A Review of Aquaculture Practices and Their Impacts on Chemical Food Safety from a Regulatory Perspective

2015 ◽  
Vol 98 (3) ◽  
pp. 541-549 ◽  
Joe O Boison ◽  
Sherri B Turnipseed

Abstract Aquaculture is currently one of the most rapidly growing food production industries in the world. The increasing global importance for this industry stems primarily from the fact that it is reducing the gap between the supply and demand for fish products. Commercial aquaculture contributes significantly to the economies of many countries since high-value fish species are a major source of foreign exchange. This review looks at the aquaculture industry, the issues raised by the production of fish through aquaculture for food security, the sustainability of the practice to agriculture, what the future holds for the industry in the next 10-20 years, and why there is a need to have available analytical procedures to regulate the safe use of chemicals and veterinary drugs in aquaculture.

foresight ◽  
1999 ◽  
Vol 1 (5) ◽  
pp. 399-412 ◽  
Per Pinstrup‐Andersen ◽  
Marc J. Cohen

Although global food production has consistently kept pace with population growth, the gap between food production and demand in certain parts of the world is likely to remain. More than 800 million people in developing countries lack access to a minimally adequate diet. Continued productivity gains are essential on the supply side, because global population will increase by 73 million people a year over the next two decades. In this article we assess the current global food situation, look at the prospects through to the year 2020, and outline the policies needed to achieve food security for all. Emphasis is on the role that agricultural biotechnology might play in reaching this goal.

2018 ◽  
Vol 19 ◽  
pp. 120-130
Nurul Suhada Ismail

The explosion of technology allows more manufacture food and variety in the market. However, the massive quantity of food is not essential measure of economic progress because the quality of food is more important when producing food. In realizing food quality along with food quantities, various legal issues related to food security have been arisen. Thus, this paper will be examine the legal issues related to food security from the Islamic perspective worldview. Using a study of documents released by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and content analysis, there are several legislative issues that have been found regarding food security. Such issues include aspects of food production, exploitation of natural resources, trade, and rights to the food. The apparent impact of these issues has undermined food security and food access, thus prompting food security in various parts of the world. Through an analysis of Islamic worldview, this paper presents the preservation of habluminallah and habluminannas relationships as a basis for addressing the issues discussed. Ledakan teknologi membolehkan bahan makanan dihasilkan dengan lebih banyak dan pelbagai di pasaran. Namun demikian, kuantiti makanan yang banyak bukan ukuran kemajuan ekonomi yang hakiki kerana kualiti makanan lebih utama untuk diambil kira dalam menghasilkan makanan. Dalam merealisasikan kualiti seiring dengan kuantiti makanan, pelbagai isu perundangan berkaitan sekuriti makanan telah timbul. Menyedari perkara berkenaan, makalah ini akan meneliti isu perundangan yang berkaitan sekuriti makanan daripada perspektif tasawur Islam. Dengan menggunakan kajian ke atas dokumen yang dikeluarkan oleh Organisasi Makanan dan Pertanian (Food and Agriculture Organization) (FAO) dan analisis kandungan, terdapat beberapa isu perundangan berkaitan sekuriti makanan yang ditemui. Isu tersebut merangkumi aspek pengeluaran makanan, eksploitasi sumber alam, perdagangan, serta hak terhadap makanan. Kesan ketara isu-isu tersebut telah menjejaskan jaminan keselamatan makanan dan akses makanan sekali gus menggugah sekuriti makanan di pelbagai bahagian dunia. Melalui analisis daripada tasawur Islam, makalah ini mengemukakan pemeliharaan hubungan habluminallah dan habluminannas sebagai asas mengatasi isu-isu yang dibincangkan.

2009 ◽  
Vol 2009 ◽  
pp. 238-238
M Raymond

Food security is a global issue. General acceptance of the UN prediction that the world must increase food production by at least 50% in the next 20 years, and at least 100% in the next 40. Climate change and water availability will make this extremely challenging.

Natan Mikhailovich Rutkin ◽  
Oleg Yurievich Lagutkin ◽  
Lina Yurievna Lagutkina

The outlook of the development of world urban agrotechnologies ("city-farming") by means of key innovation technological and market trends analysis has been researched. It is noted that the tendencies to reduction of the area of productive lands, exhausting ecosystem resources, including World ocean resources, harmful consequences of the climate changing are the main limiting factors of the development of traditional agriculture and supplying food products to the growing population of the world. The remote territories of mass food production from the mass markets result in a large amount of waste products (food losses) in supply chains, along with decreasing product quality and raising costs. Growth of the world population, increasing concentration of urban citizens along with changing of consumers’ food preferences towards "health", "natural", "organic" food bring up the development of an additional, or alternate, system of uninterrupted supply or self-provision of cities with food products, ensuring future food security. The article highlights the prospect of developing the international branch of agriculture in terms of its transition to the high-tech stage of development ("AgTech"), and reviews the innovation technologies inseparable from that transition. It has been found that the development of the urban agrotechnologies (city-farming), as a combination of innovative high-performance agro-practices of the food production in urban environment, can step up the level of food security due to increasing food availability in qualitative and quantitative aspects. The review of main city-farming technologies in accordance with directions of its practical applications was done for the first time. The conception "urban agrotechnologies" ("city-farming") has been defined as the scientific term.

