scholarly journals Reproductive effort as an element of life strategy of Lythrum salicaria L. populations

2012 ◽  
Vol 60 (2) ◽  
pp. 105-110
Bożenna Czarnecka ◽  
Magdalena Franczak ◽  
Katarzyna Nowak

The aim of the study was to compare some life strategy traits of individuals of Purple Loosestrife <i>Lythrum salicaria</i> within three meadow populations existing under various habitat conditions. The study attempted to answer the following questions: Do different habitat conditions affect the biomass allocation between particular organs of individuals? Can the individuals belonging to different populations of the same species realise their own unique reproductive strategy, in other words, can their reproductive effort represent various levels? In the case of <i>L. salicaria</i> the reproductive effort, measured by the participation of infl orescence biomass in the biomass of aboveground parts of genets, exhibits similar values (14.2-15.1%) in all the study populations, despite their habitat conditions. This fact proves that at the population level, the reproductive effort is relatively stable. Great differences are visible in the case of particular individuals within each of the populations. Specific genets in a population, depending on the habitat microstructure and the biotic relations with other individuals both of their own and other species, may realise their own reproductive strategies, being a part of their life strategies.

2014 ◽  
Vol 58 (3) ◽  
pp. 423-437 ◽  
Cezary Werpachowski

Reproductive effort and strategies of <em>Caltha palustris </em>were compared for four phytocoeno­ses located in the southern Biebrza basin: sedge reedswamp (<em>Caricetum gracilis</em>), sedge-moss community (<em>Caricetum limoso-diandrae</em>), willow-birch brushwood (<em>Salix cinerea-Betula pubescens</em>), and alder-bog forest (<em>Carici elongatae-Alnetum</em>), The individuals of analysed populations were found to differ with respect to their biomass allocation to generative and vegetative reproduction. Three types of reproductive strategies were distinguished: generative (G), vegetative (V) and intermediate (G/V). The individuals growing in the alder-bog forest had the highest reproductive effort (V strategy), while those from sedge reedswamp - the lowest (G strategy).

1995 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 129-149
Wolfgang Frey ◽  
Harald Kürschner ◽  
Ulrike H. Seifert

Life strategies of epiphytic bryophytes are studied along an altitudinal gradient from the eastern Congo basin (tropical lowland zone) to the mountains of the East-African graben (tropical subalpine/alpine Zone; BRYOTROP III-transect). Three strategies, Colonists, Perennial shuttle species and Perennial stayers can be observed, which are further subdivided according to their reproduction tactic (high sexual reproductive effort, high asexual reproductive effort, moderately or low sexual and asexual reproductive effort). Of these, only taxa with a long life span (perennials) are of importance, indicating the unchanging and constant ecological conditions and long-lasting microsites, provided by the epiphytic habitats. The basis for the life strategy pattern analysis along the altitudinal gradient were plant sociological investigations and the determination of the mean percentage cover values for the different life strategy categories. By this, the distribution and occurrence of the different strategies within the communities and the altitudinal zones can be shown.  Typical for the epiphytes of the primary rain-forests of the tropical lowland and lower montane zone are Perennial shuttle species and Perennial stayers with moderately or low sexual and asexual reproductive effort. This strategy obviously is favoured by the well balanced, high temperature and humidity regime of these zones and typical of most of the liverworts, dominating the epiphytic communities. They are replaced in the montane rain-forests and cloudy moss forests of the upper tropical montane zone by Perennial shuttle species with high asexual reproductive effort, regenerating mainly by propagules and clonal growth. Within the secondary woodlands of this zone and the unique ericaceous woodlands and subpáramo of the African volcanos, Perennial shuttle species and Perennial stayers with high sexual reproductive effort reach a maximum, building regularly sporophytes under the already xeric and strong diurnal climatic conditions of the subalpine/alpine zone. This reproduction strategy is typical of epiphytic communities of xerophytic woodlands. The frequent change within the life strategy spectra of the different altitudinal zones indicates, that life strategies can be seen as a set of co-evolved adaptive traits, which grow and evolve within different taxa under similar ecological conditions.

