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Satoshi Hayakawa ◽  
Ken’ichiro Tanaka

AbstractIn this paper, we investigate application of mathematical optimization to construction of a cubature formula on Wiener space, which is a weak approximation method of stochastic differential equations introduced by Lyons and Victoir (Proc R Soc Lond A 460:169–198, 2004). After giving a brief review on the cubature theory on Wiener space, we show that a cubature formula of general dimension and degree can be obtained through a Monte Carlo sampling and linear programming. This paper also includes an extension of stochastic Tchakaloff’s theorem, which technically yields the proof of our primary result.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (4) ◽  
pp. 5634-5642
Praveen Kumar Sharma ◽  
Shivram Sharma

In this article, we do a study of common fixed point theorems for six self-maps in FM-Spaces using common limit in range property concerning two pairs of products of two different self-maps. We use the properties (CLRTH) and (CLRSR) along with contractive type implicit relations to prove our results. In support of our result, an example has been provided. Our findings are like those of Kumar and Chouhan [12]. Kumar and Chauhan demonstrated their primary result in [12] by improving and generalizing Aalam, Kumar, and Pants' [1] results. In past, many authors have done study of common fixed point using (E-A) property (like Aalam et. al. [1] proved results using this property), and then these results were improved and generalized by using common (E-A) property as this property is superior to (E-A) property, as the closeness of subspace is required to prove a required result on common fixed point by using these properties, which is a drawback. We improve and generalize all results on these properties using common limit in range property. The goal of this note is to refine and generalize Kumar and Chauhan's [12] results on a common fixed point, as well as some earlier comparable results.

2021 ◽  
Vol 32 ◽  
pp. S608-S609
T. Doi ◽  
N. Matsubara ◽  
Y. Naito ◽  
Y. Kuboki ◽  
K. Harano ◽  

2020 ◽  
Hamid Mukhlis ◽  
Tria Widyastuti ◽  
Rully Afrita Harlianty ◽  
Susi Susanti ◽  
Desi Kumalasari

To slow down the spread of COVID-19 public compliance on social distancing policy is required. One of the factors that contribute to compliance on social distancing policy is awareness on COVID-19. This study aimed to examine the relationship between awareness on COVID-19 and compliance with social distancing policy. This study used an online survey through Google Form to 404 respondents aged 18 to 63 years (Mean = 27.17, SD = 8.468). The data were collected by using awareness on the COVID-19 scale and compliance with the social distancing scale. The data were analyzed using the Spearman correlation and Kruskal Wallis, followed up by Mann-Whitney U with Bonferroni correction. Based on Spearman correlation, the awareness on COVID-19 was significantly and positively associated with compliance with social distancing order (r=.460, p<.01). Further analysis based on demographic variables found that the awareness on COVID-19 was significantly higher in postgraduates than high school graduates (U=7242.5, p<.01). The awareness on COVID-19 was also significantly higher in working participants than jobless participants. The compliance with social distancing order was found higher in women than men (U=12031.5, p<.01). The study's primary result is that the awareness on COVID-19 positively correlates with public compliance on social distancing order.

Maria N. Dmitrieva ◽  
Sophia A. Rassadina ◽  
Daria A. Shchukina

The paper focuses on associative verbal potential of the lexeme Rozhdestvo (‘Christmas’) in contemporary Russian youth’s linguistic worldview. The research is based on findings of an associative linguistic experiment. The experiment allowed explicating culture codes unconsciously reproduced by respondents, and produced easily calculable results. Each of the respondents had to write down five linguistic units associated with the stimulus word Rozhdestvo (‘Christmas’). Linguoculturological approach is used to interpret the obtained data as it allows analysing how cultural phenomena are represented in linguistic consciousness. The authors discover certain mobility of the linguistic means that verbalise Christmas semantics, as well as certain heterogeneity of people’s conceptions of the feast. The study reveals contemporary cultural context and discourses significant for the youth environment. The experiment’s primary result can be considered our visualisation of the cultural syncretism reflected in the perception of the lexeme Rozhdestvo. The findings can help when developing projects in education, communications, advertising that exploit cultural images and/or elements of cultural context, and serve as basis for further studies.

