2019 ◽  
Vol 22 (2) ◽  
pp. 147-160
Eric Umar ◽  
Judith A Levy ◽  
Geri Donenberg ◽  
Mary Ellen Mackesy-Amiti ◽  
Hening Pujasari ◽  

 Depression and HIV-related stigma, among other factors, have been inversely linked independently with adherence to antiretroviral therapy (ART) among the youth. However, the processes through which the various factors influence this relationship is not fully known. Guided by Social Action Theory, we examined the interactive mechanisms through which depression, HIV-related stigma, and self-efficacy influenced ART adherence and whether or not these relationships are moderated by gender. A total of 450 HIV-positive youth (13–24 years) in Malawi receiving ART participated in this cross-sectional study. Moderated mediation analyses were conducted using Hayes’ PROCESS macro 2.11 in SPSS. ART adherence was measured by pill count. Findings showed that self-efficacy mediated the effects of depression and stigma on ART adherence. The analyses also revealed that gender moderated both the direct and indirect influence of depression and stigma (via self-efficacy) on ART adherence. Furthermore, self-efficacy simultaneously mediated and moderated the relationship between stigma and ART adherence. The interactive mechanisms through which various factors influence ART nonadherence must be considered to design effective interventions. To reduce the impact of depression and stigma on ART adherence, medication self-efficacy should be bolstered while taking gender in consideration. Keywords: Adolescent, Antiretroviral adherence, Malawi, Moderated mediation, Social action theory, Youth Abstrak Pengaruh Efikasi Diri Terhadap Hubungan antara Depresi dan Stigma HIV dengan Kepatuhan Terapi ART pada Remaja di Malawi. Depresi dan stigma HIV, di antara faktor-faktor lain, berhubungan terbalik secara independen dengan kepatuhan terapi antiretroviral (ART) pada remaja. Akan tetapi, dalam prosesnya faktor yang memengaruhi hubungan ini belum sepenuhnya diketahui. Berdasarkan Teori Perilaku Sosial, penelitian ini dilakukan bertujuan untuk mengkaji mekanisme interaktif depresi, stigma HIV, dan efikasi diri yang memengaruhi kepatuhan ART, dan untuk mengetahui apakah hubungan ini dimoderasi oleh gender atau tidak. Sebanyak 450 remaja dengan HIV-positif (13–24 tahun) di Malawi yang menerima ART ikut berpartisipasi dalam penelitian potong lintang ini. Analisis mediasi moderated dilakukan dengan menggunakan Hayes 'PROCESS macro 2.11 pada SPSS. Kepatuhan ART diukur menggunakan jumlah pil. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa efikasi diri memediasi efek depresi dan stigma pada kepatuhan ART. Hasil analisis juga mengungkapkan bahwa jenis kelamin memoderasi pengaruh langsung dan tidak langsung dari depresi dan stigma (melalui efikasi diri) terhadap kepatuhan ART. Lebih lanjut,efikasi diri secara bersamaan mediasi dan moderasi hubungan antara stigma dan kepatuhan ART. Mekanisme interaktif dengan berbagai faktor yang memengaruhi ketidakpatuhan ART harus dipertimbangkan untuk merancang intervensi yang efektif. Untuk mengurangi dampak depresi dan stigma terhadap kepatuhan ART, efikasi diri pengobatan harus didukung saat mempertimbangkan jenis kelamin. Kata kunci: Kepatuhan antiretroviral, Malawi, Mediasi tingkat menengah, Teori Perilaku Sosial, Remaja

Eric Umar ◽  
Judith A Levy ◽  
Geri Donenberg ◽  
Mary Ellen Mackesy-Amiti ◽  
Hening Pujasari ◽  