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 93-100
T Ljubka ◽  
O Tsarenko ◽  
I Tymchenko

The investigation of macro- and micromorphological peculiarities of seeds of four species of genus Epipactis (Orchidaceae) of Ukrainian flora were carried out. The genus Epipactis is difficult in the in in taxonomic terms and for its representatives are characterized by polymorphism of morphological features of vegetative and generative organs of plants and ability of species to hybridize. The aim of the research was to perform a comparative morphological study of seeds of E. helleborine, E. albensis, E. palustris, E. purpurata and to determine carpological features that could more accurately identify species at the stage of fruiting. A high degree of variation in the shape of the seeds in different populations within the species and overlap of most quantitative carpological characteristics of studied species are noted. There were no significant differences in micromorphological features of the structure of the testa at species or population level. The reticulate surface of the testa is characteristic of all species, the cells of testa are mostly elongated, penta-hexagonal, individual cells almost isodiametric-pentagonal. From the micropillary to the chalasal end, a noticeable change in the shape and size of the seed coat cells is not observed. There are no intercellular spaces, the anticlinal walls of adjacent cells are intergrown and the boundaries between them become invisible. The outer periclinal walls have a single, mainly longitudinal thin ribbed thickenings. Anticlinal cell walls are thick, dense, smooth. The longitudinal Anticlinal walls are almost straight, transverse - straight or sometimes curved in some cells. Epicuticular deposits on the periclinal walls are absent. It is concluded that the use of macro and micromorphological characteristics of seeds of these species for clearer diagnosis at the stage of fruiting is low informative.

2013 ◽  
Vol 82 (4) ◽  
pp. 283-288 ◽  
Xian-kuan Li ◽  
Bing Wang ◽  
Rong-chun Han ◽  
Yan-chao Zheng ◽  
Hai-bo Yin Yin ◽  

To test whether the internal transcribed spacer 2 (ITS2) region is an effective marker for using in authenticating of the <em>Schisandra chinensis</em> at the species and population levels, separately. And the results showed that the wild populations had higher percentage of individuals that had substitution of C→A at site 86-bp than the cultivated populations. At sites 10-bp, 37-bp, 42-bp and 235-bp, these bases of the <em>Schisandra sphenanthera</em> samples differed from that of <em>S. chinensis</em>. Two species showed higher levels of inter-specific divergence than intra-specific divergence within ITS2 sequences. However, 24 populations did not demonstrate much difference as inter-specific and intra-specific divergences were concerned. Both <em>S. chinensis</em> and <em>S. sphenanthera</em> showed monophyly at species level, yet the samples of different populations shown polyphyly at population level. ITS2 performed well when using BLAST1 method. ITS2 obtained 100% identification success rates at the species level for <em>S. chinensis</em>, with no ambiguous identification at the genus level for ITS2 alone. The ITS2 region could be used to identify <em>S. chinensis</em> and <em>S. sphenanthera</em> in the “Chinese Pharmacopoeia”. And it could also correctly distinguish 100% of species and 100% of genera from the 193 sequences of <em>S. chinensis</em>. Hence, the ITS2 is a powerful and efficient tool for species identification of <em>S. chinensis</em>.

2021 ◽  
Vol 38 ◽  
pp. 00113
Marya Shakleina ◽  
Natalya Savinykh

The article generalizes the data on life strategy of plants in meander bars by the example of the species Limosella aquatica L., Silene tatarica (L.) Pers. and Petasites spurius (Retz.) Rchb., taking into account their life span and centres of environmental impact of a specimen, as well as peculiar features of sustaining a coenopopulation. The annual monocarpic L. aquatica combines its typical ruderal strategy of leaving numerous posterity with vegetative accrescence and iterative branching. The taproot perennial S. tatarica shows a competitor-ruderal strategy: plants entrench themselves and repeatedly territory development the help of root systems, still the coenopopulation (CP) is sustained by means of seed propagation and, possibly, as a kind of support, in a vegetative way, using a bank of dormant buds. Ruderal-competitor strategy of P. spurius is supported by vegetative propagation, development, and entrenchment on the territory by means of clones constantly and regularly renewed. So life of plants belonging to different biomorphs in conditions of meander bars is provided by a full or partial shift to ruderal life strategy.

