in increasing the capacity and governance of public service innovation in several villages in Se-rang District.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 68-74
Isro' Lailia

Fast and effective public services are a supporter of public administration so that continuous innovation is needed to improve the quality of public services. The city of Surabaya as one of the cities with the title of smart city has tried to always make innovations in an effort to improve the quality of public services, one of which is through the Surabaya Single Window. Surabaya Single Window is an online-based licensing service created to create effective public services. This article attempts to describe how the licensing service innovation carried out by the City Government of Suraya through the Surabaya Single Window covers five important aspects. The method used is descriptive qualitative using secondary data. It was found that the City of Surabaya succeeded in creating public service innovations through the Surabaya Single Window. The Surabaya Single Window has a positive impact on licensing services in the City of Surabaya, although in its implementation there are still certain guarantees. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 268
Windi Dwi Saputra ◽  
Yenni Kurniawati

ABSTRACTThe development of technology that is termed ad Industrial Revolution 4.0 is an era of innovation developed rapidly that can help the creation of new technology. The research findings developed an Android based instructional media that was named as WINLAB (Wawasan didalam Pembelajaran Laboratorium), it consisted of the introduction of laboratory equipment, and it was expected to ease students in the learning process. It was Mixed Method Research. The research findings showed that this instructional media had the appropriateness with 85% percentage and very valid criterion by the validators of media experts, 96.92% percentage and very valid criterion by the validator of material experts, practicality test by Chemistry subject teachers showed 92% percentage with very practical criterion, the response test of the tenth-grade student of MIA 1 at State Sport Senior High School Riau Province stated that Android based instructional media was very good with 90% percentage. However, this research still consisted of some shortcomings, so it was expected in the future that the effectiveness test would be done to know the effectiveness of the media.  Keywords: WINLAB, android, chemistry instructional media  ABSTRAK Perkembangan teknologi yang diistilahkan dengan revolusi industri 4.0 merupakan era inovasi yang berkembang sangat pesat sehingga mampu membantu terciptanya teknologi baru. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mendesain dan uji coba media pembelajaran berbasis android pada materi praktikum pengenalan alat laboratorium kimia yang digunakan sebagai sumber belajar yang mudah di akses bagi peserta didik SMA. Hasil penelitian menghasilkan sebuah media pembelajaran berbasis android yang diberi nama “WINLAB” (Wawasan didalam Pembelajaran Laboratorium) yang berisikan tentang pengenalan alat-alat laboratorium yang diharapkan dapat memudahkan peserta didik dalam proses pembelajaran. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian Mixed Method. Research. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa media pembelajaran ini memiliki kelayakan oleh validator ahli media dengan persentase 85% dengan kriteria sangat valid, validator ahli materi dengan persentase 96.92% dengan kriteria sangat valid, uji praktikalitas oleh guru kimia dengan persentase 92% dengan kriteria sangat praktis, dan uji respon peserta didik kelas X MIA 1 SMAN Olahraga Provinsi Riau menyatakan bahwa media pembelajaran berbasis android sangat bagus dengan persentase 90%. Namun, penelitian ini masih memiliki beberapa kekurangan sehingga diharapkan kedepannya dilakukan uji efektifitas untuk mengetahui keefektifan media. Kata kunci: WINLAB, android, media pembelajaran kimia

2009 ◽  
pp. 1608-1627
Gilberto Munoz-Cornejo ◽  
Carolyn B. Seaman ◽  
A. Günes Koru

Open source software (OSS) has gained considerable attention recently in healthcare. Yet, how and why OSS is being adopted within hospitals in particular remains a poorly understood issue. This research attempts to further this understanding. A mixed-method research approach was used to explore the extent of OSS adoption in hospitals as well as the factors facilitating and inhibiting adoption. The findings suggest a very limited adoption of OSS in hospitals. Hospitals tend to adopt general-purpose instead of domain-specific OSS. We found that software vendors are the critical factor facilitating the adoption of OSS in hospitals. Conversely, lack of in-house development as well as a perceived lack of security, quality, and accountability of OSS products were factors inhibiting adoption. An empirical model is presented to illustrate the factors facilitating and inhibiting the adoption of OSS in hospitals.

