Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics
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Published By Springer-Verlag

1868-937x, 0916-7005

Yusuke Yasugahira ◽  
Masaharu Nagayama

AbstractTheoretical analysis using mathematical models is often used to understand a mechanism of collective motion in a self-propelled system. In the experimental system using camphor disks, several kinds of characteristic motions have been observed due to the interaction of two camphor disks. In this paper, we understand the emergence mechanism of the motions caused by the interaction of two self-propelled bodies by analyzing the global bifurcation structure using the numerical bifurcation method for a mathematical model. Finally, it is also shown that the irregular motion, which is one of the characteristic motions, is chaotic motion and that it arises from periodic bifurcation phenomena and quasi-periodic motions due to torus bifurcation.

Satoshi Hayakawa ◽  
Ken’ichiro Tanaka

AbstractIn this paper, we investigate application of mathematical optimization to construction of a cubature formula on Wiener space, which is a weak approximation method of stochastic differential equations introduced by Lyons and Victoir (Proc R Soc Lond A 460:169–198, 2004). After giving a brief review on the cubature theory on Wiener space, we show that a cubature formula of general dimension and degree can be obtained through a Monte Carlo sampling and linear programming. This paper also includes an extension of stochastic Tchakaloff’s theorem, which technically yields the proof of our primary result.

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