2013 ◽  
Vol 53 (1) ◽  
pp. 65-74
Anna K. Sawilska ◽  
Józef Misiewicz

Parietaria pensvlvanica Mühlenb ex. Willd is a species native to North America, whose occurrence in Poland was first reported in Bydgoszcz in 1991. Its biology and ecology has been researched since 1996. The present paper discusses measurements and phenological observations carried out on four selected populations during the vegetation season in 1997. The aim of the research was to determine potentialities of the migration of P. pensylvanica from park habitats to segetal communities, on the basis of a defined life strategy of the examined populations. The analysis focused on the dynamics of density and biomass as well as on the weight of 1000 nucules, against the habitat conditions. The findings demonstrated that the investigated species was characterised by a set of life strategy properties referred to as C-S-R or S-R, and was subject to the "r"-type selection. P. pensylvanica has become an integral part of the Bydgoszcz flora and is likely to expand into segetal communities of agricultural and vegetable crops.

Weed Science ◽  
1999 ◽  
Vol 47 (3) ◽  
pp. 360-365 ◽  
Elizabeth J. Stamm Katovich ◽  
Roger L. Becker ◽  
David W. Ragsdale

Starch levels, used as a measure of plant stress, were not consistently reduced in root or crown tissue of purple loosestrife plants after 2 yr of severeGalerucella calmariensisorGalerucella pusilla(Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) defoliation. Early in the season, defoliation fromGalerucellaspp. approached 100%, but the majority ofLythrum salicariaplants regrew by the end of August, resulting in an average reduction of 81% of the aboveground biomass compared to the control. The stress imposed byGalerucellaspp. defoliation was less than that achieved from more severe stress imposed by mechanical shoot clipping at 2- or 4-wk intervals from June to October. Both shoot-clipping treatments killed the majority of plants after one growing season.Galerucellaspp. feeding reduced plant stature, which may reduce competitiveness. However, considering the extensive carbohydrate reserves present in the large woody crowns ofLythrum salicaria, it will require in excess of 2 yr of consistent, severe leaf defoliation to cause plant mortality. A combination of stresses, such as winter crown injury, or other biological control agents in addition toGalerucellaleaf defoliation may be required for plant mortality.

Weed Science ◽  
1996 ◽  
Vol 44 (1) ◽  
pp. 143-147 ◽  
Elizabeth J. Stamm Katovich ◽  
Roger L. Becker ◽  
Brad D. Kinkaid

Greenhouse studies were conducted to determine the influence of plant density and spray volume on the retention, spray deposition, efficacy, and translocation of the amine salt of triclopyr in purple loosestrife. More spray solution was retained on leaves at 935 Lha−1than at 94 Lha−1at populations of 0, 4, or 8 nontarget neighbors. Spray coverage decreased with decreasing height within the plant canopy when spray cards were placed in the top, middle, and soil surface adjacent to the central target plant. Within a population, spray card coverage generally increased as spray volume increased. Regrowth from the crown was affected by spray volume, and uniform spray coverage of the plant was required for adequate control of vegetative regrowth and was achieved with spray volumes of 374 and 935 L ha−1spray volume. Regrowth of purple loosestrife was greater at 94 Lha−1at all three plant populations indicating that less herbicide penetrated the canopy to reach the basal portion of the plant. A laboratory experiment was conducted to investigate the translocation of radiolabelled triclopyr to roots and crowns of purple loosestrife. Only 0.3 to 1.4% of absorbed14C-labelled material was translocated to roots and crowns. Low spray volumes and dense stands of purple loosestrife would likely result in poor control because inadequate amounts of triclopyr reach the basal portion of the plant and translocate to vegetative propagules.

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