diophantine condition
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Christoph Kehle

AbstractThe purpose of this paper is to show an unexpected connection between Diophantine approximation and the behavior of waves on black hole interiors with negative cosmological constant $$\Lambda <0$$ Λ < 0 and explore the consequences of this for the Strong Cosmic Censorship conjecture in general relativity. We study linear scalar perturbations $$\psi $$ ψ of Kerr–AdS solving $$\Box _g\psi -\frac{2}{3}\Lambda \psi =0$$ □ g ψ - 2 3 Λ ψ = 0 with reflecting boundary conditions imposed at infinity. Understanding the behavior of $$\psi $$ ψ at the Cauchy horizon corresponds to a linear analog of the problem of Strong Cosmic Censorship. Our main result shows that if the dimensionless black hole parameters mass $${\mathfrak {m}} = M \sqrt{-\Lambda }$$ m = M - Λ and angular momentum $${\mathfrak {a}} = a \sqrt{-\Lambda }$$ a = a - Λ satisfy a certain non-Diophantine condition, then perturbations $$\psi $$ ψ arising from generic smooth initial data blow up $$|\psi |\rightarrow +\infty $$ | ψ | → + ∞ at the Cauchy horizon. The proof crucially relies on a novel resonance phenomenon between stable trapping on the black hole exterior and the poles of the interior scattering operator that gives rise to a small divisors problem. Our result is in stark contrast to the result on Reissner–Nordström–AdS (Kehle in Commun Math Phys 376(1):145–200, 2020) as well as to previous work on the analogous problem for $$\Lambda \ge 0$$ Λ ≥ 0 —in both cases such linear scalar perturbations were shown to remain bounded. As a result of the non-Diophantine condition, the set of parameters $${\mathfrak {m}}, {\mathfrak {a}}$$ m , a for which we show blow-up forms a Baire-generic but Lebesgue-exceptional subset of all parameters below the Hawking–Reall bound. On the other hand, we conjecture that for a set of parameters $${\mathfrak {m}}, {\mathfrak {a}} $$ m , a which is Baire-exceptional but Lebesgue-generic, all linear scalar perturbations remain bounded at the Cauchy horizon $$|\psi |\le C$$ | ψ | ≤ C . This suggests that the validity of the $$C^0$$ C 0 -formulation of Strong Cosmic Censorship for $$\Lambda <0$$ Λ < 0 may change in a spectacular way according to the notion of genericity imposed.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-28

Abstract We consider products of an independent and identically distributed sequence in a set $\{f_1,\ldots ,f_m\}$ of orientation-preserving diffeomorphisms of the circle. We can naturally associate a Lyapunov exponent $\lambda $ . Under few assumptions, it is known that $\lambda \leq 0$ and that the equality holds if and only if $f_1,\ldots ,f_m$ are simultaneously conjugated to rotations. In this paper, we state a quantitative version of this fact in the case where $f_1,\ldots ,f_m$ are $C^k$ perturbations of rotations with rotation numbers $\rho (f_1),\ldots ,\rho (f_m)$ satisfying a simultaneous diophantine condition in the sense of Moser [On commuting circle mappings and simultaneous diophantine approximations. Math. Z.205(1) (1990), 105–121]: we give a precise estimate of $\lambda $ (Taylor expansion) and we prove that there exist a diffeomorphism g and rotations $r_i$ such that $\mbox {dist}(gf_ig^{-1},r_i)\ll |\lambda |^{{1}/{2}}$ for $i=1,\ldots , m$ . We also state analogous results for random products of $2\times 2$ matrices, without any diophantine condition.

Anish Ghosh ◽  
Dubi Kelmer ◽  
Shucheng Yu

Abstract We establish effective versions of Oppenheim’s conjecture for generic inhomogeneous quadratic forms. We prove such results for fixed shift vectors and generic quadratic forms. When the shift is rational we prove a counting result, which implies the optimal density for values of generic inhomogeneous forms. We also obtain a similar density result for fixed irrational shifts satisfying an explicit Diophantine condition. The main technical tool is a formula for the 2nd moment of Siegel transforms on certain congruence quotients of $SL_n(\mathbb{R}),$ which we believe to be of independent interest. In a sequel, we use different techniques to treat the companion problem concerning generic shifts and fixed quadratic forms.

2019 ◽  
Vol 21 (07) ◽  
pp. 1850064 ◽  
Guido Gentile ◽  
Alessandro Mazzoccoli ◽  
Faenia Vaia

We consider a class of singular ordinary differential equations describing analytic systems of arbitrary finite dimension, subject to a quasi-periodic forcing term and in the presence of dissipation. We study the existence of response solutions, i.e. quasi-periodic solutions with the same frequency vector as the forcing term, in the case of large dissipation. We assume the system to be conservative in the absence of dissipation, so that the forcing term is — up to the sign — the gradient of a potential energy, and both the mass and damping matrices to be symmetric and positive definite. Further, we assume a non-degeneracy condition on the forcing term, essentially that the time-average of the potential energy has a strict local minimum. On the contrary, no condition is assumed on the forcing frequency; in particular, we do not require any Diophantine condition. We prove that, under the assumptions above, a response solution always exists provided the dissipation is strong enough. This extends results previously available in the literature in the one-dimensional case.