2019 ◽  
Vol 15 (5) ◽  
pp. 422-429 ◽  
Rahaf M. Ajaj ◽  
Suzan M. Shahin ◽  
Mohammed A. Salem

Climate change and global warming became a real concern for global food security. The world population explosion is a critical factor that results in enormous emissions of greenhouse gasses (GHGs), required to cover the growing demands of fresh water, food, and shelter. The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is a significant oil-producing country, which is included in the list of 55 countries that produce at least 55% of the world’s GHGs and thus involved in the top 30 countries over the world with emission deficits. At the same time, the UAE is located in an arid region of the world, with harsh environmental conditions. The sharp population increases and the massive growth in the urbanization are primary sources, lead to further stresses on the agricultural sector. Thus, the future of the food production industry in the country is a challenging situation. Consequently, the primary objective of this work is to shed light on the current concerns related to climate change and food security, through describing the implications of climate change on the food production sector of the UAE. Tailored solutions that can rescue the future of food security in the country are also highlighted.

2018 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
pp. 30
Niels Dybro ◽  
Alan Christopher Hansen

Agribusinesses are investigating sustainable ways to meet the predicted increased demand for food production due to an increasing world population and higher living standards. Therefore, there is a strong need to increase agronomic output. This paper will review the current state of agricultural production of the main annual top-five staple grain crops grown around the world, their current yields and harvested area averages and trends. It concludes with a discussion of which changes are needed to increase the yield in lower yielding areas of the world. Finally, there is an assessment of what level of yield increases that could be attained provided the proposed changes are made and its predicted impact on food security by 2050.The current yield trends and trends for harvested area, when extrapolated out to 2050, indicate crop production will increase 106%. This includes an expansion of the total crop production area by 31%. This increase of cropping area can be achieved by increased utilization of available, uncropped land suitable for crop production, increased double cropping, and relay intercropping, allowing for multiple crops in a calendar year.In order to double crop production by 2050, it is necessary to focus on growing crops where the conditions make it possible, adopt the best sustainable crop production practices and implement them as intensively as possible everywhere, and consider improved crop production machine system options to reduce risk of soil compaction, which can reduce crop yields.With proposed changes across the world, it will be possible to exceed a doubling of food production by 2050 relative to 2005 levels, providing a reasonable high level of food security, absent wars and widespread natural disasters.

2020 ◽  
Vol 50 (11) ◽  
Amilcar Baiardi ◽  
Maria Thereza Macedo Pedroso

ABSTRACT: This paper reflects on the controversy between agroecology and modern conventional agriculture. As a counter-paradigm, agroecology criticizes and resists advances in agricultural sciences, including biotechnology. But does not offer concrete answers to the challenge of increasing food production in the world in a sustentably way. It is a view that denies the importance of modern agriculture to solve the problems of scarcity and food security and does not recognize the potential of genetic modification to decisively to promote sustainable agriculture, accelerating the overcoming of the so-called “chemical reductionist paradigm”. The principal argument is that agroecology, despite being an area of knowledge that can contribute to recovering natural resources and helping nature’s resilience, is not an alternative to modern conventional agriculture and has been trying to prevent advances in genetic engineering, a fundamental area for sustainability and for the low carbon agriculture. In the end, based on the importance of the controversy in the History of Science, presents the reasons why agroecology does not fulfill the requirements to be an agricultural science.

2020 ◽  
pp. 43-48
Cohen-Gath K. Cohen-Gath K. ◽  

In the context of the Covid-19 pandemic and the ensuing danger of the global economic crisis, the world economy has actually failed to ensure the global food security. The number of the world’s inhabitants at risk has increased by tens of millions after the pandemic. The task of each country is to make every eff ort to eliminate the consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic and to ensure maximum food security for its citizens. Israel has recently made signifi cant achievements in the fi eld of innovative agriculture, so it off ers to implement its eff ective techniques on a wide scale. Cooperation between Israel and Russia, as well as mutual assistance in food production can make a signifi cant contribution to the solving strategies of the global food problem.

2013 ◽  
Vol 52 (4) ◽  
pp. 1017-1042 ◽  
Keir Waddington

AbstractThis essay brings together aspects of the history of science, food, and culture, and applies them to the study of Anglo-German relations and perceptions by examining how between 1850 and 1914 the German sausage was used as a metaphor for the German nation. The essay shows how the concerns that became attached to German sausages not only provide a way of understanding Britain's interaction with Germany but also reveal further dimensions to popular anti-German sentiment. Alarm about what went into German sausages formed part of a growing strand of popular opposition to Germany, which drew on increasing insecurity about Britain's position on the world stage and the perceived economic threat that Germany and German immigrants presented. Such sentiment was translated into how Germans were caricatured and onto material objects—in this case, the “deadly mysteries” that were feared to go into German sausages. Cultural and gastronomic stereotypes overlapped in a discourse that linked Germany and Germans to their national diet and aggressive nature, as well as associated German sausages with fears about diseased meat, adulteration, and the risks that eating them entailed. The result was that the German sausage was used as a staple for satirical comic representations of Germany, as representative of dishonesty in food production, and as a xenophobic slur. Around the German sausage, anti-German sentiment and questions of food safety merged and became mutually reinforcing.

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