heat flux sensor
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2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (6) ◽  
pp. 119-124
A-Young Choi ◽  
Soo-Ho Lee ◽  
Tea-Hee Park ◽  
Hyung-Sik Kim

Recently, the demand for electric vehicles has increased rapidly as eco-friendly vehicles to regulate exhaust gas emissions. However, fire accidents related to electric vehicles are also occurring frequently. In the present work, to design a fire suppression plan for electric vehicles, a comparison of electric and gasoline vehicles has been demonstrated through real fire experiments. Temperature measurements have been performed using a heat flux sensor to understand the characteristics of each fire. At the peak of fire, the maximum temperature was measured to be about 1,390 ℃ or higher. Further, it was confirmed that gasoline vehicles exhibit higher temperature gains than electric vehicles.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2119 (1) ◽  
pp. 012024
V.V. Lemanov ◽  
M.A. Pakhomov ◽  
V.I. Terekhov ◽  
Z. Travnicek

Abstract An unsteady local heat transfer in an air synthetic non-steady-state jet impingement onto a flat plate with a variation of the Reynolds number, nozzle-to-plate distance and pulses frequency is experimentally and numerically studied. Measurements of the averaged and pulsating heat transfer at the stagnation point are conducted using a heat flux sensor. The axisymmetric URANS method and the Reynolds stress model are used for numerical simulations. For local values of heat transfer, zones with the maximum instantaneous value of heat flux and heat transfer coefficient are identified. The heat transfer increases at relatively low nozzle-to-plate distances (H/d ≤ 4). The heat transfer decreases at high distance from the orifice and target surface. An increase in the Reynolds number causes reduction of heat transfer.

2021 ◽  
pp. 118-128
O. Shelimanova ◽  
V. Tkachenko ◽  

One of the most effective ways to intensify heat transfer when blowing surfaces with air is jet blowing. High intensity of transfer processes during jetting, relatively low energy costs for its implementation, simplicity and flexibility of control of this process have led to its widespread use in various fields. Mathematical modeling of heat transfer regularities in systems of impact jets is significantly complicated due to the three-dimensional nature of the flue-channel flow near the surfaces of complex shape. Therefore, it is advisable to use experimental research methods. The purpose of this study is to justify the use of the method of regular thermal regime to determine the average heat transfer coefficient during jet cooling of the surface. Regular mode of cooling (heating) of bodies is characterized by the fact that the relative rate of change of excess temperature for all points of the body remains constant. Since the thermal model was made of a highly thermally conductive duralumin alloy, the condition Bi <0.1 was met, when the average temperatures on the surface and volume will be the same. Therefore, the experiments recorded the readings of only one thermocouple. To compare the results of this experimental study with the results of other authors, cases of blowing a smooth concave surface with single - and three - row jet systems were chosen. The first case was studied in [3,4], the second - in [5]. The results of the performed test experiments agree satisfactorily with the data of these works, which were obtained both by the method of regular mode [5] and other methods of recording heat fluxes ([3] - passive heat flux sensor; [4] - electrocalorimetry). The difference between the average heat transfer coefficients and the known literature data does not exceed ±7..12%, which indicates a sufficient probability of the results obtained in this work, and the possibility of using the method of regular thermal regime in the study of jet cooling of complex bodies. Key words: heat exchange, jet system, cooling, concave surface

Haidar Taofeeq ◽  
Sebastián Uribe ◽  
Muthanna Al-Dahhan

Sensors ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (22) ◽  
pp. 7472
Marc Lazaro ◽  
Antonio Lazaro ◽  
Ramon Villarino ◽  
David Girbau

The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted a large amount of challenges to address. To combat the spread of the virus, several safety measures, such as wearing face masks, have been taken. Temperature controls at the entrance of public places to prevent the entry of virus carriers have been shown to be inefficient and inaccurate. This paper presents a smart mask that allows to monitor body temperature and breathing rate. Body temperature is measured by a non-invasive dual-heat-flux system, consisting of four sensors separated from each other with an insulating material. Breathing rate is obtained from the temperature changes within the mask, measured with a thermistor located near the nose. The system communicates by means of long-range (LoRa) backscattering, leading to a reduction in average power consumption. It is designed to establish the relative location of the smart mask from the signal received at two LoRa receivers installed inside and outside an access door. Low-cost LoRa transceivers with WiFi capabilities are used in the prototype to collect information and upload it to a server. Accuracy in body temperature measurements is consistent with measurements made with a thermistor located in the armpit. The system allows checking the correct placement of the mask based on the recorded temperatures and the breathing rate measurements. Besides, episodes of cough can be detected by sudden changes in thermistor temperature.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2069 (1) ◽  
pp. 012152
S. Gumbarević ◽  
B. Milovanović ◽  
M. Gaai ◽  
M. Bagarić

