biblical perspective
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2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 195-205
Osbert Uyovwieyovwe Isiorhovoja

The paper examines the role of deconstruction in the Nigerian educational system vis-à-vis its functionality to the growing needs and challenges be devilling the nation. Arguably, the content of the system has been commonly viewed sometimes as dysfunctional, tilted toward the needs of the colonial agenda. This phenomenon did only leave the endeavour handicapped but also totally reliant on foreign ideology; a system that estranged the people. The paper adopts hermeneutical, historical, and critical approaches to the phenomenon. From a biblical perspective, while searching for relevance, there has been the need to decolonize certain aspects which otherwise have alienated the people, with the aim of targeting functionality and acceptability among Africans. The need to contextualize a foreign curriculum that will bring about a total overhauling of the system to achieve a vibrant curriculum remains a necessity in order to service the needs of the people. As in the decolonisation exercise among biblical scholars, chances are that we can achieve a great feat in our nation’s education sector. It concludes by resounding that the present educational system is deconstructed with the aim of removing dysfunctional elements; with full integration of a rich indigenous knowledge base that serves the people’s uniqueness amidst conflicting curriculum, the government should be proud to introduce into the educational system a fresh idea that meets the needs as posited by biblical scholars.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 79-89
Osbert Uyovwieyovwe Isiorhovoja

The paper examines the role of deconstruction in the Nigerian educational system vis-à-vis its functionality to the growing needs and challenges be devilling the nation. Arguably, the content of the system has been commonly viewed sometimes as dysfunctional, tilted toward the needs of the colonial agenda. This phenomenon did only leave the endeavour handicapped but also totally reliant on foreign ideology; a system that estranged the people. The paper adopts hermeneutical, historical, and critical approaches to the phenomenon. From a biblical perspective, while searching for relevance, there has been the need to decolonize certain aspects which otherwise have alienated the people, with the aim of targeting functionality and acceptability among Africans. The need to contextualize a foreign curriculum that will bring about a total overhauling of the system to achieve a vibrant curriculum remains a necessity in order to service the needs of the people. As in the decolonisation exercise among biblical scholars, chances are that we can achieve a great feat in our nation’s education sector. It concludes by resounding that the present educational system is deconstructed with the aim of removing dysfunctional elements; with full integration of a rich indigenous knowledge base that serves the people’s uniqueness amidst conflicting curriculum, the government should be proud to introduce into the educational system a fresh idea that meets the needs as posited by biblical scholars.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 102-113
Monica Ruset-Oancă

In this paper, I intend to present the way in which the Biblical stories and medieval legends are re-written in the episode of the Miraculous Ship in La Queste del Saint Graal, and to identify several characteristics of this vessel, considered ideal for the questers’ preparation for the ecstatic life in the presence of the Grail. The multi-layered symbolism of this miraculous self-moving ship is constantly enriched with new connotations, and from being a sacred place that offers the successful knights the opportunity to meditate on their spiritual life before reaching Sarras and the Holy Grail, it may also be regarded as a connector between the Old-Testament legends, Christian traditions and Arthurian lore. In addition, the focus of the story shifts from Arthurian adventures to the creation of a story of origin and Galahad is presented not only as the quintessential Arthurian knight, but also the rightful heir of mythical ancestors. More importantly, analysing the way in which some medieval texts are recycled in this fragment, the reader is astonished to find a very progressive re-writing of the well-known literary tradition, as it reveals a very appreciative portrayal of women’s agency and a tolerant attitude towards Jews (represented by Solomon). Both these aspects differ not only from the biblical perspective or dogmatic theories, but also from other 13th-century legends. Moreover, this inclusive approach to non-Christians is unique in the economy of La Queste.

