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2021 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
Xiangyu Yan ◽  
Xuechun Wang ◽  
Xiangyu Zhang ◽  
Lei Wang ◽  
Bo Zhang ◽  

Background: Prevention and control of HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are major public health priorities in China, but are influenced by the COVID-19 epidemic. In this study, we aimed to quantitatively explore the impact of the COVID-19 epidemic and its control measures on five major STD epidemics in China.Methods: A monthly number of newly reported cases of HIV/AIDS, hepatitis B and C, gonorrhea, and syphilis from January 2010 to December 2020 were extracted to establish autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) models. Each month's absolute percentage error (APE) between the actual value and model-predicted value of each STD in 2020 was calculated to evaluate the influence of the COVID-19 epidemic on the STDs. Pearson correlation analysis was conducted to explore the confirmed COVID-19 case numbers and the COVID-19 control measures' correlations with the case numbers and the APEs of five STDs in 2020.Results: The actual number of five STDs in China was more than 50% lower than the predicted number in the early days of the COVID-19 epidemic, especially in February. Among them, the actual number of cases of hepatitis C, gonorrhea, and syphilis in February 2020 was more than 100% lower than the predicted number (APE was −102.3, −109.0, and −100.4%, respectively). After the sharply declines of STDs' reported cases in early 2020, the case numbers recovered quickly after March. The epidemic of STDs was negatively associated with the COVID-19 epidemic and its control measures, especially for restrictions on gathering size, close public transport, and stay-at-home requirements (p < 0.05).Conclusion: COVID-19 had a significant but temporary influence on the STD epidemic in China. The effective control of COVID-19 is vital for STD prevention. STD services need to be improved to prevent STDs from becoming a secluded corner in the shadow of COVID-19.

2021 ◽  
Vol 23 ◽  
pp. 41-53
Vilma Ražauskienė ◽  
Lina Šumskaitė

Scientific research has shown that the procreational intentions and the actual number of children born may not coincide (Lutz 2020; Stankūnienė et al 2013; Testa 2013). Although the most common ideal number of children in European Union is two, not a single country has the total fertility rate of two (Beaujoun ir Sobotka 2014). The aim of current research is, first, to ascertain what procreational desires people have and, second, to shed some light on possible factors that influence the realization of those procreational desires. Three focus group discussions were conducted with parents 26 – 44 years of age (ten participants in total). It was found out that the procreational desires are not static and early determined: they change depending on the circumstances of the family creation, self-realisation in one‘s occupation and the reconciliation of the procreational desires of the partners. In accordance to other studies on the topic of procreational desires and their fulfillment, the results of this study demonstrate that the common obstacles that arise while trying to realize one‘s procreational desires are of social, financial and medical nature. Also, the results show that state support for families may have an impact on the number of children a family has if the family has been enduring some financial difficulties.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (11) ◽  
pp. C11014
K. Malinowski ◽  
M. Chernyshova ◽  
S. Jabłoński ◽  
I. Casiragi

Abstract The paper presents an optimization of a readout structure of the GEM-based detector designed for X-ray imaging for DTT tokamak in the energy range of 2–15 keV. The readout electrode of approximately 100 cm2 surface is composed of hexagonal pixels connected in a way that allows reducing the actual number of signal pixels (electronics channels). At the same time, based on time coincidence analysis, it makes possible to unambiguously identify the position of the recorded X-ray photon. For the input spectrum, the Detective Quantum Efficiency (DQE) of the detector was calculated using the Geant4 program and the spatial distributions of electron avalanches at the readout electrode were simulated using the Garfield++ program. These were conducted for a given energy range of radiation and a statistical distribution consistent with the shape of the spectrum considering the DQE of the detector. As a result, the size of a single hexagonal pixel was proposed to capture the position of the recorded radiation quanta in an optimal and effective way.

2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (2) ◽  
pp. 58-69
Salvador Bará ◽  
Fabio Falchi ◽  
Raul C. Lima ◽  
Martin Pawley

Could we enjoy starry skies in our cities again? Arguably yes. The actual number of visible stars will depend, among other factors, on the spatial density of the overall city light emissions. In this paper it is shown that reasonably dark skies could be achieved in urban settings, even at the center of large metropolitan areas, if the light emissions are kept within admissible levels and direct glare from the light sources is avoided. These results may support the adoption of science-informed, democratic public decisions on the use of light in our municipalities, with the goal of recovering the possibility of contemplating the night sky everywhere in our planet.    

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-74
Leonardo Platania ◽  
Jesús Gómez-Zurita

Abstract There are 96 endemic species of Eumolpinae (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) described from New Caledonia, but some estimates propose that the actual number could be at least twice this figure. Not surprisingly, when a particular species assemblage has been revised, the number of species in that group increases significantly. Here, we revise the New Caledonian endemic genus Taophila Heller, 1916, the best studied in this fauna and currently known to include eleven species, one in the subgenus Jolivetiana Gómez-Zurita & Cardoso, 2014, and ten in the nominal subgenus. The analysis of morphological differences in a large sample of Taophila and the validation of the resulting species hypotheses in an integrative fashion based on a phylogenetic analysis of partial mtDNA sequences (cox1 and rrnS) resulted in the addition of eleven more taxa. Taxonomic splits mainly reinterpreted the previous observation of mtDNA paraphyly affecting T. subsericea Heller, 1916, shown to represent a complex of species mostly distinguishable by diagnostic differences among females. The new species described are: T. bituberculata n. sp., T. carinata n. sp., T. dapportoi n. sp., T. davincii n. sp., T. draco n. sp., T. goa n. sp., T. hackae n. sp., T. samuelsoni n. sp., T. sideralis n. sp., T. taaluny n. sp. and T. wanati n. sp. These additions and the synonymy T. subsericea Heller = Stethotes mandjeliae Jolivet, Verma & Mille, 2010 n. syn., bring to 21 the total number of species in Taophila. Moreover, we also found the first evidence of mtDNA introgression between species of New Caledonian Eumolpinae, resulting from putative recent hybridization of T. subsericea and T. dapportoi where these species coexist. We describe a model incorporating the mtDNA genealogy of T. subsericea about the conditions that may have favored the secondary geographic encounter required for the hybridization of these species.

