Caderno CRH ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 32 (85) ◽  
pp. 149
Dora Vianna Vasconcellos

<p>Neste artigo, destaca-se a importância de alguns estudos que se dedicaram a compreender o agir político das classes subalternas por meio da análise do fenômeno religioso do fanatismo ou do messianismo. É o que se depreende dos ensaios pioneiros de Nina Rodrigues e Arthur Ramos e das análises sociológicas de Roger Bastide e Maria Isaura Pereira de Queiroz. Com a passagem do ensaio para a sociologia consolidou-se a explicação da crença messiânica pela noção de mana. A partir disso, uma nova interpretação foi elaborada para os anseios políticos da classe subalterna e para a liderança a que ela se conforma.</p><p><strong>NOTES ON THE CONSCIENCE OF SUBALTERN CLASSES IN SOME BRAZILIAN STUDIES </strong></p><p>The article emphasizes the importance of some studies dedicated to understand the subaltern classes performance through the analysis of fanaticism or the messianism phenomena. That can be noticed on pioneer essays of Nina Rodrigues and Arthur Ramos, and in the sociological analysis of Roger Bastide and Maria Isaura Pereira de Queiroz. With the passage from essay to sociology, the explanation of messianism was consolidated by the notion of mana. This new perspective enable us to elaborate another interpretation of the political aspirations of subaltern classes, as well as the leadership that they allow to be subjected.</p><p>Key-words: Conscience of subaltern classes. Messianism. Brazilian social thought. Sociology</p><p><strong>NOTES SUR LA CONSCIENCE DES CLASSES SUBALTERNES DANS CERTAINSETUDES BRESILIENS </strong></p><p>L´article met en evidence l’importance de certains études qui se dediquent à comprendre l’actuation politique des classes subalternes à travers de l’analyse du phénomène du fanatisme ou messianisme. C’est cella qui on peut retrouver dans des essais pionniers de Nina Rodrigues et de Arthur Ramos, et dans les analyses sociologiques de Roger Bastide et Maria Isaura Pereira de Queiroz. On observe qui, avec la passage du essai à la sociologie, se consolide la explication de la croyance messianique par la notion demana. Avec cette nouvelle perspective s`elabore une nouvelle intérpretation sur les aspirations de la classe subalterne, aussi qu’une compreension de la leadership à laquelle cette classe se conforme.</p><p>Mots-clés: Conscience de la classe subalterne. Messianisme. Pensée socialle brésilienne. Sociologie.</p><p> </p>

1963 ◽  
Vol 28 (4) ◽  
pp. 659
Fred Cottrell ◽  
Bernard C. Borning

Inner Asia ◽  
2012 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 131-171
Hildegard Diemberger

AbstractIn this paper I follow the social life of the Tibetan books belonging to the Younghusband-Waddell collection. I show how books as literary artefacts can transform from ritual objects into loot, into commodities and into academic treasures and how books can have agency over people, creating networks and shaping identities. Exploring connections between books and people, I look at colonial collecting, Orientalist scholarship and imperial visions from an unusual perspective in which the social life and cultural biography of people and things intertwine and mutually define each other. By following the trajectory of these literary artefacts, I show how their traces left in letters, minutes and acquisition documents give insight into the functioning of academic institutions and their relationship to imperial governing structures and individual aspirations. In particular, I outline the lives of a group of scholars who were involved with this collection in different capacities and whose deeds are unevenly known. This adds a new perspective to the study of this period, which has so far been largely focused on the deeds of key individuals and the political and military setting in which they operated. Finally, I show how the books of this collection have continued to exercise their attraction and moral pressure on twenty-first-century scholars, both Tibetan and international, linking them through digital technology and cyberspace.

