water quality criteria
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2021 ◽  
Vol 38 (2) ◽  
pp. 89-100
Meenu Sharma ◽  
Sundeep Kumar Pandita ◽  
Dr. Rajwant

Hydrogeochemical and isotopic composition of river and groundwater in Kandi and Sirowal belts of Jammu District in the Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir was carried out to understand the recharge source and chemical nature of these waters for drinking water quality criteria. Physical parameters (temperature, pH, Total dissolved solids, total hardness and electrical conductivity), major cations and anions (Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, K+, HCO3-, Cl-, SO42-, NO3-) and stable isotopes (d18O and d2H) inTawi river and groundwater samples from hand pumps and tube wells were measured. The dominant cation is Ca2+ and the dominant anion HCO3- implyingCaHCO3type water in both river and groundwater. To assess the quality of water for drinking purposes, Groundwater Quality Index (GWQI) has been calculated. The GWQI indicates that Kandi and Sirowal belts are showing “Excellent” to “Good” category for drinking purposes. The stable isotopic composition of river water and groundwater is indicative of meteoric origin and enrichment before groundwater recharge. The stable isotopes in water suggest that the active canals in Sirowal belt,and rainfall and river water near the banks in Kandi belt contribute to ground water recharge.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-8
Siti Aisyah ◽  
Sulastri Sulastri ◽  
Rahmi Dina ◽  
Mey Ristanti Widoretno

Small lakes are important freshwater resources to support the quality of human life. However, small lakes in the watershed are becoming threatened ecosystems because of increasing land-use changes and anthropogenic activity. The study aimed to determine characteristic physical-chemical parameters and trophic status some small lake in Ciliwung Watershed to support the sustainable management of small lakes in the Ciliwung watershed in preventing eutrophication effects.  The data was collected in April and June 2021. Measurement and analysis of water quality parameters were conducted by insitu and Laboratory. Some parameters were not in accordance with the Government Regulation number 22/2021 for class II water quality criteria (WQC), including TSS (>50 mg.L-1)., TP (>0.03 mg.L-1), COD (>25 mg.L-1) and DO (<3 mg.L-1), especially for Lake Sunter and Lake Cincin.There are two groups of lakes based on water quality and trophic status. Lake Telaga Warna Lake Cikaret, and Lake Cilodong were classified as eutrophic while lake Sunter and Lake Cincin were classified as hypereutrophic lake Lake Telaga Warna, Lake Cikaret, and Lake Cilodong, located at the upper and middle watershed, are eutrophic, characterized by deeper bottom and higher Secchi depth. At the lower watershed, Lake Sunter and Lake Cincin are hypereutrophic characterized by higher nutrients (TN and TP), COD, temperature, conductivity, salinity, and TDS. The downstream area was a densely populated area that contributed high pollution from upstream and middle of Ciliwung watershed.

Bryn M. Phillips ◽  
Jennifer P. Voorhees ◽  
Katie Siegler ◽  
Laura McCalla ◽  
Peter Meertens ◽  

AbstractOrganism tolerance thresholds for emerging contaminants are vital to the development of water quality criteria. Acute (96-h) and chronic (10-day) effects thresholds for neonicotinoid pesticides clothianidin and thiamethoxam, and the carbamate pesticide methomyl were developed for the midge Chironomus dilutus to support criteria development using the UC Davis Method. Median lethal concentrations (LC50s) were calculated for acute and chronic exposures, and the 25% inhibition concentrations (IC25) were calculated for the chronic exposures based on confirmed chemical concentrations. Clothianidin effect concentrations were 4.89 µg/L, 2.11 µg/L and 1.15 µg/L for 96-h LC50, 10-day LC50 and 10-day IC25, respectively. Similarly, thiamethoxam concentrations were 56.4 µg/L, 32.3 µg/L and 19.6 µg/L, and methomyl concentrations were 244 µg/L, 266 µg/L and 92.1 µg/L. Neonicotinoid effect concentrations compared favorably to previously published 96-h and 14-day LC50 concentrations, and methomyl effect concentrations were within the acute survival range reported for Chironomus species and other organisms.

2021 ◽  
Vol 909 (1) ◽  
pp. 012014
R Wahyuni ◽  
M Y Hidayat ◽  
G S Saragih ◽  
E Efadeswarni ◽  
S Siswadi ◽  

Abstract The increasing need for agricultural land has led to a shift in the cultivation of vegetation on peatland especially food crops. Agricultural activities on peatland require careful planning, appropriate technology application, and proper management due to the marginal and the fragile peatland ecosystem. Research and development are needed to evaluate the carrying capacity of environmental impacts on peatland use. This study aimed to obtain information on the water quality of peat domes, primary canals, and secondary canals of Block C, Pulang Pisau Regency. The study area is now mostly used for agricultural activities. The analysis was carried out in a descriptive qualitative manner based on water parameter testing results to assess the water quality of peat domes, primary canals, and secondary canals of each type of peatland use in Buntoi, Garung, and Kanamit Barat Village. The results indicated that five chemical parameters exceeded the water quality criteria for Class II PP No. 22/2021 namely BOD, COD, free chlorine, zinc, and lead in Buntoi. Further, in Garung, six chemical parameters exceeded the water quality criteria: DO, BOD, COD, free chlorine, lead, and copper. Meanwhile, in Kanamit Barat Village, seven chemical parameters exceeded the criteria: DO, BOD, COD, free chlorine, zinc, lead, and copper. Based on this research, therefore, agricultural activities on this peatland area should consider the natural characteristics of peat water and the selection of suitable plants.

