nuclear spectroscopy
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Physics ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (4) ◽  
pp. 1226-1236
Alexandra Gade

One ambitious goal of nuclear physics is a predictive model of all nuclei, including the ones at the fringes of the nuclear chart which may remain out of experimental reach. Certain regions of the chart are providing formidable testing grounds for nuclear models in this quest as they display rapid structural evolution from one nucleus to another or phenomena such as shape coexistence. Observables measured for such nuclei can confirm or refute our understanding of the driving forces of the evolution of nuclear structure away from stability where textbook nuclear physics has been proven to not apply anymore. This paper briefly reviews the emerging picture for the very neutron-rich Fe, Cr, and Ti isotopes within the so-called N=40 island of inversion as obtained with nucleon knockout reactions. These have provided some of the most detailed nuclear spectroscopy in very neutron-rich nuclei produced at rare-isotope facilities. The results indicate that our current understanding, as encoded in large-scale shell-model calculations, appears correct with exciting predictions for the N=40 island of inversion left to be proven in the experiment. A bright future emerges with predictions of continued shell evolution and shape coexistence out to neutron number N=50, below 78Ni on the chart of nuclei.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
M. L. Gallin-Martel ◽  
Y. H. Kim ◽  
L. Abbassi ◽  
A. Bes ◽  
C. Boiano ◽  

Experimental fission studies for reaction physics or nuclear spectroscopy can profit from fast, efficient, and radiation-resistant fission fragment (FF) detectors. When such experiments are performed in-beam in intense thermal neutron beams, additional constraints arise in terms of target-detector interface, beam-induced background, etc. Therefore, wide gap semi-conductor detectors were tested with the aim of developing innovative instrumentation for such applications. The detector characterization was performed with mass- and energy-separated fission fragment beams at the ILL (Institut Laue Langevin) LOHENGRIN spectrometer. Two single crystal diamonds, three polycrystalline and one diamond-on-iridium as well as a silicon carbide detector were characterized as solid state ionization chamber for FF detection. Timing measurements were performed with a 500-µm thick single crystal diamond detector read out by a broadband amplifier. A timing resolution of ∼10.2 ps RMS was obtained for FF with mass A = 98 at 90 MeV kinetic energy. Using a spectroscopic preamplifier developed at INFN-Milano, the energy resolution measured for the same FF was found to be slightly better for a ∼50-µm thin single crystal diamond detector (∼1.4% RMS) than for the 500-µm thick one (∼1.6% RMS), while a value of 3.4% RMS was obtained with the 400-µm silicon carbide detector. The Pulse Height Defect (PHD), which is significant in silicon detectors, was also investigated with the two single crystal diamond detectors. The comparison with results from α and triton measurements enabled us to conclude that PHD leads to ∼50% loss of the initial generated charge carriers for FF. In view of these results, a possible detector configuration and integration for in-beam experiments has been discussed.

2021 ◽  
Mohammad Ibrahim Khan ◽  
Harish Datir ◽  
Subhadeep Sarkar ◽  
Bjarne Rafaelsen ◽  

