grey seal
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2021 ◽  
Vol 33 ◽  
pp. 61-63
Alfredo López ◽  
Uxía Vázquez ◽  
Pablo Covelo

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (23) ◽  
pp. 6115-6132
Emmanuel Devred ◽  
Andrea Hilborn ◽  
Cornelia Elizabeth den Heyer

Abstract. Elevated surface chlorophyll-a (chl-a) concentration ([chl-a]), an index of phytoplankton biomass, has been previously observed and documented by remote sensing in the waters to the southwest of Sable Island (SI) on the Scotian Shelf in eastern Canada. Here, we present an analysis of this phenomenon using a 21-year time series of satellite-derived [chl-a], paired with information on the particle backscattering coefficient at 443 nm (bbp(443), a proxy for particle suspension) and the detritus/gelbstoff absorption coefficient at 443 nm (adg(443), a proxy to differentiate water masses and presence of dissolved organic matter) in an attempt to explain some possible mechanisms that lead to the increase in surface biomass in the surroundings of SI. We compared the seasonal cycle, 8 d climatology and seasonal trends of surface waters near SI to two control regions located both upstream and downstream of the island, away from terrigenous inputs. Application of the self-organising map (SOM) approach to the time series of satellite-derived [chl-a] over the Scotian Shelf revealed the annual spatio-temporal patterns around SI and, in particular, persistently high phytoplankton biomass during winter and spring in the leeward side of SI, a phenomenon that was not observed in the control boxes. In the vicinity of SI, a significant increase in [chl-a] and adg(443) during the winter months occurred at a rate twice that of the ones observed in the control boxes, while no significant trends were found for the other seasons. In addition to the increase in [chl-a] and adg(443) within the plume southwest of SI, the surface area of the plume itself expanded by a factor of 5 over the last 21 years. While the island mass effect (IME) explained the enhanced biomass around SI, we hypothesised that the large increase in [chl-a] over the last 21 years was partly due to an injection of nutrients by the island's grey seal colony, which has increased by 200 % during the same period. This contribution of nutrients from seals may sustain high phytoplankton biomass at a time of year when it is usually low following the fall bloom. A conceptual model was developed to estimate the standing stock of chl-a that can be sustained by the release of nitrogen (N) by seals. Comparison between satellite observations and model simulations showed a good temporal agreement between the increased abundance of seal on SI during the breeding season and the phytoplankton biomass increase during the winter. We found that about 20 % of chl-a standing stock increase over the last 21 years could be due to seal N fertilisation, the remaining being explained by climate forcing and oceanographic processes. Although without in situ measurements for ground truthing, the satellite data analysis provided evidence of the impact of marine mammals on lower trophic levels through a fertilisation mechanism that is coupled with the IME with potential implications for conservation and fisheries.

Mazen Alssahen ◽  
Geoffrey Foster ◽  
Abdulwahed Ahmed Hassan ◽  
Jörg Rau ◽  
Christoph Lämmler ◽  

AbstractIn the present study, a single Arcanobacterium (A.) pinnipediorum strain isolated from discharge of a jaw swelling of a grey seal pup (Halichoerus grypus) in England, UK, was identified. This strain was further characterized by phenotypical investigations, by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS), by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), and genotypically by sequencing the 16S rRNA gene and the genes gap encoding glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase, tuf encoding elongation factor tu, and rpoB encoding the β subunit of bacterial RNA polymerase. The present study gives a first detailed characterization of the species A. pinnipediorum from a grey seal in the UK. However, the route of infection of the grey seal with the bacterial pathogen remains unclear.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
Mark P. Dagleish ◽  
Allen F. Flockhart ◽  
Johanna L. Baily ◽  
Ailsa J. Hall ◽  
T. Ian Simpson ◽  