2021 ◽  
Vol 193 (10) ◽  
Ricardo Beiras

AbstractA standard method to test the aquatic toxicity of biologically active household chemicals (BAHC), including those with very low water solubility, is proposed. The method uses the common marine models Paracentrotus lividus embryos and Acartia clausi larvae, in order to advance towards derivation of water quality criteria for these emerging pollutants that currently lack environmental standards. Depending on the water solubility and octanol–water partition coefficient (Kow) of the substance, the protocol consists of testing the toxicity of the substances by serial dilutions of water stocks, dimethyl-sulfoxide stocks, or 100 mg/L lixiviates in seawater. When this method is applied to eleven model BAHC, the pharmaceutical fluoxetine, the antioxidant butylated hydroxytoluene, and the UV filters broadly present in cosmetics octocrylene and 4-methylbenzylidene camphor, are classified as very toxic to aquatic life, since their EC50 values are < 1 mg/L. In general, both biological models, P. lividus and A. clausi, yield the same classification of the substances tested, but variations in the classification of aquatic toxicity depending on methodological aspects are discussed. The use of A. clausi nauplii provides more protecting value to the toxicity parameters obtained by using this protocol. Graphic abstract

2021 ◽  
Vol 296 ◽  
pp. 113175
Lu Li ◽  
Yanjiao He ◽  
Kang Song ◽  
Fazhi Xie ◽  
Huixian Li ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 35-43
Omar Khaleefa ◽  
Ammar Hatem Kamel

This study is used the water quality index (WQI), which is generated by combining several water quality parameters. This index gives a helpful representation of overall water quality for the public and all intended applications, and it demonstrates that pollution is beneficial in water quality management and decision-making. The Euphrates River was assessed in order to determine the quality of drinking water. The Euphrates River was assessed for drinking water quality using the WQI, which includes ten physicochemical water quality criteria. This was achieved by submitting comprehensive physicochemical analysis of water samples collected from 5 stations in the city of Hit-Iraq during 2020-2021. The ten physicochemical parameters included: pH value, Nitrate (NO3), Sulphate (SO4­), Turbidity, temperature, Calcium (Ca), Magnesium (Mg), sodium (Na), electric conductivity (EC) and Total Dissolved Solids (TDS). This was accomplished by submitting a full physicochemical analysis of water samples obtained from 5 sites in Hit, Iraq, between 2020 and 2021. The results of the present study show, the total average WQI was 110,156. The high WQI achieved is caused by the high TDS and magnesium concentration due to the different human activities along the river reach. The Euphrates River quality is classified as 'very poor quality' with a minimum WQI of 97.85 in June and 121.75 in November.

PLoS ONE ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (8) ◽  
pp. e0256292
Sarah H. Ledford ◽  
Jacob S. Diamond ◽  
Laura Toran

Urbanization and subsequent expansion of wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) capacity has the potential to alter stream metabolic regimes, but the magnitude of this change remains unknown. Indeed, our understanding of downstream WWTP effects on stream metabolism is spatially and temporally limited, and monitoring designs with upstream-downstream comparison sites are rare. Despite this, and despite observed spatiotemporal variability in stream metabolic regimes, regulators typically use snapshot monitoring to assess ecosystem function in receiving streams, potentially leading to biased conclusions about stream health. To address these important practical issues, we assessed the spatiotemporal variability in stream metabolism at nine sites upstream and downstream of four WWTPs in a suburban stream. We used one year (2017–2018) of high-frequency dissolved oxygen (DO) data to model daily gross primary productivity (GPP) and ecosystem respiration (ER). We found that GPP was 1.7–4.0 times higher and ER was 1.2–7.2 times higher downstream of the WWTPs, especially in spring when light was not limited by canopy shading. Critically, we observed that these effects were spatially limited to the kilometer or so just downstream of the plant. These effects were also temporally limited, and metabolic rates upstream of WWTPs were not different from sites downstream of the plant after leaf-out at some sites. Across sites, regardless of their relation to WWTPs, GPP was positively correlated with potential incident light suggesting that light is the dominant control on GPP in this system. Temporal windowing of DO to proposed regulatory monitoring lengths revealed that the violation frequency of water quality criteria depended on both the monitoring interval and start date. We conclude that spatiotemporal variability in metabolism and DO are crucial considerations when developing monitoring programs to assess ecosystem function, and that evidence of WWTP effects may only arise during high light conditions and at limited scales.

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