formal rationality
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2021 ◽  
Vol 38 (4) ◽  
pp. 1057-1068
Sandeep Kumar DEY ◽  
Reshma Sandeep Kumar DEY ◽  
Zuzana TUCKOVA ◽  

The Mehrangarh Fort in Jodhpur, India, located at the height of 150 meters above the surrounding sandy plains, is one of the city's most prominent monuments built over the Jodhpur group-Malani-Igneous Suite. The old city, which boasts numerous blue-painted houses, lies adjacent to the Mehrangarh Fort. The residents of the old city play a significant role in keeping the geoheritage and cultural heritage intact. The study investigates the moderating role of residents’ Perception towards support for Geoheritage Tourism and Conservation in and around Mehrangarh Fort. A combination of Weber’s theory of substantive and formal rationality (WTSFR) and Social Exchange Theory (SET) is used to investigate and infer the interposing and moderating role of residents’ perception on the relationship between influencing factors and support for geo-heritage conservation. A PLS evaluation of the SEM reveals a substantial capacity of the residents’ perception to predict support for conservation and tourism development.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
pp. 7-17
S. A. Kravchenko

The article considers challenges for man, society and nature, which appeared under the new types of rationality and bring not only the desired achievements but also unintended consequences in the form of side-effects, ambivalences, and vulnerabilities that become more complex. Thus, formal rationality became a factor of transition from traditional societies to industrial ones, which facilitated the establishment of high standards of living, but at the same time had side-effects such as the iron cage of bureaucratization that made social relationships impersonal and without binding values. The growing formal rationality produced more complex side-effects such as legitimation crisis, colonization of the essential functions of peoples life-worlds, and dependence on legal and administrative bureaucracies. Formal rationality led to ambivalences: rationalization helped people to adapt to the dynamics of social life but also had irrational consequences - achievements in scientific knowledge and technologies advanced beyond moral limits. Formal rationality gave birth to society of normalization and biopower which generated the system of total control in the form of the Panapticon spreading its influence throughout the whole society. McDonaldization as a form of modern formal rationality worsened the situation by producing globally dehumanized nothings. Digital rationality creates objective conditions for complex vulnerabilities to society and nature in the form of normal accidents and collateral damage. The author argues that digital rationality acquires two basic types that are culturally determined: pragmatic type - hybrid rationality rooted in the principles of practical, formal, instrumental rationality and McDonaldization; substantive digital type with an emphasis on human needs and ontological safety. To minimize the vulnerabilities of the pragmatic digital rationality and to avoid the digital iron cage, the author suggests: rejection of radicalism and pragmatism in relation to digital technologies and artificial intelligence; humanistic modernization; eco-digital policy; interdisciplinary research of complex nonlinear vulnerabilities.

2021 ◽  
pp. 220-234
Robert Alexy

This chapter presents the argument that the rational application of constitutional rights necessarily presupposes proportionality analysis as defined by principles theory and that proportionality analysis can be rational only if it is embedded in a theory of legal argumentation. The basic elements of principles theory are the Law of Balancing, explicated by the Weight Formula, and the Law of Competing Principles. Both concern the formal rationality of balancing. The connection of this formal dimension of rationality with the theory of legal argumentation connects the formal with a substantive dimension. The result of this connection is a system that is compatible with the requirements of universalizability and legal certainty.

