Strict U-Ideals and U-Summands in Banach Spaces

2014 ◽  
Vol 114 (2) ◽  
pp. 216 ◽  
Trond A. Abrahamsen

For a strict u-ideal $X$ in a Banach space $Y$ we show that the set of points in the dual unit ball $B_{X^{\ast}}$, strongly exposed by points in the range $\it TY$ of the unconditional extension operator $T$ from $Y$ into the bidual $X^{\ast\ast}$ of $X$, is contained in the weak$^{\ast}$ denting points in $B_{X^{\ast}}$. We also prove that a u-embedded space is a u-summand if and only if it contains no copy of $c_0$ if and only if it is weakly sequentially complete.

Mathematics ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (18) ◽  
pp. 2346
Almudena Campos-Jiménez ◽  
Francisco Javier García-Pacheco

In this paper we provide new geometric invariants of surjective isometries between unit spheres of Banach spaces. Let X,Y be Banach spaces and let T:SX→SY be a surjective isometry. The most relevant geometric invariants under surjective isometries such as T are known to be the starlike sets, the maximal faces of the unit ball, and the antipodal points (in the finite-dimensional case). Here, new geometric invariants are found, such as almost flat sets, flat sets, starlike compatible sets, and starlike generated sets. Also, in this work, it is proved that if F is a maximal face of the unit ball containing inner points, then T(−F)=−T(F). We also show that if [x,y] is a non-trivial segment contained in the unit sphere such that T([x,y]) is convex, then T is affine on [x,y]. As a consequence, T is affine on every segment that is a maximal face. On the other hand, we introduce a new geometric property called property P, which states that every face of the unit ball is the intersection of all maximal faces containing it. This property has turned out to be, in a implicit way, a very useful tool to show that many Banach spaces enjoy the Mazur-Ulam property. Following this line, in this manuscript it is proved that every reflexive or separable Banach space with dimension greater than or equal to 2 can be equivalently renormed to fail property P.

1977 ◽  
Vol 29 (5) ◽  
pp. 963-970 ◽  
Mark A. Smith

In a Banach space, the directional modulus of rotundity, δ (ϵ, z), measures the minimum depth at which the midpoints of all chords of the unit ball which are parallel to z and of length at least ϵ are buried beneath the surface. A Banach space is uniformly rotund in every direction (URED) if δ (ϵ, z) is positive for every positive ϵ and every nonzero element z. This concept of directionalized uniform rotundity was introduced by Garkavi [6] to characterize those Banach spaces in which every bounded subset has at most one Čebyšev center.

1983 ◽  
Vol 26 (2) ◽  
pp. 163-167 ◽  
L. Drewnowski

Following Lotz, Peck and Porta [9], a continuous linear operator from one Banach space into another is called a semi-embedding if it is one-to-one and maps the closed unit ball of the domain onto a closed (hence complete) set. (Below we shall allow the codomain to be an F-space, i.e., a complete metrisable topological vector space.) One of the main results established in [9] is that if X is a compact scattered space, then every semi-embedding of C(X) into another Banach space is an isomorphism ([9], Main Theorem, (a)⇒(b)).

2015 ◽  
Vol 93 (2) ◽  
pp. 283-294

Given a closed set$C$in a Banach space$(X,\Vert \cdot \Vert )$, a point$x\in X$is said to have a nearest point in$C$if there exists$z\in C$such that$d_{C}(x)=\Vert x-z\Vert$, where$d_{C}$is the distance of$x$from$C$. We survey the problem of studying the size of the set of points in$X$which have nearest points in$C$. We then turn to the topic of delta convex functions and indicate how it is related to finding nearest points.

1993 ◽  
Vol 47 (2) ◽  
pp. 205-212 ◽  
J.R. Giles ◽  
Scott Sciffer

For a locally Lipschitz function on a separable Banach space the set of points of Gâteaux differentiability is dense but not necessarily residual. However, the set of points where the upper Dini derivative and the Clarke derivative agree is residual. It follows immediately that the set of points of intermediate differentiability is also residual and the set of points where the function is Gâteaux but not strictly differentiable is of the first category.