2017 ◽  
pp. 49-68 ◽  
Indra Mani Rai ◽  
Bal Chandra Luitel ◽  
Suresh Gautam ◽  
Binod Prasad Pant ◽  
Santosh Gautam

Squatters are the illegal tenants residing in public lands as immigrants due to livelihood collapse in their origins. They have been denied of public resources and urban facilities because of their identity crisis leading to a vicious circle of poverty with impoverished livelihood creating multifaceted adversities of learning for their children. In this context, this paper, based on a cyclical mixed method research design under transformative research approach, has explored the learning adversities faced by the squatter children of Kathmandu Metropolitan city, their protective and promotive strategies to cope with adversities and life-skills as learning outcomes. Squatter children are struggling against the backdrop of exposure to unhygienic settlements with low health conditions, poverty with impoverished livelihood, and illiteracy of parents, poor homely environment, and dysfunctional families. Despite such adversities, they were able to continue school education with the support of their teachers, peers, parents and families. The research study finds stronger family and community assets of the students. These assets are helpful for building educational resilience of the squatter children.

2017 ◽  
Vol 61 (4) ◽  
pp. 571-586 ◽  
Catherina J Schenck ◽  
Phillip F Blaauw ◽  
Jacoba MM Viljoen ◽  
Elizabeth C Swart

Food security (or the lack of it) has a direct impact on people’s well-being and is of great concern to many disciplines. The study on which the article is based used Drèze and Sen’s ‘nutritional capability’ concept as a theoretical framework to explain the food (in)security of landfill waste pickers. A cross-sectional research approach was followed, coupled with a triangulation mixed method research design. Viewing the waste pickers against the nutritional capability framework highlighted the important role that social work should play in focusing on people’s capabilities within their particular context.

2017 ◽  
Vol 28 (1) ◽  
pp. 20-32
Mélanie L. Saari ◽  
Eileen Wood ◽  
Katherine Wood

Work and negotiation experiences were examined among early adolescents (12–15 years) through a survey (N = 157) and follow-up interview (N = 89) conducted in two Canadian cities. Key findings, based on a mixed-method research approach, were (a) gifts were the primary income source; (b) females completed more chores than males, and younger adolescents received payment for chores more than older adolescents; (c) discussion of negotiation rarely occurred between participants and parents or peers; (d) neither age nor gender impacted absence of negotiation; (e) those who had negotiated for more money reported satisfaction; (f) gender differences in negotiation strategies were present; and (g) age differences in beliefs about negotiator qualities were found. Consistencies and changes from extant literature were discussed.

2020 ◽  
Vol 39 (3) ◽  
pp. 720-732
Siti Irene Astuti Dwiningrum ◽  
Khirjan Nahdi ◽  
Aswasulasikin Aswasulasikin ◽  
Dyah Respati Suryo Sumunar ◽  
Rukiyati Rukiyati ◽  

Resilience is needed by students who live in disaster-prone areas. With strong resilience, students can implement disaster mitigation. This study aims to describe the profile of students' resilience and the strategies carried out by students in strengthening personal resilience. The mixed method research approach was conducted on a research population of SMA/SMK in Lombok Regency, specifically North Lombok, East Lombok, and West Lombok. The respondents were 779 people from 10 schools in disaster-prone areas determined by the Slovin formula. Student resilience profiles were explored according to Reivich and Shatte. Data on how teachers increase students’ resilience were obtained from a focus group discussion (FGD) with 20 teachers from 10 schools. The results of the research prove that the personal resilience profile of students in Lombok from the seven aspects is still not optimal, which is not enough to form resilience personalities (less than 60%). This study affirms that personal resilience is essential in building school resilience to provide a massive contribution to education and disaster mitigation. Regarding recommendations for schools to increase student resilience, it can be done by increasing resilience resources, strengthening social support, having resilient teachers, building resilient school, all aspects of which must work systemically and synergistically.

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