meiotic pairing
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2021 ◽  
Thomas Rubin ◽  
Nicolas Macaisne ◽  
Ana Maria Valles ◽  
Clara Guilleman ◽  
Isabelle Gaugue ◽  

In the early stages of meiosis, maternal and paternal chromosomes pair with their homologous partner and recombine to ensure exchange of genetic information and proper segregation. These events can vary drastically between species and between males and females of the same species. In Drosophila, in contrast to females, males do not form synaptonemal complexes (SCs), do not recombine and have no crossing-over; yet, males are able to segregate their chromosomes properly. Here, we investigated the early steps of homologues pairing in Drosophila males. We found that homologues are not paired in germline stem cells (GSCs) and become paired in the mitotic region before meiotic entry, similarly to females. Surprisingly, male germline cells express SC proteins, which localize to centromeres and promote pairing. We further found that the SUN/KASH (LINC) complex and microtubules are required for homologues pairing as in females. Chromosome movements are however much slower than in females and we demonstrate that this slow dynamic is compensated in males by having longer cell cycles. In agreement, slowing down cell cycles was sufficient to rescue pairing-defective mutants in female meiosis. Our results demonstrate that although meiosis differs significantly between males and females, sex-specific cell cycle kinetics are integrated with similar molecular mechanisms to achieve proper homologues pairing.

PLoS Genetics ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (7) ◽  
pp. e1009700
Leah F. Rosin ◽  
Jose Gil ◽  
Ines A. Drinnenberg ◽  
Elissa P. Lei

Accurate chromosome segregation during meiosis is essential for reproductive success. Yet, many fundamental aspects of meiosis remain unclear, including the mechanisms regulating homolog pairing across species. This gap is partially due to our inability to visualize individual chromosomes during meiosis. Here, we employ Oligopaint FISH to investigate homolog pairing and compaction of meiotic chromosomes and resurrect a classical model system, the silkworm Bombyx mori. Our Oligopaint design combines multiplexed barcoding with secondary oligo labeling for high flexibility and low cost. These studies illustrate that Oligopaints are highly specific in whole-mount gonads and on meiotic squashes. We show that meiotic pairing is robust in both males and females and that pairing can occur through numerous partially paired intermediate structures. We also show that pairing in male meiosis occurs asynchronously and seemingly in a transcription-biased manner. Further, we reveal that meiotic bivalent formation in B. mori males is highly similar to bivalent formation in C. elegans, with both of these pathways ultimately resulting in the pairing of chromosome ends with non-paired ends facing the spindle pole. Additionally, microtubule recruitment in both C. elegans and B. mori is likely dependent on kinetochore proteins but independent of the centromere-specifying histone CENP-A. Finally, using super-resolution microscopy in the female germline, we show that homologous chromosomes remain associated at telomere domains in the absence of chiasma and after breakdown and modification to the synaptonemal complex in pachytene. These studies reveal novel insights into mechanisms of meiotic homolog pairing both with or without recombination.

2021 ◽  
Manu Kumar Gundappa ◽  
Thu-Hien To ◽  
Lars Grønvold ◽  
Samuel A M Martin ◽  
Sigbjørn Lien ◽  

The long-term evolutionary impacts of whole genome duplication (WGD) are strongly influenced by the ensuing rediploidization process. Following autopolyploidization, rediploidization involves a transition from tetraploid to diploid meiotic pairing, allowing duplicated genes (ohnologues) to diverge genetically and functionally. Our understanding of autopolyploid rediploidization has been informed by a WGD event ancestral to salmonid fishes, where large genomic regions are characterized by temporally delayed rediploidization, allowing lineage-specific ohnologue sequence divergence in the major salmonid clades. Here, we investigate the long-term outcomes of autopolyploid rediploidization at genome-wide resolution, exploiting a recent 'explosion' of salmonid genome assemblies, including a new genome sequence for the huchen (Hucho hucho). We developed a genome alignment approach to capture duplicated regions across multiple species, allowing us to create 121,864 phylogenetic trees describing ohnologue divergence across salmonid evolution. Using molecular clock analysis, we show that 61% of the ancestral salmonid genome experienced an initial 'wave' of rediploidization in the late Cretaceous (85-106 Mya). This was followed by a period of relative genomic stasis lasting 17-39 My, where much of the genome remained in a tetraploid state. A second rediploidization wave began in the early Eocene and proceeded alongside species diversification, generating predictable patterns of lineage-specific ohnologue divergence, scaling in complexity with the number of speciation events. Finally, using gene set enrichment, gene expression, and codon-based selection analyses, we provide insights into potential functional outcomes of delayed rediploidization. Overall, this study enhances our understanding of delayed autopolyploid rediploidization and has broad implications for future studies of WGD events.