Abstract Background Chlamydia-like organisms (CLO) have been found to be present in many environmental niches, including human sewage and agricultural run-off, as well as in a number of aquatic species worldwide. Therefore, monitoring their presence in sentinel wildlife species may be useful in assessing the wider health of marine food webs in response to habitat loss, pollution and disease. We used nasal swabs from live (n = 42) and dead (n = 50) pre-weaned grey seal pups and samples of differing natal substrates (n = 8) from an off-shore island devoid of livestock and permanent human habitation to determine if CLO DNA is present in these mammals and to identify possible sources. Results We recovered CLO DNA from 32/92 (34.7%) nasal swabs from both live (n = 17) and dead (n = 15) seal pups that clustered most closely with currently recognised species belonging to three chlamydial families: Parachlamydiaceae (n = 22), Rhabdochlamydiaceae (n = 6), and Simkaniaceae (n = 3). All DNA positive sediment samples (n = 7) clustered with the Rhabdochlamydiaceae. No difference was found in rates of recovery of CLO DNA in live versus dead pups suggesting the organisms are commensal but their potential as opportunistic secondary pathogens could not be determined. Conclusion This is the first report of CLO DNA being found in marine mammals. This identification warrants further investigation in other seal populations around the coast of the UK and in other areas of the world to determine if this finding is unique or more common than shown by this data. Further investigation would also be warranted to determine if they are present as purely commensal organisms or whether they could also be opportunistic pathogens in seals, as well as to investigate possible sources of origin, including whether they originated as a result of anthropogenic impacts, including human waste and agricultural run-off.

2021 ◽  
Vol 47 (5) ◽  
pp. 465-469
Georgia Catherine Anne Jones ◽  
Andrew John Roberts ◽  
David George Edwards

2021 ◽  
Vol 376 (1836) ◽  
pp. 20200252
Nienke Hoeksema ◽  
Laura Verga ◽  
Janine Mengede ◽  
Corné van Roessel ◽  
Stella Villanueva ◽  

Comparative animal studies of complex behavioural traits, and their neurobiological underpinnings, can increase our understanding of their evolution, including in humans. Vocal learning, a potential precursor to human speech, is one such trait. Mammalian vocal learning is under-studied: most research has either focused on vocal learning in songbirds or its absence in non-human primates. Here, we focus on a highly promising model species for the neurobiology of vocal learning: grey seals ( Halichoerus grypus ). We provide a neuroanatomical atlas (based on dissected brain slices and magnetic resonance images), a labelled MRI template, a three-dimensional model with volumetric measurements of brain regions, and histological cortical stainings. Four main features of the grey seal brain stand out: (i) it is relatively big and highly convoluted; (ii) it hosts a relatively large temporal lobe and cerebellum; (iii) the cortex is similar to that of humans in thickness and shows the expected six-layered mammalian structure; (iv) there is expression of FoxP2 present in deeper layers of the cortex; FoxP2 is a gene involved in motor learning, vocal learning, and spoken language. Our results could facilitate future studies targeting the neural and genetic underpinnings of mammalian vocal learning, thus bridging the research gap from songbirds to humans and non-human primates. Our findings are relevant not only to vocal learning research but also to the study of mammalian neurobiology and cognition more in general. This article is part of the theme issue ‘Vocal learning in animals and humans’.

2021 ◽  
Gwyneth A. MacMillan ◽  
Marc Amyot ◽  
Pierre-Yves Daoust ◽  
Mélanie Lemire

