closed convex hull
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Karl-Hermann Neeb ◽  
Daniel Oeh

AbstractIn this note, we study in a finite dimensional Lie algebra $${\mathfrak g}$$ g the set of all those elements x for which the closed convex hull of the adjoint orbit contains no affine lines; this contains in particular elements whose adjoint orbits generates a pointed convex cone $$C_x$$ C x . Assuming that $${\mathfrak g}$$ g is admissible, i.e., contains a generating invariant convex subset not containing affine lines, we obtain a natural characterization of such elements, also for non-reductive Lie algebras. Motivated by the concept of standard (Borchers) pairs in QFT, we also study pairs (x, h) of Lie algebra elements satisfying $$[h,x]=x$$ [ h , x ] = x for which $$C_x$$ C x pointed. Given x, we show that such elements h can be constructed in such a way that $$\mathop {\mathrm{ad}}\nolimits h$$ ad h defines a 5-grading, and characterize the cases where we even get a 3-grading.

Abraham Rueda Zoca

AbstractGiven two metric spaces M and N we study, motivated by a question of N. Weaver, conditions under which a composition operator $$C_\phi :{\mathrm {Lip}}_0(M)\longrightarrow {\mathrm {Lip}}_0(N)$$ C ϕ : Lip 0 ( M ) ⟶ Lip 0 ( N ) is an isometry depending on the properties of $$\phi $$ ϕ . We obtain a complete characterisation of those operators $$C_\phi $$ C ϕ in terms of a property of the function $$\phi $$ ϕ in the case that $$B_{{\mathcal {F}}(M)}$$ B F ( M ) is the closed convex hull of its preserved extreme points. Also, we obtain necessary condition for $$C_\phi $$ C ϕ being an isometry in the case that M is geodesic.

10.53733/87 ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 51 ◽  
pp. 39-48
Keiko Dow

Non extreme points of compact, convex integral families of analytic functions are investigated. Knowledge about extreme points provides a valuable tool in the optimization of linear extremal problems. The functions studied are determined by a 2-parameter collection of kernel functions integrated against measures on the torus. Families from classical geometric function theory such as the closed convex hull of the derivatives of normalized close-to-convex functions, the ratio of starlike functions of different orders, as well as many others are included. However for these families of analytic functions, identifying “all” the extreme points remains a difficult challenge except in some special cases. Aharonov and Friedland [1] identified a band of points on the unit circle which corresponds to the set of extreme points for these 2-parameter collections of kernel functions. Later this band of extreme points was further extended by introducing a new technique by Dow and Wilken [3]. On the other hand, a technique to identify a non extreme point was not investigated much in the past probably because identifying non extreme points does not directly help solving the optimization of linear extremal problems. So far only one point on the unit circle has beenidentified which corresponds to a non extreme point for a 2-parameter collections of kernel functions. This leaves a big gap between the band of extreme points and one non extreme point. The author believes it is worth developing some techniques, and identifying non extreme points will shed a new light in the exact determination of the extreme points. The ultimate goal is to identify the point on the unit circle that separates the band of extreme points from non extreme points. The main result introduces a new class of non extreme points.

Sheldon Dantas ◽  
Mingu Jung ◽  
Gonzalo Martínez-Cervantes

Abstract In this article, we provide necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of non-norm-attaining operators in $\mathcal {L}(E, F)$ . By using a theorem due to Pfitzner on James boundaries, we show that if there exists a relatively compact set K of $\mathcal {L}(E, F)$ (in the weak operator topology) such that $0$ is an element of its closure (in the weak operator topology) but it is not in its norm-closed convex hull, then we can guarantee the existence of an operator that does not attain its norm. This allows us to provide the following generalisation of results due to Holub and Mujica. If E is a reflexive space, F is an arbitrary Banach space and the pair $(E, F)$ has the (pointwise-)bounded compact approximation property, then the following are equivalent: (i) $\mathcal {K}(E, F) = \mathcal {L}(E, F)$ ; (ii) Every operator from E into F attains its norm; (iii) $(\mathcal {L}(E,F), \tau _c)^* = (\mathcal {L}(E, F), \left \Vert \cdot \right \Vert )^*$ , where $\tau _c$ denotes the topology of compact convergence. We conclude the article by presenting a characterisation of the Schur property in terms of norm-attaining operators.


Abstract For 0 ≤ ξ ≤ ω1, we define the notion of ξ-weakly precompact and ξ-weakly compact sets in Banach spaces and prove that a set is ξ-weakly precompact if and only if its weak closure is ξ-weakly compact. We prove a quantified version of Grothendieck’s compactness principle and the characterisation of Schur spaces obtained in [7] and [9]. For 0 ≤ ξ ≤ ω1, we prove that a Banach space X has the ξ-Schur property if and only if every ξ-weakly compact set is contained in the closed, convex hull of a weakly null (equivalently, norm null) sequence. The ξ = 0 and ξ= ω1 cases of this theorem are the theorems of Grothendieck and [7], [9], respectively.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (11) ◽  
pp. 1779 ◽  
Guangpeng Fan ◽  
Liangliang Nan ◽  
Feixiang Chen ◽  
Yanqi Dong ◽  
Zhiming Wang ◽  

