Managing Perceived Challenges of E-Learning in Nigerian Higher Education

2012 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
Adams O. U Onuka ◽  
Esther O. Durowoju

Higher Education is the climax of the process of providing knowledge, changing learners attitude and inculcating specialized skills in individuals preparatory to taking a life-long employment with intent to earning a living and equally contributing to national economic growth and development. The Teaching and learning process is cardinal to the realization of the educational objectives of any nation. The advent of information and communication technology has made teaching and learning easier and beyond the traditional face to face interaction between the teacher and the learner. E-learning basically involving the transfer of skills and knowledge through an electronic device aims at improving the teaching/learning process. In spite of the benefits of e-learning to both regular students and distance learners, e-learning has been fraught with some challenges in Africa. Therefore, this paper discusses some of the challenges facing e-learning in Africa particularly in the Nigerian higher education system. These among others are epileptic power supply, high cost of procurement of computer hardware, inadequate infrastructure, and resistance to change on the part of the instructors, inability of learners to make use of ICT infrastructure, inadequate skilled manpower ICT, and corruption of computer storage device through viruses. Effectively managing the identified challenges means that the government would have to ensure regular power supply, lecturers and learners should be trained in the use of ICT infrastructure, and the government should evolve viable ICT policy as well as control or subsidise the price of the s of ICT infrastructure to make it affordable for both lecturers and learners. Keywords - Education, Challenges, Information and Communication Technology, National Educational Objectives, University system, Descriptive Research, Ibadan, Nigeria

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
Towip Towip ◽  
Yuyun Estriyanto ◽  
Ngatou Rohman ◽  
Suharno Suharno

<em>The covid-19 pandemic has changed the culture of teaching and learning activities in the schools. Learning activities are conducted online with the use of e-learning. Generally, Vocational High Schools (SMK) already have supporting facilities for the implementation of e-learning such as computer laboratories and adequate internet networks. However, most of the teachers in the schools are still not ready for the massive use of e-learning. For this reason, schools need training for teachers to optimize the use and integration of information and communication technology (ICT) in learning activities. The purpose of this community service is to provide training to teachers of SMK Muhammadiyah Delanggu to make e-learning and implement it in the learning process. This activity involved all teachers of SMK Muhammadiyah Delanggu. The stages of this training are: a) introduction to the concept of online learning (e-learning), b) workshop of creating e-learning, and c) application of e-learning into the subjects taught by each teacher. The results of this training: a) the teachers have been able to make learning packages, materials, and activities in the e-learning, b) Pedagogical competences of teachers have increased showed by a readiness to integrate ICT in the learning process, and c) The readiness of the school to optimize the application of e-learning to improve the learning process.</em>

Arif Wahyu Wirawan ◽  
Wahyudi Wahyudi

<p><em>The problem in the world of education at this time is the quality and quantity of education in the field of information and communication technology. The quality of education can be seen from the quality of education desired by the community and for the quality of education related to the equitable access to education without any gap. One way to overcome these problems is by optimizing the role of information and communication technology in the learning process by using e-learning. E-learning used is using online learning based on Schoology. In this application there are several features that can be used by the teacher in the learning process including uploading material, assignments, discussions and giving test questions using the online quiz system. In the use of E-Learning in the learning process can increase students' learning motivation and can create enjoyable learning so that students in participating in learning activities can be active and achieve maximum learning outcomes.</em></p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (4) ◽  
pp. 97-102
Chetlal Prasad ◽  
Pushpa Gupta

ICTs in Education refers to the development of information and communications technology specifically for teaching/learning purposes, while the ICTs in education involves the adoption of general components of information and communication technologies in the teaching learning process. The National Mission on Education through Information and Communication Technology (NME-ICT), launched in 2009 by the Central Government. Let’s see how Information and Communication Technology (ICT) evolved the Higher Education system: The role of ICT in higher education, what students learn, The role of ICT in Higher Education, how Students Learn, The role of ICT in Higher Education, when students learn, The role of ICT in higher education, where students learn. Online courses, development of e-content, e-learning, digital libraries, online encyclopaedias, journals, and books would promote learning and make knowledge available to all irrespective of the distance or location or financial resources. Government intervention is necessary so that ICT can be made successful in higher education. Information and Communications Technology (ICT) has the proven power to change the world. This acronym refers to the merging of audiovisual and telephone networks with the computer single unified system of cabling.

