taj mahal
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Dr. Mohan Kumar K

Digitalisation is the use of modern digital tools in the nation, In Indian history there was no significant growth of digital tools during independence moment, but later on there is more scope for the usage of digital tools for the study, like study of archaeological sources, Historical tourism pictures, by the help of the ASI (Archaeological survey in India). India has good flora and fauna in the world, India can generate revenue by expanding its digital implementation in all the tourism centres in India, some of the most visited tourist places by Indians and the foreigners, were The Taj-Mahal, Agra, the gate way of India, The Red fort, Mecca Masjid, some temples like Tirupathi, shabirimala etc, these cities are well aware digitalisation, e-payments, advertisement, online booking availability and the availability of internet has made these Indian cities to invest more in digitalisation to make benefit of the customers and to make profit in their business. More over some the Indian recent schemes like “Digital India, Make in India” can try to implement in Tourism and development of tourism GDP / income. So Indian government can try to announce the benefits for the tourist guides, and create lakhs of employment in India, due to pandemic the tourist visitors has decreased and lakhs of tourists lost their lively income, it became unemployed for many months. So India has to face lot of challenges in the pandemic time and try to increase the tourism income of the nation, sources involves online transactions, social or business and economic transactions in electronic or online mode in the state or country, as it provides benefits for the consumers, producers or citizens by saving time, availability in lower cost and reduces the cost of transportation to purchase any products in the sovereign country like India, like education, hotel services, banking insurance, social services like DBT (Direct Benefit Transfer) and commerce sectors. KEY WORDS: Social sectors, use of Digital technology in tourism, Covid-19, E-governance and the Indian Economy.

2022 ◽  
Michael D. Calabria

Media Wisata ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
Novi Irawati ◽  
Sabda Elisa Priyanto ◽  
Yuliana Pinaringsih Kristiutami

Taman Sari Tourism Marketing Strategy Through Destination branding has tourism potential through culture and historical value.  With this potential, the government is managing tourism in order to be able to move the economy in Taman Sari.  In realizing this vision, planning and strategy are needed, one of which is Destination Branding.  Destination branding is used in every tourism site in the world and is able to make a good impact on the progress of tourism, for example, are the Twin Towers in Malaysia, the Merlion Statue in Singapore, the Taj Mahal in India, etc.  Destination branding has an important role to be able to increase the number of tourist visits.  This study uses a qualitative approach, a qualitative approach is used in order to get complete information about tourism marketing strategies with Destination Branding. The results of this study found that the Destination branding strategy in Taman Sari is not planned systematically so that Destination branding is only understood in a small way, that is only in the visualization aspect. So that tourism product development programs are not in accordance with the concept of Destination branding that has been made

M. Narjinary ◽  
Arpita Mandal Khan ◽  
S. Maitra ◽  
I. Sarkar ◽  
P. K. Pal

Aims: To optimize drying technique for the popular Dutch rose cultivar, Taj Mahal, by evaluating different drying methods and appraising the physical, biochemical and sensory quality of the product. Study Design: Completely Randomized Design. Place and Duration of Study: Department of Floriculture, Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, Faculty of Horticulture, Uttar Banga Krishi Viswavidyalaya, during 2019-2020 Methodology: Flowers of rose cultivar ‘Taj Mahal’, at their prime beauty i.e., half-opened bud stage, were subjected to embedded drying in silica gel at six different conditions viz. at room temperature (T1), in hot air oven at 45°C, (T2) and at 60°C, (T3) in micro-wave oven at 100% power level (T4), 80% power level (T5) and at 60% power level (T6). The quality of the ensuing dehydrated flowers was judged with respect to colour, weight, volume shrinkage and anthocyanin and carotenoid contents. Temperature during drying and time to reach optimum dehydrated condition under different drying techniques were recorded. Sensory evaluation for the quality of the products was done after six months of storage. Results: The time taken for optimum drying ranged from 120 hours in case of room temperature drying (25.1°C) to 3 minutes in microwave oven on high power i.e., 100% (130.4°C). Significant variation in final weight of the product was recorded between 18.34% to 28% of the fresh weight. Minimum shrinkage (42.85%) was noted in room drying (T1) and hot air oven drying at 60°C (43.53%). Maximum anthocyanin concentration (3.528 mg/g) was recorded in flowers dried at room temperature, whereas, minimum among the dried flowers, was recorded in microwave oven drying at 100% power level (1.439 mg/g). Maximum Carotenoid content (16.780 µg/g) was recorded in flowers dried in hot air oven at 45°C. Out of six treatments in the present study, maximum sensory score (30.38 out of 36) was gathered by T2, which was at par with T1 and T5. Conclusion: Dehydrating ‘Taj Mahal’ rose flowers by embedding in silica gel and drying under room temperature (25°C) for 120 hours or hot air oven at 45°C for 27.5 hours or microwave oven at 80% power level for 3.5 minutes can be recommended for commercial dry flower production.

