fir filters
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2021 ◽  
Vol 25 (4) ◽  
Miodrag Kušljević ◽  
Predrag Poljak ◽  
Josif Tomić

In this paper, the design and implementation of a novel recursive method for the power measurement according to the IEEE Standard 1459–2010 have been described. The most important parts are adaptive band- and low-pass FIR filters that extract fundamental and dc components, respectively. In addition, by using oversampling techniques and decimation filters, coefficient sensitivity problems of the large-order FIR comb cascade structure are overridden and the parameter estimation accuracy is improved. The symmetrical components are estimated through transformation matrix of adaptive phase shifters. The effectiveness of the proposed techniques is demonstrated by simulation results.

2021 ◽  
Vol 141 (11) ◽  
pp. 1158-1164
Motohiro Takekawa ◽  
Ryota Kato ◽  
Kenji Suyama

2021 ◽  
Marika Morikawa ◽  
Kenji Suyama

Sensors ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (18) ◽  
pp. 6313
Piotr Biegański ◽  
Anna Stróż ◽  
Marian Dovgialo ◽  
Anna Duszyk-Bogorodzka ◽  
Piotr Durka

Actigraphy is a well-known, inexpensive method to investigate human movement patterns. Sleep and circadian rhythm studies are among the most popular applications of actigraphy. In this study, we investigate seven common sleep-wake scoring algorithms designed for actigraphic data, namely Cole-Kripke algorithm, two versions of Sadeh algorithm, Sazonov algorithm, Webster algorithm, UCSD algorithm and Scripps Clinic algorithm. We propose a unified mathematical framework describing five of them. One of the observed novelties is that five of these algorithms are in fact equivalent to low-pass FIR filters with very similar characteristics. We also provide explanations about the role of some factors defining these algorithms, as none were given by their Authors who followed empirical procedures. Proposed framework provides a robust mathematical description of discussed algorithms, which for the first time allows one to fully understand their operation and basics.

Leonardo Duarte Milfont ◽  
Samuel Antonio M. de Oliveira ◽  
Rubem Jose N. B ◽  
Jucelino Taleires Filho ◽  
Dalton de Araujo Honorio ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2(60)) ◽  
pp. 6-11
Ruslan Petrosian ◽  
Vladyslav Chukhov ◽  
Arsen Petrosian

The object of research is the process of digital signal processing. The subject of research is methods of synthesis of digital filters with a finite impulse response based on a genetic algorithm. Digital filtering is one of the tasks of digital signal processing. FIR filters are always stable and provide a constant group delay. There are various methods for synthesizing digital filters, but they are all aimed at synthesizing filters with a direct structure. One of the most problematic areas of a digital filter with a direct structure in digital processing is the high sensitivity of the filter characteristics to inaccuracies in setting the filter coefficients. Genetic algorithm-based filter synthesis methods use an ideal filter as the approximated filter. This approach has a number of disadvantages: it complicates the search for an optimal solution; computation time increases. The study used random search method, which is the basis of genetic algorithm (used for solving optimization problems); theory of digital filtering in filter analysis; numerical methods for modeling in a Python program. Prepared synthesis method FIR filter with the cascade structure, which is less sensitive to the effect of finite bit width. Computation time was reduced. This is due to the fact that the proposed method searches for the most suitable filter coefficients based on a genetic algorithm and has a number of features, in particular, it is proposed to use a piecewise-linear function as an approximated amplitude-frequency response. This makes it possible to reduce the number of populations of the genetic algorithm when searching for a solution. The synthesis of an FIR filter with a cascade structure based on a genetic algorithm showed that for a 24-order filter it took about 30–40 generations to get the filter parameters close to the optimal values. In comparison with classical methods of filter synthesis, the following advantages are provided: calculations of the coefficients of a filter with a cascade structure directly, the possibility of optimizing coefficients with limited bit depth.

Sohag Sarker ◽  
Laila Arzuman Ara ◽  
Tahsin Alam ◽  
Tarun Debnath ◽  

F-OFDM (Filtered-OFDM) is a flexible waveform that has been considered suitable for 5G and beyond systems for its improved spectrum utilization, moderates PAPR, low OOB emission, multiple asynchronous sub-band transmission, and high robustness to frequency selectivity. It can attain a desirable balance between frequency and time localizations for narrow bandwidths. It is also MIMO friendly. In this paper, a comprehensive design and analysis have been made to evaluate the performance of MIMO (4×4) CP-OFDM and F-OFDM systems for message bits transmission using several digital modulation techniques (16-QAM, 16-PSK, 16-DPSK, 64-QAM, 64-PSK, and 64-DPSK), RA channel coding, different windowed (Hanning, Hamming, Blackman, Blackman-Harris, RRC) sinc FIR filters for length N = 513, and MMSE signal detection technique. From MATLAB based simulation results, it is observed that F-OFDM reduces spectrum leakage thus enhances spectrum efficiency than conventional CP-OFDM. F-OFDM based system offers lower BER (Bit Error Rate) performance than CP-OFDM based system.

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