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 102
Duy Ngoc Pham ◽  
Thu Thi Xuan Nguyen

The amount of information to be accumulated at university has been increasing in recent years, so students nowadays are moving towards using computers in the learning process. Application of Information and Communication Technology (ICT), particularly educational software, to facilitate the learning and teaching process has become a more and more popular trend among teachers. In Thai Nguyen University of Technology (TNUT), Vietnam, a multi-disciplinary virtual learning environment ( has been established on the MOODLE platform. The aim of this paper is to introduce the design of self-practice listening and vocabulary exercises for the TOEFL-ITP preparation course by integrating the exercises designed with the Hot Potatoes and Quizlet into TNUT’s institutional e-learning system. First, the advantages of the e-learning system are discussed. Second, the tools and materials necessary for the design are described. Finally, a suggestion on integrating the listening and vocabulary exercises designed by the Hot Potatoes software and Quizlet into the available e-learning system is introduced.

2018 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
pp. 1-10
Yanti Yusman

There are some of students feel afraid to participate in learning, because there are some discussion or theme of learning is a problem that occurs in students of SMP Negeri 24 Padang Now this with Information and Communication Technology (ICT) learning process can be done through electronic media called e-learning. One way to use the right learning media so that students are more active to play a role in the learning process. As a medium that will be used by students and teachers then built Learning Management System with uses Analytic Network Process (ANP) method. Keywords: E-learning, ANP method

2018 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 128-143
Ali Rahman

ABSTRACTICT is one of the learning media that is widely used in various fields of educationbecause it increases the effectiveness and efficiency in the learning process. Theuse of ICT in learning includes tutorials, application tools and communication,while the application of ICT in the world of education is in the form of electronicbooks and e-learning. The use of information and communication technology ineducation is absolutely necessary to answer problems in the education sector,especially for access and equity and the quality of education. Everything will runsmoothly depending on the technology and network conditions available.Standardization and utilization of ICT in education is very important to ensure thequality of educational processes and outcomes. Teachers as implementers ofeducation are required to design the learning process by presenting the rightlearning atmosphere so that the learning process can take place effectively,efficiently and pleasantly. One learning model that can be used as a reference formodel design and learning based material is the ADDIE model.

2008 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 95-101
Rasid Rasid

Under an assumption that in the present days information and communication technology plays an important role in teaching and learning process, this article discusses how ICT can support the attainment of learning achievement. Based on the empirical studies, it recommends the educators and the supporting staff of non-formal education to improve their skills in using ICT in non-formal education and apply them in the instructional activities.

