soy flour
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Sh. S. Amanova ◽  
N. T. Raimbaeva ◽  
U. O. Tungyshbaeva

In recent years, the production and consumption of poultry meat has been widely used both on the world market and on the market of Kazakhstan, one of the reasons for which is that poultry products are more accessible to consumers than animal products. With such an import structure, it can be assumed that the volume of imports of cheap chicken from abroad is a function of the income level of the population: the smaller the proportion of the population with a certain low income level, the less imports. For the effective development of poultry farming in Kazakhstan, it is necessary to overcome a number of constraining factors, one of which is the insufficient modern safety control system throughout the poultry meat production chain. The article develops a flowchart of the semifinished product production process based on poultry meat-broiler with soy flour, examines possible risks (hazards) for the development of management measures in the production of semi-finished products, identifies three control critical points for the production of semi-finished products from broiler meat with soy flour.

Wood Research ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 66 (6) ◽  
pp. 1015-1031

Formaldehyde emission still remains a major disadvantage of widely applied formaldehyde-containing amino resins such as UF (urea-formaldehyde) resin and MUF (melamine-urea-formaldehyde) resin. The compositions of adhesives for plywood manufacturing have to contain a proper extenders in order to adjust their viscosity. Thus, the aim of the study was to investigate the effect of protein-rich soy flour (SF) as the extender for adhesives. The composition of flours and their ability to absorb the formaldehyde were determined. Properties of liquid resins such as gel time, viscosity, pH and solid content were investigated. The possible chemical interaction between the extenders and resins were assessed with the use of FTIR spectroscopy. Plywood panels manufactured using UF and MUF adhesives with the soy flour introduced as the extender in various concentrations were tested in terms of shear strength and formaldehyde release. Studies have shown that soy flour has a favorable composition and formaldehyde-scavenging ability. The addition of SF affected resins properties such as viscosity and gel time but showed no influence on their pH and solid content. FTIR analysis has not explained the chemical interaction between resin and extender. The application of soy flour in the concentration of 15% for UF resin and 10% for MUF resin allowed to produce plywood characterized by improved bonding quality and decreased formaldehyde emission.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 167-175
Vadim Igorevich Polonskiy ◽  
Alena Vladimirovna Sumina

The purpose of this investigation was to analyze the scientific literature concerning the influence of grain physical characteristics on functional value of poultry feed. The review considers the role of grain feed particle size and its shape in ensuring optimal development and functioning of digestive tract and increasing productivity of birds. The results showed that compared to the feeding with smaller particles, the use of coarse feed increased stomach weight in broilers, enhanced enzymatic degradation of feed in digestive tract and improved nutrient bioavailability. The study found that increase in the level of coarse corn in the diet increased the number of Lactobacillus spp. and Bifidobacteria spp. beneficial bacteria in digestive tract. Meanwhile, number of opportunistic pathogenic microorganisms decreased. In birds which were given granular feed we found insufficient development of stomach, mainly due to the lack of mechanical stimulation. We assume that in order to improve stomach function and health of birds, it is necessary to apply a source of dietary fiber to their diet. The results of studies suggest that adding 2-3% of insoluble source of fiber to the routine diets of young chickens based on high-protein soy flour and corn can improve their digestive tract development and growth characteristics.

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (120) ◽  
pp. 187-198
Nargess Rahimi ◽  
S. Mehdi Hosseini ◽  
Mahdi Karimi ◽  

2021 ◽  
pp. 108201322110627
Fabian Ugwuona ◽  
Anthony Ukom ◽  
Bridget Ejinkeonye ◽  
Nwamaka Obeta ◽  
Maureen Ojinnaka

This study explored the possibilities of some selected flour blends vis-a-vis the physicochemical and functional properties of wheat flour. Ten flour blends from potato starch, cassava, maize and soybean flours and wheat flour were made and evaluated for physicochemical, functional and anti-nutritional properties. The range of proximate values were for moisture (3.76%–6.67%), protein (4.33–8.96%), ash (1.35–1.96%), fat (3.37–4.88%), fibre (1.22–1.89%) and carbohydrate (78.35–84.94%), whereas wheat flour had moisture (9.45%), protein (11.31%), ash (2.54%), fat (3.78%), fibre (1.31%) and carbohydrate (73.90%). Cyanogenic glucoside, saponion and tannin contents increased with increase substitution of cassava and soybean flours. Pasting temperatures of flour blends ranged from 69.03°C to 78.83°C, while wheat flour had 78.05°C. Peak, hot paste, breakdown, setback and cold paste viscosities were 1514–2822, 1036–1597, 487–1225, 580–884 and 1616–2461 cp in flour blends compared to 2361, 1360, 1001, 1079 and 2439 cp of wheat flour. Substitutions with soy flour decreased the peak, hot paste, breakdown and cold paste viscosities but increased the pasting temperatures. L*, a* and b* values ranged from 78.56 to 87.65, −0.34 to 0.71 and 10. 95 to 13.50 in flour blends while the wheat flour varied significantly at 2361.00, 1360.00 and 1001.00. The nutritional and pasting properties of some of flour blends were closely related to wheat flour and may be used for bakery requirements.