 Depression and HIV-related stigma, among other factors, have been inversely linked independently with adherence to antiretroviral therapy (ART) among the youth. However, the processes through which the various factors influence this relationship is not fully known. Guided by Social Action Theory, we examined the interactive mechanisms through which depression, HIV-related stigma, and self-efficacy influenced ART adherence and whether or not these relationships are moderated by gender. A total of 450 HIV-positive youth (13–24 years) in Malawi receiving ART participated in this cross-sectional study. Moderated mediation analyses were conducted using Hayes’ PROCESS macro 2.11 in SPSS. ART adherence was measured by pill count. Findings showed that self-efficacy mediated the effects of depression and stigma on ART adherence. The analyses also revealed that gender moderated both the direct and indirect influence of depression and stigma (via self-efficacy) on ART adherence. Furthermore, self-efficacy simultaneously mediated and moderated the relationship between stigma and ART adherence. The interactive mechanisms through which various factors influence ART nonadherence must be considered to design effective interventions. To reduce the impact of depression and stigma on ART adherence, medication self-efficacy should be bolstered while taking gender in consideration. Keywords: Adolescent, Antiretroviral adherence, Malawi, Moderated mediation, Social action theory, Youth Abstrak Pengaruh Efikasi Diri Terhadap Hubungan antara Depresi dan Stigma HIV dengan Kepatuhan Terapi ART pada Remaja di Malawi. Depresi dan stigma HIV, di antara faktor-faktor lain, berhubungan terbalik secara independen dengan kepatuhan terapi antiretroviral (ART) pada remaja. Akan tetapi, dalam prosesnya faktor yang memengaruhi hubungan ini belum sepenuhnya diketahui. Berdasarkan Teori Perilaku Sosial, penelitian ini dilakukan bertujuan untuk mengkaji mekanisme interaktif depresi, stigma HIV, dan efikasi diri yang memengaruhi kepatuhan ART, dan untuk mengetahui apakah hubungan ini dimoderasi oleh gender atau tidak. Sebanyak 450 remaja dengan HIV-positif (13–24 tahun) di Malawi yang menerima ART ikut berpartisipasi dalam penelitian potong lintang ini. Analisis mediasi moderated dilakukan dengan menggunakan Hayes 'PROCESS macro 2.11 pada SPSS. Kepatuhan ART diukur menggunakan jumlah pil. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa efikasi diri memediasi efek depresi dan stigma pada kepatuhan ART. Hasil analisis juga mengungkapkan bahwa jenis kelamin memoderasi pengaruh langsung dan tidak langsung dari depresi dan stigma (melalui efikasi diri) terhadap kepatuhan ART. Lebih lanjut,efikasi diri secara bersamaan mediasi dan moderasi hubungan antara stigma dan kepatuhan ART. Mekanisme interaktif dengan berbagai faktor yang memengaruhi ketidakpatuhan ART harus dipertimbangkan untuk merancang intervensi yang efektif. Untuk mengurangi dampak depresi dan stigma terhadap kepatuhan ART, efikasi diri pengobatan harus didukung saat mempertimbangkan jenis kelamin. Kata kunci: Kepatuhan antiretroviral, Malawi, Mediasi tingkat menengah, Teori Perilaku Sosial, Remaja

2021 ◽  
Vol 0 (0) ◽  
Alena Zhdanava ◽  
Surinderpal Kaur ◽  
Kumaran Rajandran

Abstract Ecolinguistics studies the interactions between language and ecology. It investigates whether the stories created by language are destructive or beneficial to all the constituents of the environment. In search of positive stories for our environment, this article focuses on vegan campaigns which generally bring awareness about veganism that, in turn, advocates protection of nonhuman animals and abstention from their exploitation. Nonhuman animals are part of the ecosystem and the way they are portrayed in language may determine the relationship between human and nonhuman animals. As vegan campaigns refer to nonhuman animals as sentient living beings, it is important to analyze whether the language and image of these campaigns articulate their purposes and create beneficial stories for nonhuman species. This article explores the stories regarding nonhuman animals in 27 posters of the vegan campaign “Go Vegan World” and examines how these stories are shaped and whether they are aligned with vegan values. The study is approached from an ecolinguistic perspective with a focus on multimodality where the language was analyzed through van Leeuwen’s Social Actor and Social Action theory, and the image was analyzed with Kress and van Leeuwen’s Grammar of Visual Design. Further, the analysis involves the ecosophy defined as a personal ecological philosophy of relationships between human and nonhuman animals, plants, and the physical environment. The findings suggest that the campaign language and image shape three stories: salience where nonhuman animals are individuals with their own feelings and lives; conviction that nonhuman animals matter as much as humans; ideology where biocentrism is promoted. By comparing these stories with the article’s ecosophy, an ecolinguistic analysis showed that they are largely beneficial in representing nonhuman animals as sentient living beings who are equal to humans.