The Cretaceous Cape Vulture prospect (Norwegian Sea, Norway) consisted of three Cretaceous sand levels: Cape Vulture Lower, Main, and Upper. The prospect was drilled in 2017, targeting seismic amplitude anomalies that represented a combination of reservoir facies and hydrocarbons. As the first well (6608/10-17S) proved hydrocarbons down to base reservoir in Cape Vulture Main and Upper, an appraisal well with two sidetracks were planned and drilled to determine the reservoir development, pressure communication and oil-water contact. A good understanding of the lateral variation within the reservoir was of importance to the technical economical evaluation of the discovery. The appraisal wells planned for a comprehensive coring and logging program. The main objectives were to reduce the uncertainty of estimated in place volumes by establishing the depth of the hydrocarbon-water contact, prove lateral pressure communication within each reservoir level, reduce the uncertainty of lateral and vertical reservoir distribution and quality, reduce the uncertainty of hydrocarbon saturation and understand the relationship between seismic amplitude anomalies and subsurface properties / fluids. The logging program included triaxial resistivity, nuclear spectroscopy, electrical images, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) complementing triple combo, followed by formation pressure measurements, and fluid sampling. The presence of clay minerals in varying amounts within the reservoirs depresses the resistivity measurement and leads to underestimation of the hydrocarbon saturation when using conventional Archie’s equation - a common petrophysical challenge in such conditions. The hydrocarbon saturation is an important parameter when calculating reserves and estimating whether a discovery is of commercial value. Hence, reducing the uncertainty span on hydrocarbon saturation (total and effective) and estimating the net pay thickness is critical. Using core data and advanced down-hole measurements to optimize a resistivity-based saturation model can reduce the uncertainty of the saturation estimates. Here we document the petrophysical evaluation of the data acquired, assessing heterolithic low resistivity pay with wireline log measurements combined with core data. Focus on the coring strategy, recommendations on sampling intervals for the core analysis, and key logging measurement requirements. The results show substantial improvements in the understanding of the hydrocarbon saturation, ultimately increasing in-place volume estimates. The integrated analysis, including NMR measurements, helps to delineate the fluid contacts, further reducing the uncertainty on the recoverable net pay thickness. The core data validate the independent log-based laminated sand analysis. This illustrates how an integrated approach combining core measurements, logs, and formation testing provide an accurate evaluation of low resistivity pay reservoirs, reducing the uncertainty in the technical economical evaluation.

2021 ◽  
Harish B. Datir ◽  
Laurent Mosse ◽  
Terje Kollien ◽  

The Alta field in the Barents Sea was discovered in 2014. The reservoir formation is primarily carbonate rocks with high formation water salinity. Extensive waterflooding processes have led to an approximately 200-m rise of water level. The complexities anduncertainties regarding imbibition, current free waterlevel, and pseudo fluid contacts within the field translateinto uncertainty in the hydrocarbon volume estimation. Initial, triple-combo-based petrophysical evaluations have already been updated using advanced log measurements, as reported in an earlier publication. The evaluation is now consolidated by using two new techniques relying on advanced spectroscopy logging and combination with dielectric dispersion logging. Their objective is to further reduce the uncertainty in water saturation associated with variable apparent water salinity. The present contribution proposes a workflow that relies on two novel techniques. The first technique is a direct quantitative measurement of formation chlorine concentration from nuclear spectroscopy, which helps resolve the formation's apparent water salinity and provides a way to calibrate formation matrix sigma. The second technique relies on the existing combined inversion of dielectric dispersion and formation sigma, including explicitly invasion effects. This second technique benefits from the first technique's insight to adjust sigma interpretation and provide bounds for possible salinity variations. The workflow provides robust flushed and unflushed zone salinities, here the most uncertain and variable parameter, combined with accurate estimations of virgin and residual hydrocarbon saturations. The quantification of dielectric textural parameters describing how the water is shaped inside the formation is also improved, contributing to the improvement of virgin zone hydrocarbon saturation estimation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 53 (4) ◽  
Katherine Mesick ◽  
Patrick Gasda ◽  
Travis Gabriel ◽  
Craig Hardgrove ◽  
Bill Feldman

