exact formulation
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2021 ◽  
Vol 03 (04) ◽  
pp. 83-90
Sennia HENNI

The phenomenon of probability is one of the characteristics of the Arabic language which has been brought to it by its people, predicting the flexibility and the lightness of this means of expression. The existence if this feature in the Arabic language proves the open-mindedness of its users who gave it different significations thanks to the exact formulation of its words in structures that take into considerations the grammatical connotations. Besides, this suitable contextual formulation facilitated the interpretation of the acquired meanings. Without any doubt, the Quranic formulation is full of eloquent statement that express God’s intention, whether on the expressive, verbal or the structural value. The objective of the present research is to show the importance of this linguistic method through tackling various examples of derivatives used in the Quranic expression. It will also try to show the effectiveness of these derivatives that were perceived as a linguistic mean covering abstract probabilities in the Qur’anic context

2021 ◽  
Abdelhakim Dafeur ◽  
Bernard Cousin ◽  
Rezki Ziani

Abstract In this paper, we investigate the splitter placement problem in an optical WDM network. The goal is to select a given number of MC nodes in the network such that the overall link cost of a multicast session is minimized. We present an exact formulation in integer linear programming ( ILP ) to find a set of trees that connects a source to a set of destination nodes. Then, four algorithms based on network topology metrics are proposed to select a given number of MC nodes in the network such that the overall link cost of a multicast session is minimized. The efficiency of the proposed algorithms is verified by simulation results.

2020 ◽  
Vol 37 (2) ◽  
pp. 143
NFN Syahyuti

<p>In Indonesia the discourse of farmers is relatively limited and unsatisfactory, unlike that at global level. It leads to our different understanding of farmers as shown by the various definitions in regulations and policies including those in academics. This paper aims to search on how farmers are interpreted in Indonesia in order to find more exact formulation in the future. The identical, standard understanding is essential in formulating agricultural development plan. Scientific review analysis on evolution of understanding and attitude toward farmers are compiled from various scientific sources, policies, and regulations. The results show that farmers should be considered as complete human being with multi dimensions as labor, socio-cultural creature, and religious individuals. It implies that it is necessary to harmonize the definition of farmers and to expand its coverage such that farm workers are part of farmers because they directly involved in daily agricultural activities.</p><p> </p><p>Abstrak</p><p>Di Indonesia, diskursus tentang “petani” agak terbatas dan belum memuaskan, tidak sebagaimana di tataran global. Akibatnya, pemahaman kita terhadap petani belum  sama satu sama lain, sebagaimana ditunjukkan dari beragamnya  batasan  yang  digunakan  dalam  berbagai  produk  regulasi  dan  kebijakan,  termasuk  di  dunia akademis.  Tulisan ini bertujuan melakukan penelusuran terhadap bagaimana petani diinterpretasikan selama ini di Indonesia, sebagai upaya untuk mendapatkan formulasi yang lebih tepat pada masa depan. Pemahaman yang sama  dan  baku    sangat  penting  sebagai  basis  dalam  penyusunan  perencanaan  pembangunan  pertanian. Analisis review ilmiah terhadap perkembangan pemahaman dan sikap terhadap petani diambil dari berbagai sumber akademis, kebijakan maupun regulasi. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa petani harus diposisikan seutuhnya sebagai manusia yang memiliki multidimensi, baik sebagai tenaga kerja, makhluk sosial kultural, sekaligus insan religi.  Implikasi ke depan perlu dilakukan penyelarasan batasan petani dan memperluas cakupan sehingga buruh tani menjadi bagian dari petani, karena mereka adalah pelaku langsung di lapangan sehari-hari secara riil.</p>

Ali Javili ◽  
Andrew T. McBride ◽  
Paul Steinmann

2020 ◽  
Maxime C. Cohen ◽  
Jeremy J. Kalas ◽  
Georgia Perakis

Promotions are a critical decision for supermarket managers, who must decide the price promotions for a large number of items. Retailers often use promotions to boost the sales of the different items by leveraging the cross-item effects. We formulate the promotion optimization problem for multiple items as a nonlinear integer program. Our formulation includes several business rules as constraints. Our demand models can be estimated from data and capture the postpromotion dip effect and cross-item effects (substitution and complementarity). Because demand functions are typically nonlinear, the exact formulation is intractable. To address this issue, we propose a general class of integer programming approximations. For demand models with additive cross-item effects, we prove that it is sufficient to account for unilateral and pairwise contributions and derive parametric bounds on the performance of the approximation. We also show that the unconstrained problem can be solved efficiently via a linear program when items are substitutable and the price set has two values. For more general cases, we develop efficient rounding schemes to obtain an integer solution. We conclude by testing our method on realistic instances and convey the potential practical impact for retailers. This paper was accepted by Yinyu Ye, optimization.

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