population coding
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2021 ◽  
Jan Weber ◽  
Anne-Kristin Solbakk ◽  
Alejandro Blenkmann ◽  
Anais Llorens ◽  
Ingrid Funderud ◽  

Contextual cues and prior evidence guide human goal-directed behavior. To date, the neurophysiological mechanisms that implement contextual priors to guide subsequent actions remain unclear. Here we demonstrate that increasing behavioral uncertainty introduces a shift from an oscillatory to a continuous processing mode in human prefrontal cortex. At the population level, we found that oscillatory and continuous dynamics reflect dissociable signatures that support distinct aspects of encoding, transmission and execution of context-dependent action plans. We show that prefrontal population activity encodes predictive context and action plans in serially unfolding orthogonal subspaces, while prefrontal-motor theta oscillations synchronize action-encoding population subspaces to mediate the hand-off of action plans. Collectively, our results reveal how two key features of large-scale population activity, namely continuous population trajectories and oscillatory synchrony, operate in concert to guide context-dependent human behavior.

Cell Reports ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 37 (6) ◽  
pp. 109978
Anna Li ◽  
Yaling Liu ◽  
Qiaosheng Zhang ◽  
Isabel Friesner ◽  
Hyun Jung Jee ◽  

Neuron ◽  
2021 ◽  
Sue Ann Koay ◽  
Adam S. Charles ◽  
Stephan Y. Thiberge ◽  
Carlos D. Brody ◽  
David W. Tank

eLife ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 ◽  
Evan H Lyall ◽  
Daniel P Mossing ◽  
Scott R Pluta ◽  
Yun Wen Chu ◽  
Amir Dudai ◽  

How cortical circuits build representations of complex objects is poorly understood. Individual neurons must integrate broadly over space, yet simultaneously obtain sharp tuning to specific global stimulus features. Groups of neurons identifying different global features must then assemble into a population that forms a comprehensive code for these global stimulus properties. Although the logic for how single neurons summate over their spatial inputs has been well-explored in anesthetized animals, how large groups of neurons compose a flexible population code of higher order features in awake animals is not known. To address this question, we probed the integration and population coding of higher order stimuli in the somatosensory and visual cortices of awake mice using two-photon calcium imaging across cortical layers. We developed a novel tactile stimulator that allowed the precise measurement of spatial summation even in actively whisking mice. Using this system, we found a sparse but comprehensive population code for higher order tactile features that depends on a heterogeneous and neuron-specific logic of spatial summation beyond the receptive field. Different somatosensory cortical neurons summed specific combinations of sensory inputs supra-linearly, but integrated other inputs sub-linearly, leading to selective responses to higher order features. Visual cortical populations employed a nearly identical scheme to generate a comprehensive population code for contextual stimuli. These results suggest that a heterogeneous logic of input-specific supra-linear summation may represent a widespread cortical mechanism for the synthesis of sparse higher order feature codes in neural populations. This may explain how the brain exploits the thalamocortical expansion of dimensionality to encode arbitrary complex features of sensory stimuli.

eLife ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 ◽  
Sacha Sokoloski ◽  
Amir Aschner ◽  
Ruben Coen-Cagli

Neurons respond selectively to stimuli, and thereby define a code that associates stimuli with population response patterns. Certain correlations within population responses (noise correlations) significantly impact the information content of the code, especially in large populations. Understanding the neural code thus necessitates response models that quantify the coding properties of modelled populations, while fitting large-scale neural recordings and capturing noise correlations. In this paper we propose a class of response model based on mixture models and exponential families. We show how to fit our models with expectation-maximization, and that they capture diverse variability and covariability in recordings of macaque primary visual cortex. We also show how they facilitate accurate Bayesian decoding, provide a closed-form expression for the Fisher information, and are compatible with theories of probabilistic population coding. Our framework could allow researchers to quantitatively validate the predictions of neural coding theories against both large-scale neural recordings and cognitive performance.

2021 ◽  
Leor N Katz ◽  
Gongchen Yu ◽  
James P Herman ◽  
Richard J Krauzlis

Correlated variability (spike count correlations, rSC) in a population of neurons can constrain how information is read out, depending on behavioral task and neuronal tuning. Here we tested whether rSC also depends on neuronal functional class. We recorded from populations of neurons in macaque superior colliculus (SC), a structure that contains well-defined functional classes. We found that during a guided saccade task, different classes of neurons exhibited differing degrees of rSC. "Delay class" neurons displayed the highest rSC, especially during the delay epoch of saccade tasks that relied on working memory. This was only present among Delay class neurons within the same hemisphere. The dependence of rSC on functional class indicates that subpopulations of SC neurons occupy distinct circuit niches with distinct inputs. Such subpopulations should be accounted for differentially when attempting to model or infer population coding principles in the SC, or elsewhere in the primate brain.

2021 ◽  
Vol 118 (35) ◽  
pp. e2014781118
Atsushi Fujimoto ◽  
Elisabeth A. Murray ◽  
Peter H. Rudebeck

Decision-making and representations of arousal are intimately linked. Behavioral investigations have classically shown that either too little or too much bodily arousal is detrimental to decision-making, indicating that there is an inverted “U” relationship between bodily arousal and performance. How these processes interact at the level of single neurons as well as the neural circuits involved are unclear. Here we recorded neural activity from orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) and dorsal anterior cingulate cortex (dACC) of macaque monkeys while they made reward-guided decisions. Heart rate (HR) was also recorded and used as a proxy for bodily arousal. Recordings were made both before and after subjects received excitotoxic lesions of the bilateral amygdala. In intact monkeys, higher HR facilitated reaction times (RTs). Concurrently, a set of neurons in OFC and dACC selectively encoded trial-by-trial variations in HR independent of reward value. After amygdala lesions, HR increased, and the relationship between HR and RTs was altered. Concurrent with this change, there was an increase in the proportion of dACC neurons encoding HR. Applying a population-coding analysis, we show that after bilateral amygdala lesions, the balance of encoding in dACC is skewed away from signaling either reward value or choice direction toward HR coding around the time that choices are made. Taken together, the present results provide insight into how bodily arousal and decision-making are signaled in frontal cortex.

eNeuro ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. ENEURO.0211-21.2021
Udaysankar Chockanathan ◽  
Krishnan Padmanabhan

2021 ◽  
Ling-Qi Zhang ◽  
Alan A Stocker

Bayesian inference provides an elegant theoretical framework for understanding the characteristic biases and discrimination thresholds in visual speed perception. However, the framework is difficult to validate due to its flexibility and the fact that suitable constraints on the structure of the sensory uncertainty have been missing. Here, we demonstrate that a Bayesian observer model constrained by efficient coding not only well fits extensive psychophysical data of human visual speed perception but also provides an accurate quantitative account of the tuning characteristics of neurons known for representing visual speed. Specifically, we found that the population coding accuracy for visual speed in area MT ("neural prior") is precisely predicted by the power-law, slow-speed prior extracted from fitting the Bayesian model to the psychophysical data ("behavioral prior"), to the point that they are indistinguishable in a model cross-validation comparison. Our results demonstrate a quantitative validation of the Bayesian observer model constrained by efficient coding at both the behavioral and neural levels.

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