soil water balance
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2022 ◽  
Vol 210 ◽  
pp. 105941
Chun-Jie Chu ◽  
Jing-Bo Zhao ◽  
Nan Guo ◽  
Tian-Jie Shao ◽  
Yan-Dong Ma ◽  

2022 ◽  
Vol 263 ◽  
pp. 107456
T. Biswas ◽  
P.K. Bandyopadhyay ◽  
R. Nandi ◽  
S. Mukherjee ◽  
A. Kundu ◽  

2022 ◽  
pp. 90-100
Javier Lozano Parra ◽  
Jacinto Garrido Velarde ◽  
Ignacio Aguirre

This study quantifies the current and future soil water balance in a spatially distributed way for the whole of Chile and establishes what biomes will be the most affected by variations in water resources. The study of water resources reveals that 90% of surface Chile will reduce its soil water resources in the future if greenhouse gas concentration in the atmosphere does not stop. The most disadvantaged biomes are the forests, where soil water availability could decrease an average of 100 mm/year. Desert biomes could not perceive the hydrological imbalances; however, it is expected its surface increases.

Agriculture ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (11) ◽  
pp. 1100
Junhong Xie ◽  
Linlin Wang ◽  
Lingling Li ◽  
Sumera Anwar ◽  
Zhuzhu Luo ◽  

Increasing agricultural productivity without undermining further the integrity of the Earth’s environmental systems such as soil water balance are important tasks to ensure food security for an increasing global population in rainfed agriculture. The impact of intercropping maize (Zea mays L.) with potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) on yield, land equivalent ratios (LER), water equivalent ratio (WER), water use, energy output, and net economic return were examined under seven planting systems: potato grown solely or intercropped on the flat field without mulching, maize grown solely or intercropped with potato on ridges or flat field with or without plastic film mulched. The three intercropping systems had 3–13% less water use than the monocropping. Among the intercropped systems, flat field caused more depletion of soil water than ridged field for both years. Compared to monocultures, intercropping with plastic film mulching and ridging significantly increased LER and WER. Meanwhile, intercropping with mulching and ridging significantly increased net economic return and energy output by 8% and 24%, respectively, when compared to monocropping. These results suggest that maize under plastic film mulched ridge-furrow plot intercropped with potato under flat plot without mulching increased energy output, net economic return, and water use efficiency without increasing soil water depletion, which could be an optimal intercropping system for the semiarid farmland on the western Loess Plateau.

Eugênio Ferreira Coelho ◽  
Marcos de Souza Campos ◽  
Marcelo Rocha dos Santos ◽  
Rafael Dreux Miranda Fernandes ◽  
Jailson Lopes Cruz

Precise, accurate knowledge of percolation is key to reliable determination of soil water balance and a crop’s water-use efficiency. This work evaluated an approach to estimate the amount of water percolated in the root zone using soil water content (SWC) data measured at different time intervals. The approach was based on the difference of soil water content within and below the effective root zone of banana plants at different time intervals. A drainage lysimeter was used to compare the measured and estimated percolation data. The approach was then used in a banana orchard under drip and micro sprinkler irrigation, with and without the use of mulch. The soil water storage in the banana’s root zone was evaluated within a two-dimensional soil profile with time domain reflectometry (TDR). Mean percolation measured in the lysimeters did not differ from the approach’s estimates using intervals between SWC readings equal to or longer than 6 h from the end of an irrigation event. Percolation estimates under drip and micro sprinkler irrigation in the field, with and without mulch, were consistent with those measured in the lysimeters, considering the 6-h interval of SWC measurements. Percolation was greater under the drip irrigation system with mulch. The amount of water percolated was not influenced by the presence of mulch under the micro sprinkler system. Keywords: localized irrigation, soil water balance, soil water content sensor.

Kleiton Rocha Saraiva ◽  
Francisco Marcus Lima Bezerra ◽  
Francisco de Souza ◽  
Luis de França Camboim Neto ◽  
Clayton Moura de Carvalho ◽  

The research aimed to validate the ISAREG model, introducing it to water management studies in irrigation in the State of Ceará, comparing results of experimental research, with results of simulations, carried out with the use of software, analyzing the following variables: crop evapotranspiration, variation of soil water storage and water flow in the soil. A bibliographic survey was carried out to obtain soil, climate and crop information required by the model to perform the soil water balance. Aiming at the validation of ISAREG, the model was fed with the following data: reference evapotranspiration, precipitation, phenological phases of the crop, effective depth of the root system, water availability factor in the soil, crop coefficient and soil information. Subsequently, the irrigation management option "dates and irrigation depths" was selected, and ISAREG performed the simulation of the soil water balance. The ISAREG demonstrated a detailed soil water balance, being validated in this study, because when its results were compared to the experimental ones, there was similarity in the trends of the variables analyzed, despite the reduced correlation verified regarding the variation of water storage in the soil.