2021 ◽  
Vol - (1) ◽  
pp. 37-56
Anatolii Yermolenko

The paper analyzes Max Weber’s concepts of rationality and rationalization as components of modernization processes in modern society. The author reconstructs Weber’s interpretation of “spiritual factors” of social development, which emerge in the ethos of Protestantism. The research demonstrates how Weber’s study of capitalism in terms of rationality corresponds with concepts of other classics of German sociology, such as Ferdinand Tönnies, Werner Sombart, Georg Simmel and others. The article emphasizes the relevance of Weber’s sociology for XX— XXI centuries and how its basic concepts and methodological approaches have been further developed by scholars, including Ukrainian ones. Weber’s concept of rationality is applicable not only to the mental-epistemological sphere, it also acquires a social meaning. This approach has gained recognition in phenomenological sociology, theory of social systems, communicative theory and more. In addition to the formal rationality of the economy, modern social sciences use such concepts as social, aesthetic, ethical, environmental, and practical rationality. Weber’s “diagnosis of the age” is still a component of the “diagnosis” of modern society. The gap between values and interests remains an integral feature of the “risks and threats society” in the XXI century. This situation is especially evident in international relations, when “real politics” (Realpolitik), based on interests, becomes insensitive to “value postulates”. The author also discovers ways of value (moral and ethical) reclamation of modern society, particularly in the concepts of “ethical economy”, universalist ethics of discourse, global ethos and more. Keywords: purposive rationality, rationality (formal, material, communicative, systemic), value, ethos.

Amrides Amrides

The role of Mosques for Muslim communities has transformed, not only do they serve as a place for worship but also as a center for such social activities as education/learning, da’wah, meetings, and some other community activities. Such roles of the mosque can be seen at Jogokaryan Mosque in Yogyakarta. Since its first development in 1966-1967, the Jogokaryan Mosque has been known as among the prominnet mosques for its religious and social activities. Moreover, Jogokaryan Mosque is better known now as the pioneer for the transformation of Mosques’ role as the center for productive economic activities. The breakthrough efforts initiated by the management of Jogokaryan Mosque play a significant role in the impressive development in the society. This study employs takes the form of qualitative method, using a case study approach. It aims to examine the breakthrough efforts initiated by the management of Jogokaryan Mosque in regard to its administration and other related policies which support the development of the mosque. It is found that that there are two forms of initiatives done by the managemnet of Jogokaryan Mosque, known as formal and substantive rationality. The concept of “irrationality of the rational”, a logical consequence of formal rationality, also emerged as an effort done by the management of  Jogokaryan mosque to make those who are considered irrational as rational.[Peran masjid bagi umat muslim telah bertransformasi, tidak hanya sebagai tempat beribadah semata, namun juga sebagai pusat bagi beberapa aktifitas sosial seperti pembelajaran/pendidikan, dakwah, pertemuan, dan aktifitas komunitas lainnya. Peran masjid seperti itu dapat ditemukan di Masjid Jogokaryan Yogyakarta. Sejak awal perkembangannya pada 1966-1967, Masjid Jogokaryan telah dikenal sebagai masjid yang terkemuka karena tidak hanya aktifitas keagamaan namun juga aktifitas sosialnya. Bahkan, Masjid Jogokaryan lebih terkenal sebagai pionir transformasi peran masjid-masjid sebagai pusat aktifitas ekonomi produktif. Upaya terobosan yang diprakarsai oleh manajemen pengelolaan Masjid Jogokayan berperan penting dan mengesankan dalam perkembangan masyarakat sekitarnya. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan menggunakan pendekatan studi kasus. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menelusuri upaya terobosan yang diprakarsai oleh manajemen tamir Masjid Jogokaryan dalam hal administrasi dan aturan terkait lainnya yang mendorong adanya pengembangan masjid. Dalam penelitian ditemukan bahwa ada bentuk inisiasi yang dilakukan oleh takmir Masjid Jogokaryan yaitu, apa yang disebut dengan rasionalitas formal dan rasionalitas substantif. Konsep “irasionalitas dari yang rasional”, adalah bentuk konsekuensi logis dari rasionalitas formal yang merupakan bentuk upaya yang dilakukan oleh manajemen takmir Masjid Jogokaryan untuk menyebut sesuatu yang tidak rasional sebagai termasuk yang rasional juga.]

