improve service quality
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2022 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
pp. 241-249
Gustavo Adolfo Gastelbondo Mercado ◽  
Jorge Wilson Gonzalez Sanchez

2022 ◽  
Vol 131 ◽  
pp. 02009
Dana Grossu-Leibovica ◽  
Henrijs Kalkis

The aim of the given research is to analyse total quality management tools for improving service quality and client satisfaction in healthcare settings through a systematic qualitative review. Data was collected through the web of sciences (WOS), Scopus, EBSCO, PubMed, and Medline. Initially, we found 573 articles from all the sources, but after eliminating the non-relevant articles, only 24 usable articles were finalized. Furthermore, 12 articles were purely related to TQM, service quality, and client satisfaction. This study concludes that TQM practices and tools improve service quality and client satisfaction in healthcare organizations. This study provides excellent managerial and practical insights. Managers should implement the TQM tools to improve service quality and client satisfaction. This way, customer satisfaction is enhanced, and patient satisfaction is improved, leading to high operational and overall performance. This study also reveals a need for further studies to clarify the role of TQM tools on service quality and patient satisfaction.

2021 ◽  
Vol 24 (6) ◽  
pp. 673-684
Yun-Jin Kim ◽  
Seon-Ok Kim ◽  
Sin-Ae Park

Background and objective: This study seeks to investigate domestic agro-healing farm resources so that preliminary data can be obtained on the systematic provisions for agro-healing programs in order to improve service quality and to identify the quality of agro-healing policy services.Methods: For this study, owners of agro-healing facilities were asked 24 questions via an online survey. An importance–performance analysis (IPA) was conducted to identify service quality for each policy sector.Results: Respondents’ satisfaction levels were low when compared to agro-healing farm owners’ perceptions of the above-average importance of each sector. The results from the resource analysis of domestic agro-healing farms indicated that the main operational purposes of farms were, in descending order, experience (90.0%), healing (86.7%), and education (84.0%). With respect to the type of program that was operated, cultivating crops (horticultural therapy) was identified most frequently at 83.3%.Conclusion: As a result of this study, the resources possessed by agro-healing farms were identified. In addition, the results of the IPA analysis in terms of service quality are not as good as expected, and performance levels should be increased to improve this. The results of this study are expected to provide useful information not only to improve the quality of agro-healing services, but also to revitalize the agro-healing industry while developing a systematic agro-healing program.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
pp. 290
Ganis Lasia Dewi Ramadhan

The Influence of Service Quality and Brand Image on Herbalife Purchase Decisions at Special Club Samarinda, this study aims to analyze the effect of Service Quality (X1) and Brand Image (X2) on Herbalife Purchase Decisions (Y) at the Special Club Samarinda. Data collection techniques are carried out by observation, interviews, and questionnaires, analysis tools use validity, reliability tests and classical assumption test, multiple linear regression analysis, and hypothesis testing. The results of this study concluded that the variable Service Quality (X1) and Brand Image (X2) simultaneously had a positive effect on Herbalife Purchasing Decisions at the Samarinda Special Club (Y). The results of this study also show that the brand image variable (X2) partially has a significant effect on Herbalife Purchasing Decisions at the Samarinda Special Club (Y), while the Service Quality variable (X1) partially has no significant effect on Herbalife Purchasing Decisions at Special Club Samarinda (X2). The brand image variable (X2) is the variable with the strongest influence on Herbalife Purchasing Decisions at the Samarinda Special Club. The suggestions given should Herbalife improve service quality and maintain the brand image of its products so that they can always be well accepted by the community.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (6) ◽  
pp. 1961-1969
Donny Ivan Samuel Simatupang ◽  
Helena Tatcher Pakpahan ◽  
Desyanti Chrismash

This study aims to describe the level of visitor satisfaction in Eden 100 Agrotourism based on visitor perceptions, analyze the service performance of Eden 100 Agrotourism Center to influence service quality at Eden 100 Agrotourism Park, and how to improve service quality in Eden 100 Agrotourism Area. purposive, namely in Eden 100 Agrotourism which is located in Lumbanjulu Village, Lumbanrang District, Toba Samosir Regency, North Sumatra Province. This sampling method uses purposive sampling, the sampling technique is not based on random, regional or start, but based on considerations that focus on certain goals. The data analysis method used is a descriptive method and Importance Performance Analysis. The results of the study where the calculations were carried out using the help of SPSS version 15. The results of this study were: 1) The level of suitability of visitors was 73.05%-114.15%, the average level of conformity obtained was 96.53%. The average value of conformity is 17.62% lower than the level of visitor satisfaction which should be 114.15%. In this case, it can be concluded that the level of service performance of Taman Eden Agrotourism 100 is lower than the level of interest or expectations of visitors. 2) Based on the measurement results using Importance Performance Analysis, it can be seen in the Cartesian diagram that the location of items that affect visitor satisfaction with service quality at Taman Eden Agrotourism 100 is divided into four quadrants. 3). Based on the results of the Cartesian diagram, it is known that the service quality dimension attributes that need special attention are in quadrant A (priority) in the context of agro-tourism efforts in improving service quality, including a. the ability of employees to guide visitors which is included in the reliability variable, b. employees are willing to provide fast service which is included in the responsiveness variable, c. the patience of employees in providing services that are included in the guarantee variable, d. employees do not discriminate in serving visitors which are included in the guarantee variable.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 203-216
Inri Takain ◽  
Katmini Katmini