Abstract Deep energy renovation of building stock came more into focus in the European Union due to energy efficiency related directives. Many buildings that must undergo deep energy renovation are old and may lack design/renovation documentation, or possible degradation of materials might have occurred in building elements over time. Thermal transmittance (i.e. U-value) is one of the most important parameters for determining the transmission heat losses through building envelope elements. It depends on the thickness and thermal properties of all the materials that form a building element. In-situ U-value can be determined by ISO 9869-1 standard (Heat Flux Method - HFM). Still, measurement duration is one of the reasons why HFM is not widely used in field testing before the renovation design process commences. This paper analyzes the possibility of reducing the measurement time by conducting parallel measurements with one heat-flux sensor. This parallelization could be achieved by applying a specific class of the Artificial Neural Network (ANN) on HFM results to predict unknown heat flux based on collected interior and exterior air temperatures. After the satisfying prediction is achieved, HFM sensor can be relocated to another measuring location. Paper shows a comparison of four ANN cases applied to HFM results for a measurement held on one multi-layer wall – multilayer perceptron with three neurons in one hidden layer, long short-term memory with 100 units, gated recurrent unit with 100 units and combination of 50 long short-term memory units and 50 gated recurrent units. The analysis gave promising results in term of predicting the heat flux rate based on the two input temperatures. Additional analysis on another wall showed possible limitations of the method that serves as a direction for further research on this topic.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2116 (1) ◽  
pp. 012043
Paula Murphy ◽  
Tim Persoons ◽  
Seamus O’Shaughnessy ◽  
Darina Murray

Abstract The aim of this investigation is to optimise the data post-processing techniques associated with hot film sensors when intended to be used as a means of accurate, high-resolution heat flux measurement. More specifically, this project focuses on the performance of hot film sensors operated in a constant temperature anemometer bridge, used in conjunction with impinging jet air flows. The characteristic heat transfer behaviour in this impinging jet flow provides the reference against which the heat flux data attained using the hot film sensor is compared. As part of this investigation, three hot film calibration methods are examined for a range of sensor overheat values: (A) a wall shear correction method, (B) a physical quasi 1-D conduction model and (C) a physical quasi 2-D fin conduction model. The results show that the method C, when used in conjunction with a 5 K sensor overheat, best replicated that of the reference heat flux sensor for the jet configurations investigated.

Energies ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (20) ◽  
pp. 6659
Flavia V. Barbosa ◽  
Senhorinha F. C. F. Teixeira ◽  
José C. F. Teixeira

Multiple jet impingement is a widely implemented convective process for enhancing heat transfer over target surfaces. Depending on the engineering application, the impinging plate can have different configurations. However, the increased complexity of the surface induces complicated thermal behaviors that must be analyzed. In that sense, this study consisted of the experimental and numerical analysis of multiple jets impinging on a step surface. A particle image velocimetry technique was applied to measure velocity fields, while a heat flux sensor was mounted on the surface to determine the heat transfer. Numerical simulations, for both flat and non-flat plates, were conducted in ANSYS FLUENT applying the SST k-ω model, and experimental results were used to validate the model. Three surface configurations were analyzed, flat, 1 D, and 2 D steps, and the results show an increase in the average Nusselt number compared with the flat plate, 9% and 20%, respectively. This increase was mainly due to the intensification of the flow turbulence induced by the step. Numerical results were in good agreement with the experiments, but the heat transfer was slightly underpredicted for the 2 D step case due to the difficulty of predicting with accuracy the velocity field near the step.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2039 (1) ◽  
pp. 012022
V Yu Mityakov ◽  
V V Seroshtanov ◽  
V V Suchok ◽  
N A Zhidkov ◽  
A S Vlasov

Abstract An experimental study performed in an air channel using gradient heatmetry is presented, for a configuration of three heated circular cylinders with different distance between them. Cylinders were installed one by one. The main objective is to analyze the heat flux fluctuations, employing gradient heat flux sensor. The behavior of the flow in the wake behind the first cylinder under various regimes, for the specified configuration, changes the fluctuations level at the surface of the second and third cylinders. By visualizing the flow using PIV, it was possible to see areas of stagnation, separation points and other features of flow around the model. The results showed that the fluctuations level for the second cylinder is an order of magnitude lower than for the first. We can say that the first cylinder stabilizes the flow. However, at the third cylinder, this level is comparable and even higher than on the first. Use of gradient heatmetry thus made it possible for the first time to estimate the fluctuating nature of the flow and heat transfer around cylinders.

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