Gastón Puccetti

Resumen: En el presente trabajo se tematiza el problema de la reificación como consecuencia de la atribución de subjetividades por el orden jurídico. Desde el punto de vista de las «teorías nominalistas», se califica al derecho como un conjunto de dispositivos que tiene la virtualidad de generar formas de subjetividad mediante la atribución de ciertas categorías a las personas. Por otro lado, se identifican las tendencias del proceso de racionalización weberiano y se subraya la manera en que la racionalidad-formal se presenta como la forma jurídica legítima que sustenta una determinada construcción privilegiada de sujetos —el homo economicus—, con apoyo del paradigma de la modernidad en tanto modelo negador de la diversidad. Finalmente, se señala al pluralismo como propuesta orientadora de acciones sociales y de las vías institucionales capaces de gestionar la diversidad radical en sociedad con un sentido desreificador. Palabras clave: Subjetividad, identidad, reificación, desreificación, modernidad, pluralismo, dispositivo, objetivación, sujeto. Abstract: This paper analyses the problem of reification as a consequence of the attribution of subjectivities by legal orders. From the point of view of «nominalist theories», Law is qualified as a set of devices which possesses the ability to generate forms of subjectivity by means of the attribution of certain categories to people. On the other hand, the tendencies of the Weberian process of rationalisation are identified in order to underline the way in which formal rationality allows Law to construct a specific subject —homo economicus— under the paradigm of Modernity as a model which denies diversity. Finally, pluralism is indicated as a proposal which can orientate social actions and the institutional channels capable of managing radical diversity in society towards de-reification. Keywords: Subjectivity, identity, reification, dereification, modernity, pluralism, apparatus, objectivation, subject.

2020 ◽  
Vol 49 (1) ◽  
pp. 31-55
Lutz-Christian Wolff

It is commonly understood that contract law and property law are different areas of law which address different issues. This article departs from this conventional position in a rather radical way by arguing that the conclusion, amendment, and termination of contracts are in fact property law transactions and that the strict divide between contract law and property law is therefore not justifiable. It demonstrates theoretical and practical implications as contract law must be redefined and aligned with the general property law framework to avoid inconsistencies and thus the violation of the notion of formal rationality.

2019 ◽  
Vol 19 (3) ◽  
pp. 397-405
S. A. Kravchenko

Digitalization of society has ambivalent consequences: there are new benefits (‘smart’ technologies, artificial intellect, multiple knowledge), but at the same time digital risks and metamorphoses that traumatize the behavior and thinking of people, alienate them from social ties and life-worlds. These processes have become a challenge for sociology and other social sciences that strive to develop new approaches, among which the digital and humanistic turns are the most relevant. The author aims at (a) analyzing the impact of digitalization on the production of metamorphoses and side effects on society and man, which are related to new complex risks and manifest challenges to sociology; (b) developing the contours of the conception of ‘the digital turn in sociology’ and identifying its essence in comparison with other, previous turns in sociology - linguistic, risk, cultural, etc.; (c) proposing the means that allow to overcome or minimize the side effects of the existing type of digitalization - the author argues for the demand to move sociology in the direction of the integral use of the instruments of the digital and humanistic turns. The article considers new challenges to mankind and scientific knowledge as determined not so much by the very process of digitalization, but by its existing type based on principles of formal rationality, pragmatism, and mercantilism neglecting, in fact, life-worlds of people. This type of digitalization is not ‘universal’ and can be changed by an alternative humanistic trend of digitalization. In order to begin establishing the humanistic trend of digitalization scientists should integrate the theoretical instruments of the proposed digital turn with other interdisciplinary turns and especially with the humanistic turn.

Stefan Breuer

Max Weber developed his sociology of domination between 1909 and 1920. This chapter addresses the relationship between domination and power, distinguishing between legitimate and illegitimate domination or authority. Legitimate domination is based upon the three pure types of legal, traditional, and charismatic domination, which appear in combination with different organizational structures. Charismatic domination can assume different forms, from authentic charisma to hereditary and office charisma to an antiauthoritarian variant. Traditional domination encompasses a variety of types, from gerontocracy to diverse forms of patrimonialism and feudalism. The belief in legality, expressed for instance in a bureaucratic administrative staff, is characterized primarily through formal rationality, not purposive or instrumental rationality. Thus, today this last type is affected by tendencies that promote the weakening or even the dissolution of legal formalism. This chapter combines a systematic presentation with the application of the “domination” topic in the different scientific and cultural research fields during the last decades.

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