Система менеджмента качества и безопасности продукции обеспечивает стабильность качественных характеристик вырабатываемой продукции, в том числе показателей безопасности и качества. Качество и безопасность продукции, которые обеспечиваются на всех этапах ее производства, являются важными показателями эффективности системы менеджмента предприятия. В целях повышения качества мучных кулинарных изделий проанализированы критические контрольные точки технологического процесса производства этой продукции и даны рекомендации по снижению рисков. Для апробации предложенной системы менеджмента качества и безопасности продукции были изготовлены образцы мучных кулинарных изделий, а именно блинов, выпеченных из смесей муки рисовой и кукурузной, рисовой и соевой, рисовой и амарантовой взамен пшеничной высшего сорта. Выбор этих видов муки в качестве замены пшеничной муки обусловлен высоким содержанием в них пищевых волокон, витаминов и минеральных веществ, что позволяет повысить потребительские характеристики продукции. Результаты органолептической оценки и исследования физико-химических показателей выпеченных мучных кулинарных изделий свидетельствуют, что все показатели безопасности и качества мучных кулинарных изделий соответствуют требованиям ГОСТ 31986–2012. The product quality and safety management system ensures the stability of the quality characteristics of the products produced, including safety and quality indicators. The quality and safety of products, which are ensured at all stages of its production, are important indicators of the effectiveness of the enterprise's management system. In order to improve the quality of flour culinary products, the critical control points of the technological process of production of these products are analyzed and recommendations for reducing risks are given. To test the proposed quality and product safety management system, samples of flour culinary products were made, namely pancakes baked from mixtures of rice and corn flour, rice and soy flour, rice and amaranth instead of wheat of the highest grade. The choice of these types of flour as a substitute for wheat flour is due to the high content of dietary fibers, vitamins and minerals in them, which makes it possible to increase the consumer characteristics of products. The results of organoleptic evaluation and research of physical and chemical parameters of baked flour culinary products indicate that all indicators of safety and quality of flour culinary products comply with the requirements of GOST 31986–2012.

Food systems ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 158-163
O. P. Boleshenko ◽  
M. A. Aslanova ◽  
A. L. Bero

Dietetic therapy plays an important role in prevention and treatment of non-communicable, alimentary-dependent diseases including the bile duct diseases and chronic liver injury. The medico-biological requirements for the composition and quality of specialized semi-finished products for prevention and treatment of liver diseases are formulated and formalized in the paper. Using the methods of the computer design, the recipe of the specialized minced meat semi-finished product from horse meat, which is nutrient adequate to specific features of nutrition of patients with liver diseases, was developed and optimized. The experimental recipe of minced semi-finished products consists of horse meat of the second grade, soy protein fiber, soy protein isolate, textured soy flour, milk thistle oil meal, chicken eggs, soybean oil, salt, onion, vitamins B1, B2 and E, magnesium and zinc salts. The biological value of the obtained product is characterized by the high indices of the amino acid balance (Cmin=0.99, σс =0.85, U=6.27) and fatty acid balance of lipids ((RLi) I = 1…3 = 0.9 and (RLi) I = 1…6 -0.77). The content of dietary fibers, vitamins B1 and B2 as well as mineral salts of magnesium and zinc in the semi-finished product corresponds to the medico-biological requirements. The effectiveness of the developed product was confirmed in the experiment of the laboratory mice with simulated liver cirrhosis. The results of the assessment on the laboratory animals show that the developed product positively influences the processes of metabolism in the mouse body. The coefficient of protein assimilation in the group of animals fed with the specialized product was 25% higher than in animals received the standard vivarium diet. The biochemical blood analysis showed that intake of the developed product reduced the content of bilirubin, cholesterol, AST and ALT in the animal body by 34.5%, 8.2%, 11.0% and 12.5%, respectively.

Electrochem ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
pp. 534-545
Iris Denmark ◽  
Amna Khan ◽  
Taylor Scifres ◽  
Tito Viswanathan ◽  
Fumiya Watanabe ◽  

Renewable resources and their byproducts are becoming of growing interest for alternative energy. Here, we have demonstrated the use of Arkansas’ most important crop, soy, as a carbon precursor for the synthesis of carbonized activated materials for supercapacitor applications. Different soy products (soymeal, defatted soymeal, soy flour and soy protein isolate) were converted into carbonized carbon and co-doped with phosphorus and nitrogen simultaneously, using a facile and time-effective microwave synthesis method. Ammonium polyphosphate was used as a doping agent which also absorbs microwave radiation. The surface morphology of the resulting carbonized materials was characterized in detail using scanning electron microscopy. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy was also performed, which revealed the presence of a heteroelemental composition, along with different functional groups at the surface of the carbonized materials. Raman spectroscopy results depicted the presence of both a graphitic and defect carbon peak, with defect ratios of over one. The electrochemical performance of the materials was recorded using cyclic voltammetry in various electrolytes including acids, bases and salts. Among all the other materials, soymeal exhibited the highest specific capacitance value of 127 F/g in acidic electrolytes. These economic materials can be further tuned by changing the doping elements and their mole ratios to attain exceptional surface characteristics with improved specific capacitance values, in order to boost the economy of Arkansas, USA.

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