scholarly journals FRONTEIRAS NA FRONTEIRA: a trajetória dos migrantes brasiguaios e a influência econômico-jurídico-político-ideológica dos Estados nacionais (BR e PY), a origem do aluno brasiguaio / FRONTIERS (...)

2015 ◽  
Vol 25 (44) ◽  
pp. 70-96
Margarete - Frasson ◽  
Marli Terezinha Szumilo Schlosser

Nesse texto coloca-se em relevo as relações e inter-relações entre Brasil e Paraguai  analisadas na Região da Tríplice Fronteira (BR, PY e AR), em sua base material e normativa, formada por diferentes territórios, que permitiu e permite a fluidez de movimentação dos brasiguaios na fronteira. Neste caso, a fronteira é entendida como lugar de relações e inter-relações políticas, econômicas e ideológicas entre territórios. Com base nesse percurso teórico, analisam-se como tais questões estão presentes e permeiam a realidade vivida pelas famílias brasiguaias que buscam se territorializarem na fronteira. A análise dos prontuários dos alunos, deixa evidente a movimentação desse grupo de migrantes na fronteira entre Brasil e Paraguai.  Por meio do relato oral obteve-se o registro da experiência vivencial, informações da história de vida e da identidade das famílias brasiguaias com filhos matriculados em duas escolas públicas do Município de Santa Terezinha de Itaipu/BR, em 2012. Isso permitiu realizar uma leitura cruzada da história, numa visão geográfica. Tornou possível perceber a influência exercida pelo poder dos Estados Nacionais, em sua dinâmica econômico-jurídico-político-ideológica e populacional.  Conclui-se que o sujeito brasiguaio, presente nas escolas públicas dessa fronteira, teve origem pelas formas de exclusão social que envolve essas relações de poder. Palavras-chave: história oral; brasiguaio; Tríplice Fronteira; relações de poder;  AbstractIn this text it's put into relief the relationships and interrelationships between Brazil and Paraguay analyzed in the Tri-Border Region (BR, PL, AR), in its material base and rules, formed by different territories, that allowed and allows the fluidity of the braziguayans movement at the frontier. In this case, the frontier is understood as a place of relationships and political, economic and ideological interrelationships between territories. Based on this theoretical route, issues that are present and permeate the reality experienced by braziguayan families seeking to settle down on the frontier are analyzed.  The analysis of medical records of students, makes evident the movement of this group of migrants on the border between Brazil and Paraguay. Through the oral report it was obtained the registration of the living experience, information like the life story and identity of braziguayan families with children enrolled in two public schools in the municipality of Santa Terezinha de Itaipu / BR in 2012. This allowed performing a cross-reading of this story, a geographical vision. It made possible to notice the influence of the nation states power in their ideological-political-economic-judicial and population dynamics. We conclude that the braziguayan person present in this frontier public schools, had its origin by the forms of social exclusion that involves these power relations. Keywords: Oral story; braziguayan; Triple Frontier; power relations; 

Retos ◽  
2015 ◽  
pp. 285-290
Txema Córdoba Jiménez

El objetivo de este artículo es describir el proceso de crecimiento de un maestro de Educación Física desde su formación inicial hasta su ejercicio como docente universitario, pasando por catorce años de experiencia profesional en escuelas públicas.  Se pretende reflejar como las experiencias, las convicciones y los cambios de rumbo personales del educador contribuyen de manera simultánea y sinérgica al desarrollo de su identidad personal y profesional. La metodología que se ha empleado es el relato autobiográfico y como instrumento la historia de vida, que facilita la toma de consciencia y la reflexión de la práctica pedagógica. Como conclusión se pone de manifiesto la importancia de los procesos de formación permanente para el desarrollo profesional permitiendo al docente descubrir nueva maneras de ejercer una práctica profesional reflexiva coherente con su identidad personal.Abstract. The aim of this article is to describe the growth process of a Physical Education teacher from his beginning training to exercise as a university teacher, through fourteen years as a teacher of public schools. It tries to reflect how the experiences, beliefs and personal direction changes of the educator contribute simultaneously and synergistically to the development of his personal and professional identity. The methodology used is the autobiographical story and the instrument is life story, which facilitates become aware and reflexion of his own teaching practice. The results show the importance of lifelong learning processes for teacher professional development which allow them to discover new ways of doing a reflexive professional practice consistent with their personal identity.

