damage tolerant
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Metals ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (12) ◽  
pp. 2034
Cauê Pettermann Carvalho ◽  
Milton Sergio Fernandes de Lima ◽  
Viktor Pastoukhov ◽  
Carlos Antonio Reis Pereira Baptista

Among the third-generation Al-Li alloys, AA2198 stands out for its lower density, formability and increased stiffness, being suitable for use in aircraft fuselage sheets and other inner structures in order to reduce weight and improve performance. An important topic related to damage tolerant structures is the development of techniques to retard fatigue crack propagation, such as the localized heating by a laser source. The aim of the present work was to find the most suitable parameters for the production of laser heating lines in 2198-T851 alloy sheets in order to reduce the fatigue crack growth rate in this material. Laboratory tests using C(T) specimens under two loading conditions (R = 0.1 and 0.5) provided a useful dataset on the laser heated material. The experimental results indicate a 200 W laser beam power at treatment speeds of 1 and 10 mm/s was sufficient to retard crack growth in the current setup. The more expressive results were obtained for 200 W laser power with a speed of 1 mm/s and cyclic loading with stress ratio R = 0.1.

S E Lee ◽  
J K Paik

Sloshing impact loads can cause severe structural damage to cargo tanks in liquefied natural gas floating production storage offloading units (LNG-FPSOs or FLNGs). Studies of sloshing can be classified into two types, namely, hydrodynamics-related and structural mechanics-related studies. This study is a sequel to the authors’ previous studies (Paik et al. 2015; Lee et al. 2015), but is more related to issues of structural mechanics. In this study, a new method for probabilistic sloshing assessment, which has been previously developed by the authors, is briefly explained. The nonlinear impact structural response characteristics under sloshing impact loads are examined by a nonlinear finite element ANSYS/LS-DYNA method. An iso-damage curve, representing a pressure-impulse diagram, is derived for the self-supporting prismatic-shape IMO B type LNG cargo containment system of a hypothetical FLNG. The insights developed from this work can be useful for the damage-tolerant design of cargo tanks in FLNGs.

2021 ◽  
pp. 115147
C. Scarth ◽  
M.W.D Nielsen ◽  
A.T. Rhead ◽  
R. Butler

2021 ◽  
pp. 110315
Timo Fromm ◽  
Sebastian Bruns ◽  
Marie-Christin Müller ◽  
Alexander Fink ◽  
Rudolf Borchardt ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (11) ◽  
pp. 296
Raffael Bogenfeld ◽  
Christopher Gorsky

The behavior of impact damaged composite laminates under cyclic load is crucial to achieve a damage tolerant design of composite structures. A sufficient residual strength has to be ensured throughout the entire structural service life. In this study, a set of 27 impacted coupon specimens is subjected to quasi-static and cyclic compression load. After long intervals without detectable damage growth, the specimens fail through the sudden lateral propagation of delamination and fiber kink bands within few load cycles. Ultrasonic inspections were used to reveal the damage size after certain cycle intervals. Through continuous dent depth measurements during the cyclic tests, the evolution of the dent visibility was monitored. These measurements revealed a relaxation of the indentation of up to 90% before ultimate failure occurs. Due to the distinct relaxation and the short growth interval before ultimate failure, this study confirms the no-growth design approach as the preferred method to account for the damage tolerance of stiffened, compression-loaded composite laminates.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-27
O. İnal ◽  
K.B. Katnam ◽  
P. Potluri ◽  
C. Soutis

Abstract Fibre-reinforced polymer (FRP) composites generally have a layered architecture and are commonly manufactured with thermosetting resins—making them susceptible to interlaminar fracture (i.e. delamination), which is often a major concern in structurally critical applications. As a result, various approaches have been explored to enhance interlaminar fracture resistance. This review focuses on third-phase toughener inclusions, which offer opportunities to create damage resistant and damage tolerant structures without significantly adding weight or reducing in-plane mechanical properties. These toughener inclusions, typically introduced in the interlaminar regions, are divided into two categories herein: particle fillers and non-woven fibre veils. The advantages and limitations of both types are discussed, and the potential of the two approaches is evaluated using published data, aiming to provide an overview of the current understanding and challenges in designing and manufacturing safe and reliable composite structures.