2020 ◽  
Vol 33 (2) ◽  
pp. 301-317 ◽  
Secil Bayraktar ◽  
Alfredo Jiménez

PurposeDrawing from conservation of resources (COR) theory, this study empirically tests the impact of transformational leadership on commitment to and intention to support organizational change, proposing self-efficacy as a mediating mechanism. This study also aims to study whether the extent of change in the organization moderates the proposed relationship between transformational leadership, self-efficacy and change reactions.Design/methodology/approachA survey was conducted with a sample of 298 employees going through a major organizational change. The proposed moderated mediation relationship was tested by using PROCESS macro.FindingsThe findings showed that self-efficacy mediated the relationship between transformational leadership and reactions to change. Moreover, the extent of changes experienced by the employees moderated the relationship between self-efficacy and outcome variables. In other words, in high change contexts, self-efficacy appeared as a more salient and instrumental resource leading to positive reactions.Practical implicationsThe results guide change managers to display a transformational leadership style to enhance self-efficacy of change recipients to generate positive attitudes and behaviors during change. Also, this study shows that self-efficacy particularly gains importance when the extent of change is high.Originality/valueThis study makes several important contributions to the organizational change literature. First, it shows that leaders play a crucial role in generating resources that enhance employees' positive reactions to change. Second, the conditional factor of the extent of change has not received much attention in the literature. This study raises attention to the fact that the importance of such resources may differ across low versus high extent of change contexts.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2019 ◽  
pp. 1-14
Linlin Xie ◽  
Ting Han ◽  
Haitao Chu ◽  
Bo Xia

The importance of social responsibility strategy for the sustainable development of megaprojects has been widely concerned, while types and motivations of social responsibility behavior have also been analyzed and examined in the corporate management literature. However, the typical social responsibility behaviors in megaprojects and the various motivations and factors that influence stakeholders’ selection of social responsibility behavior have not been fully considered and confirmed. In this study, camouflage behavior and collaborative behavior are taken as representative social responsibility behaviors. Based on the social action theory, the impact of relevant influencing factors is empirically examined and stakeholder’s selection of these two behaviors toward megaproject social responsibility (MSR) is explored. Results from the sample data of 127 management staff with megaproject experience from the participating parties revealed that synergistic behavior is driven mainly by relationship quality (RQ), whereas hypocritical behavior is affected by RQ, institutional pressure, and external appeals. In addition, the mutual feedback mechanism significantly improves the RQ of participating parties, which indirectly affects both behaviors. These findings bear implications in realizing the management of social responsibility behavior in megaprojects and guiding the participating parties to coordinate and implement social responsibility.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 39
Yunho Ji ◽  
HyunJoong Yoon

This study aimed to verify the impact of servant leadership on innovative behaviour in non-governmental organisations (NGOs). It particularly investigated the role of a mediator for self-efficacy in the relationship between servant leadership and innovative behaviour. This study defined the organisational psychology-behaviour mechanism in non-profit organisations by verifying the moderated mediating effect of vocational calling in the relationship between servant leadership, self-efficacy, and innovative behaviour. The 174 pilot samples used in this study comprised community service participants in NGOs. The analysis verified the hypothesis set through causal correlations among four variables using regression analysis and the PROCESS macro developed by Hayes. Vocational calling played a moderating role in the relationship between servant leadership and self-efficacy, and vocational calling had a conditional effect on the impact of servant leadership on innovative behaviour through self-efficacy. Meanwhile, self-efficacy fully mediated servant leadership and innovative behaviour. Based on the verification of the mechanism of organisational psychology-action, this study sought ways to develop the organisation of NGOs and improve the working environment.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 187-204
Muhammad Shoukat Malik ◽  
Muhammad Kashif Nawaz

