nuclear space
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mBio ◽  
2022 ◽  
Ryan C. Burdick ◽  
Claire Deleage ◽  
Alice Duchon ◽  
Jacob D. Estes ◽  
Wei-Shau Hu ◽  

HIV-1 integrates its genomic DNA into the chromosomes of the infected cell, but how it selects the site of integration and the impact of their location in the 3-dimensional nuclear space is not well understood. Here, we examined the nuclear locations of proviruses 1 and 5 days after infection and found that integration sites are first located near the nuclear envelope but become randomly distributed throughout the nucleus after a few cell divisions, indicating that the locations of the chromosomal sites of integration that harbor transcriptionally active proviruses are dynamic.

2021 ◽  
Anis Meschichi ◽  
Adrien Sicard ◽  
Frédéric Pontvianne ◽  
Svenja Reeck ◽  
Stefanie Rosa

Double-strand breaks (DSBs) are a particularly deleterious type of DNA damage potentially leading to translocations and genome instability. Homologous recombination (HR) is a conservative repair pathway in which intact homologous sequences are used as a template for repair. How damaged DNA molecules search for homologous sequences in the crowded space of the cell nucleus is, however, still poorly understood, especially in plants. Here, we measured global chromosome and DSB site mobility, in Arabidopsis thaliana, by tracking the motion of specific loci using the lacO/LacI tagging system and two GFP-tagged HR regulators, RAD51 and RAD54. We observed an increase in chromatin mobility upon the induction of DNA damage, specifically at the S/G2 phases of the cell cycle. Importantly, this increase in mobility was lost on sog1-1 mutant, a central transcription factor of the DNA damage response (DDR), indicating that repair mechanisms actively regulate chromatin mobility upon DNA damage. Interestingly, we observed that DSB sites show remarkably high mobility levels at the early HR stage. Subsequently, a drastic decrease of DSB mobility is observed, which seems to be associated to the relocation of DSBs to the nucleus periphery. Altogether, our data suggest that changes in chromatin mobility are triggered in response to DNA damage, and that this may act as a mechanism to enhance the physical search within the nuclear space to locate a homologous template during homology-directed DNA repair.

Cells ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (9) ◽  
pp. 2362
Palmira Llorens-Giralt ◽  
Carlos Camilleri-Robles ◽  
Montserrat Corominas ◽  
Paula Climent-Cantó

Eukaryotic genomes are packaged into high-order chromatin structures organized in discrete territories inside the cell nucleus, which is surrounded by the nuclear envelope acting as a barrier. This chromatin organization is complex and dynamic and, thus, determining the spatial and temporal distribution and folding of chromosomes within the nucleus is critical for understanding the role of chromatin topology in genome function. Primarily focusing on the regulation of gene expression, we review here how the genome of Drosophila melanogaster is organized into the cell nucleus, from small scale histone–DNA interactions to chromosome and lamina interactions in the nuclear space.

2021 ◽  
pp. 002200942110319
Rosanna Farbøl

The article explores how the global Cold War conflict was made sense of and situated in local political, cultural and physical landscapes and communities during the 1980s in Britain and Denmark. Using civil defence as a prism, the article employs a comparative approach to explore variations within and between countries of how local authorities prepared or resisted the prospect of nuclear war. The article finds that two main imaginaries emerged that shaped shared understandings of society before, during and after the imagined future war: one emphasized the possibility of nuclear survival and even welfare, the other urged resistance and renounced the futility of civil defence preparations. The article argues that local actors used these imaginaries to empower themselves, to define how nuclear space was imagined and lived and to construct desirable (and undesirable) visions of the future. The imaginaries were multiscalar and interacted with developments at global and national levels, and the article sheds light on this three-way dynamic of understanding and articulating the nuclear age.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (8) ◽  
pp. e1008828
Leif Zinn-Brooks ◽  
Marcus L. Roper

Multinucleate cells occur in every biosphere and across the kingdoms of life, including in the human body as muscle cells and bone-forming cells. Data from filamentous fungi suggest that, even when bathed in a common cytoplasm, nuclei are capable of autonomous behaviors, including division. How does this potential for autonomy affect the organization of cellular processes between nuclei? Here we analyze a simplified model of circadian rhythm, a form of cellular oscillator, in a mathematical model of the filamentous fungus Neurospora crassa. Our results highlight a potential role played by mRNA-protein phase separation to keep mRNAs close to the nuclei from which they originate, while allowing proteins to diffuse freely between nuclei. Our modeling shows that syncytism allows for extreme mRNA efficiency—we demonstrate assembly of a robust oscillator with a transcription rate a thousand-fold less than in comparable uninucleate cells. We also show self-organized division of the labor of mRNA production, with one nucleus in a two-nucleus syncytium producing at least twice as many mRNAs as the other in 30% of cycles. This division can occur spontaneously, but division of labor can also be controlled by regulating the amount of cytoplasmic volume available to each nucleus. Taken together, our results show the intriguing richness and potential for emergent organization among nuclei in multinucleate cells. They also highlight the role of previously studied mechanisms of cellular organization, including nuclear space control and localization of mRNAs through RNA-protein phase separation, in regulating nuclear coordination.