Background SIMRS is a communication information technology system that processes and integrates the entire flow of hospital service processes in forms of coordination network, reporting and administrative procedures to obtain precise and accurate information and is part of the Health Information System. The purpose of this study was to identify how to implement computer-based administrative information systems to improve service quality performance in hospitals. The method applied in this study was a literature study to examine journal articles regarding the Implementation of Computer-Based Administrative Information Systems to Improve Service Quality Performance in Hospitals, data collection used was secondary data. The results of 20 literature journal articles study showed that the implementation of SIMRS has not run efficiently or has problems. This is because the SIMRS implemented by the hospital was considered less attention by related parties and they have not properly prepared all related to SIMRS (i.e. many officers do not understand because there are no support, supervision and evaluation from the management and technology that has not been running maximally). Conclusion, based on the Literature Review on the Implementation of Computer-Based Administrative Information Systems to Improve Service Quality Performance in Hospitals were found there were obstacles in implementing computer-based information systems, including lack of personnel, less skilled, less disciplined and less responsible personnel, facilities and infrastructure constraints (less stable Wi-Fi network and crashed system) and obstacles from the management (no training and proper SOP). To deal with these problems, IT knowledge training to the employees, improving the system and applying proper SOP should be applied so that information systems can be implemented and used in order to help simplify the work and improve service quality in hospitals in the future.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 42-60
Sara Exaudia ◽  
Wahyuni Wahyuni ◽  
Akur Nurasa

Economic growth in line with service modernization requires the Ministry of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning/National Land Agency (ATR/BPN) complete assigned efficiently, accurately, and effectively. To improve service quality, digital and integrated transformation are required. This has been accomplished by using electronically integrated Mortgage Rights (HT-el) services. Batam City Land Office has been operating HT-el services as one of the pilot projects since September 2019. Therefore, this study discusses how HT-el was implemented at Batam City Land Office. This study aimed to determine the suitability of Batam City Land Office's implementation of HT-el services with ATR/BPN Ministry Regulation Number 5 of 2020, the implementation’s obstacles, and the solutions. This study used qualitative method with descriptive approach. The findings indicated that the implementation of HT-el in Batam City Land Office has been completed in accordance with the HT-el service stages of preparation, implementation, and evaluation, such that the implementation of HT-el in Batam City Land Office complies with ATR/BPN Ministry Regulation Number 5 of 2020. Constraints encountered and resolve efforts are: (1) disruption of the HT-el system; (2) omission of debtors with different guarantors; (3) errors in HT ranking data; and (4) the file was canceled due to non-compliance.

Meri Andriani ◽  
Heri Irawan ◽  
Nanda Rizqa Asyura

The tight competition in the service industry, especially hospitality, has caused hoteliers to strive to improve service quality. Improving the quality of service is carried out in various ways, one of which is increasing the occupancy rate of hotel rooms. This is different from Hotel X. Hotel X is an old hotel located in Langsa which has experienced a decrease in room occupancy from time to time. The decrease was caused by the service from hotel X that was still not satisfactory to customers. The purpose of this study is to identify customer dissatisfaction with the quality of hotel services and provide design proposals to improve service quality. The method used in this study is the Kano model, which is the model used to identify customer satisfaction, through questionnaires given to customers, statistical tests are used to conduct adequacy tests and data uniformity tests for questionnaire data obtained. Excel and SPSS software are used in statistical tests, Minitab 16 software is used in making coefficient diagrams of customer satisfaction levels. Results and Discussion obtained 21 attributes in the must be a category, 8 attributes in the one-dimensional category, 2 in the attractive category, and 2 in the indifferent category, the attributes which are categorized as one dimensional, attractive, and must be are attributes that are prioritized to improve service quality. In conclusion, 31 attributes are included in customer dissatisfaction with hotel X, one of which is the physical condition of the building with a dissatisfaction value of -3,080. There are 18 attributes as proposed designs in improving service quality, five of which are adding and completing service-related equipment, infrastructure improvement, improvement and development of standard operating procedures (SOP), periodic maintenance and replacement of service support equipment, procurement of housekeeping equipment, cleaning of facilities. and infrastructure, installation of signs, warnings, and information.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
Wismayanti Wismayanti ◽  
Purnamaningsih Purnamaningsih

Advances in communication and information technology bring many changes to the general habits of society. Communication and information technology is now inseparable from people's lives in this era. With digitalization, people can disseminate and obtain information widely without requiring a long time. The benefits of this easy, cheap, and fast technology have in common with the concept of excellent public service which is the hope of the community. In public services, people want services that are easily accessible, do not incur a lot of costs, and also do not require a long time to receive public services. To provide excellent service in this era of rapid technological progress and the government can optimize the use of information and communication technology in governance, which is known as E-government. Through the development of public service innovations based on E-government, it is expected to be able to provide services that are in accordance with the principles of good governance, so as to improve service quality and community satisfaction. Dinas Penanaman Modal dan Pelayanan Terpadu Satu Pintu (DPMPTSP) of Badung Regency builds public service innovations called Layanan Perizinan Online (LAPERON). This study uses qualitative research methods through secondary data collection. The development of public services in the LAPERON application can be seen from the availability of LAPERON on the website and also the Mobile Application with various features that make it easier for the public to apply for licensing services.

Okkita Rizan ◽  
Chandra Kirana ◽  
Hamidah ◽  
Hengki ◽  
Harrizkie Arie Pradana ◽  

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