organic basis
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A. Shuvar ◽  
Ya. Salo

The purpose of research is the development of a competitive, adapted to soil and climatic conditions of the Forest-Steppe zone of the western, organic technology for growing oilseed flax. Research methods – hypothesis, experiment, observation, quantitative-weight, field, visual and comparative calculation. Research results. The use of growth stimulants Vitazim, Ascostart Spectrum for flax seed treatment of flax seeds led to an increase in germination of seeds by 4.2-5.2 % . The highest productivity of seeds oil flax (1.34 t / ha) was obtained by using the biostimulant Vitazim (1.0 l / t) for pre-sowing seed treatment. The increase before control was 14.1 %. Other studies have stimulated the growth and development of plants contributed to an increase in the yield of oilseed flax in the range of 9.5-10.9 %. For complex micro-fertilizers this indicator was in the range of 0.08-0.09 t / ha (6.8-7.8 %). Pre-sowing treatment of flax seeds with growth stimulators Spectrum Ascostart, Vitazim, Ecoline Boron, Vympel 2 influenced the increase of oil content in seeds by 0.5-1.4 %. The highest yield of flaxseed oil for growing flax on an organic basis (0.563 t / ha) was obtained using the biostimulant Vitazim. The increase before control was 0.08-0.095 t / ha (17.1-20.3 %) depending on the method of use. Other complex fertilizers and stimulators of plant growth and development provided an increase in oil yield at the level of 0.048–0.092 t / ha (10.3-19.7 %) with the control indicator at 0.468 t / ha. Analysis of the content of heavy metals in oilseed flax seeds using complex micro-fertilizers and growth stimulants indicates its environmental safety. In particular, their content was significantly lower than the MPC: zinc - 11.4-12.7 (MPC - 50 mg / kg), lead - 0.01-0.07 (MPC - 0.3 mg / kg), cadmium - no more 0.010 (MPC - 0.03 mg / kg), copper - 5.9-6.8 (MPC - 10.0 mg / kg). Conclusions. The use of the studied complex micro-fertilizers and growth stimulants in the organic technology of oil flax cultivation helped to increase the length of the growing season, increased germination and reduced plant disease. The use of these drugs for treatment seed and foliar fertilization led to an increase in seed yield by 9.0-21.8 % compared to control (1.1 t / ha) and an increase in content of 0.6-0.9 % and oil yield in within 0.048-0.095 t / ha (10.3-20.8 %).

Pain medicine ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
pp. 29-35
K Dmitrieva ◽  
V Vidiscak ◽  
A Prochotsky ◽  
K Furkova ◽  
E Kovacsova ◽  

Pain and discomfort during bowel movements in children are among the most common symptoms in the modern civilized world. The most common cause of these symptoms is chronic constipation, which is often treated by a pediatrician or pediatric gastroenterologist. In differen­tial diagnosis, it is very important to distinguish between chronic symptomatic constipation and functional (without an organic basis), which are most common in childhood. Organic causes of constipation are usually dealt with in cooperation with specialized specialists. The main patho­physiological mechanisms of functional constipation are stress, pain during emptying, and fear of further painful bowel movements. The clinical picture is dominated by in­frequent and difficult defecation of a large amount of hard stools. If the history, laboratory and other additional stud­ies indicate functional constipation, and there are no warn­ing signs of chronic symptomatic constipation, complex treatment can be started. Therapy includes psychological preparation of the patient and his family, working with the correct technique of defecation, dietary and regimen mea­sures, sufficient physical activity, the use of osmotic lax­atives. The presence of warning signs requires a rational differential diagnostic procedure, which varies depending on the age of the child.

2021 ◽  
pp. 58-63
Yu. V. Perepelytsia ◽  
L. M. Zakhartseva ◽  
V. A. Mikhnev ◽  
Ia. A. Ushko