2014 ◽  
Vol 11 (3) ◽  
pp. 387-390
Antonina Levatino

Martin Geiger & Antoine Pécoud (eds.), Disciplining the Transnational Mobility of People, Palgrave Macmillan, 2013, 271 pp., (ISBN 978-1-137-26306-3).In the last decades a very diverse range of initiatives have been undertaken in order to intensify and diversify the ways human mobility is managed and restricted. This trend towards a ‘diversification’ of the migration control strategies stems from the increased awareness by the nation-states of the profoundly controversial nature of the migration management enterprise because of its political, economic, social and moral implications.

2020 ◽  
Neide Célia Ferreira Barros

This book analyzes the criminal processes of homicides or attempted homicides of women in Goiânia during the period of 1970-1984. We observed the gender power relations in the capital of Goiás, a border region, a mixture of country life elements and discourses of modernity. Hence, through case reports of women who suffered attacks on their lives in a period of intense changes, such as the organization of feminist groups in Brazil and the world, political and economic repercussions of the construction of Brasília in Goiás and mass immigration to Goiânia, we have pursued to understand what it meant socially to "be a man" and "to be a woman" in this capital and what consequences were brought into their bodies, concerning life and death, protection and punishment.

Ausma Cimdiņa

The novel “Magnus, the Danish Prince” by the Russian diaspora in Latvia writer Roald Dobrovensky is seen as a specific example of a biographical and historical genre, which embodies the historical experience of different eras and nations in the confrontation of globalisation and national self-determination. At the heart of the novel are the Livonian War and the historical role and human destiny of Magnus (1540–1683) – the Danish prince of the Oldenburg dynasty, the first and the only king of Livonia. The motif of Riga’s humanists is seen both as one of the main ideological driving forces of the novel and as a marginal reflection in Magnus’s life story. Acknowledged historical sources have been used in the creation of the novel: Baltazar Rusov’s “Livonian Chronicle”; Nikolai Karamzin’s “History of the Russian State”; Alexander Janov’s “Russia: 1462–1584. The Beginning of the Tragedy. Notes of the Nature and Formation of Russian Statehood” etc. In connection with the concept of Riga humanists, another fictitious document created by the writer Dobrovensky himself is especially important, namely, the diary of Johann Birke – Magnus’s interpreter, a person with a double identity, “half-Latvian”, “half-German”. It is a message of an alternative to the well-known historical documents, which allows to turn the Livonian historical narrative in the direction of “letocentrism” and raises the issue of the ethnic identity of Riga’s humanists. Along with the deconstruction of the historically documented image of Livonian King Magnus, the thematic structure of the novel is dominated by identity aspects related to the Livonian historical narrative. Dobrovensky, with his novel, raises an important question – what does the medieval Livonia, Europe’s common intellectual heritage, mean for contemporary Latvia and the human society at large? Dobrovensky’s work is also a significant challenge in strengthening emotional ties with Livonia (which were weakened in the early stages of national historiography due to conflicts over the founding of nation-states).

2018 ◽  
Vol 25 (1) ◽  
pp. 186
Myles Carroll

This article considers the role played by discourses of nature in structuring the cultural politics of anti-GMO activism. It argues that such discourses have been successful rhetorical tools for activists because they mobilize widely resonant nature-culture dualisms that separate the natural and human worlds. However, these discourses hold dubious political implications. In valorizing the natural as a source of essential truth, natural purity discourses fail to challenge how naturalizations have been used to legitimize sexist, racist and colonial systems of injustice and oppression. Rather, they revitalize the discursive purchase of appeals to nature as a justification for the status quo, indirectly reinforcing existing power relations. Moreover, these discourses fail to challenge the critical though contingent reality of GMOs' location within the wider framework of neoliberal social relations. Fortunately, appeals to natural purity have not been the only effective strategy for opposing GMOs. Activist campaigns that directly target the political economic implications of GMOs within the context of neoliberalism have also had successes without resorting to appeals to the purity of nature. The successes of these campaigns suggest that while nature-culture dualisms remain politically effective normative groundings, concerns over equity, farmers' rights, and democracy retain potential as ideological terrains in the struggle for social justice.