2018 ◽  
Vol 40 (4) ◽  
pp. 975-991 ◽  

We consider the quasi-periodic Fermi–Ulam ping-pong model with no diophantine condition on the frequencies and show that typically the set of initial data which leads to escaping orbits has Lebesgue measure zero.

2014 ◽  
Vol 16 (03) ◽  
pp. 1350022 ◽  
Livia Corsi ◽  
Roberto Feola ◽  
Guido Gentile

We study the ordinary differential equation εẍ + ẋ + εg(x) = εf(ωt), with f and g analytic and f quasi-periodic in t with frequency vector ω ∈ ℝd. We show that if there exists c0∈ ℝ such that g(c0) equals the average of f and the first non-zero derivative of g at c0is of odd order 𝔫, then, for ε small enough and under very mild Diophantine conditions on ω, there exists a quasi-periodic solution close to c0, with the same frequency vector as f. In particular if f is a trigonometric polynomial the Diophantine condition on ω can be completely removed. This extends results previously available in the literature for 𝔫 = 1. We also point out that, if 𝔫 = 1 and the first derivative of g at c0is positive, then the quasi-periodic solution is locally unique and attractive.

2013 ◽  
Vol 34 (4) ◽  
pp. 1395-1408 ◽  

AbstractFor analytic quasiperiodic Schrödinger cocycles, Goldshtein and Schlag [Hölder continuity of the integrated density of states for quasi-periodic Schrödinger equations and averages of shifts of subharmonic functions. Ann. of Math. (2) 154 (2001), 155–203] proved that the Lyapunov exponent is Hölder continuous provided that the base frequency $\omega $ satisfies a strong Diophantine condition. In this paper, we give a refined large deviation theorem, which implies the Hölder continuity of the Lyapunov exponent for all Diophantine frequencies $\omega $, even for weak Liouville $\omega $, which improves the result of Goldshtein and Schlag.

2012 ◽  
Vol 22 (04) ◽  
pp. 1150022 ◽  

Propagation of elastic waves is studied in a 1D medium containing two cracks. The latter are modeled by smooth nonlinear jump conditions accounting for the finite, non-null compressibility of real cracks. The evolution equations are written in the form of a system of two nonlinear neutral delay differential equations, leading to a well-posed Cauchy problem. Perturbation analysis indicates that, under periodic excitation, the periodic solutions oscillate around positive mean values, which increase with the forcing level. This typically nonlinear phenomenon offers non-destructive means to evaluate the cracks. Existence, uniqueness and attractivity of periodic solutions is then examined. At some particular values of the ratio between the wave travel time and the period of the source, results are obtained whatever the forcing level. With a much larger set of ratios but at small forcing levels, results are obtained under a Diophantine condition. Lastly, numerical experiments are proposed to illustrate the behavior of the periodic diffracted waves.

2012 ◽  
Vol DMTCS Proceedings vol. AQ,... (Proceedings) ◽  
Brigitte Vallée

International audience We consider Euclid’s gcd algorithm for two integers $(p, q)$ with $1 \leq p \leq q \leq N$, with the uniform distribution on input pairs. We study the distribution of the total cost of execution of the algorithm for an additive cost function $d$ on the set of possible digits, asymptotically for $N \to \infty$. For any additive cost of moderate growth $d$, Baladi and Vallée obtained a central limit theorem, and –in the case when the cost $d$ is lattice– a local limit theorem. In both cases, the optimal speed was attained. When the cost is non lattice, the problem was later considered by Baladi and Hachemi, who obtained a local limit theorem under an intertwined diophantine condition which involves the cost $d$ together with the “canonical” cost $c$ of the underlying dynamical system. The speed depends on the irrationality exponent that intervenes in the diophantine condition. We show here how to replace this diophantine condition by another diophantine condition, much more natural, which already intervenes in simpler problems of the same vein, and only involves the cost $d$. This “replacement” is made possible by using the additivity of cost $d$, together with a strong property satisfied by the Euclidean Dynamical System, which states that the cost $c$ is both “strongly” non additive and diophantine in a precise sense. We thus obtain a local limit theorem, whose speed is related to the irrationality exponent which intervenes in the new diophantine condition. We mainly use the previous proof of Baladi and Hachemi, and “just” explain how their diophantine condition may be replaced by our condition. Our result also provides a precise comparison between the rational trajectories of the Euclid dynamical system and the real trajectories.

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