2021 ◽  
Vol 77 (4) ◽  
Jacobus Kok

This paper makes an original contribution against the background of relevant postcolonial discourse by means of the methods of postcolonial and social-scientific biblical exegesis from the perspective of critical correlation. The main aim of the paper is to bring into dialogue the insights of Frantz Fanon and Steve Biko, with the latest insights in biblical scholarship on the parables. This study finds that the New Testament can be read critically through the lens of core ideas of Fanon and Biko in critical correlation with understandings of Jesus as reacting against Roman Imperial domination and exploitation. The paper concludes with the suggestion that postcolonial reading scenarios, like the ones we have suggested in this paper, be used in theological training to relate New Testament Exegesis to contemporary challenges around decoloniality in South Africa.Contribution: The main contribution of this paper is providing key insights into decolonial and postcolonial readings of Jesus as an agent of change reacting against Roman imperial domination and exploitation, addressing the agenda of the special HTS collection of essays focused on the reception of biblical discourse in Africa.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 61-87
Sri Lina Betty Lamsihar Simorangkir ◽  
Andreas Marhain Sumarno

Abstract: The Bible is the word of God which teaches the truth by understanding it through comprehensive study. In following Jesus, believers must return to the correct understanding of materiality and wealth so as not to be trapped. In this study, it was found that living in abundance in the teachings of prosperity theology does not indicate that God's children must be prosperous and abundant in material things. This study uses qualitative methods with exposition and exegesis approaches. Thus, it can be concluded that the theological review of the concept of abundant life in the perspective of prosperity theology. First, it brings the congregation to understand the nature of Abundant Life in prosperity theology by looking at the background and teachings of Prosperity Theology. Furthermore, understanding in a comprehensive manner that a Bible review of several verses that are used as the basis for Abundant Life as a Prosperity Theology Teaching becomes an apologist who brings a new paradigm. And the last Bible review of abundance in a biblical perspective and educating believers' attitudes about wealth according to the Bible. Abstrak: Alkitab adalah firman Allah yang mengajarkan kebenaran dengan memahaminya melalui mempelajarinya secara konprihensif. Dalam mengikut Yesus, orang percaya harus kembali kepada pemahaman yang benar tentang materi dan kekayaan agar tidak terjebak. Dalam penelitian ini di dapatkan bahwa hidup berkelimpahan dalam ajaran teologi kemakmuran tidak menunjukkan bahwa anak Tuhan harus makmur dan berlimpah dalam materi. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan eksposisi dan eksegesa. Demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa tinjauan teologis konsep hidup berkelimpahan dalam perspektif teologi kemakmuran. Pertama membawa jemaat dapat mengerti hakikat Hidup berkelimpahan dalam teologi kemakmuran dengan melihat latar belakang berdiri dan Ajaran Teologi Kemakmuran. Selanjutnya memahami secara konfrernhensif bahwa tinjauan Alkitab tentang beberapa ayat yang dipergunakan sebagai dasar untuk Hidup Berkelimpahan Sebagai Ajaran Teologi Kemakmuran menjadi apologet yang membawa paradigma baru. Dan yang terakhir Tinjauan Alkitab tentang kelimpahan dalam perspektif Alkitab dan mengedukasi bagi Sikap orang percaya tentang kekayaan Menurut Alkitab.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 31-37
Tigist Woyesa

Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to analyze the theology of suffering from a biblical perspective by using literature review as methodology. Methodology: One of the foundational evangelical presuppositions for theological research is that Scripture is divinely authored and is therefore without error, and authoritative for our faith and practice. Findings: The study found that suffering is biblical and should be expected by all Christians as they are not exempted from it, unlike prosperity teaching. Suffering has the purpose of refining and maturing our faith. Further, it is to display the greatness of the glory of the grace of God.    Unique Contribution to theory and practice: Therefore, it is recommended for Christians to depend on God at all seasons by asking for wisdom and grace from him. So in this paper, the relationship between suffering and the sovereignty of God and its implication to the church will be discussed with a particular focus on John Piper's work

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 69-83
Paulus Purwoto ◽  
Reni Triposa ◽  
Yusak Sigit Prabowo