2021 ◽  
Artem K Efremov ◽  
Ladislav Hovan ◽  
Jie Yan

DNA-architectural proteins play a major role in organization of chromosomal DNA in living cells by packaging it into chromatin, whose spatial conformation is determined by an intricate interplay between the DNA-binding properties of architectural proteins and physical constraints applied to the DNA by a tight nuclear space. Yet, the exact effects of the cell nucleus size on DNA-protein interactions and chromatin structure currently remain obscure. Furthermore, there is even no clear understanding of molecular mechanisms responsible for the nucleus size regulation in living cells. To find answers to these questions, we developed a general theoretical framework based on a combination of polymer field theory and transfer-matrix calculations, which showed that the nucleus size is mainly determined by the difference between the surface tensions of the nuclear envelope and the endoplasmic reticulum membrane, as well as the osmotic pressure created by cytosolic macromolecules on the cell nucleus. In addition, the model predicted the existence of a previously unknown link between the cell nucleus size and stability of nucleosomes, providing new insights into the potential role of nuclear organization in shaping the cell response to environmental cues.

PLoS Genetics ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (7) ◽  
pp. e1009691
Andréa Willemin ◽  
Lucille Lopez-Delisle ◽  
Christopher Chase Bolt ◽  
Marie-Laure Gadolini ◽  
Denis Duboule ◽  

Mammalian genomes are partitioned into sub-megabase to megabase-sized units of preferential interactions called topologically associating domains or TADs, which are likely important for the proper implementation of gene regulatory processes. These domains provide structural scaffolds for distant cis regulatory elements to interact with their target genes within the three-dimensional nuclear space and architectural proteins such as CTCF as well as the cohesin complex participate in the formation of the boundaries between them. However, the importance of the genomic context in providing a given DNA sequence the capacity to act as a boundary element remains to be fully investigated. To address this question, we randomly relocated a topological boundary functionally associated with the mouse HoxD gene cluster and show that it can indeed act similarly outside its initial genomic context. In particular, the relocated DNA segment recruited the required architectural proteins and induced a significant depletion of contacts between genomic regions located across the integration site. The host chromatin landscape was re-organized, with the splitting of the TAD wherein the boundary had integrated. These results provide evidence that topological boundaries can function independently of their site of origin, under physiological conditions during mouse development.

Ana Paula Santos ◽  
Valérie Gaudin ◽  
Iva Mozgová ◽  
Frédéric Pontvianne ◽  
Daniel Schubert ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (11) ◽  
pp. 5987
Atiqa Sajid ◽  
El-Nasir Lalani ◽  
Bo Chen ◽  
Teruo Hashimoto ◽  
Darren K. Griffin ◽  

Three dimensional (3D) ultra-structural imaging is an important tool for unraveling the organizational structure of individual chromosomes at various stages of the cell cycle. Performing hitherto uninvestigated ultra-structural analysis of the human genome at prophase, we used serial block-face scanning electron microscopy (SBFSEM) to understand chromosomal architectural organization within 3D nuclear space. Acquired images allowed us to segment, reconstruct, and extract quantitative 3D structural information about the prophase nucleus and the preserved, intact individual chromosomes within it. Our data demonstrate that each chromosome can be identified with its homolog and classified into respective cytogenetic groups. Thereby, we present the first 3D karyotype built from the compact axial structure seen on the core of all prophase chromosomes. The chromosomes display parallel-aligned sister chromatids with familiar chromosome morphologies with no crossovers. Furthermore, the spatial positions of all 46 chromosomes revealed a pattern showing a gene density-based correlation and a neighborhood map of individual chromosomes based on their relative spatial positioning. A comprehensive picture of 3D chromosomal organization at the nanometer level in a single human lymphocyte cell is presented.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Jade Bishop ◽  
Hetty Swan ◽  
Francesco Valente ◽  
Hans-Wilhelm Nützmann

Chromosomes are dynamic entities in the eukaryotic nucleus. During cell development and in response to biotic and abiotic change, individual sections as well as entire chromosomes re-organise and reposition within the nuclear space. A focal point for these processes is the nuclear envelope (NE) providing both barrier and anchor for chromosomal movement. In plants, positioning of chromosome regions and individual genes at the nuclear envelope has been shown to be associated with distinct transcriptional patterns. Here, we will review recent findings on the interplay between transcriptional activity and gene positioning at the nuclear periphery (NP). We will discuss potential mechanisms of transcriptional regulation at the nuclear envelope and outline future perspectives in this research area.

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