spinor representation
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2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (11) ◽  
Gui-Jun Ding ◽  
Stephen F. King ◽  
Jun-Nan Lu

Abstract We combine SO(10) Grand Unified Theories (GUTs) with A4 modular symmetry and present a comprehensive analysis of the resulting quark and lepton mass matrices for all the simplest cases. We focus on the case where the three fermion families in the 16 dimensional spinor representation form a triplet of Γ3 ≃ A4, with a Higgs sector comprising a single Higgs multiplet H in the 10 fundamental representation and one Higgs field $$ \overline{\Delta } $$ ∆ ¯ in the $$ \overline{\mathbf{126}} $$ 126 ¯ for the minimal models, plus one Higgs field Σ in the 120 for the non-minimal models, all with specified modular weights. The neutrino masses are generated by the type-I and/or type II seesaw mechanisms and results are presented for each model following an intensive numerical analysis where we have optimized the free parameters of the models in order to match the experimental data. For the phenomenologically successful models, we present the best fit results in numerical tabular form as well as showing the most interesting graphical correlations between parameters, including leptonic CP phases and neutrinoless double beta decay, which have yet to be measured, leading to definite predictions for each of the models.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (10) ◽  
Simone Giombi ◽  
Bendeguz Offertaler

Abstract We study the half-BPS circular Wilson loop in $$ \mathcal{N} $$ N = 4 super Yang-Mills with orthogonal gauge group. By supersymmetric localization, its expectation value can be computed exactly from a matrix integral over the Lie algebra of SO(N). We focus on the large N limit and present some simple quantitative tests of the duality with type IIB string theory in AdS5× ℝℙ5. In particular, we show that the strong coupling limit of the expectation value of the Wilson loop in the spinor representation of the gauge group precisely matches the classical action of the dual string theory object, which is expected to be a D5-brane wrapping a ℝℙ4 subspace of ℝℙ5. We also briefly discuss the large N, large λ limits of the SO(N) Wilson loop in the symmetric/antisymmetric representations and their D3/D5-brane duals. Finally, we use the D5-brane description to extract the leading strong coupling behavior of the “bremsstrahlung function” associated to a spinor probe charge, or equivalently the normalization of the two-point function of the displacement operator on the spinor Wilson loop, and obtain agreement with the localization prediction.

Keith Glennon ◽  
Peter West

We study in detail the irreducible representation of [Formula: see text] theory that corresponds to massless particles. This has little algebra [Formula: see text] and contains 128 physical states that belong to the spinor representation of [Formula: see text]. These are the degrees of freedom of maximal supergravity in eleven dimensions. This smaller number of the degrees of freedom, compared to what might be expected, is due to an infinite number of duality relations which in turn can be traced to the existence of a subaglebra of [Formula: see text] which forms an ideal and annihilates the representation. We explain how these features are inherited into the covariant theory. We also comment on the remarkable similarity between how the bosons and fermions arise in [Formula: see text] theory.

Shichao Sun ◽  
Torin F. Stetina ◽  
Tianyuan Zhang ◽  
Hang Hu ◽  
Edward F. Valeev ◽  

2020 ◽  
Vol 86 (5) ◽  
George Vahala ◽  
Linda Vahala ◽  
Min Soe ◽  
Abhay K. Ram

Utilizing the similarity between the spinor representation of the Dirac and the Maxwell equations that has been recognized since the early days of relativistic quantum mechanics, a quantum lattice algorithm (QLA) representation of unitary collision-stream operators of Maxwell's equations is derived for both homogeneous and inhomogeneous media. A second-order accurate 4-spinor scheme is developed and tested successfully for two-dimensional (2-D) propagation of a Gaussian pulse in a uniform medium whereas for normal (1-D) incidence of an electromagnetic Gaussian wave packet onto a dielectric interface requires 8-component spinors because of the coupling between the two electromagnetic polarizations. In particular, the well-known phase change, field amplitudes and profile widths are recovered by the QLA asymptotic profiles without the imposition of electromagnetic boundary conditions at the interface. The QLA simulations yield the time-dependent electromagnetic fields as the wave packet enters and straddles the dielectric boundary. QLA involves unitary interleaved non-commuting collision and streaming operators that can be coded onto a quantum computer: the non-commutation being the very reason why one perturbatively recovers the Maxwell equations.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2020 (2) ◽  
Taichiro Kugo ◽  
Naoki Yamatsu

Abstract It was recently shown that in four-dimensional $SU(N)$ Nambu–Jona-Lasinio (NJL) type models, the $SU(N)$ symmetry breaking into its special subgroups is not special but much more common than that into the regular subgroups, where the fermions belong to complex representations of $SU(N)$. We perform the same analysis for the $SO(N)$ NJL model for various $N$ with fermions belonging to an irreducible spinor representation of $SO(N)$. We find that the symmetry breaking into special or regular subgroups has some correlation with the type of fermion representations; i.e. complex, real, pseudo-real representations.

2020 ◽  
Vol 148 ◽  
pp. 103540
Hovhannes Khudaverdian ◽  
Theodore Voronov

Yoshio Kikukawa

Abstract We consider the lattice formulation of SO(10) chiral gauge theory with left-handed Weyl fermions in the 16-dimensional spinor representation ($\underline{16}$) within the framework of the overlap fermion/Ginsparg–Wilson relation. We define a manifestly gauge-invariant path-integral measure for the left-handed Weyl field using all the components of the Dirac field, but the right-handed part of it is just saturated completely by inserting a suitable product of the SO(10)-invariant ’t Hooft vertices in terms of the right-handed field. The definition of the measure applies to all possible topological sectors of admissible link fields. The measure possesses all required transformation properties under lattice symmetries and the induced effective action is CP invariant. The global U(1) symmetry of the left-handed field is anomalous due to the non-trivial transformation of the measure, while that of the right-handed field is explicitly broken by the ’t Hooft vertices. There remains the issue of smoothness and locality in the gauge-field dependence of the Weyl fermion measure, but the question is well defined and the necessary and sufficient condition for this property is formulated in terms of the correlation functions of the right-handed auxiliary fields. In the weak gauge-coupling limit at least, all the auxiliary fields have short-range correlations and the question can be addressed further by Monte Carlo methods without encountering the sign problem. We also discuss the relations of our formulation to other approaches/proposals to decouple the species doubling/mirror degrees of freedom. These include the Eichten–Preskill model, the mirror-fermion model with overlap fermions, the domain-wall fermion model with the boundary Eichten–Preskill term, 4D topological insulator/superconductor with a gapped boundary phase, and the recent studies on the PMS phase/“mass without symmetry breaking”. We clarify the similarities and differences in the technical details and show that our proposal is a unified and well defined testing ground for that basic question.

Universe ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (6) ◽  
pp. 135 ◽  
In Ki Hong ◽  
Choong Sun Kim

By using complex quaternion, which is the system of quaternion representation extended to complex numbers, we show that the laws of electromagnetism can be expressed much more simply and concisely. We also derive the quaternion representation of rotations and boosts from the spinor representation of Lorentz group. It is suggested that the imaginary “i” should be attached to the spatial coordinates, and observe that the complex conjugate of quaternion representation is exactly equal to parity inversion of all physical quantities in the quaternion. We also show that using quaternion is directly linked to the two-spinor formalism. Finally, we discuss meanings of quaternion, octonion and sedenion in physics as n-fold rotation.

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