Tree-level information can be estimated based on light detection and ranging (LiDAR) point clouds. We propose to develop a quantitative structural model based on terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) point clouds to automatically and accurately estimate tree attributes and to detect real trees for the first time. This model is suitable for forest research where branches are involved in the calculation. First, the Adtree method was used to approximate the geometry of the tree stem and branches by fitting a series of cylinders. Trees were represented as a broad set of cylinders. Then, the end of the stem or all branches were closed. The tree model changed from a cylinder to a closed convex hull polyhedron, which was to reconstruct a 3D model of the tree. Finally, to extract effective tree attributes from the reconstructed 3D model, a convex hull polyhedron calculation method based on the tree model was defined. This calculation method can be used to extract wood (including tree stem and branches) volume, diameter at breast height (DBH) and tree height. To verify the accuracy of tree attributes extracted from the model, the tree models of 153 Chinese scholartrees from TLS data were reconstructed and the tree volume, DBH and tree height were extracted from the model. The experimental results show that the DBH and tree height extracted based on this model are in better consistency with the reference value based on field survey data. The bias, RMSE and R2 of DBH were 0.38 cm, 1.28 cm and 0.92, respectively. The bias, RMSE and R2 of tree height were −0.76 m, 1.21 m and 0.93, respectively. The tree volume extracted from the model is in better consistency with the reference value. The bias, root mean square error (RMSE) and determination coefficient (R2) of tree volume were −0.01236 m3, 0.03498 m3 and 0.96, respectively. This study provides a new model for nondestructive estimation of tree volume, above-ground biomass (AGB) or carbon stock based on LiDAR data.

2020 ◽  
Vol 63 (2) ◽  
pp. 475-496
T. A. Abrahamsen ◽  
R. Haller ◽  
V. Lima ◽  
K. Pirk

AbstractA Δ-point x of a Banach space is a norm-one element that is arbitrarily close to convex combinations of elements in the unit ball that are almost at distance 2 from x. If, in addition, every point in the unit ball is arbitrarily close to such convex combinations, x is a Daugavet point. A Banach space X has the Daugavet property if and only if every norm-one element is a Daugavet point. We show that Δ- and Daugavet points are the same in L1-spaces, in L1-preduals, as well as in a big class of Müntz spaces. We also provide an example of a Banach space where all points on the unit sphere are Δ-points, but none of them are Daugavet points. We also study the property that the unit ball is the closed convex hull of its Δ-points. This gives rise to a new diameter-two property that we call the convex diametral diameter-two property. We show that all C(K) spaces, K infinite compact Hausdorff, as well as all Müntz spaces have this property. Moreover, we show that this property is stable under absolute sums.

2019 ◽  
Vol 124 (2) ◽  
pp. 203-246
A. Cabot ◽  
A. Jourani ◽  
L. Thibault ◽  
D. Zagrodny

The attainment set of the $\varphi$-envelope of a function at a given point is investigated. The inclusion of the attainment set of the $\varphi$-envelope of the closed convex hull of a function into the attainment set of the function is preserved in sufficiently general settings to encompass the case $\varphi$ being a norm in a power not less than $1$. The non-emptiness of the attainment set is guaranteed on generic subsets of a given space, in several fundamental cases.

2018 ◽  
Vol 106 (1) ◽  
pp. 19-30

Let ${\mathcal{H}}=\mathbb{C}^{n}\otimes {\mathcal{E}}$ be the tensor product of a Euclidean space $\mathbb{C}^{n}$ and a separable Hilbert space ${\mathcal{E}}$. Our main object is the operator $G=I_{n}\otimes S+A\otimes I_{{\mathcal{E}}}$, where $S$ is a normal operator in ${\mathcal{E}}$, $A$ is an $n\times n$ matrix, and $I_{n},I_{{\mathcal{E}}}$ are the unit operators in $\mathbb{C}^{n}$ and ${\mathcal{E}}$, respectively. Numerous differential operators with constant matrix coefficients are examples of operator $G$. In the present paper we show that $G$ is similar to an operator $M=I_{n}\otimes S+\hat{D}\times I_{{\mathcal{E}}}$ where $\hat{D}$ is a block matrix, each block of which has a unique eigenvalue. We also obtain a bound for the condition number. That bound enables us to establish norm estimates for functions of $G$, nonregular on the closed convex hull $\operatorname{co}(G)$ of the spectrum of $G$. The functions $G^{-\unicode[STIX]{x1D6FC}}\;(\unicode[STIX]{x1D6FC}>0)$ and $(\ln G)^{-1}$ are examples of such functions. In addition, in the appropriate situations we improve the previously published estimates for the resolvent and functions of $G$ regular on $\operatorname{co}(G)$. Since differential operators with variable coefficients often can be considered as perturbations of operators with constant coefficients, the results mentioned above give us estimates for functions and bounds for the spectra of differential operators with variable coefficients.

2018 ◽  
Vol 18 (5&6) ◽  
pp. 481-496
T.J. Volkoff

A minimal energy quantum superposition of two maximally distinguishable, isoenergetic single mode Gaussian states is used to construct the system-environment representation of a class of linear bosonic quantum channels acting on a single bosonic mode. The quantum channels are further defined by unitary dynamics of the system and environment corresponding to either a passive linear optical element U_{BS} or two-mode squeezing U_{TM}. The notion of nonclassicality distance is used to show that the initial environment superposition state becomes maximally nonclassical as the constraint energy is increased. When the system is initially prepared in a coherent state, application of the quantum channel defined by U_{BS} results in a nonclassical state for all values of the environment energy constraint. We also discuss the following properties of the quantum channels: 1) the maximal noise that a coherent system can tolerate, beyond which the linear bosonic attenuator channel defined by U_{BS} cannot impart nonclassical correlations to the system, 2) the noise added to a coherent system by the phase-preserving linear amplification channel defined by U_{TM}, and 3) a generic lower bound for the trace norm contraction coefficient on the closed, convex hull of energy-constrained Gaussian states.

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