2021 ◽  
Yahya Polat ◽  
Satylmysh Bajak ◽  
Ainuska Zhumaeva

This article aims to propose a practical model for intra-lingual translation or paraphrase in another term. Paraphrase is a restatement of a text, rewording something written or spoken, especially to achieve greater clarity. This approach could help a troubled translator who is having issues translating a complex text into a receptor language by assessing the source text and reconstructing the contents in a simpler semantic structure. (Larson, 2012) Noam Chomsky’s generative–transformational model (1957, 1965) and Larson’s (2012) methodology have been followed to analyze sentences into a series of related levels governed by the help of several other techniques. To achieve this, firstly, the concepts; Intralingual translation, rewording, paraphrasing, and restatement are identified and explained. Secondly, methods of rewording are unpacked, then other elements that play an essential role in paraphrasing are presented. Thirdly, steps of paraphrasing are applied to the text Taj Mahal where skewings between semantic structure and grammatical features are studied and unskewed. Lastly, a conclusion is drawn from the findings to verify the hypothesis of the paraphrase. The findings and results of rewording are also briefly discussed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 158-168
Yahya Polat ◽  
Satylmysh Bajak ◽  
Ainuska Zhumaeva

This article aims to propose a practical model for intra-lingual translation or paraphrase in another term. Paraphrase is a restatement of a text, rewording something written or spoken, especially to achieve greater clarity. This approach could help a troubled translator who is having issues translating a complex text into a receptor language by assessing the source text and reconstructing the contents in a simpler semantic structure. (Larson, 2012) Noam Chomsky’s generative–transformational model (1957, 1965) and Larson’s (2012) methodology have been followed to analyze sentences into a series of related levels governed by the help of several other techniques. To achieve this, firstly, the concepts; Intralingual translation, rewording, paraphrasing, and restatement are identified and explained. Secondly, methods of rewording are unpacked, then other elements that play an essential role in paraphrasing are presented. Thirdly, steps of paraphrasing are applied to the text Taj Mahal where skewings between semantic structure and grammatical features are studied and unskewed. Lastly, a conclusion is drawn from the findings to verify the hypothesis of the paraphrase. The findings and results of rewording are also briefly discussed.

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Shruti Gulati

PurposeTwitter is the most widely used platform with an open network; hence, tourists often resort to Twitter to share their travel experiences, satisfaction/dissatisfaction and other opinions. This study is divided into two sections, first to provide a framework for understanding public sentiments through Twitter for tourism insights, second to provide real-time insights of three Indian heritage sites i.e., the Taj Mahal, Red Fort and Golden Temple by extracting 5,000 tweets each (n = 15,000) using Twitter API. Results are interpreted using NRC emotion lexicon and data visualisation using R.Design/methodology/approachThis study attempts to understand the public sentiment on three globally acclaimed Indian heritage sites, i.e. the Taj Mahal, Red Fort and Golden temple using a step-by-step approach, hence proposing a framework using Twitter analytics. Extensive use of various packages of R programming from the libraries has been done for various purposes such as extraction, processing and analysing the data from Twitter. A total of 15,000 tweets from January 2015 to January 2021 were collected of the three sites using different key words. An exploratory design and data visualisation technique has been used to interpret results.FindingsAfter data processing, 12,409 sentiments are extracted. Amongst the three tourists' spots, the greatest number of positive sentiments is for the Taj Mahal and Golden temple with approximately 25% each. While the most negative sentiment can be seen for the Red Fort (17%). Amongst the positive emotions, the maximum joy sentiment (12%) can be seen in the Golden Temple and trust (21%) in the Red Fort. In terms of negative emotions, fear (13%) can be seen in the Red fort. Overall, India's heritage sites have a positive sentiment (20%), which surpasses the negative sentiment (13%). And can be said that the overall polarity is towards positive.Originality/valueThis study provides a framework on how to use Twitter for tourism insights through text mining public sentiments and provides real- time insights from famous Indian heritage sites.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 11-15
Rutvi Durdundi ◽  
Anju Tulshyan

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