Weak Men and Barren Women

Angela Ki Che Leung

Western biomedical and traditional East Asian medical experts disagreed on the causes of the modern Asian epidemic named as beriberi/jiaoqi/kakké in English, Chinese and Japanese. While conflicting explanations made the epidemic experience most puzzling and elusive, there was general agreement among experts from competing medical traditions that the main victims were Asian men, especially soldiers and workers. The triumphant vitamin B1 deficiency theory based on white-rice as an inferior food also worked with East Asian diagnostic assemblages to frame the disease as native to East Asia, now eloquently explained as an unhealthy environment detrimental to masculinity.

Writing from a wide range of historical perspectives, contributors to the anthology shed new light on historical, theoretical and empirical issues pertaining to the documentary film, in order to better comprehend the significant transformations of the form in colonial, late colonial and immediate post-colonial and postcolonial times in South and South-East Asia. In doing so, this anthology addresses an important gap in the global understanding of documentary discourses, practices, uses and styles. Based upon in-depth essays written by international authorities in the field and cutting-edge doctoral projects, this anthology is the first to encompass different periods, national contexts, subject matter and style in order to address important and also relatively little-known issues in colonial documentary film in the South and South-East Asian regions. This anthology is divided into three main thematic sections, each of which crosses national or geographical boundaries. The first section addresses issues of colonialism, late colonialism and independence. The second section looks at the use of the documentary film by missionaries and Christian evangelists, whilst the third explores the relation between documentary film, nationalism and representation.

2020 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 153-158 ◽  
Soung-Hoo Jeon

An allergic reaction to mosquitoes can result in severe or abnormal local or systemic reactions such as anaphylaxis, angioedema, and general urticarial or wheezing. The aim of this review is to provide information on mosquito saliva allergens that can support the production of highly specific recombinant saliva allergens. In particular, candidate allergens of mosquitoes that are well suited to the ecology of mosquitoes that occur mainly in East Asia will be identified and introduced. By doing so, the diagnosis and treatment of patients with severe sensitivity to mosquito allergy will be improved by predicting the characteristics of East Asian mosquito allergy, presenting the future direction of production of recombinant allergens, and understanding the difference between East and West.

Alex J. Bellamy

This chapter demonstrates that the downwards pressure that state consolidation placed on mass violence was amplified by the type of state that emerged. Across East Asia, governments came to define themselves as “developmental” or “trading” states whose principal purpose was to grow the national economy and thereby improve the economic wellbeing of their citizens. Governments with different ideologies came to embrace economic growth and growing the prosperity of their populations as the principal function of the state and its core source of legitimacy. Despite some significant glitches along the way the adoption of the developmental trading state model has proven successful. Not only have East Asian governments succeeded in lifting hundreds of millions of people out of poverty, the practices and policy orientations dictated by this model helped shift governments and societies away from belligerent practices towards postures that prioritized peace and stability. This reinforced the trend towards greater peacefulness.

John Lie

In the 2010s, the world is seemingly awash with waves of populism and anti-immigration movements. Yet virtually all discussions, owing to the prevailing Eurocentric perspective, bypass East Asia (more accurately, Northeast Asia) and the absence of strong populist or anti-immigration discourses or politics. This chapter presents a comparative and historical account of East Asian exceptionalism in the matter of migration crisis, especially given the West’s embrace of an insider-outsider dichotomy superseding the class- and nation-based divisions of the post–World War II era. The chapter also discusses some nascent articulations of Western-style populist discourses in Northeast Asia, and concludes with the potential for migration crisis in the region.

2021 ◽  
pp. 122880
Paweł B. Rudnicki-Velasquez ◽  
Hanna Storoniak ◽  
Karolina Jagiełło ◽  
Joanna Kreczko–Kurzawa ◽  
Magdalena Jankowska ◽  

2020 ◽  
pp. 1-16

Abstract This article argues for a ‘history from between’ as the best lens through which to understand the construction of historical knowledge between East Asia and Europe. ‘Between’ refers to the space framed by East Asia and Europe, but also to the global circulations of ideas in that space, and to the subjective feeling of embeddedness in larger-than-local contexts that being in such a space makes possible. Our contention is that the outcomes of such entanglements are not merely reactive forms of knowledge, of the kind implied by older studies of translation and reception in global intellectual history. Instead they are themselves ‘co-productions’: they are the shared and mutually interactive inputs to enduring modes of uses of the past, across both East Asian and European traditions. Taking seriously the possibility that interpretations of the past were not transferred, but rather were co-produced between East Asia and Europe, we reconstruct the braided histories of historical narratives that continue to shape constructions of identity throughout Eurasia.

The Lancet ◽  
1938 ◽  
Vol 231 (5990) ◽  
pp. 1385-1387 ◽  
J. Bruce Young

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