2021 ◽  
Vol 73 (02) ◽  
pp. 63-64
Chris Carpenter

This article, written by JPT Technology Editor Chris Carpenter, contains highlights of paper SPE 203016, “Formation Evaluation in Mass-Transport Complex Reservoirs,” by Ulises Bustos, Schlumberger; Carlos Duran, Petróleos Sudamericanos; and Alvaro Chapellin, Schlumberger, et al., prepared for the 2020 Abu Dhabi International Petroleum Exhibition and Conference, Abu Dhabi, held virtually from 9-12 November. The paper has not been peer reviewed. Mass-transport deposits (MTDs) are sedimentary, stratigraphic successions remobilized after initial deposition but before substantial lithification and transported downslope by gravitational processes as non-Newtonian rheological units. In the complete paper, the authors present an openhole advanced formation-evaluation approach that enables assessment of tight-matrix and natural-fracture systems at a level not previously accomplished in these types of geological formations. Introduction The considered wildcat project by Petroleos Sudamericanos is in the Lower Magdalena Valley hydrocarbon province in Colombia. From a stratigraphic point of view, the targets belong to tertiary deposits from the lower Neogene. Gravity-driven processes are complex and include creep, slide, slump, debris flow, and multiphase granular flows. The remobilized sedimentary deposits resulting from these processes are called MTDs or mass-transport complexes (MTCs) and are the main target job. Overlaying a crystalline basement, four MTC cycles were identified (although the present work only covers three MTC cycles) deposited in shallow marine environments. Each cycle consists of quartzite; phyllite; and schistose metamorphic rocks, largely gneiss with strong milonitization effects and foliated tremolitic marble in the top of the sequence. A summary of these types of rock is provided in the complete paper. The non-Archie nature of these rocks represents a challenge for formation evaluation. For reducing these uncertainties, a volumetric model with spectros copy dry-weight elements and nuclears was created that enabled solution of the total porosity, which was then benchmarked against the lithology-independent total nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) porosity. The saturation computation was achieved with the fast neutron cross section method (FNXS) for the gas component and with total carbon for the liquid hydrocarbon fraction. The natural fracture system was analyzed with borehole image logs and with radial sonic-based dispersion analysis. The integration of matrix and natural-fracture assessment provided a robust formation evaluation that enabled identification of the main interest zones across the MTC cycles. Multifunction Spectroscopy for Matrix Analysis The multifunction spectroscopy tool is 1.72 in. in diameter and 18.3 ft long, consisting of a pulsed neutron generator and four detectors. The first detector is the compact neutron monitor, sensitive to fast neutrons and located adjacent to the high-output pulsed neutron source, measuring neutron output with high accuracy and precision. The second (near) and third (far) gamma-ray detectors are used for inelastic and capture spectroscopy measurements. The fourth and farthest-spaced detector (deep) uses an yttrium aluminum perovskite scintillator, which is involved in gas detection and assessment. The nuclear spectroscopy measurement is performed in energy and time domains; both aspects are described in detail in the complete paper.

2021 ◽  
Chuankun Zhang ◽  
Peng Li ◽  
Jie Jiang ◽  
Lars von der Wense ◽  
Martin E. Fermann ◽  

Jeffrey Miles ◽  
Laurent Mossé ◽  
Jim Grau ◽  

Many methods of calculating water saturation require knowing the chloride concentration in formation water. Chlorides have a strong effect on water properties, and they impact saturation estimates that are based on resistivity, dielectric dispersion, or thermal neutron absorption. Here we introduce a new direct quantitative measurement of formation chlorine from nuclear spectroscopy, enabling a continuous log of water salinity within a limited radial depth. Neutron capture spectroscopy is sensitive to chlorine and is a natural fit for measuring its concentration, except that the spectrum contains chlorine from both the formation and borehole. The borehole chlorine background can be large and is highly variable. Historical efforts to derive water salinity from spectroscopy have relied on ratios of chlorine and hydrogen, which are affected by the borehole and hydrocarbons. The direct use of chlorine provides a more reliable basis for salinity interpretation after isolating its formation signal. We partition the borehole and formation components of chlorine via two unique spectral standards. The contrast between the two standards arises from differences in gamma ray scattering based on their point of origin. The shape of the borehole chlorine standard must be adjusted along depth to account for environmentally dependent scattering, which we achieve with a continuously varying function of borehole and formation properties. The algorithm is derived from 129 laboratory measurements and 2,995 numerical simulations spanning a diverse range of conditions. The remaining signal is converted into a log of formation chlorine concentration. In combination with total porosity, chlorine concentration sets a minimum value for water salinity. Adding an organic carbon measurement enables the simultaneous estimation of water volume and salinity. Chlorine concentration can also be combined with a selected water salinity to compute a water volume for comparison with other methods. Finally, chlorine concentration enables calculation of a maximum expected sigma, which can identify the presence of excess thermal absorbers in the matrix. The systematic uncertainty on the chlorine concentration ranges from 0.03 to 0.07 wt%, depending on borehole size. The resulting salinity accuracy is inversely proportional to porosity. A potential limitation of the measurement is its depth of investigation, reaching 8 to 10 in. for 90% of the signal. The chlorine concentration is sensitive to filtrate or connate water, depending on formation permeability and invading fluids. We first present the technique to measure formation chlorine, supported by modeling, laboratory data, and core-log comparisons. We then propose petrophysical workflows to interpret the chlorine concentration.

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