The urgency of the problem is due to the high prevalence among the population in all countries of the world and socio-economic losses associated with serious complications of osteoporosis. Chronic non-gaseous acidosis leads to disruption of many metabolic processes, which causes dysfunction of some organs, namely, can lead to decreased kidney function, exacerbate cardiovascular disease, the development of osteoporosis. Different types of non-gaseous acidosis are accompanied by changes in protein metabolism, which lead to the development of osteoporosis. Aim: to study the structural features of the bone tissue of the femur in chronic non-gaseous acidosis. Methods. The experiments were carried out on 60 intact white outbred male rats weighing 120-180 g, which were kept on a balanced diet of vivarium. Chronic non-gaseous acidosis was simulated by daily intragastric administration with a probe for 60 days 20 mmol/kg NH4CL. The control animals were injected with the same amount of tap water. Histological examination and osteometry were used to study the structure, length and thickness of the rat femur. Free, bound, and total oxyproline in rat urine was determined by biochemical method. Results. In chronic non-gaseous acidosis after 6 months there is a tendency to reduce the length and thickness of the femur, but does not differ significantly from the control group. In the urine of rats of the experimental group, the total oxyproline increases mainly due to an increase in free oxyproline, which indicates the predominance of collagen degradation over repair. The histological structure of the bone is disturbed due to the thinning of the bone beams, the intercellular matrix is disorganized, in some places there is its "defibering" with the formation of foci of destruction and cylindrical "lumens". There is a violation of the crystalline structure of bone tissue, its uneven calcification, the formation of cracks in the bone beams. Studied literature sources and our research indicate that chronic non-gaseous acidosis has a pathogenic effect on the histological structure of bone. Acidosis is a stress factor that increases the level of glucocorticoids. Glucocorticoids inhibit type I collagen synthesis and increase the expression of collagenase 3, which promotes collagen degradation. Collagen is a source of amino acids that are the substrate for renal ammoniogenesis. Renal ammoniogenesis is a compensatory mechanism in chronic non-gaseous acidosis, which required for restores the normal ratio between fixed cations and anions blood plasma. Thus, the violation of the organic basis of bones is the body's adaptation to chronic non-gaseous acidosis. Conclusions. Chronic non-gaseous acidosis simultaneously leads to thinning and disorganization of the intercellular matrix, disruption of the crystal structure of bone tissue, which indicates its important role in the development of osteoporosis. In chronic non-gaseous acidosis, the concentration of oxyproline in the urine increases, which is a marker of the destruction of collagen in the organic matrix of bone.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
pp. 01-07
Saeed Shafti

Psychiatry is, indeed, basically similar to the rest of medicine. It is based upon making reliable diagnoses and applying evidence - based treatments that have success rates comparable with those used in other specialties. Psychiatric syndromes may be defined as disorders that are conventionally treated with treatments used by psychiatrists. The illnesses in which psychiatrists have developed proficiency have tended to be those that either manifest with disordered psychological functioning (thinking, perception, emotion, and memory) or those which have no obviously established organic basis. However, scientific developments are showing us that these so - called psychological ailments are linked with abnormalities of the brain, just as so - called medical illnesses are deeply affected by psychological factors. Modern psychiatry is an evolving field that is becoming less hospital based, more evidence based, and more neuroscience based. Nonetheless, during the last decades, random antipsychiatry attitudes have amalgamated and turned into a conjectural effort, which has a humanistic appearance, too. On the other hand, publicized criticisms by some associates, including known psychiatrists or psychotherapists, have, radically, stirred and reinforced the movement. Anyway, though various criticisms or worries about psychiatry, either as a subdivision in science or as a clinical practice in medicine are understandable due to existing scientific or diagnostic deficits, anti-psychiatry stance, which comprises many historical exaggerations based on happenings and primitive conditions from a century ago, may help to keep us rigorous and honest about what we do and inspiring us to insistently seek better diagnostic prototypes and management standards. In the present article, the said antagonism, in addition to the existing facts and expected responsibilities of psychiatry has been discussed concisely.

L. I. Senkivska ◽  
M. L. Aryayev

Anotation. Regional clinical and auxological studies of growth hormone deficiency (GHD) in children contribute to a realistic assessment of the severity of the problem and prevent underdiagnostics of the disease. The aim of the study is to analyze the features of various forms of GHD in children of the Odessa region on the basis of the clinicians’ integrated assessment of history, physical examination, auxology, stature, growth velocity, bone age (BA), 2 growth hormone (GH) stimulation tests, insulin-like growth factor, magnetic resonance imaging in 92 children with GHD in the Odessa region. Parametric variables were assessed using criteria t-test and хі-square (χ2). The p value <0,05 was considered statistically significant. Decrease in SDS height from - 2,1 tо - 6,6 was found. Isolated GHD (IGHD) was diagnosed in 65,2% of diseases, multiple pituitary hormone deficiency (MPHD) in 34,8% cases. IGHD was more often idiopathic and MPHD was more often arose on an organic basis. Chronological age (CA), BA and height of children with MPHD were lower at the start of therapy compared with IGHD. Complete GH deficiency was more common in children with MPHD (62,7%), while partial GH deficiency was more common in children with IGHD (81,7%). Very low values of the coefficient CA/BA (less than 0,55) were significantly more often detected in children with MPHD compared with IGHD. The regional clinical and auxological characteristics of GHD in children in the Odessa region can be considered in further study of population aspects and patterns of growth.

