low constraint
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Shreebanta Kumar Jena ◽  
Punit Arora ◽  
Suneel Gupta ◽  
J. Chattopadhyay

The present study is aimed at validation of notch stress/ strain estimation schemes such as classical Neuber, Hoffmann-Seeger and recently developed Ince-Glinka method for Nuclear piping material (low C-Mn steel). The study has considered different constraints, loading conditions, various hole sizes to accommodate strain gradient variations and equivalent peak strains. The notch stress field evaluated using these schemes is compared with corresponding stress using elastic-plastic Finite Element (FE) analyses. The comparisons have brought out that the Hoffmann-Seeger scheme results in reasonably accurate assessment of stress localization nearly for all constraint geometries, loadings and strain gradients. However, the classical Neuber scheme is more suitable for low constraint geometries and intermediate constraint geometries whereas it results in under-estimation of maximum principal stress for high constraint geometries, thereby leading to over-prediction of fatigue life. Further, the suitability of energy equivalence equations of Ince-Glinka model for individual stress components, has been reviewed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Evy Woumans ◽  
Robin Clauws ◽  
Wouter Duyck

Words that share form and meaning across two or more languages (i.e., cognates) are generally processed faster than control words (non-cognates) by bilinguals speaking these languages. This so-called cognate effect is considered to be a demonstration of language non-selectivity during bilingual lexical access. Still, research up till now has focused mainly on visual and auditory comprehension. For production, research is almost exclusively limited to speech, leaving written production out of the equation. Hence, the goal of the current study was to examine whether bilinguals activate representations from both languages during typewriting. Dutch-English bilinguals completed second-language written sentences with names of displayed pictures. Low-constraint sentences yielded a cognate facilitation effect, whereas high-constraint sentences did not. These findings suggest that co-activation of similar words across languages also occurs during written production, just as in reading and speaking. Also, the interaction effect with sentence constraint shows that grammatical and semantic sentence restrictions may overrule interlingual facilitation effects.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 120
Anggraeni Puspita Dewi ◽  
Tiyas Kusumaningrum ◽  
Nining Febriyana

Abstrak Pernikahan dini masih banyak terjadi di Indonesia. Pernikahan dini yaitu pernikahan yang dilakukan pada usia kurang dari 20 tahun. Salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi pernikahan dini adalah persepsi. Persepsi dipengaruhi sikap dalam menentukan pernikahan dini. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari hubungan persepsi remaja putri dengan Kecenderungan perilaku pernikahan dini di Desa Kesamben Kulon Kecamatan Wringinanom Gresik. Metode : penelitian ini merupakan penelitian analitik korelasional dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Jumlah sampel sebanyak 140 remaja putri di Desa Kesamben Kulon Kecamatan Wringinanom Gresik sesuai dengan kriteria inklusi. Sampling yang dilakukan dengan purposive sampling. Variabel bebas dalam penelitian ini adalah persepsi kerentanan, persespsi keseriusan, persepsi ancaman, persepsi manfaat dan persepsi kendala, sedangkan variabel tergantung adalah Kecenderungan perilaku pernikahan dini. Untuk mengetahui tingkat signifikan, data yang terkumpul akan diuji dengan statistik Spearman Rank pada tingkat kemaknaan α = 0,05. Hasil : hasil penelitian didapatkan bahwa sebagian besar memiliki persepsi kerentanan rendah (53,6), persepsi keseriusan tinggi (64,3%)), persepsi ancaman rendah (75,7%), persepsi manfaat tinggi (62,1%), persepsi kendala rendah (68,6%). Hampir seluruhnya mengalami Kecenderungan perilaku pernikahan dini rendah (96,4%). Setelah uji Spearman Rank diperoleh ada hubungan persepsi kerentanan, keseriusan, ancaman dan kendala dengan kecenderungan perilaku pernikahan dini. Sedangkan variabel persepsi manfaat tidak terdapat hubungan Kecenderungan perilaku pernikahan dini. Kesimpulan : Hubungan persepsi kerentanan dengan kecenderungan perilaku pernikahan dini memiliki keeratan yang paling tinggi sebesar r = 0,604.Abstract Background: Early marriage still occurs a lot in Indonesia. Early marriage is a marriage performed at less than 20 years of age. One of the factors that influence early marriage is perception. This research aims to study the relationship of perception of young women with the tendency of early marriage behaviour in Kesamben Kulon village of Gresik's Wringinanom district. Methods: This research was a correlational analytical research with a cross sectional approach. The number of sample was 140 young women in Kesamben Kulon village Wringinanom Gresik in accordance for inclusion criteria. Sampling was done by purposive sampling. The independent variables in this study were the perception of vulnerability, severity, threat, perception and barrier, while the dependent variable was the tendency of early marital behavior. To determine a significant level, the collected data tested by Spearman Rank at the level of the significance of α = 0.05. Results: the results of this research was most of respondens have a low perception of vulnerability perception (53.6%), high saverity perception 64.3%), low threat perception (75.7%), high benefit perception (62.1%), low constraint perception (68.6%). Most of them experienced the tendency behavior of low early marriage (96.4%). After the Spearman Rank test, there was a relationship perception vulnerability, saverity, threat and barrier tendency early marriage behavior. While perception benefit no have relationship tendency of early marriage behavior. Conclusion: The relationship between perception of vulnerability with potential early marriage behavior has the highest density with r = 0.604.