2021 ◽  
Izzat Rayan ◽  
Sharif E. Qaddomi ◽  
Osama Najjar ◽  
Saleh Abbas ◽  
Karmel Mousa ◽  

COVID-19 affected different countries differently. The WHO/ PNIPH, WHO/EMRO, and the Palestinian MoH, with assistance from the PCBS carried out a serological survey in the occupied Palestinian Territories in order to estimate the actual number of COVID-19 infection by the end of December 2020. A sample stratified by Region, district, and by type (urban, rural, and refugee camp), and accounting for gender, was taken from Gaza and the West Bank. The results show that 39% of the oPt (38% of the West Bank and 40% of Gaza), had been infected with COVID-19 by the end of December, almost 10 times the number that was detected by targeted Rt-PCR testing.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (7) ◽  
pp. 1061-1073
Yoshinobu Mizui ◽  
Hiroyuki Fujiwara ◽  

In recent years, a wide-area disaster causing enormous damage has occurred almost every year in Japan. The authors have been involved in the management of disaster volunteer centers in various places and have realized the difficulty in coordinating the actual number of activities in disaster-stricken areas and the required number of disaster volunteers. The number of disaster volunteers required varies greatly on a daily basis. The number of volunteer activities often depends on the quantity of disaster waste created from damaged houses. Accordingly, if the quantity of waste was grasped immediately on the spot, the number of disaster volunteers required in the short term could be estimated. In this study, the actual conditions in Hitoyoshi City, Kumamoto Prefecture, at the time of the Heavy Rainfall in July 2020 are considered as an example, and the method is considered to immediately grasp the quantity of waste to be disposed of and the number of people required for this task. We compared the amount of waste disposal work estimated from the in-vehicle camera image with the number of active residents and volunteers. As a result, it was estimated that 40–50% of the work was carried out by volunteers at the peak of volunteer activities.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (10) ◽  
pp. 2899-2920
Johnny Douvinet ◽  
Anna Serra-Llobet ◽  
Esteban Bopp ◽  
G. Mathias Kondolf

Abstract. In France, sirens have been the principal tool designated to alert the population in the case of danger. However, their efficacity has not been objectively tested. Using a geographical information system, questionnaires, and surveys, we analyzed (1) the spatial distribution of the siren network in relation to the covered population, the hazards threatening different areas, and the actual number of disasters that have occurred in the past, (2) the political dilemma of activating sirens, and (3) the population's trust in sirens, as well as its understanding of expected behavior in the case of an emergency. Results show that, with a few exceptions, siren coverage in France is primarily determined by population density, not by the expected hazards or the cumulative number of past disasters. Sirens are also rarely used by the authorities. However, surveyed members of the population identify sirens as the most effective alert system over other alternatives such as cell-phone-based alerting tools. In a “mock” emergency most members of the public did not know how to respond in the case of an emergency, and even most of those who correctly identified the appropriate response prior to the exercise did not react upon later hearing the siren. To improve the effectiveness of the French siren network, we recommend (1) relocating sirens to optimize their efficiency, (2) complementing the sound of sirens with a clear and unified message, (3) reorganizing the competencies to activate siren alerts, and finally (4) improving public education on different alert tools and expected behavior during an emergency.

Gautam K Saha ◽  
Nirmal K Ganguly

Abstract Presently, Cholera outbreaks account for 1.3 to 4.0 million cases and causes between 21,000 and 143,000 deaths worldwide. Cholera is preventable by proper sanitization and immunization however in many developing nations such as India, Cholera disease is endemic. The surveillance system in India does not adequately capture the actual number of cases. Consequently, it is important to utilize limited public health resources correctly in India and other developing counties more effectively to reach vulnerable communities. Here, we analyse how studies make sense of Cholera transmission and spread in India from 1996-2015. Further, how a more sensitive surveillance system can contribute to cholera eradication by giving rise to outbreak preparedness.

Paweł Strzelecki ◽  
Jakub Growiec ◽  
Robert Wyszyński

AbstractFrom 2014 onwards Poland witnessed an unprecedented inflow of immigrant workers from Ukraine. Coupled with strong labour demand, this surge in labour supply provided a major contribution to Poland’s economic growth. However, due to problems with capturing immigration in Labour Force Survey data this contribution has remained hitherto largely unaccounted in official data. This paper uses a range of alternative official data sources to estimate the actual number of immigrants, and survey data on migrant characteristics, collected in four Polish cities, to estimate the effective labour supply of Ukrainian immigrants in terms of productivity-adjusted hours worked. The authors find that the arrival of Ukrainian workers was increasing the effective labour supply in Poland in 2013–2018 by 0.8% per annum. Imputing this additional labour supply in a growth accounting exercise they find that the (previously unaccounted) contribution of Ukrainian workers amounted to about 0.5 pp. per annum, i.e., about 13% of Poland’s GDP growth in 2013–2018. The same figure should be subtracted from the residual contribution of total factor productivity growth, suggesting that recent growth in Poland has been in fact much more labour-intensive than previously interpreted.

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