thomas theorem
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Synthese ◽  
2021 ◽  
Friedrich Christoph Dörge ◽  
Matthias Holweger

AbstractThat certain paper bills have monetary value, that Vladimir Putin is the president of Russia, and that Prince Philip is the husband of Queen Elizabeth II: such facts are commonly called ‘institutional facts’ (IFF). IFF are, by definition, facts that exist by virtue of collective recognition (where collective recognition can be direct or indirect). The standard view or tacit belief is that such facts really exist. In this paper we argue, however, that they really do not—they really are just well-established illusions. We confront realism about IFF with six criteria of existence, three established and three less so but highly intuitive. We argue that they all tell against the existence of IFF. An obvious objection to IFF non-realism is that since people’s behaviour clearly reflects the existence of IFF, denying their existence leaves an explanatory gap. We reject this argument by introducing a variant of the so-called ‘Thomas Theorem,’ which says that when people collectively recognize a fact as existing, they largely behave accordingly, regardless of whether that fact really exists or not.

Stefan Bard ◽  
Gary MacGillivray ◽  
Shayla Redlin

AbstractA t-frugal colouring of a graph G is an assignment of colours to the vertices of G, such that each colour appears at most t times in the neighbourhood of any vertex. A dichotomy theorem for the complexity of deciding whether a graph has a 1-frugal colouring with k colours was found by McCormick and Thomas, and then later extended to restricted graph classes by Kratochvil and Siggers. We generalize the McCormick and Thomas theorem by proving a dichotomy theorem for the complexity of deciding whether a graph has a t-frugal colouring with k colours, for all pairs of positive integers t and k. We also generalize bounds of Lih et al. for the number of colours needed in a 1-frugal colouring of a given $$K_4$$ K 4 -minor-free graph with maximum degree $$\Delta $$ Δ to t-frugal colourings, for any positive integer t.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (8) ◽  
pp. 085011
H Zheng ◽  
A Bonasera

Communicology ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 155-166
N.S. Babich ◽  
I.V. Batykov

The paper considers the reasons for the existence of trademarks as a social phenomenon. The authors reveal three dominant functional explanations: rationalistic, stratification and semantic. A rationalistic model describes a trademark in terms of identifying the source of the goods (the trademark allows the consumer to identify the goods of a particular manufacturer). The stratification explanation defines the function of the trademark in terms of demonstratively maintaining social differentiation and the distribution of prestige. The semantic approach focuses on the trademark as a mental cell in the consumer’s memory archive, which contains information about the product and its associations. All three approaches are characterized by common problems of functional explanation, namely: the logical circle and internal connection with the homeostatic image of the social system. To overcome these problems, the authors propose an approach to the social ontology of trademarks based on the well-known “Thomas theorem”, which allows to establish causal relationships between the subjective and objective world on the basis of the postulation of equality between reality and perception at the level of formation of human actions. The authors demonstrate the explanatory power of the “Thomas theorem” on example of self-fulfilling prophecies that can be observed in the practice of using trademarks, considering the rationalistic, prestigious and semantic functions of trademarks through the prism of this principle.

2020 ◽  
Vol 123 (1) ◽  
pp. 553-555 ◽  
Lutz Bornmann ◽  
Werner Marx

Erhard Blankenburg

2018 ◽  
Vol 27 (7) ◽  
pp. 20-27 ◽  
M. B. Sapunov ◽  
Kh. G. Tkhagapsoev

The article addresses the problems concerning the formation of the methodology of critical analysis of Russian strategies, which are aimed at reforming and managing of education and science on the basis of modern social science and Humanities studies and the principles of the interdisciplinary approach. The authors state the change of the critique vector – the transition from value-loaded political statements to scientific analysis of the objective factors determining social pathologies in education system. The situation today is characterized by the attempts to find and formulate an objectivated language to describe social reality. In particular, the researchers actively use the methodological potential of such concepts as “converted form”, “red tapes”, “Goodhart’s law”, “Thomas theorem” that are implemented as conceptual tools to comprehend and describe the specificity of educational system. The general meaning of the forming analytical strategy applied to education and science is that all the management actions are subject to “corrective” influence of these principles and laws. Within the framework of this approach critique of education (and the process of its reforming) is indivisible from the constructive analysis of education as a whole system with its immanent dimensions. This approach orients researchers towards studying the “ontological” and “essential” problems of education.

2018 ◽  
Vol 40 ◽  
pp. 01006 ◽  
A. Krivins

Criminology (as the scientific study of criminal behaviour on the individual and social level) and psychology (as the science, which seeks to understand individuals and groups) pay special attention to motivation – a theoretical construction, used to explain behaviour. In this article the motivation of recipients of bribery is widely investigated. In addition to such well-established motives as greediness, selfishness, prevalence of personal interest, the author analyzes also other criminal behaviour determinants. The works, which are used in this research are of the following authors: John Broadus Watson, Edward Lee Thorndike (Behavioural); Sigmund Freud, Erich Fromm (Psychoanalysis); Carl Rogers, Abraham Maslow (Existential-humanistic theories); William Isaac Thomas (Thomas theorem); Florian Witold Znaniecki (sociological theory); Erik Homburger Erikson (theory on psychosocial development of human beings); Jean William Fritz Piaget (theory of cognitive development); Herbert Lefcourt, Ronald Smith (Locus of Control) etc. As the result of this research the author has concluded that bribe-takers’ behaviour is determined by such psychological constructs as the desire for power, fear, envy, mental deflections, mania, feeling of exclusion, the need for extreme, oppressed creativity.

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