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (9) ◽  
pp. 187

RESUMOA narrativa da trajetória escolar de formador de professores é trazida à luz como pretexto para discussão sobre a relevância de material biográfico em processos formativos. Práticas relacionadas ao método biográfico no cenário da escola de educação básica são aqui exploradas com a finalidade de evidenciar seu potencial formativo. A contextualização foi um recurso metodológico observado, tendo de seu uso resultado um texto recheado de notas históricas. A narrativa de trajetória escolar e do contexto de produção compõe aqui um memorial, entendido como um olhar lançado sobre a história de vida de um docente que toma sua vida como objeto e, de suas experiências, faz história. É uma história de si, uma autobiografia, pela qual nos fazemos historiadores de nós mesmos. A narrativa deslindou traços da escola, da formação de professores e da prática pedagógica, de modo a fazer compreender a participação da dimensão biográfica no processo formativo de professor.Trajetória escolar. Biografia. Formação de professor.Narratives of the school career of a teacher trainer: memory, history and formationABSTRACTThe narrative of the school trajectory of teacher educator is brought to light as a pretext for discussion about the relevance of biographical material in formative processes. Practices related to the biographical method in the scenario of the elementary school are explored here in order to highlight its formative potential. Contextualization was an observed methodological resource, and its use resulted in a text full of historical notes. The narrative of the school trajectory and the context of production composes here a memorial, understood as a look at the life story of a teacher who takes his life as an object and, from his experiences, makes history. It is a story of itself, an autobiography, by which we make ourselves historians of ourselves. The narrative unraveled traces of the school,teacher training and pedagogical practice, in order to make the participation of the biographical dimension in the teacher training process easier to understand.School trajectory. Biography. Teacher training.Narrative della carriera scolastica di un insegnante di maestri: memoria, storia e formazioneRIASSUNTOLa narrazione della traiettoria scolastica dell'insegnante viene messa in luce come pretesto per la discussione sulla rilevanza del materiale biografico nei processi formativi. Le pratiche del metodo biografico nello scenario della scuola elementare sono esplorate qui al fine di evidenziarne il potenziale formativo. La contestualizzazione era una risorsa metodologica osservata e il suo uso ha prodotto un testo pieno di note storiche. La narrazione della traiettoria della scuola e il contesto della produzione compongono qui un memoriale, inteso come uno sguardo alla storia di un insegnante che prende la sua propria vita come oggetto e, dalle sue esperienze, fa la storia. È una storia di se stessa, un'autobiografia, con la quale ci rendiamo storici di noi stessi. La narrazione ha svelato le tracce della scuola, della formazione degli insegnanti e della pratica pedagogica, al fine di facilitare la comprensione della partecipazione della dimensione biografica al processo di formazione degli insegnanti.Traiettoria della scuola. Biografia. Formazione degli insegnanti.Narrativas de la carrera escolar de un formador de docentes: memoria, historia y formaciónRESUMENLa narrativa de la trayectoria escolar del formador de docentes sale a la luz como pretexto para la discusión sobre la relevancia del material biográfico en los procesos formativos. Aquí se exploran prácticas relacionadas con el método biográfico en el escenario de la escuela primaria para resaltar su potencial formativo. La contextualización fue un recurso metodológico observado, y su uso resultó en un texto lleno de notas históricas. La narrativa de la trayectoria escolar y el contexto de producción compone aquí un memorial, entendido como una mirada a la historia de vida de un maestro que toma su vida como un objeto y, desde sus experiencias, hace historia. Es una historia en sí misma, una autobiografía, por la cual nos hacemos historiadores de nosotros mismos. La narración desvela las huellas de la escuela, la formación del profesorado y la práctica pedagógica, a fin de facilitar la comprensión de la participación de la dimensión biográfica en el proceso de formación del profesorado.Trayectoria escolar. Biografía. Formación del profesorado.