2018 ◽  
Vol 97 (2) ◽  
pp. 285-292 ◽  

Extending recent results by Cascales et al. [‘Plasticity of the unit ball of a strictly convex Banach space’, Rev. R. Acad. Cienc. Exactas Fís. Nat. Ser. A Mat.110(2) (2016), 723–727], we demonstrate that for every Banach space $X$ and every collection $Z_{i},i\in I$, of strictly convex Banach spaces, every nonexpansive bijection from the unit ball of $X$ to the unit ball of the sum of $Z_{i}$ by $\ell _{1}$ is an isometry.

2020 ◽  
Vol 63 (2) ◽  
pp. 475-496
T. A. Abrahamsen ◽  
R. Haller ◽  
V. Lima ◽  
K. Pirk

AbstractA Δ-point x of a Banach space is a norm-one element that is arbitrarily close to convex combinations of elements in the unit ball that are almost at distance 2 from x. If, in addition, every point in the unit ball is arbitrarily close to such convex combinations, x is a Daugavet point. A Banach space X has the Daugavet property if and only if every norm-one element is a Daugavet point. We show that Δ- and Daugavet points are the same in L1-spaces, in L1-preduals, as well as in a big class of Müntz spaces. We also provide an example of a Banach space where all points on the unit sphere are Δ-points, but none of them are Daugavet points. We also study the property that the unit ball is the closed convex hull of its Δ-points. This gives rise to a new diameter-two property that we call the convex diametral diameter-two property. We show that all C(K) spaces, K infinite compact Hausdorff, as well as all Müntz spaces have this property. Moreover, we show that this property is stable under absolute sums.

Joram Lindenstrauss ◽  
David Preiss ◽  
Tiˇser Jaroslav

This chapter shows how spaces with separable dual admit a Fréchet smooth norm. It first considers a criterion of the differentiability of continuous convex functions on Banach spaces before discussing Fréchet smooth and nonsmooth renormings and Fréchet differentiability of convex functions. It then describes the connection between porous sets and Fréchet differentiability, along with the set of points of Fréchet differentiability of maps between Banach spaces. It also examines the concept of separable determination, the relevance of the σ‎-porous sets for differentiability and proves the existence of a Fréchet smooth equivalent norm on a Banach space with separable dual. The chapter concludes by explaining how one can show that many differentiability type results hold in nonseparable spaces provided they hold in separable ones.

2018 ◽  
Vol 61 (2) ◽  
pp. 487-500

AbstractA norm ‖ċ‖ on c00 is called combinatorial if there is a regular family of finite subsets $\mathcal{F}$, so that $\|x\|=\sup_{F \in \mathcal{F}} \sum_{i \in F} |x(i)|$. We prove the set of extreme points of the ball of a combinatorial Banach space is countable. This extends a theorem of Shura and Trautman. The second contribution of this article is to exhibit many new examples of extreme points for the unit ball of dual Tsirelson's original space and give an explicit construction of an uncountable collection of extreme points of the ball of Tsirelson's original space. We also prove some stability properties of the intermediate norms used to define Tsirelson's space and give a lower bound of the stabilization function for these intermediate norms.

Mathematics ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 250
Anatoly Kusraev ◽  
Semën Kutateladze

This is a continuation of the authors’ previous study of the geometric characterizations of the preduals of injective Banach lattices. We seek the properties of the unit ball of a Banach space which make the space isometric or isomorphic to an injective Banach lattice. The study bases on the Boolean valued transfer principle for injective Banach lattices. The latter states that each such lattice serves as an interpretation of an AL-space in an appropriate Boolean valued model of set theory. External identification of the internal Boolean valued properties of the corresponding AL-spaces yields a characterization of injective Banach lattices among Banach spaces and ordered Banach spaces. We also describe the structure of the dual space and present some dual characterization of injective Banach lattices.

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