2021 ◽  
Vol 26 ◽  
pp. 24-46

The Iraqi city of Mosul occupied a clear geographical and historical importance for a large number of geographers and historians due to its geographical and historical importance, and because of the important historical events that its lands witnessed that changed the political map of several countries Geographers were interested in studying the geography of Mosul, and most of them made it within the geography of the Euphrates island, and this, of course, is due to the nature of the ruling political forces at that time, especially mentioning in successive Islamic eras, as well as the administrative subordination of the ruling Islamic states or emirates at that time. The research addressed the views of an important number of geographers about the city of Mosul, especially those who lived through the Abbasid era and its various stages, in terms of name and location, and the most important geographical and climatic features of this city, as well as the nature of its inhabitants, their buildings, and the nature of their land, and referred to the goods and imports that it was famous for. Naturalization made it self-sufficient, as well as the most important villages and cities near it, which are within its borders. Key words: City, Palm, Basra, Institutions, Country.

Chris Mourant

Katherine Mansfield’s contemporaries knew her primarily as a contributor to magazines and periodicals. In 1922, for instance, Wyndham Lewis described her as ‘the famous New Zealand Mag.-story writer’. This book provides the first in-depth study of Mansfield’s engagement in periodical culture, examining her contributions to the political weekly The New Age, the avant-garde little magazine Rhythm and the literary journal The Athenaeum. Reading these writings against the editorial strategies and professional cultures of each periodical, Chris Mourant situates Mansfield’s work within networks of production and uncovers the many ways in which she engaged with the writings of others and responded to the political, aesthetic and social contexts of early twentieth-century periodical culture. By examining Mansfield’s ambivalent position as a colonial woman writer working both within and against the London literary establishment, in particular, this book provides a new perspective on Mansfield as a ‘colonial-metropolitan modernist’ and proto-postcolonial writer.

2007 ◽  
Vol 18 (2) ◽  
pp. 73-98
Bozidar Jaksic

The author?s approach is based on three premises: 1. that Gajo Petrovic?s Praxis was an outstanding phenomenon in Croatian, Yugoslav and European culture, a challenge of freedom in a repressive society; 2. that there has never been such a thing as "Praxis group", "philosophers of practice" or "Praxis philosophers" with a unified philosophical and socio-theoretical orientation; and 3. that political and ideological attacks on Praxis were part of the repressive system that targeted every instance of cultural and scientific dissent. The political leadership of Tito?s regime, its ideological and propaganda apparatus systematically disseminated allegations, denunciations and accusations against Praxis and Gajo Petrovic. The same style has survived through radical historical changes from the appearance of Praxis until today. The attackers have often been the same persons, with the difference that in earlier times they denounced Praxis and Gajo Petrovic as enemies of "socialism" and the "socialist self-management system", and in the changed political fashion as "servants" of Tito?s authoritarian rule. The fate of Praxis in the former regime has been triumphantly interpreted as a "family quarrel". This paper attempts a sociological analysis of the political destiny of Praxis. The analysis is essentially determined not by old and new political and ideological questionings of Praxis, but by Gajo Petrovic?s fundamental belief that there is no freedom without the human or humanity without freedom. .

2017 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 914
Durmuş Ali Arslan ◽  
Ahmet Çağrıcı