2021 ◽  
Suelen da Costa Faria Martins ◽  
Marcos Alex dos Santos ◽  
Gustavo Bastos Lyra ◽  
José Leonaldo Souza ◽  
Guilherme Bastos Lyra ◽  

Abstract Evapotranspiration is an important parameter to evaluate soil water deficit and water use efficiency, especially at places with irregularly distributed precipitation.The aim of this study was to assess the daily actual evapotranspiration (ETa) estimated by the Thornthwaite and Mather soil water balance method adapted for crops (ThM) and by the dual Kc approach with the crop coefficients optimized from inversing modeling and by the adjustment procedure suggested in FAO-56. The models comparison and optimization were performed with actual evapotranspiration determined by the Bowen ratio – energy balance method (ETβ) for sugarcane at full canopy closure grown in Alagoas State, Northeastern Brazil. The objective function of the inverse problem was defined in terms of ETβ and ETa estimated by the ThM and dual Kc method by optimizing single crop coefficient (Kc) and the basal coefficient Kcb, respectively. Both optimized Kcand Kcbwere lower than the adjusted KcFAO56, with optimized Kconly 3% less than the Kc obtained experimentally. ETa estimated by ThM and dual Kc models with optimized crop coefficients (Kc = 1.05 or Kcb = 1.00) had similar high precision (r² >0.79) and accuracy (dm>0.93 and RMSE < 0.30 mm d-1), whereas using the coefficients derived from FAO 56 overestimated ETa in both models.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
Kiranmoy Patra ◽  
C. M. Parihar ◽  
H. S. Nayak ◽  
Biswajit Rana ◽  
V. K. Singh ◽  

AbstractIn water scarce regions of South Asia, diversification of rice with maize is being advocated towards sustainability of cereal-based cropping systems. Adoption of innovative agronomic management practices, i.e., conservation agriculture (CA) and sub-surface drip irrigation (SSDI) are considered as key strategies for much needed interventions to address the challenges of water scarcity under projected climate change. Benefits from CA and SSDI concerning water economy are well-established, however, information about their complementarity and water budgeting in cereal-based systems are lacking. A field study was conducted with process-based model (HYDRUS-2D) to understand water transport, root water uptake and components of soil water balance in maize grown in rotation with wheat after five years of continuous adoption of conservation agriculture. In this study, altogether eight treatments comprising of 6 CA+ treatments (CA coupled with SSDI); permanent beds using sub-surface drip (PB-SSD) with (WR) and without (WOR) crop residue at different N rates, 0, 120 and 150 kg N ha−1 were compared with CA (PB using furrow irrigation-FI with crop residue-120 kg N ha−1) and conventional tillage practices (CT) (CT using FI without crop residue-120 kg N ha−1). Results showed that the model could simulate the daily changes in profile soil water content with reasonable accuracy in all the treatments. Simulated soil water balance indicated higher cumulative root water uptake (CRWU), lower cumulative evaporation (CE) and higher soil water retention in CA+ (PB-SSD+ crop residue at 150 and 120 kg N ha−1) than CA and CT plots. Hydrus-2D model efficiency > 0, RMSE between 0.009–0.026 and R2 value between 0.80–0.92 at P < 0.01 indicates that the model is performing efficiently. The mean evaporation from CA+ treatments was 10 and 36% less than CA and CT treatments, respectively. On average, CRWU under CA+ treatments were 14–48% higher than FI treatments. The mean cumulative deep drainage in CA+ plots was 80–100 mm less than CA and CT plots. In CA+ based plots significantly higher biomass production and radiation use efficiency were observed with reduced water use than CA and CT. Therefore, the study justifies the water-saving nature of CA+, while maintaining higher productivity and meeting the transpiration demand of crops and halting unnecessary evaporation and deep drainage losses.

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