scholarly journals The Reality of Electronic Leadership in Jordanian Schools from the Perspective of Its Teachers

Diya’ Muflih Ali Al-Hawawsheh

E-leadership has become very essential to be practiced in an environment dominated by accelerating change and high competitiveness. Schools need e-leadership to achieve their e-activities and satisfy their students’ online requirements. Therefore, the current study aimed to assess the reality of e-leadership in Jordanian schools for purpose of enhancing their educational performance. The study population consisted of all Jordanian schools through all Jordanian governorates, and the study sample was composed of (386) teachers from different educational directorates. A self-reported questionnaire composed of (6) dimensions with (36) items, was used for collecting data from the study sample.  Descriptive statistics means, and standard deviation were used for data analysis using SPSS tools. It was found that e-leadership is practiced in a medium level by the teachers of Jordanian schools, with e- management practice in the first rank, and E- Team Building practice in the final rank.

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (10) ◽  
pp. 193
Abdurrahman Kirtepe

In this study, the risk assessment levels of athletes in different branches were examined in terms of various variables. Descriptive scanning model was used in the study. In the research, the survey was completed with a sample method of 105 people. The questionnaire was used as a data collection tool in the research. The questionnaire consists of questions about personal information and the Risk Assessment scale for athletes and coaches. Data analysis was performed in SPSS 21 package program. Descriptive statistics such as frequency, percent, and mean, standard deviation, minimum and maximum were used in data analysis. Data analysis was performed in SPSS 21 package program. Descriptive statistics such as frequency, percent, and mean, standard deviation, minimum and maximum were used in data analysis. As a result of the research, it was determined that the risk assessment perceptions of athletes according to their age, branches, educational status and income status did not differ. As a result of the research, it was determined that the risk assessment perceptions of athletes according to their age, branches, educational status and income status did not differ.

Fabian Chinedu Osita ◽  
Hope Ngozi Nzewi ◽  
Chigozie Chinonso Ojimba ◽  
Chimezie Ifechukwu

The sustainability issues faced by microfinance banks (MFBs) in Nigeria necessitated this study to examine the effect of competitive intelligence on performance of MFBs in Nigeria. The study adopted the use of survey research design. The study population was made up of 112 employees of 28 MFBs. Primary source of data collection was deployed (questionnaire) and reliability was done using Crombach Alpha with a reliability statistic of .899. Descriptive statistics (mean) and inferential statistics (regression analysis) at 5% level of significance was adopted for data analysis and test of the hypothesis respectively. The result revealed that strategic intelligence indeed had a statistically significant relationship with the performance of MFBs in Nigeria (r =.863; R-Square = .746; F = 284. p-value < 0.05). It was, therefore, concluded that the environment of business is increasingly becoming more dynamic by the day, hence, the need to keep an eye on it to stay relevant in business.

2017 ◽  
Vol 8 (6) ◽  
pp. 1081
Warangrut Duangsaeng ◽  
Natthapong Chanyoo

This study was conducted with the aims to measure intelligibility of English menus used in Thai restaurants as perceived by Thai and non-Thai speakers and to explore the most salient unintelligible features found on the menus as identified by native Thai speakers. Ninety-six participants agreed to complete an online survey. They were asked to rate their intelligibility level and identify the sources of confusing features found on Thai English menus. Independent t-test and simple descriptive statistics such as mean score, percentage and standard deviation were utilized for data analysis. The results suggest that there is the distinction between intelligibility of restaurant menus rated by Thai and non-Thai speakers. Translation is likely to be the most frequent rated as a source of unintelligible features. The data presented here leads to the conclusion that Thais seems to be harsher in rating intelligibility level. Further implications have also been discussed in this study.