In this study, sociological analysis of public profiles of Democrat Party deputies who served years between 1950 and 1960 as a ruling party deputy by using elite theory has been planned. Before sociological analysis of deputies clarifying the complex structure of first event is needed. To achieve this firstly some basic concepts explained by using general fictions. We will set our work foundation over basic ideas of political sociology on Politics, democracy, powers, the political elite and the intellectual foundation concepts. After creating the conceptual and fictional background of the subject the historical background of the period before Adnan Menderes and his Democrat Party's ruling time has been analyzed.As a sample Group Democratic Party Deputies have been selected who served years between 1950 and1960 under Grand National Assembly umbrella from research universe consist of Turkish political elite. A set of data has been created by using "Spatial Analysis Technique" on the basis of background of the political elite has been used. Parliament's institutional records, publications and websites, especially by examining the parliament albums, since 1950, the year he took over the ruling period have been evaluated and used. These data sets were analyzed by using SPSS.   Analysis of  1323 deputies  have been planned from the perspective of social indicators like education level, age, foreign language they know, gender and place of birth under the light of generated data in the period of three course term.When the political elite as a result of the study evaluated the required properties for the Democratic Party deputies to be born in Istanbul, he should be more educated university graduates. In other sociological characteristics, to be young and middle-aged, gender and family status in the context of male, married, with three children to outweigh. If the analyzed period, as Turkey that lack of a college education is considered the country's first university graduate of Istanbul University attorneys are frequent. Law graduate to be, people who manage to know at least one foreign language and civilian bureaucrats seem to be dominant in parliament as in the DP. ÖzetBu çalışmada, Demokrat Partinin iktidar yılları olan 1950-1960 yılları arasında görev yapmış Demokrat Parti milletvekillerinin, toplumsal profillerinin elit teorisi üzerinden sosyolojik analizinin yapılması hedeflenmiştir. Milletvekillerinin sosyolojik analizinden önce incelediğimiz olayın ilk başta karmaşık yapısını belirginleştirmek gerekmektedir. Bu doğrultuda ilk başta genel bir kurgulama yapılarak bazı temel kavramlar açıklanmıştır. Siyaset, demokrasi, erk, parti, elit, siyasi elit kavramları üzerinden siyaset sosyolojisinin fikri temelleri üzerine çalışma oturtulmuştur. Konunun kavramsal ve kurgusal alt yapısı oluşturulduktan sonra dönemin tarihsel arka planı da göz önüne alınarak Adnan Menderes ve Demokrat Parti iktidar yılları, öncesi ve dönemi ile birlikte ele alınmıştır.Türk siyasi elitlerinin oluşturduğu araştırma evreninden, örneklem kümesi olarak 1950–1960 yılları arasında, Türkiye Büyük Millet Meclisi çatısı altında görev yapmış Demokrat Parti milletvekilleri seçilmiştir. “Konumsal Analiz Tekniği” kullanılarak, TBMM’nin kurumsal kayıtları, yayınları ve web sitesi özellikle de TBMM albümleri incelenerek, Demokrat Parti’nin iktidarı devraldığı yıl olan 1950’den itibaren Demokrat Parti milletvekilliği yapmış siyasi elitlerin toplumsal özgeçmişleri temelinde bir veri seti oluşturulmuştur. Bu veri setleri SPSS kullanılarak analiz edildi. Oluşturulan veri seti ışığında, üç dönemlik bir süreçte toplam 1323 Demokrat Partili milletvekilinin mesleki dağılımları, eğitim durumları, yaş, bildikleri yabancı dil, cinsiyet ve doğum yeri gibi sosyal indikatörler açısından incelemesi planlanmıştır.Yapılan çalışma neticesinde bir siyasal elit olarak Demokrat Parti milletvekilli için aranan özellikler değerlendirildiğinde İstanbul doğumlu olmak, eğitimli dahası üniversite mezunu olmak gerekmektedir. Aranan diğer nitelikler: genç-orta yaşlı, cinsiyet ve aile durumu bağlamında erkek, evli, üç çocuklu olmak ağır basmaktadır. İncelenen dönemler itibariyle Türkiye’de üniversite eğitimi veren kurumların azlığı göz önünde bulundurulursa ülkenin ilk üniversitesi olan İstanbul Üniversitesi mezunu vekiller yoğunluktadır. Hukuk bölümü mezunu olmak, en az bir yabancı dil bilmek ve sivil-bürokrat yönetici olan kişiler DP sıralarında parlamentoda baskın olarak gözükmektedir.

