'Ecclesia, sponsa Christi': La eclesiología en el libro XV del 'Contra Faustum' de Agustín de Hipona
In this article, Book XV of 'Contra Faustum' is approached to present the various ecclesiological ideas of Faustus and Saint Augustine, behind which there are two different hypotexts of the Book of Revelation. Faustus starts from the text of Rev 21:9, which presents the Church as sponsa and uxor, that is to say of an ecclesiology that has as point of departure a consummated eschatology which is on the way to perfection. Saint Augustine starts from the text of Rev 21:2 and 22:17, where the Church is presented as sponsa, with an ecclesiology of an eschatology not yet consummated, of the 'schon jetz aber noch nicht', where the Church lives in the hope of becoming the uxor Christi in the kingdom of heaven, when the time of the nuptiae arrives. On the other hand, the fact that Saint Augustine within the Contra Faustum never calls the group of Manicheans with the word ecclesia, but only with terms such as societas or congregatio, is underlined. The article alludes to the Christological insights of Book XV of 'Contra Faustum'. The other allusions to the Church as sponsa and uxor Christi in Book XXII of 'Contra Faustum' are also studied, in order to point out again the augustinian ecclesiological idea of an eschatology not yet consummated, and the fact that the Church is also, according to Saint Augustine, the Sister of Christ.