Objective: The study was carried out to identify measures for preventing conflicts between farmers and cattle herdsmen in rural communities of Benue State, Nigeria. The specific objectives were to: Describe the socioeconomic characteristics of the respondents; ascertain the causes of conflict between farmers and cattle herdsmen in the study area; and identify measures required for preventing conflicts between farmers and cattle herdsmen. Methods: Data were collected from a sample of one hundred and eighteen (118) respondents in four communities in the study area using a well-structured questionnaire. Descriptive statistics such as frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation were used for data analysis. Results: Majority (90.7%) of the respondents had farming as a major source of livelihood, 55.1% were male while 62.7% were married. Damage to crops by cattle (x̄=2.72), uncontrolled grazing (x̄=2.52), herders claiming the land as common property (x̄=2.40), and destruction of farmland (x̄=2.30) were the major causes of conflicts. Measures required for preventing conflicts between farmers and cattle herdsmen include herdsmen education on the effects of the conflict (x̄=2.21), signing of a peace accord by both parties (x̄=2.12), establishment of ranches (x̄=2.06), implementation of law prohibiting open grazing (x̄=2.05), and disarming both parties (x̄=1.87). Conclusion: Educating farmers and herdsmen on the effects of the conflict, signing of a peace accord agreement by both parties, establishment of ranches, implementation of law prohibiting open grazing, and disarming both parties were measures required for preventing conflicts between farmers and cattle herdsmen. It is recommended that law enforcement agencies should enforce law on open grazing to avoid conflicts between farmers and cattle herdsmen in the area.

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 253-272
Medri Osno

The purpose of this study is to find the modalities contained in the Helsinki MoU and the reasons for modalities with the most dominant percentage of emergence. The type of this research is qualitative with descriptive statistics. Data collection uses the method of listening with the note techniques. The data analysis method uses a combination of the method of aggregation and the equivalent method which refers to the Halliday LFS analysis model. The technique used is a technique of sorting direct elements or BUL techniques. The basic technique of the matching method used is the sorting determining element or PUP technique. The modalities that appear in the data are modalization and modulation. The coverage of modalities includes causality, appearance and range. Furthermore, the orientation of modalities is explicit and implicit. Modality is dominated by medium-level probability of 77.3%, high-level proposition of 11.8%, high-level trend of 4.5%, medium-level tendency of 2.7%, and necessity of high and middle level 1.8%. These percentages indicate that most of the action have not been carried out by the Indonesian government and GAM in resolving problems in Aceh.

2018 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 186-196
Sukran Makmun ◽  
Rabiyatul Adawiyah

This research is aimed to determine the ability to appreciate poetry by hermeneutic methods in mastering figurative language of  students of MAN 2 Mataram in 2017/2018 academic year. This research is quantitative research. The data is collected by using observation and test. The research sample is students of grade X Mia consisting of 12 students of MAN 2 Mataram. Sample is selected by employing purposive sampling technique. Data analysis used is descriptive statistics. The result shows an average value of 76.25 with a standard deviation of  6.44, so that the ability to appreciate poetry with hermeneutic methods in mastering the figurative language of students Man 2 Mataram is high.   

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 253
Medri Osno

The purpose of this study is to find the modalities contained in the Helsinki MoU and the reasons for modalities with the most dominant percentage of emergence. The type of this research is qualitative with descriptive statistics. Data collection uses the method of listening with the note techniques. The data analysis method uses a combination of the method of aggregation and the equivalent method which refers to the Halliday LFS analysis model. The technique used is a technique of sorting direct elements or BUL techniques. The basic technique of the matching method used is the sorting determining element or PUP technique. The modalities that appear in the data are modalization and modulation. The coverage of modalities includes causality, appearance and range. Furthermore, the orientation of modalities is explicit and implicit. Modality is dominated by medium-level probability of 77.3%, high-level proposition of 11.8%, high-level trend of 4.5%, medium-level tendency of 2.7%, and necessity of high and middle level 1.8%. These percentages indicate that most of the action have not been carried out by the Indonesian government and GAM in resolving problems in Aceh. Penelitian ini bertujuan menemukan modalitas yang terdapat dalam teks MoU Helsinki dan alasan modalitas yang persentase kemunculannya paling dominan. Model penelitian ini adalah kualitatif dengan statistik deskriptif. Metode simak dengan teknik catat dijadikan metode untuk pengumpulan data. Metode analisis data menggunakan kombinasi metode agih dan metode padan yang merujuk pada model analisis LFS Halliday. Teknik yang digunakan adalah teknik bagi unsur langsung atau teknik BUL. Teknik dasar dari metode padan yang digunakan adalah teknik pilah unsur penentu atau teknik PUP. Penyajian hasil analisis data menggunakan metode formal dan informal. Modalitas yang muncul dalam data adalah modalisasi dan modulasi. Cakupan modalitas meliputi kausalitas, pemunculan dan kisaran. Selanjutnya, orientasi modalitas bersifat eksplisit dan implisit. Modalitas didominasi oleh probabilitas tingkat menengah 77,3%, propabilitas tingkat tinggi 11,8%, kecenderungan tingkat tinggi 4,5%, kecenderungan tingkat menengah 2,7%, keharusan tingkat tinggi dan menengah 1,8%.  Persentase tersebut mengindikasikan bahwa sebagian besar aksi belum dilakukan oleh pemerintah RI dan GAM dalam menyelesaikan permasalahan di Aceh.