2008 ◽  
Vol 33 ◽  
pp. 125-145 ◽  
Mohammed Sghir Taleb ◽  
Mohamed Fennane

RÉSUMÉ. Diversité floristique du Parc National du Haut Atlas Oriental et des massifs Ayachi etMaâsker (Maroc). Etant donné la rareté des études sur le Parc National du Haut Atlas Oriental et lesmassifs Ayachi et Maâsker, les connaissances sur la diversité floristique de ces régions, très accidentées,étaient très insuffisantes et fragmentaires. Actuellement la flore vasculaire du Parc, jbels Ayachi etMaâsker est estimée respectivement à 227, 140 et 96 espèces; la flore rare, menacée et/ou endémiqueconstitue une part importante. Le nombre d’endémiques dans le Parc (espèces et sous espèces)représente 6.8 % de l’ensemble des endémiques marocaines. Ce nombre est très important dans l’Ayachiavec 7.5 %. Dans le Maâsker, le nombre d’endémiques est évalué à 3.9 % de l’ensemble des endémiquesmarocaines. La flore rare (espèces et sous-espèces) est représentée par 3.6 % de la flore totale duParc, 4 % de la flore totale du jbel Ayachi et 4 % de la flore totale du jbel Maâsker. Par contre le tauxde la flore très rare est faible, respectivement de l’ordre de 1.9 %, 2 % et 2.4 %.Mots clés. Diversité floristique, Endémisme, Parc National du Haut Atlas Oriental, Maroc.SUMMARY. Flora diversity of the National Park of the Eastern High Atlas and the massifs Ayachiand Mâasker (Morocco). Considering the rare studies on the Eastern High Atlas National Park, Ayachiand Mâasker mountains, the knowledge on the flora diversity of these regions were very insufficient.Their flora is estimated currently 227, 140 and 96 species. The rare flora, threatened and/or endemicconstitutes an important part. The number of endemics in the Park (species and subspecies) represents6.8% of the endemics of Morocco. This number is very important in Ayachi (7.5%). In Maasker, thenumber of endemics is about 3.9% of the endemic of Morocco. The rare flora (species and subspecies)in the Park, Ayachi and Maasker is represented respectively by 3.6%, 4%, and 4%. On the other handthe very rare flora is poor respectively 1.9%, 2% and 2.4%.Key words. Flora diversity, Endemism, National Park of Eastern High Atlas, Morocco.

2020 ◽  
Vol 60 (11) ◽  
pp. 38-41
Nigar Firuz Sadigova ◽  

Katran Tabrizi is an Azerbaijani poet of the 11th century. In his work, he reflected the political history of Azerbaijan. These are known as "history verses". Tabrizi wrote poetry on various topics. If you look closely at his work, you can see that he retained the Turkish spirit, way of thinking, Turkish culture in his works, retained the patriotic spirit that we see in Nizami, Fizuli, Khagani. The poetic ideas expressed in "Dada-Gorgud", "Divani-lugati-Turk", "Gutadgu-bilik" are very similar. Turkish culture here is very close to Katran Tabrizi; purity, courage, loyalty. Like many medieval poets, Katran Tabrizi wrote in Persian for socio-political reasons. Key words: Gatran Tabrizi, poet, poetry, Azerbaijan, turkic peoples

2021 ◽  
Vol 65 (04) ◽  
pp. 170-173
Leyla Nazim qızı Vəlişova ◽  

The article is devoted to financial sources of terrorism. As money laundering, financing terrorism financial crimes undermine the political and economic interests of jurisdictions and pose a serious threat to national security. The sources of terrorist funding vary. Key words: terrorism, terrorist organization, finance

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 196-209
Yu.V. KAIRA ◽  

The purpose of the article is to determine the influence of the socio-economic and socio-political situation in the Orel region on the level of social tension. The research methodology is a sociological analysis of the respondents' answers about the socio-economic and socio-political situation in the region, as well as the level of social tension using two-dimensional analysis and correlation tables. As a result, the importance of conducting monitoring sociological studies of the main indicators of the social development of the region has been substantiated. It was revealed that the population of the region believes that the state of affairs in the economic sphere in the region is much worse than in the country as a whole. Despite the fact that the majority of respondents note an improvement in the political situation in the region, the fact that every third resident of the region declares that it has deteriorated is quite alarming. The authors come to the conclusion that dissatisfaction with the socio-political and socio-economic situation directly affects the civic position of the population, affects the growth of social tension. It is summarized that social tension is a complex multifactorial phenomenon that cannot be interpreted unambiguously. Therefore, to monitor it, constant research should be carried out.

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