ABSTRACTWe measured baseline levels of 19 trace element and mercury speciation for grey seals (Halichoerus grypus) from the Gulf of St. Lawrence (GSL), Québec, Canada. With interest growing in commercializing grey seal products for human consumption in this region, the goal of this study was to measure essential and non-essential trace elements in grey seals to evaluate health concerns and nutritional benefits. From 2015 to 2019, 120 grey seals were sampled by hunters and researchers at 4 sites in the GSL. Muscle, liver, heart and kidney samples were analyzed for 10 non-essential elements (Sb, As, Be, B, Cd, Pb, Hg, Ni, Tl, Sn) and 9 essential elements (Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mg, Mn, Mo, Se, Zn). Both total mercury (THg) and methylmercury (MeHg) were analysed for a subset of samples. Many elements were undetected in liver (Sb, As, Be, B, Cr, Co, Pb, Ni, Tl, Sn) and muscle tissues (same, plus Cd, Mn, Mo). Results showed lower element concentrations in the muscle (Fe, Mg, Se) and livers (Cd, Cr, Hg, Mn, Mo, Se) of young-of-the-year harvested in the winter (< 6 weeks old) compared to older animals feeding at sea. For older seals (∼ 5 months to 29 years), we did not observe progressive age-dependent bioaccumulation. Sex-specific differences were not very pronounced, but a few elements were 30 - 70% higher in the muscle (THg, MeHg) and liver (Mn, Zn) of male seals. Comparison to Canadian dietary reference intakes shows that a weekly portion of liver from young-of-the-year (< 6 weeks old) is a good source of essential elements (Cu, Fe) and that muscle and liver from this age category does not exceed reference values for toxic elements (As, Cd, Pb, MeHg). Ongoing discussions with regional public health professionals will help to develop dietary recommendations for the consumption of older grey seals.HIGHLIGHTSWe measured baseline levels of 19 trace elements in grey seals harvested from the Gulf of St. Lawrence.We evaluated nutritional benefits and health concerns of human consumption of grey seal products.Once seals began feeding at sea (∼ 5 mo), many element concentrations increased, but did not bioaccumulate progressively with age afterwards.Some elements were more concentrated in the muscle (mercury) and livers (manganese, zinc) of male seals.Young seal (< 6 we) livers are a good dietary sources of copper and iron, while its muscle and liver were below reference values for toxic elements.GRAPHICAL ABSTRACT

PeerJ ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
pp. e11804
Dolores Messer ◽  
Michelle S. Svendsen ◽  
Anders Galatius ◽  
Morten T. Olsen ◽  
Vedrana A. Dahl ◽  

Background Geometric morphometrics is a powerful approach to capture and quantify morphological shape variation. Both 3D digitizer arms and structured light surface scanners are portable, easy to use, and relatively cheap, which makes these two capturing devices obvious choices for geometric morphometrics. While digitizer arms have been the “gold standard”, benefits of having full 3D models are manifold. We assessed the measurement error and investigate bias associated with the use of an open-source, high-resolution structured light scanner called SeeMaLab against the popular Microscribe 3D digitizer arm. Methodology The analyses were based on 22 grey seal (Halichoerus grypus) skulls. 31 fixed anatomical landmarks were annotated both directly using a Microscribe 3D digitizer and on reconstructed 3D digital models created from structured light surface scans. Each skull was scanned twice. Two operators annotated the landmarks, each twice on all the skulls and 3D models, allowing for the investigation of multiple sources of measurement error. We performed multiple Procrustes ANOVAs to compare the two devices in terms of within- and between-operator error, to quantify the measurement error induced by device, to compare between-device error with other sources of variation, and to assess the level of scanning-related error. We investigated the presence of general shape bias due to device and operator. Results Similar precision was obtained with both devices. If landmarks that were identified as less clearly defined and thus harder to place were omitted, the scanner pipeline would achieve higher precision than the digitizer. Between-operator error was biased and seemed to be smaller when using the scanner pipeline. There were systematic differences between devices, which was mainly driven by landmarks less clearly defined. The factors device, operator and landmark replica were all statistically significant and of similar size, but were minor sources of total shape variation, compared to the biological variation among grey seal skulls. The scanning-related error was small compared to all other error sources. Conclusions As the scanner showed precision similar to the digitizer, a scanner should be used if the advantages of obtaining detailed 3D models of a specimen are desired. To obtain high precision, a pre-study should be conducted to identify difficult landmarks. Due to the observed bias, data from different devices and/or operators should not be combined when the expected biological variation is small, without testing the landmarks for repeatability across platforms and operators. For any study necessitating the combination of landmark measurements from different operators, the scanner pipeline will be better suited. The small scanning-related error indicates that by following the same scanning protocol, different operators can be involved in the scanning process without introducing significant error.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (16) ◽  
Laura Oller ◽  
Kimberley A. Bennett ◽  
J. Chris McKnight ◽  
Simon E.W. Moss ◽  
Ryan Milne ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 152 ◽  
pp. 106506
Kimberley A. Bennett ◽  
Kelly J. Robinson ◽  
Holly C. Armstrong ◽  
Simon E.W. Moss ◽  
Georges Scholl ◽  

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