Maria Ehioghae ◽  
Ezinwanyi Madukoma ◽  
Vincent E. Unegbu

The study explores the job performance of resident doctors ingovernment teaching hospitals in SouthwesternNigeria. Job performanceservesas a gauge to measure the health of organizations. The studyadopted the descriptive research designto investigatesix out of the seven government teaching hospitals in SouthwesternNigeria. Total enumeration was used to administer 792copies ofquestionnaire to the resident doctors but 636 were returned for data analysis, making the response rate to be 80.3%.Data obtained were analyzed using descriptive statistics (frequency counts, percentage, mean and standard deviation). Findings revealed that the job performance of resident doctors inthegovernment teaching hospitals in was remarkably high. There were, however,staff shortages which invariably led to heavy workloads and stressamong the resident doctors. The opportunities for advancement were also limited. It was, therefore, recommended that the management of the teaching hospitals should increase the staff strength of the resident doctors to avoid stress and burnouts. The workplace environment should be improved by providing opportunities for the doctorsto advance their careers.

Muhammad Romadhon ◽  
Amiruddin Saleh

A group approach having an excess because its scope broader, and in accordance with communal culture of the people. Group dynamics and independency farmers become a yardstick to judge whether the programs the government (the course of development) involving group cattle farmers cut is sustainable or not, so that it can be evaluated for sustainability the next. The purpose of research are (1) analyze group dynamics formed in the group spr mega jaya, (2) analyzed levels of independency of farmers in the farmers spr mega jaya, (3) analyze relations group dynamics and independency of farmers with the success kejar farmers spr mega jaya. Data analysis of analysis descriptive statistics (a frequency, the percentage, on the average), and statistic analysis inferential by test a correlation coefficient rank the spearman. The research results show that group dynamics spr mega jaya tends in category high, and independency of farmers spr mega jaya tends in category enough, while test relations shows that there is a positive connection welfare between group dynamics the cattle farmer and independency of farmers with the success kejar cattle farmers cut. This means that the more dynamic group spr mega jaya and independency of felt farmers high, so the success of the program group farmers who reached the higher.Keywords: group dynamics, independency of groups, sekolah peternakan rakyatABSTRAKPendekatan kelompok memiliki kelebihan karena cakupannya yang lebih luas, dan sesuai dengan budaya masyarakat komunal. Dinamika kelompok dan keberdayaan peternak menjadi tolok ukur untuk menilai apakah program pemerintah (program pembangunan) yang melibatkan kelompok peternak sapi potong bersifat sustainable atau tidak, sehingga dapat dievaluasi untuk keberlanjutan program selanjutnya. Tujuan dari penelitian adalah (1) menganalisis dinamika kelompok yang terbentuk dalam kelompok SPR Mega Jaya, (2) menganalisis tingkat keberdayaan peternak pada kelompok peternak SPR Mega Jaya, (3) menganalisis hubungan dinamika kelompok dan keberdayaan peternak dengan keberhasilan program kelompok peternak SPR Mega Jaya. Analisis data berupa analisis statistik deskriptif (frekuensi, persentase, rata-rata), dan analisis statistik inferensial dengan uji koefisien korelasi rank Spearman. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dinamika kelompok SPR Mega Jaya cenderung pada kategori tinggi, dan keberdayaan peternak SPR Mega Jaya cenderung pada kategori cukup, sedangkan uji hubungan menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan positif signifikan antara dinamika kelompok peternak dan keberdayaan peternak dengan keberhasilan program kelompok peternak sapi potong. Hal ini berarti bahwa semakin dinamis kelompok SPR Mega Jaya dan keberdayaan yang dirasakan peternak tinggi, maka keberhasilan program kelompok peternak yang tercapai semakin tinggi.Kata kunci: dinamika kelompok, keberdayaan kelompok, sekolah peternakan rakyat