2020 ◽  
Vol 32 (2) ◽  
pp. 32-36
Anupam Das ◽  
MA Salam ◽  
Sultana Algin ◽  
MSI Mullick ◽  
Md Faruq Alam ◽  

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is a functional disorder characterized by a set of gastrointestinal symptoms often associated with extra-digestive symptoms with unknown organic basis. It is a prototypic functional bowel disorder in terms of its heterogeneous nature with multifactor pathogenesis. Invariably it is co-morbid with psychiatric disorders. This study was done to determine the frequency and types of psychiatric disorders with irritable bowel syndrome and to find out association of socio-demographic and relevant variables. It was cross-sectional study carried out in the Department of Gastroenterology, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University (BSMMU) from January 2014 to December 2014. Total 250 sample were included by convenient sampling technique in this study diagnosed as IBS. Diagnosis was done according to Rome III criteria and SCID-CV was used for psychiatric assessment. Respondents were above 18 years of age of either sex. Data was analyzed using SPSS 20. Results showed 86.4% patients have psychiatric disorders. The most common disorder was generalized anxiety disorder (44.9%) followed by major depressive disorder (37.5%). Maximum (35.2%) were IBS-D type followed by 32.8% IBS-C type and 32% IBS-M type. So, it is seen that significant proportion of psychiatric disorders was found in patients with irritable bowel syndrome. Among them, generalized anxiety disorder was leading psychiatric disorder. Bang J Psychiatry 2018;32(2): 32-36

Sujit Sarkhel

The COVID 19 virus was first identified in Wuhan in China in 2019. It spread to the entire world subsequently and gave rise to a global pandemic. Although the virus is primarily known to cause respiratory symptoms, there are instances of gastrointestinal symptoms as well as neurological sequelae. The main route of neurotropism is ACE2 receptors expressed in neurons and neuroglia. The SARS-CoV-2, similarly to other respiratory viruses, could gain access to CNS through several routes, for example by migrating through axons of the olfactory nerve.[1]The virus infects and damages the brainstem where respiratory center is located. The inflammatory response, so commonly described in COVID 19 infections, also damages the blood brain barrier causing further destruction to central nervous system through inflammatory chemicals. These massive changes to the brain milieu may be responsible for various neuropsychiatric sequelae like delirium, dementia, stroke as well as form the organic basis of psychiatric conditions like major depressive disorder, anxiety disorder and reactive psychosis. Similarly, massive psychosocial upheavals caused by the overwhelming global pandemic including change in lifestyle and socialization, being forced to stay indoors for weeks together due to lockdowns, financial consequences of unemployment and downslide of economy have all lead to increase in anxiety, depression and even suicidality. This is bound to increase further as time passes and economy takes a further beating. Prolonged stay in intensive care units, fear of imminent death, loss of loved ones all of a sudden- all these have caused increased incidences of post traumatic stress disorder. Overall, the COVID 19 is poised to increase the burden of neuropsychiatric conditions manifold. Longitudinal studies must be undertaken to gain clarity and further understanding on the neuropsychiatric sequelae of COVID 19 and their mechanism.

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 96-111
Ekaterina Vladimirovna Mikhalchi

Background. The article discusses the qualitative and quantitative features of visual fatigue that persons of different nosological groups may experience. Visual fatigue is one of the factors in deterioration of the psychophysical status of both respondents with psychophysical impairments from the experimental group and relatively healthy individuals from the control group. Aim. The paper aims to study the features of the development of visual fatigue in people with different types of psychophysical disorders and different levels of health. Materials and method. During the study, the following methods were used: observation, self-assessment of the psychophysical status by respondents, and a survey. Results. The results of the study showed that respondents with impaired health and a relatively healthy people had different reasons for the development of visual fatigue and the manifestation of mental responses to intense visual stimuli. Therefore, the emergence and development of visual fatigue can depend both on the mental status of a person and on physical factors that reduce the adaptive capabilities of sensory systems and lead to negative mental responses and health deterioration. Two groups of respondents with a mental and organic basis for visual fatigue were identified. Some respondents showed that they had high levels of visual adaptation and resistance to visual fatigue. They use effective strategies for sensory discharge which can be applied to other groups distinguished by physical and mental symptoms of visual fatigue. Conclusion. The results can be used in the development and application of methods for the psychological and pedagogical support of persons with health problems and are aimed at reducing visual fatigue among participants in inclusive education.

I. Kukhtevich

Functional autonomic disorders occupy a significant part in the practice of neurologists and professionals of other specialties as well. However, there is no generally accepted classification of such disorders. In this paper the authors tried to show that functional autonomic pathology corresponds to the concept of somatoform disorders combining syndromes manifested by visceral, borderline psychopathological, neurological symptoms that do not have an organic basis. The relevance of the problem of somatoform disorders is that on the one hand many health professionals are not familiar enough with manifestations of borderline neuropsychiatric disorders, often forming functional autonomic disorders, and on the other hand they overestimate somatoform symptoms that are similar to somatic diseases.

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