2019 ◽  
Vol 17 (4) ◽  
pp. 053
Uwes Anis Chaeruman

Dalam era komunikasi instan dewasa ini, cara belajar dan proses pembelajaran telah berubah. Kondisi ini membawa pembelajaran ke era e-learning di mana upaya belajar dan membelajarkan dapat difasilitasi dengan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi. Mengkombinasikan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi yang tepat (blended learning) merupakan salah satu isu penting dalam merancang e-learning yang baik. Oleh karena itu diperlukan semacam panduan (framework) yang dapat menjadikan acuan dalam memilih dan menentukan blended learning yang tepat sesuai kondisi dan tujuan yang ingin dicapai. Artikel ini mencoba memberikan framework untuk menjawab permasalahan tersebut. Framework yang coba ditawarkan dalam artikel ini mengacu pada konsep e-learning, empat kuadran seting belajara menurut Noord, dua kontinum strategi pembelajaran menurut Smaldino dkk., dan empat standar proses pembelajaran yang penulis adaptasi dari Horton. Framewrok tersebut adalah bahwa dam merancang blneded learning perlu mempertimbangkan beberapa unsur sebagai berikut: 1) upaya memfasilitasi pengalaman belajar sebagai esensi dari e-learning; 2) optimalisasi empat standar proses pembelajaran dalam konteks e-learning; 3) pemilihan dan penentuan strategi pembelajaran yang tepat; dan 4) pemilihan dan penentuan teknologi dan tool TIK yang tepat dalam empat kuadran seting belajar. In the era of instant communication, today, learning and instructional process has changed. This condition has led learning into a new era called e-learning, where learning process can be facilitated with proper use of information and communication technology. Combining information and communication technology appropriately to facilitate learning has become an impportant issue in e-learning design context. Therefore, we need such a kind of framework as a guidance in selecting and determining the appropritae blended learning strategy to address the learning objectives to be achieved. The framework offered in this article refered to the essential concept of e-learning itself, four quadrants of learning seting offered by Noord, two continuum of instructional strategy offerd by Smaldino et. al., and four standard of e-learning process adapted by author from the work of Norton. The framework offered are that in designing blended learning, we should consider the following aspects: 1) efforts to facilitate learning experiences as the essence of e-learning; 2) optimalization of the four learning process standard in the context of e-learning; 3) selection and determination of appropriate learning strategies; and 4) selection and determination of apropriate learning seting and ICTs used in four quadrants of learning seting. 

Isep Nursamsi

<em>The use of Information and Communication Technology continues to experience developments, for example the use of blogs in supporting the learning process. Blog is a web service application created to make it easier for users to publish information through writing in the form of blog posts consisting of text, images, videos, audio, links and other files. In making a blog it is very easy and free for example blogger, the steps to create a blog on blogger are the first to create a gmail account, login and register to, specify the blog name, blog address, choose and customize the blog template as desired. The use of blogs as an alternative learning media aims to enable students to explore the material posted by teachers in blogs that can be studied more flexibly and differently from conventional learning processes, so that blogs are the right learning media in a more effective and attractive teaching and learning process.</em>

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 28-33
Syahriani Syam ◽  
Mahmudin Mahmudin

ABSTRAK Perkembangan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi (TIK) telah membawa perubahan yang sangat besar bagi dunia pendidikan. Bentuk perkembangan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi yang diterapkan di dunia pendidikan adalah metode pembelajaran online atau lebih dikenal dengan sebutan e-Learning yang membantu sebuah proses pembelajaran. Berawal dari adanya masalah pada motode pembelajaran dan minat belajar mahasiswa pada mata kuliah logika Matematika pada Fakultas Teknik UNIS Tangerang, maka dikembangkan suatu pembelajaran online (e-learning) dengan metode object oriented berbasis web  mengunakan PHP dan MySQL. Dengan model pembelajaran online berbasis web ini dapat meningkatkan proses pembelajaran mahasiswa pada mata kuliah logika Matematika dan pembelajaran online memudakan Dosen memberikan materi pembelajaran serta memberikan tugas kepada para mahasiswa dan dosen pun bisa meng-upload materi dan tugas dimana saja dan kapan saja. Kata kunci : e-learning, Pembelajaran, Logika Matematika ABSTRAK The development of information and communication technology (ICT) has brought enormous changes to the world of education. The form of development of information and communication technology that is applied in the world of education is an online learning method or better known as e-Learning that helps a learning process. Starting with a problem in learning methods and student interest in mathematics logic courses at the Faculty of Engineering UNIS Tangerang, an online learning (e-learning) method was developed using web-based object oriented methods using PHP and MySQL. With this web-based online learning model can improve the learning process of students on ICT subjects and online learning makes it easier for lecturers to provide learning materials and give assignments to students and lecturers can upload materials and assignments anywhere and anytime .. Keywords: e-learning, Learning, Mathematical Logic

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