The harmony that has been torn so far as a result of the ethnicity, religion, race, and inter-group relations (SARA) conflict threatens the diversity of the nation. Even the horizontal conflicts that have occurred so far have caused wounds and trauma for all communities. This study aims to provide understanding for pastors, teachers, and believers so that they can play a role in the scope of Christian religious education to be able to emphasize the value of harmony in a multicultural society. Through a descriptive qualitative method with a literature study approach, the researcher tries to answer the research problem by searching for literature sources, both books, and journals, that correlate with the research problem. The conclusion of this study is the first by understanding the value of wisdom and the importance of maintaining harmony in society, Christians can contribute to actualizing the meaning of harmony, both internally and amid religious communities within Indonesia. Second, Christian religious education can be used as a medium in instilling and actualizing the value of harmony in a biblical perspective in a multicultural society. The three people believe that they can provide education in the community and family so that they are expected to become actors of tolerance in a pluralistic society.AbstrakKerukunan yang terkoyak selama ini akibat adanya konflik SARA mengancam kemajemukan bangsa. Bahkan konflik horizontal yang terjadi selama ini menimbulkan luka dan trauma bagi semua masyarakat. Penelitian  ini bertujuan untuk  memberikan pengertian bagi gembala, guru dan orang percaya sehingga dapat berperan dalam lingkup pendidikan agama Kristen untuk dapat menanankan nilai kerukunan di tengah masyarakat multikultural. Melalui  metode kualitatif deskritif dengan pendekatan studi pustaka, penulis berusaha untuk menjawab permasalahan yang terdapat dalam penelitian dengan mencari kajian dari berba-gai sumber literatur baik buku maupun jurnal yang berkorelasi dengan masalah penelitian. Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah yang pertama dengan memahami nilai kearifan dan pen-tingnya menjaga kerukunan dalam bermasyarakat, orang Kristen dapat berkonribusi  dalam mengaktualisasikan makna kerukunan, baik dalam lingkup intern maupun antarumat beraga-ma di Indonesia. Kedua,  Pendidikan Agama Kristen dapat dipakai sebagai media dalam me-nanamkan dan mengaktualisasi nilai  kerukunan dalam persepektif Alkitabiah di tengah ma-syarakat multikultural. Ketiga orang percaya dapat memberikan edukasi dalam komunitas maupun keluarga sehingga  diharapkan dapat menjadi pelaku toleransi dalam masyarakat  majemuk.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 45-78
Siwoku-Awi Omotayo Foluke

Purpose: Students of Christian Religious Studies should be encouraged to learn about other religions in order to enhance their personal conviction and be tolerant and competent in engaging in meaningful negotiation when mediating in crises. It is an exploratory research that has deployed resources from documents, media and personal interaction and inquiries. Religion is a cause of disunity, tribal disparity, ethnic cleansing and wars in most parts of the world. Religion has empowered some individuals to kill, maim, rape, enslave and self-impose on others. It has been mingled with politics in some countries like Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Middle East, most African countries and many others. The practice of religion has been used to discriminate against job seekers and in matters of welfare. It brings tremendous gains to some people while others are impoverished.    Methodology: Real life occurrences as published by the media of people who have been victims of religious intolerance, violence, psychological and sexual slavery. For instance, in the Middle East entire communities are eliminated by murder and rape of children and youths who are abducted to be subjected to indoctrination or kept as hostages until some money is paid on them. These destructive tendencies forestall development. Findings: The findings are: A God-centered religion should emphasize divine qualities in the lives of believers. Compliance with the National Constitution of one’s country is more beneficial than man-made tenets and laws that are of the least benefits to the general public or human progress and which cause dissension and do not necessarily reflect the nature of God, the Creator but that of an invisible personality that only forms a part of human imagination. Faith in God should be a reason to love fellow humans 1John 4:20. Learning philosophy of religion is training in peaceful coexistence. Religion arouses intense emotions; therefore, it may not deploy rationality in fostering good human relations and respect of the rights of opponents. Unique Contribution To Theory, Practice And Policy: This article contributes to contemporary realities by proposing that democratic governments should institute peace and order by enabling equal rights of worship, freedom of religion, of choice and of self-expression.  The research leans heavily on the Bible and the claims of Jesus Christ, a fact of history, whose moral perfection, peaceful lifestyle, teaching and philosophy express values that are worthy of emulation for human development, progress and peace.      Key words: pluralism, philosophy of religion, Bible tenets, Islam, Ba’hai, Buddhism

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