exponential families
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Geoffrey Wolfer ◽  
Shun Watanabe

AbstractWe analyze the information geometric structure of time reversibility for parametric families of irreducible transition kernels of Markov chains. We define and characterize reversible exponential families of Markov kernels, and show that irreducible and reversible Markov kernels form both a mixture family and, perhaps surprisingly, an exponential family in the set of all stochastic kernels. We propose a parametrization of the entire manifold of reversible kernels, and inspect reversible geodesics. We define information projections onto the reversible manifold, and derive closed-form expressions for the e-projection and m-projection, along with Pythagorean identities with respect to information divergence, leading to some new notion of reversiblization of Markov kernels. We show the family of edge measures pertaining to irreducible and reversible kernels also forms an exponential family among distributions over pairs. We further explore geometric properties of the reversible family, by comparing them with other remarkable families of stochastic matrices. Finally, we show that reversible kernels are, in a sense we define, the minimal exponential family generated by the m-family of symmetric kernels, and the smallest mixture family that comprises the e-family of memoryless kernels.

eLife ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 ◽  
Sacha Sokoloski ◽  
Amir Aschner ◽  
Ruben Coen-Cagli

Neurons respond selectively to stimuli, and thereby define a code that associates stimuli with population response patterns. Certain correlations within population responses (noise correlations) significantly impact the information content of the code, especially in large populations. Understanding the neural code thus necessitates response models that quantify the coding properties of modelled populations, while fitting large-scale neural recordings and capturing noise correlations. In this paper we propose a class of response model based on mixture models and exponential families. We show how to fit our models with expectation-maximization, and that they capture diverse variability and covariability in recordings of macaque primary visual cortex. We also show how they facilitate accurate Bayesian decoding, provide a closed-form expression for the Fisher information, and are compatible with theories of probabilistic population coding. Our framework could allow researchers to quantitatively validate the predictions of neural coding theories against both large-scale neural recordings and cognitive performance.

2021 ◽  
pp. 002224372110329
Nicolas Padilla ◽  
Eva Ascarza

The success of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) programs ultimately depends on the firm's ability to identify and leverage differences across customers — a very diffcult task when firms attempt to manage new customers, for whom only the first purchase has been observed. For those customers, the lack of repeated observations poses a structural challenge to inferring unobserved differences across them. This is what we call the “cold start” problem of CRM, whereby companies have difficulties leveraging existing data when they attempt to make inferences about customers at the beginning of their relationship. We propose a solution to the cold start problem by developing a probabilistic machine learning modeling framework that leverages the information collected at the moment of acquisition. The main aspect of the model is that it exibly captures latent dimensions that govern the behaviors observed at acquisition as well as future propensities to buy and to respond to marketing actions using deep exponential families. The model can be integrated with a variety of demand specifications and is exible enough to capture a wide range of heterogeneity structures. We validate our approach in a retail context and empirically demonstrate the model's ability at identifying high-value customers as well as those most sensitive to marketing actions, right after their first purchase.

Mathematics ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (13) ◽  
pp. 1568
Shaul K. Bar-Lev

Let F=Fθ:θ∈Θ⊂R be a family of probability distributions indexed by a parameter θ and let X1,⋯,Xn be i.i.d. r.v.’s with L(X1)=Fθ∈F. Then, F is said to be reproducible if for all θ∈Θ and n∈N, there exists a sequence (αn)n≥1 and a mapping gn:Θ→Θ,θ⟼gn(θ) such that L(αn∑i=1nXi)=Fgn(θ)∈F. In this paper, we prove that a natural exponential family F is reproducible iff it possesses a variance function which is a power function of its mean. Such a result generalizes that of Bar-Lev and Enis (1986, The Annals of Statistics) who proved a similar but partial statement under the assumption that F is steep as and under rather restricted constraints on the forms of αn and gn(θ). We show that such restrictions are not required. In addition, we examine various aspects of reproducibility, both theoretically and practically, and discuss the relationship between reproducibility, convolution and infinite divisibility. We suggest new avenues for characterizing other classes of families of distributions with respect to their reproducibility and convolution properties .

Entropy ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (6) ◽  
pp. 726
Stefan Bedbur ◽  
Udo Kamps

Within exponential families, which may consist of multi-parameter and multivariate distributions, a variety of divergence measures, such as the Kullback–Leibler divergence, the Cressie–Read divergence, the Rényi divergence, and the Hellinger metric, can be explicitly expressed in terms of the respective cumulant function and mean value function. Moreover, the same applies to related entropy and affinity measures. We compile representations scattered in the literature and present a unified approach to the derivation in exponential families. As a statistical application, we highlight their use in the construction of confidence regions in a multi-sample setup.

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