shape derivative
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Klaus Deckelnick ◽  
Philip Herbert ◽  
Michael Hinze

This article introduces a novel method for the implementation of shape optimisation with Lipschitz domains. We propose to use the shape derivative to determine deformation fields which represent steepest descent directions of the shape functional in the $W^{1,\infty}-$ topology. The idea of our approach is demonstrated for shape optimisation of $n$-dimensional star-shaped domains, which we represent as functions defined on the unit $(n-1)$-sphere. In this setting we provide the specific form of the shape derivative and prove the existence of solutions to the underlying shape optimisation problem. Moreover, we show the existence of a direction of steepest descent in the $W^{1,\infty}-$ topology. We also note that shape optimisation in this context is closely related to the $\infty-$Laplacian, and to optimal transport, where we highlight the latter in the numerics section. We present several numerical experiments illustrating that our approach seems to be superior over existing Hilbert space methods, in particular in developing optimal shapes with corners.

Sidy Moctar Djitte ◽  
Mouhamed Moustapha Fall ◽  
Tobias Weth

AbstractWe derive a shape derivative formula for the family of principal Dirichlet eigenvalues $$\lambda _s(\Omega )$$ λ s ( Ω ) of the fractional Laplacian $$(-\Delta )^s$$ ( - Δ ) s associated with bounded open sets $$\Omega \subset \mathbb {R}^N$$ Ω ⊂ R N of class $$C^{1,1}$$ C 1 , 1 . This extends, with a help of a new approach, a result in Dalibard and Gérard-Varet (Calc. Var. 19(4):976–1013, 2013) which was restricted to the case $$s=\frac{1}{2}$$ s = 1 2 . As an application, we consider the maximization problem for $$\lambda _s(\Omega )$$ λ s ( Ω ) among annular-shaped domains of fixed volume of the type $$B\setminus \overline{B}'$$ B \ B ¯ ′ , where B is a fixed ball and $$B'$$ B ′ is ball whose position is varied within B. We prove that $$\lambda _s(B\setminus \overline{B}')$$ λ s ( B \ B ¯ ′ ) is maximal when the two balls are concentric. Our approach also allows to derive similar results for the fractional torsional rigidity. More generally, we will characterize one-sided shape derivatives for best constants of a family of subcritical fractional Sobolev embeddings.

2021 ◽  
Vol 59 (2) ◽  
pp. 1218-1245
Fabien Caubet ◽  
Marc Dambrine ◽  
Rajesh Mahadevan

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-16
Boubacar Fall ◽  
Filippo Santambrogio ◽  
Diaraf Seck ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (1) ◽  
Mudassir Moosa ◽  
Pratik Rath ◽  
Vincent Paul Su

Abstract The Quantum Null Energy Condition (QNEC) is a lower bound on the stress-energy tensor in quantum field theory that has been proved quite generally. It can equivalently be phrased as a positivity condition on the second null shape derivative of the relative entropy Srel(ρ||σ) of an arbitrary state ρ with respect to the vacuum σ. The relative entropy has a natural one-parameter family generalization, the Sandwiched Rényi divergence Sn(ρ||σ), which also measures the distinguishability of two states for arbitrary n ∈ [1/2, ∞). A Rényi QNEC, a positivity condition on the second null shape derivative of Sn(ρ||σ), was conjectured in previous work. In this work, we study the Rényi QNEC for free and superrenormalizable field theories in spacetime dimension d > 2 using the technique of null quantization. In the above setting, we prove the Rényi QNEC in the case n > 1 for arbitrary states. We also provide counterexamples to the Rényi QNEC for n < 1.

Evgeny Rudoy ◽  
Viktor Shcherbakov

AbstractWithin the framework of Kirchhoff–Love plate theory, we analyze a variational model for elastic plates with rigid inclusions and interfacial cracks. The main feature of the model is a fully coupled nonpenetration condition that involves both the normal component of the longitudinal displacements and the normal derivative of the transverse deflection of the crack faces. Without making any artificial assumptions on the crack geometry and shape variation, we prove that the first-order shape derivative of the potential deformation energy is well defined and provide an explicit representation for it. The result is applied to derive the Griffith formula for the energy release rate associated with crack extension.

2020 ◽  
Vol 237 (1) ◽  
pp. 447-496 ◽  
Philippe Laurençot ◽  
Christoph Walker

Timon Rabczuk ◽  
Jeong-Hoon Song ◽  
Xiaoying Zhuang ◽  
Cosmin Anitescu

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