Chen Chen ◽  
Lue Zheng ◽  
Dan Wu ◽  
Lu Tan ◽  
Rong Yang ◽  

Hybridization is an important part of species evolution. The hybrid progeny population had rich genetic and phenotypic variation, which made the boundaries between them and their parents blurred and difficult to distinguish. There was little research on the origin of natural hybrids of Triticeae. In this study, we found a large number of putative hybrids of Roegneria in West Sichuan Plateau, China. The hybrid plants showed strong heterosis in plant height, tiller number and floret number. Morphologically, the putative hybrids showed intermediate of Roegneria stricta Keng and Roegneria turczaninovii (Drob.) Nevski. Hybrids had 28 chromosomes corresponding to that of R. stricta and R. turczaninovii (2n=4x=28). Meiotic pairing in hybrids were less regular than those of R. stricta and R. turczaninovii. GISH analysis showed that the hybrid plants had the same genome as that of R. stricta and R. turczaninovii (StY). Phylogenetic analysis based on the single copy nuclear gene DMC1 and chloroplast gene rps16 showed the plants were closely related to R. stricta and R. turczaninovii. This study indicated that the plants were hybrids of R. stricta and R. turczaninovii. The results provided data for the utilization of hybrid. This study provided a case study of natural hybrids.

2021 ◽  
Leah F Rosin ◽  
Jose Gil ◽  
Ines Anna Drinnenberg ◽  
Elissa P Lei

Accurate chromosome segregation during meiosis is essential for reproductive success. Yet, many fundamental aspects of meiosis remain unclear, including the mechanisms regulating homolog pairing across species. This gap is partially due to our inability to visualize individual chromosomes during meiosis. Here, we employ Oligopaint FISH to investigate homolog pairing and compaction of meiotic chromosomes in a classical model system, the silkworm Bombyx mori. Our Oligopaint design combines multiplexed barcoding with secondary oligo labeling for high flexibility and low cost. These studies illustrate that Oligopaints are highly specific in whole-mount gonads and on meiotic chromosome spreads. We show that meiotic pairing is robust in both males and female meiosis. Additionally, we show that meiotic bivalent formation in B. mori males is highly similar to bivalent formation in C. elegans, with both of these pathways ultimately resulting in the pairing of chromosome ends with non-paired ends facing the spindle pole and microtubule recruitment independent of the centromere-specifying factor CENP-A.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-17 ◽  
Pablo Manuel Gonzalez de la Rosa ◽  
Marian Thomson ◽  
Urmi Trivedi ◽  
Alan Tracey ◽  
Sophie Tandonnet ◽  

Abstract Eukaryotic chromosomes have phylogenetic persistence. In many taxa, each chromosome has a single functional centromere with essential roles in spindle attachment and segregation. Fusion and fission can generate chromosomes with no or multiple centromeres, leading to genome instability. Groups with holocentric chromosomes (where centromeric function is distributed along each chromosome) might be expected to show karyotypic instability. This is generally not the case, and in Caenorhabditis elegans, it has been proposed that the role of maintenance of a stable karyotype has been transferred to the meiotic pairing centers, which are found at one end of each chromosome. Here, we explore the phylogenetic stability of nematode chromosomes using a new telomere-to-telomere assembly of the rhabditine nematode Oscheius tipulae generated from nanopore long reads. The 60-Mb O. tipulae genome is resolved into six chromosomal molecules. We find the evidence of specific chromatin diminution at all telomeres. Comparing this chromosomal O. tipulae assembly with chromosomal assemblies of diverse rhabditid nematodes, we identify seven ancestral chromosomal elements (Nigon elements) and present a model for the evolution of nematode chromosomes through rearrangement and fusion of these elements. We identify frequent fusion events involving NigonX, the element associated with the rhabditid X chromosome, and thus sex chromosome-associated gene sets differ markedly between species. Despite the karyotypic stability, gene order within chromosomes defined by Nigon elements is not conserved. Our model for nematode chromosome evolution provides a platform for investigation of the tensions between local genome rearrangement and karyotypic evolution in generating extant genome architectures.

Kesara Anamthawat-Jónsson ◽  
Puangpaka Umpunjun

Polyploidy is common in the ginger family Zingiberaceae. The aims of the present paper are (1) to provide a general introduction on species diversity with emphasis on conservation; (2) to highlight the human-use significance of this family, focusing on the two major genera, Zingiber (ginger) and Curcuma (turmeric); (3) to present chromosome number data from 45 natural and cultivated Curcuma taxa from Thailand, of which polyploids are predominant; and (4) to describe our own work on cytotaxonomy of selected Thai Curcuma species. We obtained somatic chromosome numbers from root tips and analysed meiotic chromosome behaviour from flowers. We also used the molecular cytogenetic method of ribosomal gene mapping on chromosomes to infer mechanism of polyploidization and reveal genomic relationships among closely related species. The main results of our cytogenetic studies include the following. The most sought-after medicinal Curcuma cultivars growing on a large-scale basis are secondary triploids, so as taxa in natural habitats that are harvested for local utilisation. These triploids are sexually deficient, due to meiotic pairing abnormalities, but they are propagated asexually via rhizomes. The ribosomal mapping results indicate natural triploidization process via hybridisation, either within populations or across the species boundaries.