Organizational scholars concurred that positive workplace relationships with others can helps employee to gain from these relationships but, they lack insights into how or why this occurs. Moreover, the relationship dynamics focus on what the relationships provide without considering the how these relationships initiated, builds and maintains. To line of this, the current study aims to find the impact of mentoring functions (career, psychosocial, role modeling) and employee performance (career success, organization citizenship behavior, and job performance) via mediating effect of relational self-efficacy. For this purpose, the data were gathered from 310 branch banking employees of Pakistani conventional banks. PLS-SEM was used for data analysis. The results indicate that there is direct relationship between mentoring functions and employee’s performance. Moreover, the finding also shows that employee relational self-efficacy mediates the relationship between mentoring functions and employee performance. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed along with suggestions for future research.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Yi Yang ◽  
Xiang Li

Although the relationship between stressors and thriving at work has been established, the linkage between them is still in the early stages of theory development. This study proposed a two-path model, based on Lepine’s stressors-performance model, to analyze the effects of the stressors on the thriving at work. Two complementary mediating paths were proposed, i.e., affective strain (positive affect) and motivation (self-efficacy), which were explained using affective events theory and expectancy theory, respectively. Based on the empirical data from 233 employees, the results show that challenge stressors could enhance employees’ positive affect and self-efficacy, thus leading to thriving at work; on the contrary, hindrance stressors would result in negative influences. In addition, it is also found that the effect of affective path tend to be greater than that of motivation path, which could provide a practical guide for organizations to effectively apply stress management and to promote employees thriving at work.

Saddam Saddam ◽  
Achmad Zurohman ◽  
Babul Bahrudin

UNNES crowned a conservation university. The vision of UNNES to 2040 became an internationally reputable and conservation university. Conservation means the effort to protect and preserve the value of culture and human behavior in interacting with the environment. The research objectives reveal the integration of conservation values in UNNES campus habituation. The study used a qualitative case study design. Data collection using observations, documentation, and interviews. Testing the validity of data using the triangulation of sources, techniques, and theories, using the social action theory Talcott Parsons and the personality theory of Gordon Allport. Data analysis uses the Miles and Huberman models through three stages; Data reduction, data presentation, and data verification, as well as Spradley's taxonomy analysis. The results of the integration strategy of conservation values in the habituation of UNNES campus are conducted through academic and non-academic activities. Through academic activities, it is seen from the planting of conservation values through conservation education, environmental education, and other courses. While through non-academic activities are seen with the planting of conservation values through UPT conservation development activities, student activity units, and the Student Activities Center. The student personality has been conservative seen from the conservative behavior of college students, habituation to be a strategy to embed conservation values. With this, the student's behavior is closely related to the conservation character he has, so it can reflect the actions that have been performed by the role of instilling the conservation values of UNNES.

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 22-43
Putu Sabda Jayendra ◽  
I Wayan Eka Sudarmawan ◽  
Firlie Lanovia Amir

Kayoman Pedawa Group, directly initiated by the community of Pedawa Village aims to reconstruct and revitalize the existence of tourism potential in the form of natural, social, customs and local wisdom. The establishment of this group originated from the concerns of the community and  the young figures Pedawa village will be the phenomenon of the growing nature and local wisdom with the rapid modernization. Therefore, the interest is examined from  the phenomenon is and the role of the group Kayoman Pedawa in revitalizing the potential tourism-based local wisdom of Pedawa village. The theory used as a problem surgeon is the social action theory and structural functionalism theory. This research is a type of qualitative descriptive research. The results of the research is a revitalizing cultural potential based on local wisdom by Kayoman Pedawa Group of some of them are; 1) rehabilitation of forests and agricultural cultures, 2) revitalization of ancient relics into tourism destinations of village history, 3) The reconstruction of local wisdom-based attractions, such as traditional houses, gangsing games, traditional gamelan reconstruction of Pedawa , revitalizing the manufacture and product of palm sugar Pedawa, 4) provide a mentoring of foreign students who study ethnography, and 5) socialization and publication of local wisdom of Pedawa village to the outside community, such as the interactive dialogue of Thunder Singaraja Radio broadcast, Through the making of documentary films in collaboration with Minikino Bali.

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