Metals ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (10) ◽  
pp. 1622
Oraib Al-Ketan

The ability to control the exhibited plastic deformation behavior of cellular materials under certain loading conditions can be harnessed to design more reliable and structurally efficient damage-tolerant materials for crashworthiness and protective equipment applications. In this work, a mathematically-based design approach is proposed to program the deformation behavior of cellular materials with minimal surface-based topologies and ductile constituent material by employing the concept of functional grading to control the local relative density of unit cells. To demonstrate the applicability of this design tactic, two examples are presented. Rhombic, and double arrow deformation profiles were programmed as the desired deformation patterns. Grayscale images were used to map the relative density distribution of the cellular material. 316L stainless steel metallic samples were fabricated using the powder bed fusion additive manufacturing technique. Results of compressive tests showed that the designed materials followed the desired programmed deformation behavior. Results of mechanical testing also showed that samples with programmed deformation exhibited higher plateau stress and toughness values as compared to their uniform counterparts while no effect on Young’s modulus was observed. Plateau stress values increased by 8.6% and 13.4% and toughness values increased by 5.6% and 11.2% for the graded-rhombic and graded-arrow patterns, respectively. Results of numerical simulations predicted the exact deformation behavior that was programmed in the samples and that were obtained experimentally.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (58) ◽  
pp. 344-364
Salim Çalışkan ◽  
Rıza Gürbüz

In engineering applications, fatigue phenomenon is a key issue and needs to be analyzed in the beginning of design phase in case of any component exposed to alternating loading on operation otherwise catastrophic fatigue failure may cause. Component can be designed with safe-life, fail-safe, and damage tolerant approach based on whether redundant load path and damage sensitive. Before starting analyzing the structure, material allowable data needs to be presented in a reliable way to predict fatigue life of components. SN curves with presented confidence levels are the robust approach to make a prediction on safe life of a structure in terms of fatigue. In this point, there are so many approaches to determine fatigue limit of materials and issue shall be handled by statistical manner. In literature, different staircase and curve fitting methods were presented to estimate endurance limit of materials and some reliability manuscript published. In this paper, fatigue limit of AISI 4340 steel will be investigated through most convinced staircase and curve fitting approaches and their reliability will be queried.

2021 ◽  

The long-term goal of this ONR funded project is to facilitate the design of architected composites that play a key role in damage tolerant and resilient structures. The main emphasis is on developing new composite structures with improved performance and durability as compared to conventional structural composites. To that end, we will present our work in detail on the following within the realm of sandwich composites along with a novel Machine Learning framework for stress prediction in composites: 1) Novel recoverable sandwich composite structures: Traditional sandwich cores such as foam core or honeycomb structures are good options for enabling lightweight and stiff structures. Although, these cores are known to dissipate energy under extreme conditions such as impact loading, they experience permanent damage. Here, our goal is to design core structures that undergo substantial deformation without accumulating damage and recover their original geometric configuration after the loading is removed. In contrast to a traditional foam or honeycomb structure, we have developed a multi-layer architected core design that facilitates significant deformation beyond the initial peak load, yielding a larger energy dissipation during impact and other extreme loading scenarios. We utilize the concept of pseudo-bistability of truncated cone unit cells to achieve elastic buckling for energy dissipation and shape recovery of core structures. 2) Tailoring of sandwich composite facings: Our objective is to establish the influence of fiber architecture on moisture diffusion pathways in FRPC facings for enabling damage tolerant facing designs. To that end, we have evaluated the moisture kinetics in FRPCs by developing micromechanics based computational models within FEM. We have explained the effect of tortuous diffusion pathways that manifest within FRPCs due to internal fiber architectures. Finally, we established the relationship between tortuosity and diffusivity that can be used for studying moisture diffusion in other FRPCs.

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