2020 ◽  
Vol 133 (22) ◽  
pp. jcs253724
Miao Tian ◽  
Christiane Agreiter ◽  
Josef Loidl

ABSTRACTIn most eukaryotes, the meiotic chromosomal bouquet (comprising clustered chromosome ends) provides an ordered chromosome arrangement that facilitates pairing and recombination between homologous chromosomes. In the protist Tetrahymena thermophila, the meiotic prophase nucleus stretches enormously, and chromosomes assume a bouquet-like arrangement in which telomeres and centromeres are attached to opposite poles of the nucleus. We have identified and characterized three meiosis-specific genes [meiotic nuclear elongation 1-3 (MELG1-3)] that control nuclear elongation, and centromere and telomere clustering. The Melg proteins interact with cytoskeletal and telomere-associated proteins, and probably repurpose them for reorganizing the meiotic prophase nucleus. A lack of sequence similarity between the Tetrahymena proteins responsible for telomere clustering and bouquet proteins of other organisms suggests that the Tetrahymena bouquet is analogous, rather than homologous, to the conserved eukaryotic bouquet. We also report that centromere clustering is more important than telomere clustering for homologous pairing. Therefore, we speculate that centromere clustering may have been the primordial mechanism for chromosome pairing in early eukaryotes.

2020 ◽  
Ying Wu ◽  
Fan Lin ◽  
Yao Zhou ◽  
Jie Wang ◽  
Shuai Sun ◽  

Abstract Allopolyploidy is an important process in plant speciation, yet newly formed allopolyploid species typically suffer from extreme genetic bottlenecks. One escape from this impasse might be homoeologous meiotic pairing, during which homoeologous exchanges (HEs) generate phenotypically variable progeny. However, the immediate genome-wide patterns and resulting phenotypic diversity generated by HEs remain largely unknown. Here, we analyzed the genome composition of 202 phenotyped euploid segmental allopolyploid individuals from the 4th selfed generation following chromosomal doubling of reciprocal F1 hybrids of crosses between rice subspecies, using whole genome sequencing. We describe rampant occurrence of HEs that, by overcoming incompatibility or conferring superiority of hetero-cytonuclear interactions, generate extensive and individualized genomic mosaicism across the analyzed tetraploids. We show that the resulting homoeolog copy number alteration in tetraploids affects known-function genes and their complex genetic interactions, in the process creating extraordinary phenotypic diversity at the population level following a single initial hybridization. Our results illuminate the immediate genomic landscapes possible in a tetraploid genomic environment, and underscore HE as an important mechanism that fuels rapid phenotypic diversification accompanying the initial stages of allopolyploid evolution.

Paul Simion ◽  
Jitendra Narayan ◽  
Antoine Houtain ◽  
Alessandro Derzelle ◽  
Lyam Baudry ◽  

ABSTRACTThe several hundreds of species of bdelloid rotifers are notorious because they represent an ancient clade comprising only asexual lineages1. Moreover, most bdelloid species have the ability to withstand complete desiccation and high doses of ionizing radiation, being able to repair their DNA after massive genome breakage2. To better understand the impact of long-term asexuality and DNA breakage on genome evolution, a telomere-to-tolemere reference genome assembly of a bdelloid species is critical3, 4. Here we present the first, high quality chromosome-scale genome assembly for the bdelloid A. vaga validated using three complementary assembly procedures combined with chromosome conformation capture (Hi-C) data. The different assemblies reveal the same genome architecture and using fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH), we demonstrate that the A. vaga genome is composed of six pairs of homologous chromosomes, compatible with meiosis. Moreover, the synteny between homoeologous (or ohnologous) chromosomes is also preserved, confirming their paleotetraploidy. The diploid genome structure of A. vaga and the presence of very long homozygous tracts show that recombination between homologous chromosomes occurs in this ancient asexual scandal, either during DSB repair or during meiotic pairing. These homozygosity tracts are mainly observed towards the chromosome ends in the clonal A. vaga suggesting signatures of a parthenogenetic mode of reproduction equivalent to central fusion automixis, in which homologous chromosomes are not segregated during the meiotic division.

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