2017 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 87-100
Karsono , ◽  
Denok Kurniasih ◽  
Dyah Retna Puspita

Abstract: Employee performance is very important for an organization to achieve its goals. This study aims to analyze the influence of work culture, on employee performance, leadership on employee performance, work discipline on employee performance, compensation on employee performance and work culture, leadership, work discipline, compensation on employee performance at PT. KAI Daop 5 Purwokerto. The study population is all employees of PT. KAI Daop 5 Purwokerto as many as 623 employees. Determination of sample size with Slovin formula obtained by 86 respondents. The data used is the primary data obtained from the questionnaires distributed to respondents.Tehnik data analysis used is a quantitative approach. The data of the research were analyzed using multiple regression analysis. The results showed that: Work culture affect the performance of employees means that if the work culture increases then the performance of employees will increase. Leadership affects the performance of employees means that if the existing leadership is conducive to work then the performance of employees will increase, work discipline does not affect the performance of employees means employees who discipline work high and employees who work discipline less have the same performance height, Compensation effect on the performance of meaning if the compensation increases then employee performance will increase, work culture, leadership, work discipline and compensation together affect the employee's performance, meaning that if work culture, leadership, work discipline and compensation together increase the employee performance will increase. Keywords: Working Culture, Leadership, Work Discipline, Compensation, Employee Performance. Abstrak: Kinerja pegawai merupakan hal yang sangat penting bagi organisasi untuk mencapai tujuannya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh budaya kerja, terhadap kinerja pegawai, kepemimpinan terhadap kinerja pegawai, disiplin kerja terhadap kinerja pegawai, kompensasi terhadap kinerja pegawai dan budaya kerja, kepemimpinan, disiplin kerja, kompensasi terhadap kinerja pegawai di PT. KAI Daop 5 Purwokerto. Populasi penelitian adalah semua karyawan PT. KAI Daop 5 Purwokerto sebanyak 623 orang karyawan. Penentuan ukuran sampel dengan rumus Slovin diperoleh sampel sebanyak 86 responden. Data yang digunakan adalah data primer yang diperoleh dari kuisioner yang dibagikan kepada responden.Tehnik analisis data yang digunakan adalah pendekatan kuantitatif. Data hasil penelitian dianalisis menggunakan analisis regresi berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: Budaya kerja berpengaruh terhadap kinerja pegawai artinya apabila budaya kerja meningkat maka kinerja karyawan akan meningkat. Kepemimpinan berpengaruh terhadap kinerja pegawai artinya apabila kepemimpinan yang ada sangat kondusif untuk bekerja maka kinerja karyawan akan meningkat, Disiplin kerja tidak berpengaruh terhadap kinerja pegawai artinya pegawai yang disiplin kerjanya tinggi dan pegawai yang disiplin kerjanya kurang memiliki kinerja yang sama tingginya, Kompensasi berpengaruh terhadap kinerja artinya apabila kompensasi meningkat maka kinerja karyawan akan meningkat, Budaya kerja, kepemimpinan, disiplin kerja dan kompensasi secara bersama-sama berpengaruh terhadap kinerja pegawai, artinya apabila budaya kerja, kepemimpinan, disiplin kerja dan kompensasi  secara bersama-sama mengalami peningkatan maka kinerja karyawan akan meningkat. Kata Kunci:  Budaya Kerja, Kepemimpinan, Disiplin Kerja, Kompensasi, Kinerja   Pegawai.

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