2020 ◽  
pp. 33-56
Anna Mata Romeu

El artículo ofrece datos sobre el pastoreo extensivo y sobre los sistemas de cultivo y las formas de vida hasta los años 70 en Torreandaluz, un pueblo del suroeste soriano. Se fundamenta en una etnografía llevada a cabo entre mediados de 2015 y la actualidad. Está basada en la observación participante, la historia de vida de un pastor de Torreandaluz y entrevistas informales a agricultores y pastores jubilados del lugar. Pretende ofrecer una visión sobre el impacto que sobre las formas de agricultura y ganadería ovina extensiva, así como sobre las formas de vida, tuvo la llegada de las técnicas de la llamada Revolución Verde. The article offers data on extensive shepherding, cultivation systems and lifestyles up to the 1970s, in Torreandaluz, a village in the southwest of Soria province. It is based on an ethnography carried out from the middle of 2015 until today. The participant observation, the life story of a shepherd of Torreandaluz and informal interviews with farmers and retired shepherds of the place made up this study. It intends to offer a vision about the impact that the arrival of the techniques of the so-called Green Revolution had on agriculture and extensive sheep farming, as well as on forms of life.

2021 ◽  
Lea Rahman

Climate change is not just one of the main problems of this century, it rather is a matter of justice: It was particularly caused by western industrialized countries and now hits all states bit by bit – regardless of the question of guilt. The author studies how states struggle for solutions and binding rules at the annual Climate Change conferences and which of the proposals have prevailed. Using approaches of the postcolonial theory, she examines which power relations that are tracing back to colonialism still exist at the political, economic and epistemic level.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 179-197
Tiiu Jaago ◽  
Tiina Sepp

Abstract This paper will explore the relationship between humans and place mediated in first-person narratives. By focusing on episodes that reveal the change in the ordinary role of the person, we examine how they describe the place and how they perceive the environment in their changed role. Drawing on interviews with a man who has walked a pilgrimage/hiking trail as well as a written life story from the collections of the Estonian Cultural History Archives, we analyse the description of modern journeys and the journeys that took place in the vortex of events during World War II. We suggest that the descriptions of place-making under consideration are related not only to subjective experiences and storytelling skills, but also to more general contexts, such as historical-political, economic, or religious frames. Comparing various kinds of place-making description we attempt to find the universal and context-sensitive aspects of journey descriptions. Finally, based on studies of oral history and cultural borders on the one hand, and pilgrimage studies on the other, a methodological question is asked: how should one apply these research methods and results to place-making research? Combining these research methods has turned out to be fruitful in creating a dialogue between experiences that have been formed in different circumstances, and through this to understand better the factors determining one’s sense of place.

2020 ◽  
pp. 147490412096642
Jill Koyama

Public education in the United States acts as a governmental tool of neoliberalism, through which state power and sovereignty are deployed and transformed in daily life. Here, I examine how the divergence of sovereignty is exerted over refugee students and their families in US public education. Drawing on 42 months of ethnographic data collected on refugee and other immigrant networks in Southern Arizona, a US–Mexico border region marked by increasing anti-immigrant policies and practices, I reveal how the everyday practices and policies of one school district reflect and reinforce the government’s control over refugee students. I argue that the ways in which the students are sorted, marginalized, and denied opportunities as learners is inextricable from their positioning as non-citizens by the federal and state governments. Specifically, I demonstrate the linkages between the federal education policy, Every School Succeeds Act, Arizona State’s Proposition 203: English Language Education for the Children in Public Schools, which eliminated bilingual education, and the school district’s approach to teaching refugee students. Finally, I offer recommendations for creating more inclusive, assets-based learning environments for refugee students that push back against the neoliberal favoring of competition and one-size-fits-all solutions in public education.

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