Carlos Ivanhoe Gil Burgoin

This paper proposes that Northern Tepehuan is a tonal language with just one lexical tone 'low tone' and is therefore a privative tonal system. L tone is sufficient to explain the pitch contrasts in the language and also necessary to explain the "inconsistencies" of stress assignment. Stress is normally predictable from the size of the word, from syllable-weight, and is cued by a H* intonational tone. Nonetheless, in words that do not obey the Stress-to-Weight constraint, it could be argued that stress is displaced from the heavy syllable by virtue of a high-ranked *Align(Head/Low) constraint that prohibits the placement of stress on a syllable with a lexical L. The L tone also explains why the H* intonational tone can be displaced from stressed syllables.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1123 (1) ◽  
pp. 012033
Nagaraj Ekabote ◽  
Krishnaraja G. Kodancha ◽  
S.K. Kudari

2021 ◽  
Vol 54 (1) ◽  
pp. 43-51
Nathaniel Siji Olutegbe ◽  
Janice Elaine Olawoye ◽  
Olutokunbo Birdies Oyesola

Abstract The study investigated the well-being of rural households around Ikere-Gorge dam operated in South-western Nigeria. Ninety rural households were sampled in four communities, using a multistage sampling procedure. Data were analysed using frequency counts, percentages, means and Pearson Product Moment Correlation (at α0.05). Majority of the household heads were males (84.4%), married (86.7%), Christians (56.7%), had no or primary education (74.5%) with average age of 42.28 ± 7.63 years. Marginalization by government (91.1%), elite capture of support services (90.0%) and lack of extension services (83.3%) were rated major constraints to livelihood by majority. The dam served benefits such as availability of water for domestic use (x¯ = 2.83), improved socioeconomic development (x¯ = 2.56), and recreational and tourism services (x¯ = 2.42). Both quality of life (x¯ = 1.73) and health (x¯ = 1.88) indicators of well-being were generally low. Constraint to livelihood had a significant relationship (r = −0.323) with respondents’ overall well-being. The study concluded that households around dams are faced with multi-dimensional challenges at varying degrees, with negative implications for livelihood and well-being of rural households.

Masaki Shimodaira ◽  
Tohru Tobita ◽  
Hisashi Takamizawa ◽  
Jinya Katsuyama ◽  
Satoshi Hanawa

Abstract For structural integrity assessment of the reactor pressure vessel (RPV) in JEAC 4206-2016, it is required that the fracture toughness (KJc) be higher than the stress intensity factor at the crack tip of a postulated under-clad crack (UCC) near the inner surface of RPV steel under the pressurized thermal shock event. Previous analytical studies showed a low constraint effect at the crack tip of an UCC, compared with that of a normal surface crack. Such a low constraint effect may increase the apparent KJc. In this study, we performed three-point bending (3PB) fracture toughness tests and finite element analysis (FEA) for RPV steel containing an UCC or a surface crack to quantitatively investigate the effect of cladding on the KJc. The FEAs considering the anisotropic property of the cladding successfully reproduced the load vs. load-line displacement curves obtained from the tests. We found that the apparent KJc for the UCC was considerably higher than that for the surface crack. FEA also showed that the constraint effect for the 3PB test specimen with the UCC was lower than that for the specimen with the surface crack owing to the cladding. Thus, a low constraint effect from an UCC may increase the apparent KJc.

2020 ◽  
Simone Gastaldon ◽  
Giorgio Arcara ◽  
Eduardo Navarrete ◽  
Francesca Peressotti

AbstractThe present study investigates whether predictions during language comprehension are generated by engaging the production system. We recorded EEG from participants performing both a comprehension and a production task in two separate blocks. Participants listened to high and low constraint incomplete sentences and were asked either to name a picture to complete it (production) or to simply listen to the final word (comprehension). We found that in a silent gap before the final stimulus, predictable stimuli elicited alpha (8-10 Hz) and beta (13-30 Hz) desynchronization in both tasks. Source estimation highlighted not only the involvement of the left-lateralized language network, but also of temporo-parietal areas in the right hemisphere. Furthermore, correlations between the desynchronizations in comprehension and production showed spatiotemporal commonalities in language-relevant areas in the left hemisphere, especially in the temporal, lateral inferior and dorsal frontal, and inferior parietal corteces. As proposed by prediction-by-production models, our results show that comprehenders engage the production system while predicting upcoming words.

2020 ◽  
pp. 089443932090471
Yuan Wang

Grounded in the relationship management theory and the situational theory of publics, this study examines the effects of employees’ perceived relationships with their organization on their situational perceptions and how these perceptions influence their communication behaviors on social media. An integrated model of situational organization–employee relationship is proposed and tested. The study was based on a national survey of 449 employees working at large organizations in the United States. Organization–employee relationships were found to facilitate employees’ problem recognition and level of involvement and to weaken their constraint recognition. Employees with low constraint recognition and high levels of involvement were more likely to seek, process, and share information on social media, whereas those with high problem recognition tended only to process information. This study is one of the first to integrate the relational perspective with the situational perspective. It also offers practical suggestions for large organizations on how to build and maintain quality relationships with employees and improve their communication behaviors on social media.

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