scholarly journals Residual Stress Pattern Prediction in Spray Transfer Multipass Welding by Means of Numerical Simulation

Jon Ander Esnaola ◽  
Ibai Ulacia ◽  
Arkaitz Lopez-Jauregi ◽  
Done Ugarte
2014 ◽  
Vol 76 (9-12) ◽  
pp. 2117-2129 ◽  
A. Lopez-Jauregi ◽  
I. Ulacia ◽  
J. A. Esnaola ◽  
D. Ugarte ◽  
I. Torca

2016 ◽  
Vol 879 ◽  
pp. 274-278 ◽  
Jun Cao ◽  
Philip Nash

In an earlier study, a 3-D thermomechanical coupled finite element model was built and experimentally validated to investigate the evolution of the thermal residual stresses and distortions in electron beam additive manufactured Ti-6Al-4V build plates. In this study, an investigation using this robust and accurate model was focused on an efficient preheating method, in which the electron beam quickly scanned across the substrate to preheat the build plate prior to the deposition. Various preheat times, beam powers, scan rates, scanning paths and cooling times (between the end of current preheat scan/deposition layer and the beginning of the next preheat scan/deposition layer) were examined, and the maximum distortion along the centerline of the substrate and the maximum longitudinal residual stress along the normal direction on the middle cross-section of the build plate were quantitatively compared. The results show that increasing preheat times and beam powers could effectively reduce both distortion and residual stress for multiple layers/passes components.

Dean Deng ◽  
Kazuo Ogawa ◽  
Nobuyoshi Yanagida ◽  
Koichi Saito

Recent discoveries of stress corrosion cracking (SCC) at nickel-based metals in pressurized water reactors (PWRs) and boiling water reactors (BWRs) have raised concerns about safety and integrity of plant components. It has been recognized that welding residual stress is an important factor causing the issue of SCC in a weldment. In this study, both numerical simulation technology and experimental method were employed to investigate the characteristics of welding residual stress distribution in several typical welded joints, which are used in nuclear power plants. These joints include a thick plate butt-welded Alloy 600 joint, a dissimilar metal J-groove set-in joint and a dissimilar metal girth-butt joint. First of all, numerical simulation technology was used to predict welding residual stresses in these three joints, and the influence of heat source model on welding residual stress was examined. Meanwhile, the influence of other thermal processes such as cladding, buttering and heat treatment on the final residual stresses in the dissimilar metal girth-butt joint was also clarified. Secondly, we also measured the residual stresses in three corresponding mock-ups. Finally, the comparisons of the simulation results and the measured data have shed light on how to effectively simulate welding residual stress in these typical joints.

2010 ◽  
Vol 34-35 ◽  
pp. 641-645
Hong Shuang Zhang

In order to fully understanding the distribution of residual stress after riveting and the relationship between residual stress and riveting process parameters during riveting, Finite Element Method was used to establish a riveting model. Quasi-static method to solve the convergence difficulties was adopted in riveting process. The riveting process was divided into six stages according to the stress versus time curves. The relationship of residual stress with rivet length and rivet hole clearance were established. The results show numerical simulation is effective for riveting process and can make a construction for the practical riveting.

2012 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 82-91 ◽  
Se-Yun Hwang ◽  
Jang-Hyun Lee ◽  
Sung-Chan Kim ◽  
Kodakkal Kannan Viswanathan

Tao Mo ◽  
Jingqing Chen ◽  
Pengju Zhang ◽  
Wenqian Bai ◽  
Xiao Mu ◽  

Ultrasonic impact treatment (UIT) is an effective method that has been widely applied in welding structure to improve the fatigue properties of materials. It combines mechanical impact and ultrasonic vibration to produce plastic deformation on the weld joints surface, which introduces beneficial compressive residual stress distribution. To evaluate the effect of UIT technology on alleviating the residual stress of welded joints, a novel numerical analysis method based on the inherent strain theory is proposed to simulate the stress superposition of welding and subsequent UIT process of 304 stainless steel. Meanwhile, the experiment according to the process was carried out to verify the simulation of residual stress values before and after UIT. By the results, optimization of UIT application could effectively reduce the residual stress concentration after welding process. Residual tensile stress of welded joints after UIT is transformed into residual compressive stress. UIT formed a residual compressive stress layer with a thickness of about 0.13 mm on the plate. The numerical simulation results are consistent with the experimental results. The work in this paper could provide theoretical basis and technical support for the reasonable evaluation of the ultrasonic impact on residual stress elimination and mechanical properties improvement of welded joints.

2020 ◽  
Vol 20 (2020) ◽  
pp. 412-413
Francisco Werley Cipriano Farias ◽  
Augusto Veríssimo Passos ◽  
Victor Hugo Pereira Moraes E Oliveira ◽  
João da Cruz Payão Filho ◽  
Diego Russo Juliano ◽  

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