Leilei Yin ◽  
Quan Sun ◽  
Youxiong Xu ◽  
Li Shao ◽  
Dunbing Tang

Abstract Nowadays customer demand for satisfactory product developed in limited time is rapidly posing a major challenge to product design and more distributed products are developed to address these concerns. In the distributed product design, engineering change (EC) is an inevitable phenomenon and consumes much production time. It is necessary to assess the design change effectively in advance. Some methods and tools to predict and analyze the change propagation influence have been provided. From the perspective of design change duration, our work extends the method of assessing design change by incorporating risk factors from different working groups in multiple design sites, functional maintenance during the change propagation. The primary result of this work is the provision of a design support to acquire the optimal design change scheme by estimating the duration. In this paper, risk factor of distributed design is applied to the influence evaluation of change propagation, which implies an increase of change propagation influence due to the varying levels of expertise, possible lack of communication. Besides, a deterministic simulation model is proposed to assess the change propagation schemes. The model combines the effects of design change parallelism, iteration, change propagation for the distributed product design. Based on the simulation results, a more focused discussion and identification of suitable design change schemes can be made. A case study of an assembly tooling for the reinforced frame is implemented to demonstrated how the developed method can be applied. Finally, the method is initially discussed and evaluated.

2020 ◽  
Vol 17 (9) ◽  
pp. 4016-4021
J. K. Spoorthi ◽  
B. C. Thejas ◽  
M. V. Manoj Kumar

This paper represents the development of an android application for the competitive exam preparation. The proposed application estimates the real-time learning and problem-solving ability of the user. It calculates the time taken by the user for each question and provides feedback and to improve on the weak areas. The primary result of the project is to provide feedback to the user on the basis of time taken to solve each question and how many questions correctly/wrongly answered. With the help of this application, user can overcome his/her mistakes, and can try to improve his weak areas.

2019 ◽  
Vol 94 (1) ◽  
pp. 145-164 ◽  
P. González Ruiz ◽  
M. S. de la Fuente ◽  
M.S. Fernández

AbstractNeusticemys neuquina (Fernández and de la Fuente, 1988) is a turtle from the Upper Jurassic of the Neuquén Basin, Patagonia, Argentina. Here we describe in detail a new skull, lower jaw, and a vertebra, utilizing both traditional anatomical description and computed tomography (CT). New diagnostic cranial characters of Neusticemys neuquina are: a round depression on the ventral surface of the basisphenoid, a relatively larger oval foramen nervi trigemini, and reduced and steepened triturating surfaces on both the maxilla and dentary. The new morphological information presented in this study was included in a phylogenetic analysis, the primary result of which was recovery of Neusticemys neuquina within Thalassochelydia. Characters recognized as synapomorphies of this clade include: (1) anterolateral recess of the anterior surface of the quadrate positioned lateral to the processus trochlearis oticum, (2) presence of a fossa on the supraoccipital-opisthotic-exoccipital contact area, (3) foramina anterius caroticus cerebralis located close together but independently perforating the basisphenoid, and (4) the presence of the splenial in the mandible. Two contrasting dispersal scenarios could explain how this species of Thalassochelydia can be found outside of Europe. The presence of Neusticemys neuquina in the Neuquén Basin could be the consequence of an early dispersion event, for which we lack intermediate forms, or it could be the result of a later event once the clade was already established in Europe.

Fluids ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 163
Coburn ◽  

We develop incompressible magnetohydrodynamic (IMHD) energy budget equations witha spatial filtering kernel and estimate the scaling of the structure functions. The Politano-Pouquetlaw is recovered as an upper bound on the scale-to-scale energy transfer. The primary result ofthis work is the relation of the scaling of IMHD invariants. It can be produced by hypothesizing ascale-independent energy transfer rate. These results have relevance in plasma regimes where theapproximations of IMHD are justified. We measure structure functions with solar wind data and findsupport for the relations.

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